
Suggestions to improve PvP !
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Post Posted: 19-01-2020, 22:03:59 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


Here there are some important stuff that should be implemented or fixed.

-Offline and/or fake disconnected people: this problem is VERY common, players should get 4-5 hours of deserter ONLY if the don't come back after 3-4 mins, this may help to avoid dual boxers or wintraders to queue constantly.

-Class bugs: there are some IMPORTANT bugs that must be fixed like pets in general, charge-like/leaps (patting) effects and/or spells, immunity buffs/spells.

-PVP dummy trainer: I'm sure that people have noticed about this before, there were a dummy trainer in Stormwind and Orgrimar at the beginning of the current patch and last patch which allowed players to test PVP talents, dps
and enabling PVP template buff by 2 mins, later on for some reason it has been removed.

-Isle of conquest and Strand of the Ancients: These two battlegrounds should be also available in cross faction queue.

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Post Posted: 20-01-2020, 08:48:37 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Okay, so there's been quite a lot of your input (which we highly appreciate here at Freakz), so I will combine it all into a one, structured post so the rest of the staff team (and the developers) can keep an easier tracking on this matter. Please note that this doesn't mean the end of this thread - please do keep posting your ideas, we love reading them! It simply means gathering the ideas and structuring them a little for easier decisionmaking on what goes through, and what doesnt. Without further ado, here's the list (trying to order it by what the community believes our server needs the most):

1. Fixed matchmaking (Larger emphasis on who goes into which team - this includes the distribution of healers, MMR related matchmaking, average ilvl formulas, prestige levels, etc...)

2. Removal of certain game-breaking bugs (for example 12v8 BGs occurring, the untargetable flags in WSG and TP, flag capping while in a bubble...)

3. More rewarding PvP content (This includes k0s' idea about a PvP version of the Brawler's guild, seperate PvP quests and challenges with rewards, perhaps make PvP items actually better in PvP - for example a flat % buff in instanced PvP if the person is wearing PvP gear)

4. The inclusion of Rated Battlegrounds (if required, it can be made as a weekly event, or a few weekly events where a GM has to be present to avoid win-trading. If this is the case however, we should add superior rewards to this ladder so the community will actually be interested in doing it, and not just sleeping on it)

5. Implement a "Choose faction" mechanic, where you can choose whether you want to queue as Horde or Alliance.

6. Remove the darn masks for the love of God!!! - (removal of the mercenary mode masks, which ruin some tmog gear, and are overall hideous to look at).

7. Implementation of new battleground maps (Strand of the Ancients, Isle of Conquest...) *the reason I am putting this so low on the list is, because we should focus on fixing the existing content much more than adding new content. Its overall more satisfying to be missing 2 BGs and have everything else working completely, than to have all BGs where none work perfectly*

Thanks a lot for all of your comments guys. It's good to see the PvP community waking up and working together to achieve a great PvP experience at Freakz!

Update @ 20-01-2020, 07:48:37

Now, I'll move on with some more ideas, which I want to hear feedback for before I even add them to the list of "things to be considered", since they may not be appealing to everyone;

How about we remove crossfaction (in PvP at least)? One of the biggest reasons I got attracted to WoW as a game, and the main reason I fell in love with the PvP system here was because of the whole Horde vs Alliance war. Crossfaction kind of ruins the fun and passion of that. As a devoted PvPer, having a faction decided felt like I belonged somewhere. Every battleground Id play, was "For the Alliance!" (yes, Im that guy who never had a Horde character and never will). It was awesome to see Horde and Alliance premades clash in random BGs, and people starting to form groups in global after one of the factions would be wrecking another. I feel like 7.3.5 might be a good time to bring this back. The problem at hand is faction balance right now (60-40 for Horde), but its not that big of a deal, and Im sure we could find a way to close that gap a little.

Please let me know how you guys feel about this (especially those of you who are devoted to PvP, and its not only a thing you do once a week when you're terribly bored). :)

GM Topgun

Last edited by topgun750 on 20-01-2020, 08:49:26; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 20-01-2020, 09:15:05 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

First things first, as mentioned above, rated battlegrounds would be really great to happen because there are a few guilds eager to compete in a more "controlled" environment ( 8/10 times when there is a premade vs premade scenario, the team with people who troll or simply don't know what to do will have a really hard time).
Another thing that should be fixed are the battlegrounds which put 8 players to compete against 12, 7 vs 10 etc. you name it, we have it.

