
Affliction Guide 7.2.5

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 20-11-2019, 22:39:08 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)






1.5 GEAR





-High Single Target Damage
-High Multy Target Damage

-Low Mobility
-Hard usage of shard if you dont have 2 piece from Tomb of Sargeras

*Mastery>Haste>Crit>Versa [ SINGLE TARGET ]
*Haste>Mastery>Crit>Versa [ MULTY TARGET ]
*Mastery cap 120-150%
*Haste go as much you see fit for your rotation


Tier 1
-There is no use for this talent because there is no fight to use it , you need fight where add's are dying fast enough for reset CD and keep spam it
*Writhe of Agony
-Good for multy target cleave +3 , definitely way to go talent, because amount of damage is much higher
*Malefic Grasp
-Is go to talent for single target , passive shard regen

Tier 2
-Crazy damage dealer for single target it's even good for +2 target
*Absolute Corraption
-Good for multy target cleave +3 or only if you need a lot of movement and you can not take full advantage of Contagion
*Empowered Life Tap
-For this you need certain play style , for raid is terrible and mythic dungeons because you need healer on you 24/7

Tier 3
*Demonic Circle
-Good for movement , help's you to get from point A to point B much faster
*Mortail Coil
-Good for single interrupt does little of healing
*Howl of Terror
-Good for multy fear add's usable for mythic dungeons - for raids not so much

Tier 4
*Phantom Singularity
-Good for certain play style like when you have boss who summon alot of add's and tank is stack them on him , you should use it on target who have the biggest HP around of add's you can target even boss if add's are below him
*Sow of Seeds
-Crazy multy target damage but only for mythic dungeon for raid you dont have that much of adds to use this talent , that why Phantom Singularity is good for raid multy target and Sow of Seeds for mythic dungeon aoe
*Soul Harvest
-Good increase for single target damage

Tier 5
*Demon Skin
-Good for raid it gives you good shield and helps healer's
*Burning Rush
-Good for running away - +cookie ready or healer on you
*Dark Pact
-Never i ever see someone use this talent...

Tier 6
*Grimoire of Supremacy
-Good for Single target and multy target , Doomguard for single - Infernal for multy target , make sure if you summon infernal on his bar check if taunt is off
*Grimoire of Service
-Good for burst but overall Grimoire of Supremacy is go to talent because it does alot more damage
*Grimoire of Sacrifice
-Only good for Tomb of sargeras certain boss [ Demonic Inquisiton ] summon felhunter and sacrifice and you have silence for Belac

Tier 7
*Death's Embrace
-Good for single and crazy good for multy target , for single target is only good if your party or raid is geared enough to boss goes down to 35% fast , then your damage really starts
*Siphon Life
-Not worthy for taking this talent because you have better to take Death's Embrace for multy and Soul of Condult for long fight
*Soul of Condult
-Good for regen shard's and for long fight

*Hood of Eternal Disdain [ Head ] Best in slot ( Raid+Dung )
-Good for single target - crazy good for multy target +3 target and if you stack it with Tier 1 [ Writhe of Agony ]
*The Master Harvester [ Chest ] Best in slot ( Raid+Dung )
-Good for single target and if you stack with Tier 4 [ Soul Harvest ]
*Streten's Sleepless Shackles [ Wrist ] ( Dungeon )
-Crazy good for multy target cleave
*Power Cord of Lethtendris [ Waist ] Best in slot ( Raid+Dung )
-Good for regen shard's + if you stack with Tier 7 [ Soul of Condult ] crazy regen of shards
*Sacrolash's Dark Strike [ Ring ] Best in slot ( Dungeon+Raid )
-Good for multy target + if you go Tier 2 [ Absolute Corruption ] and Tier 4 [ Sow of Seeds ] crazy damage for dungeon, for raids good for bosses who summon add's help to slow them down
*Soul of Netherlord [ Ring ] Best in slot ( Dungeon )
-It gives you shard regen + good damage after 30% for add's cleave it's to good
*Kil'Jaeden's Burning Wish [ Trinket ] Best in slot ( Dungeon )
- Crazy damage dealer for multy target

