
[FIXED] [Shaman] Counterstrike Totem

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Post Posted: 30-04-2021, 23:40:27 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz spell link:
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Bug description: As doing a small research I could identify that Counterstrike totem is buggy here. It simply redirects too much damage and it shouldhave a cap per hit and a cap of total damage. As proof I would attach several PvP guides made by multi rank one shaman players on all three specs for different patches of BFA, and you could see that none of the players ever recommended playing with Counterstrike Totem, but here on Freakz every player is playing it. Moreover on blizzard's forums they were playing with Counterstrike only in bgs, where it would be easily breakable. On freakz even if you breake it insta, it still redirects some damage.

The second issue is that it redirects the damage from dots and it shouldn't.

Blizzard forum post from players complaining that it does low damage and is not worth it:
8.3 Guides from Skillcapped:
Enha: For 8.3 there is no Enha guide from Skillcapped. I am attaching a timestamped videoguide of multi R1 enha:

8.2 Guides from Skillcapped:

8.1 Guides from Skillcapped:

As you can see per blizzard forum posts Counterstrike should have a damage per hit cap and a overall damage cap(it was the same problem as per Legion counterstrike totem which was reported here:

From Class guides, you can see that Counterstrike is not even mentioned as an optional talent, which means that it was garbage on live. On freakz is taken by all shamans on all specs.

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Post Posted: 01-05-2021, 01:31:00 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Something is wrong with Counterstrike Totem for sure. Currently, i see Shamans in Battlegrounds placing this totem where enemies are fighting and killing themselves.
In my case, it happened when a shaman came in a fight with 4 enemy. Counterstrike Totem caused 450k+ damages in less than 10 seconds.
Combining high damage that shaman already have on both DPS spec with Counterstrike Totem make this class too strong.

Last edited by Warbike on 01-05-2021, 01:34:36; edited 4 times in total
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Post Posted: 01-05-2021, 02:47:46 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

he is working fine recording is 100% damage that what you did.
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Post Posted: 01-05-2021, 05:15:19 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

counter strike totem should have a cap of the damage redirected which it does not in freakz, also should have an internal cd like thornes and should not work on dots and poison ticks . curently it works on everything and everyone and no cap. and this is so problematic bec it made it be a super-strong ability
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Post Posted: 01-05-2021, 08:43:50 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Seems like every totem is bugged, they are still doing their identified spell/effect even after dying same bug with Grounding totem and Skyfury
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Post Posted: 01-05-2021, 14:38:07 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Mordocc wrote:
he is working fine recording is 100% damage that what you did.

Is not working fine. I killed the totem after 1 second, and I did not hit any target at all (only dots on sham/his part and pets autoattacking) and counterstrike damaged me back 40-50k.

From your judgement, All multi rank ones and tournament players are morons, and people on freakz are revolutionizing how shaman should be played, right?

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Post Posted: 03-05-2021, 11:42:38 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

It should only mirror direct damage, not dots. As for other issues, can't find any numbers on any damage cap, only this
Now I've tested the dots, and as you can see the over time effect is not reflected by the totem, only the initial damage.
I'll leave this topic open, but you'll need to actually bring some proof because
it was garbage on live. On freakz is taken by all shamans on all specs.
this only says something about the players skill and nothing about the spell itself.

Last edited by Whysoimba on 03-05-2021, 12:25:57; edited 5 times in total
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Post Posted: 03-05-2021, 13:18:40 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Whysoimba wrote:
It should only mirror direct damage, not dots. As for other issues, can't find any numbers on any damage cap, only this
Now I've tested the dots, and as you can see the over time effect is not reflected by the totem, only the initial damage.
I'll leave this topic open, but you'll need to actually bring some proof because
it was garbage on live. On freakz is taken by all shamans on all specs.
this only says something about the players skill and nothing about the spell itself.

Since I don't have a shaman to test interaction with: Cut of Death, and I couldn't find a legit post regarding Counterstrike totem damage cap as I have found on Legion:

I am asking you to help me test the Cut of Death interaction with counterstrike (can help you with that).