And now, a very unpopular opinion: bring back Strand of the Ancients if it's possible -

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Post Posted: 21-01-2020, 00:52:38 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

and yet again skirmish bug report is not in the list :/

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Post Posted: 21-01-2020, 09:28:32 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Stayfjurt wrote:
and yet again skirmish bug report is not in the list :/

Can you elaborate? Im not sure what you mean by "skirmish bug report"?

Bug reports belong onto the forums, not in-game, and player reports also belong here. Please do furthermore explain what you mean by that and I'll happily add it to the list.

GM Topgun

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Post Posted: 21-01-2020, 10:02:15 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

How does this sound ? Rated Battlegrounds/2v2/3v3 Events once every two months.
Fixing the Arena Vendor + adding some new rewards to it. For example :
2v2: 1700 rate you'll be able to buy swift nether drake(s1 mount)
1850 --- (s2 mount)
2000 --- (s3 mount) and so on
3v3: 1600 rate (s1) mount
1850 (s4 mount)
2000 (s5 mount) + tabard s6
*Making Saturday/Sunday a special day for arenas. Ex: people that play in these days will receive extra AP/Items so that pvp players wont be stuck to farm dungeons for ap and do exactly what they like.
Transmog vendor via 2v2/3v3 rating ?
I've more ideas to talk about but let me know what ur thoughts are about these.

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[Server's best ex]

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Post Posted: 21-01-2020, 10:18:19 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

rikymaru) wrote:
How does this sound ? Rated Battlegrounds/2v2/3v3 Events once every two months.
Fixing the Arena Vendor + adding some new rewards to it. For example :
2v2: 1700 rate you'll be able to buy swift nether drake(s1 mount)
1850 --- (s2 mount)
2000 --- (s3 mount) and so on
3v3: 1600 rate (s1) mount
1850 (s4 mount)
2000 (s5 mount) + tabard s6
*Making Saturday/Sunday a special day for arenas. Ex: people that play in these days will receive extra AP/Items so that pvp players wont be stuck to farm dungeons for ap and do exactly what they like.
Transmog vendor via 2v2/3v3 rating ?
I've more ideas to talk about but let me know what ur thoughts are about these.

I think once every 2 months is a little scarce for the RBG events to be honest (unless we also enable them outside of these time windows and allow players to queue any time they want). The thing is, I feel like a lot of people are really excited about RBGs becoming a thing, and having them play a couple of matches every 2 months seems like a rip-off.

Imagine the event being hosted on the same day as your mother in law's birthday, which you didnt want to attend in the first place but your girlfriend keeps forcing you into doing it. So you'll need to wait 4 months just to play a few games of RBGs, and by that time, you'll probably lose all the excitement anyways.

It feels a bit much, but I do agree that we should host some sort of PvP events that would bring the community together and encourage players in general to try out different PvP scenarios. Unlocking certain special transmog vendors through PvP actually sounds like a great idea aswell, but Im afraid if we implement that, the PvE community will feel left out, and we'll have to compensate there, again creating more tension between the two worlds.

Please do share more though, we appreciate all the feedback! ;)

GM Topgun

Last edited by topgun750 on 21-01-2020, 10:18:35; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 21-01-2020, 10:34:09 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Stayfjurt said it nicely 3v3 skirmish is needed.

Topgun, we really need 3v3 skirmish to be scripted and working. Why? Well because that is place where u practice, test comps, learn how to play but there is no rating and no pressure.

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Post Posted: 21-01-2020, 10:37:25 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

My point was about making events xd. It is players choice : make a pool and ask them how often they want the events to be hosted and wich days. This is the best move i think. Letting them choose.
I disagree with ur thoughts about the transmog vendor and pve players. yea, maybe they've lost weeks or months tryin to get some specific transmog item but why wouldn't we let them take the easy way and play arenas. Wich is our goal right ? to bring people to pvp. We'r losing people because we'r not back in 2005 when people were tryhardes playing 200 days per year to get some legendary shit. we'r moving so fast nowadays and we dont like spending months just to get the required stuff to play arenas.
am i wrong ? what is ur point of view about this situation? again , if we'r in doubts about this thing be free to ask the players in a pool.