**The Master Harvester ( Chest ) + Power Cord of Lethendris ( Waist ) best for single target**
**Hood of Eternal Disdain ( Head ) + Sacrolash's Dark Strike ( Ring ) best for multy target boss + add's**
**Kil'Jaeden's Burning Wish ( Trinket ) + Streten's Sleepless Shackles ( Wrist ) crazy damage for dungeon add's**
**Soul of Netherlord ( Ring ) + Streten's SLeepless Shackles ( Wrist ) good damage for dungeon add's**
this are some combo you can use


Agony>Corruption>Unstable Affliction x2 > Dark harvest + macro if you have some racial or trinket on use > Reap Souls > Drain Soul

Note: Try to have Unstable Affliction on target as much as you can for 15% more damage done

Now for shard's never go less then 1 shard and never go more then 4 shard's
Example if you dont have proc and ur UA will run off on target then you cast it , same goes if it start to proc regen alot then just spam UA and Drain Soul
Now for Reap of Souls
this is little tricky on start of the fight when you take potion and you get hero you only that Reap as much as it proc for you , but next reap you need to wait to get atlist on 5 and that you have around atlist +3 shard's on
you to use , if you reap and you dont have shards yes it will give you instant damage bust but for like 10sec then you need to wait reap again + if you dont have shards to make use of it then you just waisted reap
Reap means damage bust

1.5 GEAR
Best in Slot relic is same one for Shadow and Blood
-Shadow is Shade of the Vault x2 drops in Vault of Wardens
-Blood is Mark of Varo'then drops in Black Rook Hold
What relic does is increase critical strike damage delt by Agony,Corruption,Drain Soul,Unstable affliction for 16%
**Tier Piece**
-Tomb of sargeras you need them all to be specific because you will need to rotate ur legenedery and your tier piece set bonus
-Gnawed Thumb Ring drop's in Arcway , what the ring does is increase your damage for 5%
-Unstable Arcanocrystal - good stats for stable dps
-Whisper is the Dark or if you dont like debuff on that trinket you can use Erratic Metronome
-Tarnished Sentinel Medallion - good stat and crazy for burst single target

- For this you need to have atlist 930ilvl to do you need damage for this
- Recommend to use Sacrolash's Dark Strike -Legendairy- ( Ring ) because it slow down guard and add's comming to 1 shot you and Soul of Netherlod for single and multy
- If you dont have those 2 legendery but you have ilvl you can go with Infernal as your tank put taunt on and let him deal with guard but you need then Gate + Demonic Circle to escape and to cleave add's
- Flask potions cookies food evrything you can take take you need them even take drums for hero

- For warlock to dot easier you can take Elvui addon and make so frames of add's and bosses are bigger and easier to dot and it helps you track shards alot easier

- I use maouseover macro's for easier dotting

/cast [target=mouseover,exists,nodead] Agony; Agony

/cast [target=mouseover,exists,nodead] Corruption; Corruption

/cast [target=mouseover,exists,nodead] Unstable Affliction; Unstable Affliction
what this macro does if you have nameplates on you can just mouse over it and click Agony Corruption or some spell and it will apply on him you dont need to target him at all , for me i target Boss and if he summon add's i just
mouse over them and dot them and i keep what boss cast and easier to maintain dots on him too

I'll put my Weakauras at your disposal.

MFG: Riborn / PsyGate[b]

Last edited by Riborn on 01-12-2019, 09:45:00; edited 2 times in total
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 15-12-2019, 13:17:33 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1. Affliction doesnt have stats cap, neither mastery. For multi target, you stack as much haste and crit as possible, not mastery (talking about M+ ), cuz mastery just amplify ur dot dmg, its a flat increase, having much crit, ur dots have a bigger chance to crit, cuz having them spread on allthe mobs, the changes got higher and higher.
2. Writhe in agony scale higher on atleast 2 targets or more, not 3. Including m+ or raids. On m+ always take, writhe in agony (from atleast m13 +).
3. In terms of relics u can rock with 3 "shadowy incantations" ( increase shadow dmg) or combined with perdition, both of them are very closed toghether and very good.
4. Legendary head is not that good like in the last patch, when it was bis. U can rock every combo with them, with very little dps lose. For multi target i would recommend netherlord with sephuz. The haste from sephuz procfrom is insanely good on, espacially in m+ and Misstress in ToS.
U have to carry 2 types of gear. 1 for ST ( haste / mastery) and 1 for multi target ( haste / crit). Another trick u can dorock with necks atleast is to carry 2 types of them with different stats and enchants:
1 for ST (haste / mastery or crit/mastery with trained soldier ench - 600 mastery)
1 for MT ( haste / crit with ancient claw ench ).

