
suggestion for Mop

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 23-04-2018, 09:32:15 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hello to everyone that is reading this post..
i am Drlocker a warlock tha keeps playing on mop realm..
as you can see on my account i try to support the realm with small / big donations when ever i can and my pocket allows me to.
also i want the server to stay alive cause i really like the mop expansion and there are many people like me..
i belong to a guild called "speedkill" and we all there try out best to give to the remaining players a good and friendly enviroment as long as a good raiding and generally gaming experiance..

i have notice that the server right now has low population an many of the raids rely on alt characters and on some new players that finds out that this mop realm still exist and they try to make them selfs ready for siege of orgimmar normla/heroic..
one think that i want to mention is that on retail server creating a new character was giving you some benefits according to your alt character for example you was able to farm Ordos every week and take a 559ilvl Pve item.. ( 5-6 total for each character according to specialization) but here since this ordos is dropping 528 if is somehow not worth ( only weapon and trinkets worth) cause all players can easy stay and farm on timeless isle till the end of life... and end up with 551 (4/4 upgrated) gear...

in any point 551 full timeless is not enought to pass encounters on siege of orgimmar raid cause the fight mechanincs require a lot in healing / dps
also as i sayd on retail If i remember correctly ( there are years from there) you was able to do mogu sha vault , heart of fear , tarrace of endless spirit on all dificultys and be able to take sigil or wisdom and sigil of power for your legendary quest.. something that is not working here 1st because there is no possibility to catch 25 people that wanna do it and 2nd cause you have 1 chanche per week on all dificulties..
and after this small conclusion i am ask from the game masters ( i have already text schoceru on facebook and he ask me to post it here) to increase the chanche to even 100% for both sigils to be dropped.. to elimate this shit time that you need to pass sigils quest ( it might takes you up to 4 weeks with doing all raids right now)
i tested it on my alts..
Also we can add 100% drop on Secrets of empire and Titan Runestones. to the bosses that are able to drop them...
Secrets Of empire All bosses at ToT and Soo
and Titan Runestones 6 last boss of ToT and 6 first Bosses of Soo...
that way a fresh player will have his chance to take a legendary back in 4-5 weeks.. including the fact that you can pass the valor quest is you have gather them before you take the quest...

so a new player just have to do reputation farm for 2 weeks including valor cap at those 2 weeks...
after that getting max rep.. he can go mv (6 boss = 6sigils of both ) hof ( 6 boss = 6 sigils of both ) sigil quest done
then Toes (last boss = chimera of fear)
after that assuming that he has gather 3k valor he pass the test of valor quest
and then group up to make wargames to pass the battleground quest
and start with the secrets of empire ToT raid ( 12 boss = 12 secrets ) then Siege of orgimmar (13 working boss = 13 secrets) Secrets quest done
and next week starting for Soo ( 6 or even 8 bosses like it is now = 8 titan runestone) and then ToT ( last 6 bosses (you will need only 5 of those if the soo drops from 8 bosses) finish the titan runestone) go deliver the quest and take the quest for lei shin heart ( go back to tot and kill the last boss).. and then you can find group to kill all celestials etc... and finish the legendary back quest in about 3-4 weeks...

the point on making this a bit more easy is that people will have a chanche to take the legendary back and then they will be able to raid cause legendary meta gem and legendary back gives a great booost to dps / heal / tank..... and also this might be more people cause many new people join the server but because they cant do lfr and the legendary back tooookkkkk sooooooo long to be completed they just quit it back...

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 23-04-2018, 10:14:08 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

i completely agree and please answer as fast as you can
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 23-04-2018, 14:10:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

true that. its really annoying and all you can do is to simply hope enough people come online once a weekend to try anything, and if you gather people after waiting for 3 hours straight you actually go and farm sigils and they dont drop.

since everyone switched to legion, could you atleast give the people on mop here some love? we're a small amount of people playing daily and trying to have fun, even though the struggle about finding people for scenarios or even raids is real. its taking away the fun.
and no, i wont go to legion, not until i have had enough experience and fun on mop. i really enjoy this expansion, and so do many other people trying to bring life to this server.

absolutely right what OP said and i can only agree.


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Post Posted: 23-04-2018, 20:03:18 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Please try to write the ACTUAL suggestions more obviously, it's very hard to follow that wall of text post. Something like this:
- do this
- do that
- and this

Also, when making suggestions about free stuff keep in mind that most players play just to get the gear/etc. If we give them too much we won't solve anything

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Post Posted: 23-04-2018, 21:24:14 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

More free pvp/pve items won't solve anything related to population unfortunately.

