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[Mentally Stable]
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(since 04-12-2019 03:40)
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Posted: 19-11-2019, 09:16:36
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Hello, to all who will read my post, It's a pleasure being here, and thank you for taking the time to read my post.
I just want to throw it out there that, this post is not about me complaining about any type of gameplay, players, mechanics, meta, etc, just thoughts and information.
So here it is: So I know I really shouldn't be talking about this since I'm pretty new to the server, but I just felt that I need to go through it with my fellow gamers.
I've been playing on the server for a while now, and to be honest I am really enjoying it, 99% of the things work, players are helping, etc. BUT here is what I've seen so far!
I am ilvl 860 ( I know I know, I am too low to even post on the forums xexe) , but I am completing daily World Qs, doing heroics farming, finishing up
that legion storyline for the flying and so on, but I am really struggling to progress at this point, to be honest, for instance, all the heroics and World Qs
drop lower ilvl gear from the mine at this point, about 85% of the guilds only invite 900+ into their ranks and people that do mythic dungeons even
on the lowest keys (1-5) still refuse to let me go in, because "DPS is too low 855+ is not enough", honestly I can't exactly remember how was it
back in retail Legion with the mythic keys and gear requirements but, I'm pretty certain that my gear should be enough for the first 5 keys at least
with a decent group (meaning everyone is 855+ and above).
Again, I just want to say, this is not me complaining about not getting invited or anything like this, please don't misunderstand me.
The only thing that I'm left to do is farm "The Sentinax" day and night for "Nethershards", so I can get the 880 pieces which are 5000 Shards per piece.
It is doable but it completely ruins WoW for me,because I am in just a brainless grind for that gear, which is literally standing on 1 place clicking 2 buttons to kill
some random adds.
This is pretty much all my thoughts on the matter. The reason I posted this today is because I wanted to see what the community can tell me,help me or
hate me for it (haha).Did anyone go through a similar thing? Maybe a tip would help.
Again thank you for reading my post.I hope to see you all ingame
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Posted: 19-11-2019, 11:50:39
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Hello Jawcollector and first of all, welcome to our server!
The ilvl inflation is, definitely now that we're nearing the end of this patch's cycle, definitely real, and in PuG groups this comes with certain issues, however, this is the case with fully progressed servers, and this was definitely a thing on retail, too.
It comes down to psychology a lot, most players just want fast and easy runs, thus they're looking for ~900 ilvl for M2, to complete dungeons in quick succession and with very little effort.
What I'd recommend you to do is to primarily stick to making your own groups for Mythic 0 dungeons and low level Mythic+'s, since you get your own key every week, this way you have control over who gets to join the group and who doesn't. Once your key becomes too high of a level to be comfortably doable for you, you can enter the dungeon alone, insert the key and leave the dungeon in order to lower the key's level.
You could also look into purchasing crafted items and upgrading them by using Obliterum + Bloods of Sargeras, this can be used to upgrade items to 900 itemlevel.
As for the Nethershards you've mentioned, I'd recommend saving them up for the time being and to later use them on your lowest ilvl pieces, or, if everything is about the same level, on artifact relics and trinkets, as those are usually the hardest to come by.
In conclusion what can I say is (having geared 2 characters myself without making use of the shop), while the beginning may be rough it's definitely possible to get to 900+ itemlevel by yourself and without a guild, it's just that things aren't handed to you for free and you'll need some effort and creativity to get there, simply joining other people's groups and getting carried through dungeons by overgeared players is pretty unlikely to happen as a lowbie.
Best regards
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[Mentally Stable]
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(since 05-01-2020 18:32)
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Posted: 20-11-2019, 11:56:57
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Hello, 1 month ago i wanted to play wow again after 3 years, rough start, took me 2-3 days to get used again with keybindings and everything, i managed to get 820 and i farmed wq till i got 860. After 860 i wanted to quit as nobody would take me to keys or raids i was cimplaining about it and didnt helped me at all so as a pve based player i tought is time to join a guild as i was sure is not worth waiting to do 900 by myself as is the end of 7.2. And it worked, they helped me with keys, tos n, nh h and so on, now after 1 month my ilvl is 912 with 1 bis leggo, 54 traits and campaign completed. So what i would suggest you is to find a pve guild asap and your experience will improve, gl and hf ^^
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[Mentally Stable]
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(since 10-12-2019 16:03)
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Posted: 01-12-2019, 11:30:00
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It is what it is... you can't expect to jump right into the action and skip the steps that others did in order to be where they are right now (930+, bis legos, tier sets etc)
You have the catch up mechanic you need to attend to in order to recuperate the months we spent gearing up to 900+ by doing mythics and raids while the server was 7.1.5
So if you don't like farming nethershards, you can just get a gathering profession (i advise herbalism or mining) and gather one kind of plant / node alone (the one with best routes / most spawns // see
wow freakz database for locations
) until you get it to rank 2 (rank which gives you a chance to loot blood of sargeras from it). Sell the materials in ah with lowest price > profit. Use the gold to buy obliterum (i saw people selling it for 500g / piece), and combined with blood of sargeras from farming the materials , you can spend 5500g and 22 bloods (+ price of item on ah or global sellers) to have a bis stats 900 ilvl item. Repeat and in a matter of ... i don't know, days, you can be 900+ ilvl and breach the "struck ilvl" zone.
Problem is most of the newbs don't know about these catch up methods and stay stuck in that ilvl zone for ages and all they do is complain in chats that people are unreasonable for asking such high ilvls for mythics and raids.
Staff should do smth about it, i don't know what, maybe make some guides that pop up on player's screen when they make an account on freakz or an ingame message like "you're new to our server, please check the catch up guide 'here"...
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