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Post Posted: 21-01-2020, 10:59:13 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Felizaric wrote:
Stayfjurt said it nicely 3v3 skirmish is needed.

Topgun, we really need 3v3 skirmish to be scripted and working. Why? Well because that is place where u practice, test comps, learn how to play but there is no rating and no pressure.

Oh, I wasnt sure what the "skirmish bug report" he was refering to was. If the PvP community feels like a 3v3 environment without the pressure of MMR and rating drops is required, I can back that up easily, and I think implementing this shouldnt be too hard for the developers either. It's definitely a QoL change that would improve the state of PvP on Felsong.

rikymaru) wrote:
My point was about making events xd. It is players choice : make a pool and ask them how often they want the events to be hosted and wich days. This is the best move i think. Letting them choose.
I disagree with ur thoughts about the transmog vendor and pve players. yea, maybe they've lost weeks or months tryin to get some specific transmog item but why wouldn't we let them take the easy way and play arenas. Wich is our goal right ? to bring people to pvp. We'r losing people because we'r not back in 2005 when people were tryhardes playing 200 days per year to get some legendary shit. we'r moving so fast nowadays and we dont like spending months just to get the required stuff to play arenas.
am i wrong ? what is ur point of view about this situation? again , if we'r in doubts about this thing be free to ask the players in a pool.

About the events I agree, we need to provide some more inclusion to the PvP community.

Regarding the transmog vendor - if it's a transmog vendor for gear that can otherwise be obtained through grinding PvE dungeons and/or raids, I can get behind the idea, but Im not sure locking it behind a MMR rating requirement is the way to go. Here's a few scenarios that might occur:

1. Raid boss Y that drops item X isnt fully scripted (either the raid isnt, the boss isnt, or the loot isnt) - we add this item to the PvP transmog vendor. Suddenly, all of the PvE community is robbed from being able to obtain the item unless they take serious effort in PvP. The developers (and the staff in general) get a lot of pressure as in why we are making these items PvP-only even though they werent intended as such.

2. Item X has a very low chance of dropping from a boss Y, that's on a reset timer (raid lockout). This means that a player will have to grind weeks or even months to recieve this item, whereas a PvP player might be able to recieve this item in an hour or two. Again, making the PvP player highly privilleged in obtaining the item that was otherwise meant to not be recievable through PvP at all.

This feature Im afraid does not only encourage players to PvP, but it forces them to do so. And we do not want that. We dont want any player be forced to PvP or PvE against his will, just to achieve a certain goal. If somebody does not like PvP, that is fine. We cannot force them to engage in it. Simillarly how we cannot force anybody else to raid or run mythic + content.

Kind regards,
GM Topgun

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Post Posted: 21-01-2020, 12:09:05 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Actually it would better to implement the remaining battlegrounds after all fixes,since i like Isle of Conquest a lot and Sota
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Post Posted: 21-01-2020, 23:15:42 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

In my opinion , you should make smtihig with iLVL Bonus in PVP , meaning that should be a difference between players that are fully PVP items equiped and players that have PVE items equiped.
Example : at 880 ILVL u have smthing like 8% bonus in PVP ( BG or arenas ) , another PVE player with same 880 ILVL have same ( 8% in arena and BGS) , let's do smthing to do a difference, since i was doing PVP for some time to get my ILVL and he did 0 but he's equal with me in that instance ( even if i must be better skilled if i done much pvp before ). By me ppl that wear PVP items should get 2x bonus that PVE items wearer get (ex. if i have 880 i get 16% (if i wear full pvp items) , if he has 880, he gets 8% (if he is fully pve equiped). You can also make different punishment ( for bonus stats in PVP ) by number of items equiped. wPVP must remain the same.

PS : Players with PVP items in PVE enviroment should have some punishment vs PVE items equiped players in the same enviroment. I think this trade is fair for all !! IF U HAVE PVP ITEMS U MUST PVP ! IF U HAVE PVE ITEMS U MUST PVE !

Also it would be nice if we had the other 2 BGS as well.

