
[Siege of Orgrimmar] Garrosh Hellscream
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 14-01-2018, 23:12:57 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Would be nice to add the Korkron Wolf Mount for completing normal to the achievement too -

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 18-01-2018, 12:51:21 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Well i dont know why but.
My char Drlocker has kill normal garrosh 1day before you implement this reward at achiev... The day after the implement i kill heroic garrosh but i took only 1 item.. I think we should have take both achievs and 2items dont know why that happens

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 13-02-2018, 23:15:33 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

So we tested some garrosh heroic and collected some stuff, that´s not working like it should be.

P1: -Desecrated Weapon sometimes keeps dealing damage after it got killed and shouldn´t be there anymore (no visiual, only the damage)
-The Farseer Wolf Rider is not getting damaged by the iron star (he should lose like 50% of his health by it). I don´t know for the warbringers because they die too fast anyway and they seem to be immune to knockbacks like Typhoon by druids.

Jade Tempel Intermission: -The adds (Embodied Doubt) are moving. They should be rooted in their starting location.
-After the adds are killed and garrosh is attackable, he moves too. He´s following the target with the highest threat and starts every Annihilation on the actual position of that target.
If I remember it correctly he should cast the Annihilation on a random target. What I know for sure, is that he should keep standing at his location too.
-Annihilation damage and Faith. Had only like 2-3 attempts to look into it, but it seemed that people got more or less random damage by Annihilation. Some players that didn´t have the "Faith" debuff took reduced damage, and others with debuff full damage. Can´t show you a
screenshot of it because i was one of the players that took "normal" damage by it.

Anything but the Annihilation damage can be observed in the Killvideo by Paragon (Paragon VS Garrosh Hellscream 10HC).

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 14-02-2018, 14:30:19 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


On the disappearing, but still damaging desecrated weapon I'll need video proof.
I've tested the Iron Star - Farseer impact and the farseer definitely was damaged by it ( This spell is used to damage adds.
Warbringers are indeed immune to knockbacks (will be corrected).
Embodied doubt should be rooted, you're right, this will be corrected.
Garrosh should be rooted during intermission: I doubt that, check that video you proposed at 6:45, it's clear that Garrosh is not rooted, at most of the time he only is surrounded so close by players that he don't have to move, but I guess you're right, that he should cast the Annihilate randomly (I'll corrected it also).
The random damage reduce with Faith makes no sense to me, it is 100% similar mechanic like Embrace and Fear (they are scripted the same way), but take a look at Annihilate: . You can see that it deals 2 kind of damages, one in cone and one is raid damage, so my first thought is that you haven't taken in count that second, raid damage. If you don't have damage reduction you have two damage options: only ~700k or ~4.2m if you stay in the cone. If you have the reduction than ~350k or ~2m in total, if you stay in the cone. This indeed might seem like random if you don't take in count the smaller, raid dmg. If you have other unclearities, please tell me.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 14-02-2018, 15:14:19 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

i was one of the players with faith i took 350k damage twice and a 691k crit plus 189k overkill from annihilate i was not in purple ground i was away from it and then i died(took 3 damage from annihilate).these numbers were from my combatlog what happened to me not sure if i made ss. just try to fix this crit u can test and see it crits for yourself.
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 14-02-2018, 22:30:58 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

You are right, at the terace intermission he moves one time. But i guess it´s either because of the protpaladin beeing out of range (might have bossaggro) or because of the dead mage. In the Jade Temple intermission though, he is standing in one place all the time, even with people out of range (arround 3:10). For me it seems like the first Annihilate is casted on the taregt with highest threat and after that it´s random. However, it´s obvious that Garrosh is not running arround like chicken all the time - So if it´s possible to make his Hitbox/Rangecheck (or whatever is causing it) work for that phase it would be great. Otherwise I think it would be easier to just root him as well. I´m not sure if it can be outranged originally, but to avoid exploiting you could give the ability infinite range or something like that.

For the farseer, to be honest, i didn´t see him got hit by the iron star. But he wasn´t attacked by us until he reached the middle of the room and we killed the engineer on the left side. So the Iron star that spawns right to the throne should hit the farseer because he should spawn in pretty much the same location and at the same time (Video 1:20). I´ll take a closer look at the next time there, maybe he spawned right after the star passed by or couldn´t be "targeted" by it yet.

