
[Rogue][Assassination] pvp talent Unfair Advantage

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Post Posted: 18-05-2020, 00:21:36 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz spell link:
Bug description: it is added multiplicative instead of additive

So my mutilate main hand noncrit was 21.4k
In duel the 1.5 crit dmg rule applies
My mutilate crit with UA up was 38.6
21.4 x 1.5 x 1.2 = 38,6 so it's multiplicative

Proof that it should be additive meaning dmg x 1.7 instead of dmg x 1.5 x 1.2


@ 00:01:43 he does 113k main hand mutilate crit without unfair advantage (Actually the mutilate crits activate unfair advantage but the dmg isn't affected)
@ 00:04:08 and 00:04:22 with unfair advantage he does on the same target (hunter) 128k crit with mutilate main hand.
All dmg was done without vendetta or concordance

113k 150% crit means 75.3 noncrit
75,3 x 1.7 = 128 exactly like the crits


@3:14 he hits the mw monk for 81k main hand noncrit mutilate. He had concordance and the monk was channeling so the monk had 13% dmg reduction from the artifact trait.
The dmg without the reduction would be 93,1k

@6:28 he hits the same monk for 159k main hand crit mutilate. He had concordance m Unfair advantage up and the monk didn't have reduction on him.

So the nonreduced dmg 93,1k would need to be increased by 1.7 to get 139k so it's an additive increase.
If it would have been multiplicative we would have 93,1 x 1.5 x 1.2 = 167.5k


@3:06 mutilate crit without Unfair Advantage on shaman without defensives - 98k noncrit (that would be a 65.3k noncrit)
@4:30 exact same conditions on same shamy but with Unfair advantage - 111.5k crit

65,3 x 1.7 = 111.5k so the increase is additive.

Also same video:
@ 5:23 he hits the feral for 30 + 60 mutilate without UA
@ 8:39 he hits the feral with UA for 102 crit mutilate main hand
from 60 to 102 is exactly 1.7 multiplier
According to Quicksand in this thread blizz made some crit increases additive and some multiplicative so this is not a general thing. I will try to find out what other similar increases(that affect crit dmg) should be additive.

Last edited by raven3 on 18-05-2020, 10:51:29; edited 4 times in total
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