Last edited by trafikante on 21-01-2020, 23:18:34; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 22-01-2020, 10:49:46 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

trafikante wrote:
In my opinion , you should make smtihig with iLVL Bonus in PVP , meaning that should be a difference between players that are fully PVP items equiped and players that have PVE items equiped.
Example : at 880 ILVL u have smthing like 8% bonus in PVP ( BG or arenas ) , another PVE player with same 880 ILVL have same ( 8% in arena and BGS) , let's do smthing to do a difference, since i was doing PVP for some time to get my ILVL and he did 0 but he's equal with me in that instance ( even if i must be better skilled if i done much pvp before ). By me ppl that wear PVP items should get 2x bonus that PVE items wearer get (ex. if i have 880 i get 16% (if i wear full pvp items) , if he has 880, he gets 8% (if he is fully pve equiped). You can also make different punishment ( for bonus stats in PVP ) by number of items equiped. wPVP must remain the same.

PS : Players with PVP items in PVE enviroment should have some punishment vs PVE items equiped players in the same enviroment. I think this trade is fair for all !! IF U HAVE PVP ITEMS U MUST PVP ! IF U HAVE PVE ITEMS U MUST PVE !

Also it would be nice if we had the other 2 BGS as well.

Agreed, this is actually something I miss big-time in Legion. I loved smashing PvE players back in MoP for example with my conquest points set. Right now, PvE just holds the upper hand in almost any scenario. Or at the very least its equal. There is no possible scenario where PvE gear would be outshined by PvP gear, unless it's an ilvl difference. And that's just wrong in my eyes.

GM Topgun

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Post Posted: 22-01-2020, 15:14:45 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Well tbh at first place I didn’t want to post anything because I already gave up on the idea of “freakz PVP will be back again”, because well…. since day 1 PVP was trashed in terms of GMs / Developers putting an effort to make it work having 1 of the excuses which is … PVP bring headache, (not to mention most pvp bugs / unbalance in class were reported since early days and some of the reports are still kind of ignored/ not fixed, I can recall paladin getting interrupted through divine favor or even cloned into his BB , Priest Penance firing 2 shots, Priest fear range(yard is not correct )and many more…..) and especially after what happened with me last season which was so ridiculous and unfair (not going to open this topic again because most PVP players know what happened last season in arena R1 story). BUT for the sake of improving PVP, and being a PVPer since I started to play WOW (and I will always Pick PVP over PVE) I will post in hope of finding improvement.

I’ve read all the previous posts, some are interesting & some are just “none sense”, but as far as I understood, most of the posts are related to BG which is ok BUT PVP foundation is based on 2 main things Arena and BG equally, and I would say Arena is even more important for PVPers because there you can show off your skills (individual skills) and in case you are still fresh or new you will struggle a lot, and well that’s why you need to beg on global for an hour sometimes even more to get Q ( and you might not get the Q) not to mention Teams dodging your team or just wait for you to go offline so that they can Q.

Without further talk, here's the list:

1- 1st and most important thing in PVP is to have a balance between all classes, a small example about that would be : Death Knight , since I joined freakz again, late 7.1.5 DK was broken and saw many reporting it and still till the current patch (7.2.5) DK is still as op as before. DK can kinda easily go 1 vs 2 even if he’s noob. Other example could be , Rogue , WW Monk , Druid (mainly resto druid who can top u in less than 5 sec @ 70%+ dampening , not to mention the 1 sec/hit full HP at lower dampening in arena + Feral damage which is so op but none kinda plays feral atm )
And this is an old example but works fine in terms of showing the lack of “caring for pvp” (Arcane Mage in 7.1.5 ( used to 1 shot ppl in literally 3 sec and didn’t get fixed until new patch came, which kinda ruined the pvp in 7.1.5 ))

2- The delay in applying PVP fixes , I know that GMs/Developers are working hard to make things work, but like … many pvp bugs were reported in Pre-season and 1st season (Arena season) and we started to get the pvp fixes in the last season (which is kinda too late but well better than never) so we had to play the previous season with huge amount of bugs / unbalance between classes ( again not to mention that many bugs were reported in Pre-season before the 1st season starts)

3- Adding an extra bonus for PVP items while playing in pvp instance, it could be a bonus set that only works for PVP items inside of pvp instances (arena ,BG) Because well you are kind of forced to play PVE to get some valid gear in order to competitive in PVP, not to mention that PVP items are harder to acquire like if you’re playing BG the average ilvl of the item that you will get is 880+ and if you want to get a 930+ ilvl you need to play rated arena and have a 2.2k + rating to get it, while in PVE you can easily do a M15 and get a 930+ from weekly chest , even if you have low gear or you’re kinda “noob”, join a guild do a guild group and you’re fine.