For Faith and Annihilate i can´t tell you much more since i felt like i took "normal" damage and combatlog wasn´t showing it. I´ll ask the people to do screenshots etc. for it.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 15-02-2018, 11:31:24 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I've made Garrosh rooted during the intermission phases, and also I've done some timing changes (now the farseer was exactly hit by the first Iron star).
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 12-03-2018, 23:23:30 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

So we was able to force someone to record some Garrosh heroic tries and before u ask: Yes the player is 70+ years old and need that resolution -

Sadly you can´t see the increased damage by Desecrate in the video but i was able to make some screenshots from normal.

On the first picture you can see that i have the (De-)Buff without standing in the weapon and it even lasts after the loading screen for intermission.
Second picture shows the sources and amount of damage i took (Skada didn´t reset after klaxxi, still desecrated did 27%!)

About the video now: -On the first attempt Farseer didn´t get hit by Iron Star (1:00), and on top of that he seems to cast on lighting speed (1:14). Not really good vision on it, but you can see that as soon as the timer announces the chainheal, Garrosh and adds instantly heal to full hp.

-On second attempt however, Farseer got hit by the Iron Star (6:00). We killed him before he was able to cast so i can´t tell if the increased casting speed was active there.
-Tankdebuff (gripping despair) not resetting during Whirling Corruption (8:30 look for targets target). Will look for a proof for it that it should reset if needed. Don´t know if the last application is too late, the duration too long or whirl too early/short.
-Mindcontrolled players (touch of yshaarj) not attackable and not casting (8:40)

-Third attempt: Farseer not showing up at all - (14:45)
-Sadly the damagereduce buff isn´t shown on his Grid raidframe but at 15:55 it´s obvious that almost everyone should´ve got the buff from the middle group of adds.
Well, just wait for the first Annihilate -

That´s all I´ve got for the moment, thanks for still caring about us -

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 13-03-2018, 00:27:41 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I'll take a look soon and try to fix the bugs in a few days. Sadly, I was super busy in the last 1-2 months and this will last for a few more, but bug fixings will be done in 2-3 days maximum from the reports. Thank you for your understanding.
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 13-03-2018, 16:09:19 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

There is something wrong with the very first Annihilate cast. The Animation of the cone doesn't match up with the spell. On 16:13 you can see it pretty good - no one was standing in the cone and half the raid dies (I'm pretty sure everyone got the damage reduction debuff, since we were stacked when we killed the adds).

The rest of the Annihilate casts seem to be fine (damage wise and animation/location of the cone), so it's probably just a problem with the first ones, when Garrosh gets active.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 14-03-2018, 14:49:35 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I managed to fix the Annihilate stuff, and the farseer not showing / not hit by iron star things. Also, I've found what caused the Desecrated debuff to persist, corrected that also.
About the resetting gripping despair during the whirl I'll need some proof from you guys, cause I haven't found any information that they are connected.
Unfortunately, I couldn't fix the unattackable mind controlled player yet, but I'm on it.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 14-03-2018, 16:14:43 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

It seems Garrosh's skills can crit, not sure if it's every spell but:

Also, would it be possible to add more respawn points? When we re-enter after a wipe, we still spawn behind Malkorok, even after we killed Siegecrafter / Klaxxi.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 14-03-2018, 19:42:20 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

You're right, the no crit option was active only on 10 man normal, I've corrected that also.
Respawn point added to the Paragons.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 19-03-2018, 18:18:48 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Here´s the proof about the gripping despair reset:

3:10 2 tanks but sloot getting the last application and it resets at the end of whirling corruption.
4:50 ; 6:40 ; 8:10 ; 9:05

Since the point of application can be different by kiting garrosh, jump away or whatever, i think it has to be either the duration of the debuff or the casttime of the whirl.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 19-03-2018, 22:01:26 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Sorry, but I don't really get what is the proposed problem. As you mentioned, in the video are 2 tanks and according to the live commentary, they are taunting Garrosh if the other has reached 4 stacks. I don't see any connections between the Whirling Corruption and Gripping Despair. The debuff is resetting, because Garrosh has been taunted by the other tank, it has no connection to the whirl. Please correct me if I'm wrong, or try to explain more clearly what should be happening, thanks!
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