Also I have found out that Counterstrike should have an internal CD for each target for each hit here:

Counterstrike Totem is group wide though. Still super annoying to watch it die in one hit as opposed to a dispel from one of 4-6 classes (depending on pets). To be fair, mages are everywhere in arena and good placement in battlegrounds usually gets good effect out of it.

As of lots of forum posts such as:

The players are claiming that they are getting 80-0 ed by some classes and counterstrike is doing roughly 30% damage.

Today a warrior was at 80% when he finished killing me . It isnt throwing back 100% of the damage as it states.

It’s nerfed to the point of not using when it would one shot on people’s goes in legion.

For example, had a rogue on me, he didnt destroy the totem but proceeded to kick my butt real good. I was at 0% and he was still at 80%

Last edited by Amnezx on 03-05-2021, 13:33:45; edited 2 times in total
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Post Posted: 05-05-2021, 11:49:12 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I will test dots from weapons like Geti'kku and Bile-Stained Crawg Tusks. But from everything else in this post I just get that people can't kill the totem. You brought no hard proof, only hear-say from retail, where everyone was just contradicting about how it works. Without any solid data on how it's supposed to work, I can't just modify a spell because people can't get a weakaura and kill the totem.

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Post Posted: 05-05-2021, 12:18:59 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I understand your point, but there was arenas that I killed the totem right after the shaman popped it and still did some damage. I will test interactions with Army of the Dead, Apoc ghouls and maguses from azerites (maybe it redirects the damage from guardian minions to the Master, and this way you cannot avoid damage), or other than this, it might be just buffed on Freakz from the genera Totem bug that affects shaman, thus counterstrike persisting after death.

Thanks for helping out!

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Post Posted: 18-05-2021, 22:19:02 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

same problem with Grounding totem, after shaman use it, i used more instant damage spell on shaman, it should asorb only 1 instant spell that make damage (it can redirect more casting spell at same time as chaos bolt + greater pyro), when i target to destroy totem, it should be destroyed immediately but seem long last for full duration 3 sec, i think it happend will all totem (have delay long last after being attacked)
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Post Posted: 24-05-2021, 02:05:07 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Whysoimba wrote:
I will test dots from weapons like Geti'kku and Bile-Stained Crawg Tusks. But from everything else in this post I just get that people can't kill the totem. You brought no hard proof, only hear-say from retail, where everyone was just contradicting about how it works. Without any solid data on how it's supposed to work, I can't just modify a spell because people can't get a weakaura and kill the totem.

It doesn't work with DoTs confirmed by more than 1 shaman on retail's forum :

It wouldn't have a logic by getting triggered by DoTs. Classes which have spells to put dots with AoE spell like fire mages, frost dks, warlock with "cataclysm" spell, would be oneshotted by fighting a group of enemies.

In this video we can see Counterstrike Totem has no an internal CD between each reflected attack:

Biggest hit of this totem in this video has been 32k:

Totem can be destroyed with a single direct damage.
I hope this will help to fix this totem as soon as possible because this issue give shamans a great advantage.

Last edited by Warbike on 24-05-2021, 02:07:40; edited 2 times in total
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Post Posted: 11-06-2021, 17:11:54 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I know what i'm going to write is off-topic but i want to know why there are no classes' fixes even with serious issues like this one which is an huge game-breaking for shamans. There are lot of issues in Confirmed/pendings bugs but no one care to fix them.
Even simple issues like missing portals by Horde's portal trainers are still pending since BFA release.

Until 7.2.5 Freakz's staff used to fix bugs As Soon As Possible, giving players a (almost) blizz-like experience.
I was so happy about staff's management until that patch that i spent part of my day to report bugs and help them to fix issues; even the simplest.

It saddens me a lot to see how the new GMs treat this server that up until two years ago was shining among many.

Sorry for this OFF-TOPIC someone had to say it.

Best regards, a player that really liked to play here and was almost going to accept to being part of staff.

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Post Posted: 16-06-2021, 11:50:15 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Totems are persisting through death, this must be the issue with Counterstrike being more powerful than usual, same with Grounding totem that is already confirmed, this issue affects all of Shaman's totems.

More details/proof on Trello card:

Last edited by Amnezx on 16-06-2021, 12:04:49; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 27-11-2021, 17:00:01 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Issue is now fixed and moved to Fixed Bugs.

Trello Card Link :

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