
[Shaman] enh shaman stormbringer off hand procs
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Post Posted: 13-10-2020, 14:48:41 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

i dunno why but i think this bug happened when they have fixed this issue about enh shamans and made stormbringer not to proc for stormstrike off hand weapon. it now barely procs when you use BL and its kinda like you have to change your rotation to lava lash which means enh shamans now worth 0.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 13-10-2020, 18:48:02 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

MRazmavar wrote:
i dunno why but i think this bug happened when they have fixed this issue about enh shamans and made stormbringer not to proc for stormstrike off hand weapon. it now barely procs when you use BL and its kinda like you have to change your rotation to lava lash which means enh shamans now worth 0.

It was a half fix, they left the procs in place, but removed the actual effect. So imagine you're winning the lottery way too often but don't actually get the money...

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Post Posted: 20-10-2020, 14:04:16 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hello everyone,

I've cleaned up this topic and removed all pointless negative comments, aswell as anything off-topic that has been said. Should you continue to misbehave I will start issuing warnings next time, so please keep it civilized.

Keep this report on-topic and try to contribute to it properly. If there is an issue with the procs, please provide detailed info and PROOF of what's wrong so our staff can test it. There have been some interesting theories here which I've chosen not to remove, but it would be great if you could provide any evidence on them if possible. (As there is currently nobody to fill the position of the Shaman class mod, other class mods or Game Masters will handle Shaman reports temporarily)

Best regards

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Post Posted: 20-10-2020, 17:18:57 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Then do something for it if you don`t want negative topics.

Currently is only one problem with enha that persist for 3 months,and when monk had isues it was fixed in 2 days. what should we do now? we can`t play our main, some of us got bis gear+traits, for what?
Atleast if you don`t intend to fix it, let us reroll to another class.

Last edited by florinflo99 on 20-10-2020, 17:21:28; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 20-10-2020, 17:58:17 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Let other class mods handle shamans reports, so basically let another Zeakey - Bow issue escalate where Zeakey unintentionally broke rogues thinking he was right. Aight. Sure lets do that.
As i mentioned before if it will involve other class mods other than a Shaman Mod, better leave enhance as it is.

Last edited by se7enspree on 20-10-2020, 18:02:50; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 20-10-2020, 18:55:26 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

florinflo99 wrote:
Then do something for it if you don`t want negative topics.

Currently is only one problem with enha that persist for 3 months,and when monk had isues it was fixed in 2 days. what should we do now? we can`t play our main, some of us got bis gear+traits, for what?
Atleast if you don`t intend to fix it, let us reroll to another class.

I can only repeat myself. If you're positive there is some kind of issue here, let us know what it is exactly, provide proof and it will be fixed.

All we have for this case for the past months is "it doesn't work properly" but nobody is saying what exactly is wrong or what's causing it.

This was checked by Quicksand previously, no problems were found. According to pure data, everything is fine. It is NOT the devs' task to extensively play a class for extended periods of time on both our server and retail in order to spot differences.

se7enspree wrote:
Let other class mods handle shamans reports, so basically let another Zeakey - Bow issue escalate where Zeakey unintentionally broke rogues thinking he was right. Aight. Sure lets do that.
As i mentioned before if it will involve other class mods other than a Shaman Mod, better leave enhance as it is.

But if this is in fact a gamebreaking issue for Enhancement it would be better for it to be fixed. Again - all that needs to be done (well, I understand that that is easier said than done but you should get what I mean by it) is for the issue to be found and to be proven. It doesn't HAVE to be a Class Mod doing this, it can be done by a player too.

Bottom line is that we have to keep fixes blizzlike, we can't just raise the proc chance by a little bit because it "feels wrong". We have to spot the issue and correct it properly.

Last edited by Sarah on 20-10-2020, 18:57:01; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 20-10-2020, 19:16:03 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

a previous report was carried out with fingerprints and videos and was denied.
shamybro saw that there was something wrong with the functioning of the class.several tests like videos have already been shown.
and more
and more
and more

what else is needed claim we don't have enough evidence ?
they always speak duplicate in the report, as they barely read the content itself.
what does it cost to improve a class that is loved by many?
I just ask you to understand, since shaman players feel betrayed by seeing other classes gaining improvements and concerts while our beloved class is abandoned and forgotten.
try as you say you can't replicate.
make the testo put the same equipment in all classes and see the absurd difference.

in the end the most sensible thing is to replicate the secondary hand attack.
will see that the damage is low compared to
where a shaman with less item level his damage is greater than a shaman 990 on freaks.

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Post Posted: 20-10-2020, 19:55:33 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Sarah wrote:
But if this is in fact a gamebreaking issue for Enhancement it would be better for it to be fixed. Again - all that needs to be done (well, I understand that that is easier said than done but you should get what I mean by it) is for the issue to be found and to be proven. It doesn't HAVE to be a Class Mod doing this, it can be done by a player too.

Bottom line is that we have to keep fixes blizzlike, we can't just raise the proc chance by a little bit because it "feels wrong". We have to spot the issue and correct it properly.