Last edited by Andrreim on 15-12-2019, 13:34:19; edited 4 times in total
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 15-12-2019, 15:19:16 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Since I have the endgear of the patch I can assure you how to drive best.
I have tried and tested all stats.

Your testimony to the relics is total shit.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 07-01-2020, 09:00:02 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Andrreim says a lot of right things.

It's btw astonishing how often I get shittalked to when people see haste+crit items on me because so many people, outside of this thread, on this server don't know shit about Affliction, it's a bit funny. Yes, Haste+Crit is fuc**** BIS for dungeon AOE, that's why you should have 2 sets (or a good compromise). Haste+Crit buffs your Seed, Crit buffs your soul flame, and everything still slightly buffs your dots. On the other hand Mastery buffs your dots ONLY. So unless you have long lasting pulls with low shard gen and low mob count then Haste+Crit IS BIS for AOE. If ppl read this and still are not convinced by the PLAIN LOGIC, go download simcraft for 7.2.5, add more targets and sim your stat priorities. Simple as that. And yes, Sephuz is BIS as well for these pulls.

Last edited by Sulphos on 07-01-2020, 10:53:26; edited 3 times in total
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 10-01-2020, 13:56:00 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

This guide feels like a while bunch of nothing to be fair...
Affliction is basically a chain of a lot of things working together.. you can't value Perdition traits as bis without giving crit it's value putting it so low on priority.. you can't give mastery so much value cuz to go high as 150% without sephuz (ye cuz you don't care about sephuz apparently, which will keep being top tier in 7.3 along with sacrolesh) affliction will feel slow, you will spend too much extra time on UA casts instead of drain cicles and your shard generation will be shit so doesn't matter how hard your dots will tick for...
And saying you never saw anyone use Dark Pact or justifying Supremacy over Service only cuz "deals a lot more damage" is not a guidance to anyone.. since both are commonly used for extra defensive mitigations, (which aff lock only have one) mostly on high end m+
I could go on.. but on phone is hard to pin point all of it.. might get back to this later

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 21-01-2020, 07:38:57 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hello pnzzer
I don't know where you come up with this but I see you don't know much about the end stats... I get 170-180 Mastery with Sephus when I adjust my stats
Since I have run 30-31 keys I refer to my experience in the upper area

Hello Sulphos

for your information I have tested it with 36%Crit and 43% Haste. So I can tell you that it makes no difference

And you can not use Simc on a PServer where the classes do not run properly
I must also say that I find it amusing how people only react when a guide appears.

I don't want to take away their hopes but this is also a part of Method.
so if you think it's better than knowing a World Best Guild then why don't you apply to them and tell their locks how to play xD

Last edited by Riborn on 21-01-2020, 08:00:37; edited 3 times in total
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Post Posted: 21-01-2020, 17:48:47 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Riborn wrote:
Hello pnzzer
I don't know where you come up with this but I see you don't know much about the end stats... I get 170-180 Mastery with Sephus when I adjust my stats
Since I have run 30-31 keys I refer to my experience in the upper area

Hello Sulphos

for your information I have tested it with 36%Crit and 43% Haste. So I can tell you that it makes no difference

And you can not use Simc on a PServer where the classes do not run properly
I must also say that I find it amusing how people only react when a guide appears.

I don't want to take away their hopes but this is also a part of Method.
so if you think it's better than knowing a World Best Guild then why don't you apply to them and tell their locks how to play xD

Man, your bullshit is amazing, your armory states that you have 3/9 on mythic and your name is not on the M+ ladder anywhere, your 30-31 keys are all bullshit.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 22-01-2020, 19:43:10 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hello SilentKillerTeo

How long have you been playing Freakz?
You should know that this M+ Leader has been reset 3 times on Freakz.

Your ignorance is incredible about Freakz.

If I tell you now that I am laying Goroth solo, you will not believe it either.

I can tell you that I have achieved a lot on this server and share my experience with the server. If you don't believe it or don't want to believe it then this is your problem.

Last edited by Riborn on 22-01-2020, 19:59:41; edited 2 times in total
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Post Posted: 22-01-2020, 22:44:37 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Riborn wrote:
Hello SilentKillerTeo

How long have you been playing Freakz?
You should know that this M+ Leader has been reset 3 times on Freakz.