Raids for obtaining the sigils are working and people have them already so please stop saying the feature is bugged because there is no 25 man raid.

Altough the suggestion regarding the sigil increase drop rate is not bad, we will have to think about it.


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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 23-04-2018, 23:17:27 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

In my opinion even with 100% dropchance on legendaryquest-items people will still be stucked at certain points: BG-quest only achievable by wargames simply because there are no regular battlegrounds; Secrets/Runestones needs ToT or SoO (good luck getting a group for that as new player).
As i mentioned in the other suggestions thread before, what we really miss are the LFR runs. When I started playing on the server about one year ago the ilvl requirements wasn´t much lower for ToT normal or SoO flex. But u were able to get a little bit of gear each week by lfr and conquestpoints so you can slowly bu surely raise it to a decent level that is high enough to join a PUG. Even after Legion server launched there was a whole lfr run every friday that cleared ToT and did SoO as far as it was released at that point.

TL;DR serverpopulation is low because of low serverpopulation.

I have no experience in how to fix that but here are some suggestions on it:
-Downscaling LFR/Worldbosses so there are frequent runs (or runs at all) over the week
-If downscaling lfr is too much work, remove or lower the required amount of people to start it (Some well geared players can easily carry trough it and I am sure there are some like me and Drlocker that are willing to do so)
-Try to fix the issue with joining a LFR/flex after it began
-Try to fix the serverlags that started after the hardware upgrade (not sure if it even has been reported yet)
-Change Ordosloot to default or make him drop a guaranteed 528ilvl one (and maybe remove bonusroll option in that case)
-Think about higher rewards for completing a LFR wing (nothing spectacular, maybe more valorpoints). To be honest, at the moment it would be reward enough to see population rising -

I think if we get a weekly LFR run going it will be already a huge step, so people don´t have to sit there the whole week and hope for a raid that will most likely not occur. I´m not a fan of giving free stuff either, but seeing no progression at all is just frustrating and will lead to new people leaving really fast again.

Sidenote: On retail u had one chance per boss on legendary questitems regardless of difficulty too. Also Titan Runestones had/have a chance to drop at the first 8 bosses in SoO.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 25-04-2018, 16:03:10 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

- reduce people needed for LFR to 15 and reduce boss HP/Damage by ~30%-40%
- reduce boss HP/Damage in SoO 10n/25n/25hc by 20% (put on a debuff like on ToT)
- cross faction guild invites
- Ordos should drop 559 items

I can't remember a pug raid actually clear SoO 10n in months (actual pug raid, not Speedkill/former Warforged people on alliance alts).

At this point, I think it's okay to open a vendor with ToT normal gear, to help new players gear faster (for SoO ... this has to be one of the only reasons someone plays here).

Even if you craft the 553 items (new players won't have access to that) and get the SoO trash items, you're still only ilvl 533. With so few pug raids going on, they wouldn't want to risk taking too many low people, since they won't pass Noru/Sha or even Prots. And I think only very few new players would spend weeks (10+) upgrading Timeless gear to get to 550.

If you reduce the Boss HP/Damage, it would be possible to do SoO with ~540 (which would take like 2-3 weeks, if you get lucky with Ordos(559)/Celestial bonus rolls).

About the Damage/Boss HP reduction on 25n/h, that's for our Guild (SpeedKill). It's getting harder every week to fill those 25s, maybe if we had Cross-Faction Guild it might get a bit better.
But even then, we still have a lot people that can't handle 25s that well (low fps, lags at pull, low gear), but 25s are the best way to gear people for 10hc.
So it would help us out a lot, if we get this stuff on 25s as well.

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[The Peacemaker]

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Post Posted: 28-04-2018, 21:52:38 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

It would be nice if you could add an npc that can trade 1 sigil of wisdom/power for 1 siglil of the other kind.
Having 13x wisdoms and 9 power's for more than 2 months now.

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Post Posted: 30-04-2018, 15:28:36 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

While we're at it, are there any plans to somehow get more attention onto Genesis in the future? It doesn't seem like the current playerbase is interested in playing here anymore, despite the ease of catching up, so I don't see the point of giving even more stuff away. Some advertising or something along those lines wouldn't hurt, but I have yet to think of a way to do that effectively.

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(January 2017 - February 2018)

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