I agree, it is an issue, it needs fixing. Many topics have been made with many statistics and valid proof, Shammybro even confirmed that. Yet 2 trello cards were pushed way back to the point of being listed as not enough proof aka in the trash bin. Also aren't class mods the one pushing the reports to moderators so that the fixes get applied? If a simple player just opens a topic, it will end up in the antique gathering dust waiting for a response that will never appear. Each class mod will take his/her class with more caution than a random mod from another class. We literally don't want a job to be done "half-assed"<- Sounds kind of rude but it is what it is.

Something else, regarding what quicksand said, since there is a fix for this issue, is it applied on the live? Have it been tested by quicksand himself on the live? If you tested something on test server, fixed it there, that doesn't mean it will magically get fixed on live too.

Through months on this server, it was noticed, when new fixes are applied old bugs are coming back, how does that happen i don't know, nor i have any idea how you apply the fixes on live server that causes this.

Last edited by se7enspree on 20-10-2020, 20:01:20; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 20-10-2020, 20:02:08 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

We provided enough proofs to show what the problem is, the main thing is the shaman on freakz has around 20-25% less procs of stormbringer than blizzard shamans, i providided 3 comparisons with freakz log and blizzard log showing this, quicksand sayid is a sequence proc for offhand attacks, this might be real or not, the fact is that shaman has way less procs with way better gear than blizzard shamans, proved with logs from both.

if you are a mod and don`t know, we do have programs to record freakz logs and upload to warcraft logs so anyone can see it.

Logs from wow freakz 7.8.2020 Enhancement shaman 91t 989 gear , here you can see 39 procs of stormbringer in 3:01 minutes compared to blizzard (181 sec:39 procs = 1 procs every 4.64 seconds) 55 PROCS of STORMBRINGER in 3:00 minutes (180 sec:55procs=1 proc every 3,27 seconds)

also same boss 64 PROCS in 3:22(202 sec:64procs=1 proc every 3,15seconds)

comparing this logs you can see that the diference of procs is way bigger on blizzard, proc chance on blizzard on first case is 141,896% resulting 41,896% bigger than on freakz
for second log is 147,301% ,47,301% bigger than on freakz

This is the most accurate log you can have here,compare freakz log with blizz log.

P.S. Imagine that they on blizzard do the script, on freakz we can just stay near boss and dps it down, you don`t get killed by eradication on garothi if you are bis gear, this resulting in more activity =more time do damage the boss.

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Post Posted: 21-10-2020, 10:48:36 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Sarah wrote:
Hello everyone,

I've cleaned up this topic and removed all pointless negative comments, aswell as anything off-topic that has been said. Should you continue to misbehave I will start issuing warnings next time, so please keep it civilized.

Keep this report on-topic and try to contribute to it properly. If there is an issue with the procs, please provide detailed info and PROOF of what's wrong so our staff can test it. There have been some interesting theories here which I've chosen not to remove, but it would be great if you could provide any evidence on them if possible. (As there is currently nobody to fill the position of the Shaman class mod, other class mods or Game Masters will handle Shaman reports temporarily)

Best regards

I see that some of my comments which I think clarified what the issue is with actual insights has been removed. Not sure you even took the time to read it.

Neglecting and ignoring is not the best way.
This is rather disappointing...

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Post Posted: 21-10-2020, 15:55:13 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Skillshot wrote:
Sarah wrote:
Hello everyone,

I've cleaned up this topic and removed all pointless negative comments, aswell as anything off-topic that has been said. Should you continue to misbehave I will start issuing warnings next time, so please keep it civilized.

Keep this report on-topic and try to contribute to it properly. If there is an issue with the procs, please provide detailed info and PROOF of what's wrong so our staff can test it. There have been some interesting theories here which I've chosen not to remove, but it would be great if you could provide any evidence on them if possible. (As there is currently nobody to fill the position of the Shaman class mod, other class mods or Game Masters will handle Shaman reports temporarily)

Best regards

I see that some of my comments which I think clarified what the issue is with actual insights has been removed. Not sure you even took the time to read it.

Neglecting and ignoring is not the best way.
This is rather disappointing...

I have not deleted ANY post by you in this or any other topic (yes, I have read them all - in the correct chronological order - yesterday) regarding this issue, please stop making up things to stir up drama.

Deleted posts are still visible to staff members with moderation permissions, so this claim can easily be verified.

Why do you insist on being so negative and accusing us of neglecting and "ignoring" the issue? We (as in the class developers and now me as a moderator) have said several times that we are unable to find any problem given the information we have and that we will need an exact answer on what's actually wrong - the card is on "Can't confirm / Need more info" state on Trello for a reason.

Thank you @Mordocc for summing up the backstory of this report, that's already a helpful insight on things that have happened and what has been discussed already.

What's needed now is a dedicated tester with enough knowledge and experience about the spec to verify or deny the existing theories (which - again - were not deleted, they're all still here in this thread) regarding the cause of the issue. Once that is done, it can be looked at again.

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Post Posted: 21-10-2020, 16:05:58 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Until someone will take a look at this, will lock the topic. Useless trashtalk going on here besides the main subject.


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