4- Not sure if it’s possible BUT, PVP trinkets should be enabled in pvp instances (arena , BG). Sometimes you get pvp trinket that you can use with a CD of 2 min to give you 2k mastery or haste or w.e. or even the passive ones but well the ridiculous part is that you can’t use them in real PVP ( only in free world pvp (duels) which is lame) and this could really add extra diversity in terms of results.

5- Allowing healers in skirmishes is really essential because skirmish is the only option for you to test your comb if it’s valid or not. And a team with a healer should only join vs similar team (healer and dps ) even though it’s kinda okish to join vs 2 dps because sometimes you can face 2 dps in Arena rated.

6- Adding 3s skirmish ( healers allowed - 1 heal 2 dps ) so that people start practicing for 3s rated because well barely 1 or 2 team join 3s rated now and quit after 1-2 losses because they are not used to 3 vs 3 rated / they can’t practice for it, only way is to Q 3s rated.

7- MMR system in Arena, like a team with 2k rating should not instantly join vs a team with 1.5k+ there should be a kind of 1-2 min margin (in case there isn’t 2 teams with similar rating joining vs each other) so that both teams join vs each other. That to avoid all the false claim of “farming arenas / sniping low teams). And technically you can’t blame a team for farming arena when the MMR is not working and a high rating team join vs a low team instantly and win … because well arena Qs are so low so you can’t expect a team (high rating) that wants to play arena so badly not to Q when he sees a team in Q.
(And not sure if the arena points you gain when you win needs some modification )

8- Adding Rated BG….. not going to elaborate because people already did

9- In terms of BGs , I would say Vengeance DH or any other similar class should not be allowed in BG with flag mission, because simply they ruin the fun. BG with flag mission is cancer when you have a DH in the opposite team , because let’s say Vengeance Dh can take the flag in Twin peaks or WSG and cap it literally in around 15 sec + and end the bg in like 5 min.

10- The Balance of teams in BG , sometimes your team is 8 while the opposite team is 12 and stays like that till the end of the BG

11- The matchmaking in BG should be taken into consideration ( in terms of nb of healers / tanker in each group or prestige lvl or …)

12- Premade BG groups are fine but if there is an option to make them join vs other premade group that would be great or if there is no other group at least they should wait X….. amount of time before joining vs random bg group ( and I’m not sure if that random BG group could be formed of similar prestige lvl as the premade group just to make things balanced)

13- Adding daily PVP quest for rated arenas + BG , kind of similar to World quest or daily quests , with honor rewards or Marks of honor or a pvp box.

14- Cross faction can sometimes be so annoying and lame because when you Q BG as horde ( and you expect to join a horde team )and you find yourself in Alliance team & you see the Horde team is full of alliance, people start complaining and sometimes instantly leave the bg ( happened many times )

15- PVP Events ( balanced / logical ones)
ex : Free for all you gather 20-30 player and they all fight vs each other inside of an arena and the last man standing is the winner
or 2 vs 2 / 3 vs 3 / 5 vs 5 tournament ( 1vs 1 is not valid because mainly all melee classes can 1 shot almost any caster , Priest , warlock, balance druid ….. can’t do much vs dk , rogue , ww monk , war ……)

16- Adding the option of removing 2 BGs from the Q , because many leave BG when it’s AV ( full of delays + lag) that would help them avoiding this type of bg

17- FIXING PVP ACHIVEMENTs , either for BG or Arena, if u noticed many pvp achievements are not completed even though you already did what is required

Not sure if I missed something , and sorry for the big text.

Thank you,


Last edited by thedeadman on 23-01-2020, 12:44:13; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 23-01-2020, 01:16:09 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

The deadman said it all . I hope everyone reads ur post
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