
Resurrection the PvP !!!!

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Post Posted: 20-06-2018, 19:27:35 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hello freakz team I want to call that the pvp is dead and it would be great if you implemented something like that, a prize or a reward or quest (weekly) for 2vs2 / 3vs3 / 3vs3 solo que .I think and I'm sure I will renew the pvp. Today I stayed in Que very much because you did not work anymore at pvp and you worked harder at pve. It's very easy to do something about Quest / Prize / Reward (Weekly) or at least 2 weeks.

My proof pvp dead on freakz : I hope do something


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Post Posted: 22-06-2018, 12:17:17 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

PvP is quite dead on all private servers, not especially Freakz.

Most of pvp players are on blizz.
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Post Posted: 24-06-2018, 10:01:02 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Rng is just right and if you look at stats 3s quees arnt viable so just quit it already. 3s was always been an issue for private server pvp cause ppl lacked alot of skill for such a scenario as 3v3 arenas so its always been dead on several servers. I guess after this you'll have understanding of current situation of freakzs player base bcz server works just fine.

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Post Posted: 25-06-2018, 12:11:17 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

vlicagela1 wrote:
Rng is just right and if you look at stats 3s quees arnt viable so just quit it already. 3s was always been an issue for private server pvp cause ppl lacked alot of skill for such a scenario as 3v3 arenas so its always been dead on several servers. I guess after this you'll have understanding of current situation of freakzs player base bcz server works just fine.

2v2 is dead aswell, solo q is a nullity.

consequences of first pvp season and pre season

where is zlatinkostar (that exploiting spriest), deadinside (1-2-3 brainless warrior boosted by fury template with not even 1 focus-skill bind), Fritz (Survival BM Hunter was on top of the 2s ladder due to 600k barrage) and the list is way longer(forgot their names but there are numerous examples of stupid players which were pressing 2-3 buttons + racial = win

Because of this kind of players, the members of the PVP community left one by one...

After Jadefox got his GM, things started to get better...

But what can you expect if a 1.5k mop resto druid was r1 warrior @ pre-season


Am toate titlurile PvP pe Freakz, am jucat in echipa cu toti Gladiatorii de pe Freakz si impotriva lor. Am fost foarte bun!

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Post Posted: 25-06-2018, 20:53:05 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Lochker got some strong points there, and i`m not joking. I left because of the expansion, it just sucks pvp based, nothing compared to cata and wod, from my opinion in terms of balance(wotlk fans will jump on me now, but there were smourne classes that could oneshot going baboon in pvp). You can't revive something that does not exist. The template and the artifact was a bullshit and it was proved that was inefficient (see that they are coming back to pvp items on conquest in bfa)

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 16-07-2018, 21:24:42 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Magicqtz wrote:
PvP is quite dead on all private servers, not especially Freakz.

Most of pvp players are on blizz.

That's unfortunately 100 % true. It is not just only Freakz server- it is difficult to find nowadays a private server with active pvp community......

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Post Posted: 05-08-2018, 10:53:35 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

The problems with pvp are incentives , participation, experience and they influence each other.
Other than ranking and titles you don't have any incentive for pvp.
If you have 2K rate in a bracket you can get a 885 ilvl item per week. Right now it's hard to get there in 2v2 and impossible in 3v3.

This is due to participation . People don't have what to play for and so very rarely you will get a team closer to your mmr.

Experience ius another thing. 2v2 is pretty imbalanced. Versus some teams is almost impossible to win and double dps is not viable.
The only balance bracket right now could be 3v3. In 3v3 every healer is viable and if you are good at the game you can win.

The problem here is that people have no incentives to play because they would get from the 10 wins quest an item that they would get from doing world quests. Hardly worth the effort of staying in q for an hour. And if they actually would get a queue it would be against a top 3 team. You would get pummeled and don't have any mood for another game.

What I propose is a custom weekly quest like in Mop for the 3v3 bracket. For 10 or 15 3v3 wins you would get an random equivalent 2200 rate item. That would be 890 ilvl. I think this would stimulate some players to think that 3v3 is a bonus source of gear and queue more.

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Post Posted: 08-08-2018, 16:16:54 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

raven3 wrote:
The problems with pvp are incentives , participation, experience and they influence each other.
Other than ranking and titles you don't have any incentive for pvp.
If you have 2K rate in a bracket you can get a 885 ilvl item per week. Right now it's hard to get there in 2v2 and impossible in 3v3.

This is due to participation . People don't have what to play for and so very rarely you will get a team closer to your mmr.

Experience ius another thing. 2v2 is pretty imbalanced. Versus some teams is almost impossible to win and double dps is not viable.
The only balance bracket right now could be 3v3. In 3v3 every healer is viable and if you are good at the game you can win.

The problem here is that people have no incentives to play because they would get from the 10 wins quest an item that they would get from doing world quests. Hardly worth the effort of staying in q for an hour. And if they actually would get a queue it would be against a top 3 team. You would get pummeled and don't have any mood for another game.

What I propose is a custom weekly quest like in Mop for the 3v3 bracket. For 10 or 15 3v3 wins you would get an random equivalent 2200 rate item. That would be 890 ilvl. I think this would stimulate some players to think that 3v3 is a bonus source of gear and queue more.

The only option for a private server for 3v3 would be smth like this, a way to get some gear.
Pvp is about competitive game and always will be the same, that's why pvp stays only on blizz and not on private.
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