Your ignorance is incredible about Freakz.

If I tell you now that I am laying Goroth solo, you will not believe it either.

I can tell you that I have achieved a lot on this server and share my experience with the server. If you don't believe it or don't want to believe it then this is your problem.

I don't believe anything because it's not true, you were never in a +30 key and your nonsense about soloing Goroth proves that you don't actually know too much about the game. You have 2 bosses on mythic, stop bullshitting people and make guides when you actually get good.
People that are good don't need to tell everyone how good they are, their results show. Your results are non-existent so you resort to shitposting on the forum.
I'm waiting for screenshots of your "achievements" btw, especially your +30 keys.

edit: 3 bosses, not 2

Last edited by SilentKillerTeo on 22-01-2020, 22:45:31; edited 2 times in total
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 23-01-2020, 15:58:33 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

FYI, again, I don't have to prove a damn thing to you.
Since this guide is for newbies who want to know about Lock.

People who have been on my stream know everything about me and that's enough for me.

So I ask you to take your trash somewhere else

Last edited by Riborn on 23-01-2020, 16:01:25; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 23-01-2020, 16:55:54 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Riborn wrote:
FYI, again, I don't have to prove a damn thing to you.
Since this guide is for newbies who want to know about Lock.

People who have been on my stream know everything about me and that's enough for me.

So I ask you to take your trash somewhere else

Don't boss around with stuff you can't prove, you have no proof you did anything you are 0 in my eyes and also your guide is copy-pasted and I can prove that easily.
You are a fake and a lie.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 26-01-2020, 02:53:25 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Riborn wrote:

And you can not use Simc on a PServer where the classes do not run properly

Where did you get your stat priorities from?

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 26-01-2020, 19:20:24 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Riborn wrote:
Hello pnzzer
I don't know where you come up with this but I see you don't know much about the end stats... I get 170-180 Mastery with Sephus when I adjust my stats
Since I have run 30-31 keys I refer to my experience in the upper area

Hello Sulphos

for your information I have tested it with 36%Crit and 43% Haste. So I can tell you that it makes no difference

And you can not use Simc on a PServer where the classes do not run properly
I must also say that I find it amusing how people only react when a guide appears.

I don't want to take away their hopes but this is also a part of Method.
so if you think it's better than knowing a World Best Guild then why don't you apply to them and tell their locks how to play xD

You are contradicting yourself with all this.. if this is anything Method based, you would know haste/crit is the go to clearing build for 7.2.5-7.3 m+ content with sephuz+sacrolash as i said since the most influential Method players for legion content did m+ exactly that way with gear swaps..
Also since you say the base of your guide is also a part of method and at the same time you say pservers classes dont run properly, why base your guide on retail players/guild.. (????)

And again.. if you did 30+ keys, then you needed the rotation of defensive cds.. Unending Resolve isnt enough that high and as u claim, saying you "never seen anyone use Dark Pact" is a sad statement to make on a "GUIDE" to new players + GoSacrifice voidwalker gives you an extended life pool as well for survivability not just another interrupt option. So as far as guide for people that wanna learn warlock, you didnt do a good job explaining things, take the criticism.

And im just repeating my first post, i dont know why i need to... But if you name Perdition (CRIT dmg) as top trait to get relics to, you cant say it "makes no difference" thats dumb and contraditory.
With the Ineherently Unstable trait (8% more crit chance on UA, 16% while Reap Souls is up), is easy to get a comfortable ammount of crit chance where you are balancing the dmg from mastery and boosting those crits numbers from Perdition and get the quick casts out with decently high haste.. Its a matter of comfort during the build up of DoTs to get on drain cicles quickly to get the most out of Malefic Grasp talent... If you cant explain how the class works on a GUIDE, idk dude..

I may not have the "biggest key on server" but im efficient with how i play my class and i tend to make sense on the things i explain when people reach out to me.. its not someone being vague and not saying anything at all that will devalue that.. i dont need to shove my achievements or accomplishments in a forum to validate my points.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 17-02-2020, 12:59:58 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Riborn wrote:
Since I have the endgear of the patch I can assure you how to drive best.
I have tried and tested all stats.

Your testimony to the relics is total shit.

The level of ignorance and hypocrisy behind this, is unimaginable.

Last edited by Andrreim on 17-02-2020, 13:00:52; edited 1 time in total
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