
Must Move Forward !!

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 23-02-2022, 13:54:43 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


Ok, thanks guys for your work with the server even if it still have some bugs. i'm sure you will solve most of them as allways and here we are, on Shadowlands after many years of freakz running and i think is the time server to move forward. I think you all can admit that server lose a lot of players over the time and that's normal because people saturation of WoW but, i think you can implement a V.I.P paid sistem that can bring can benefit also to retain player base and aswel bringing new players into server. Next i will discribe my point of view about this V.I.P System :

- I was thinking at a VIP System , players can aquire VIP Status via Shop , it would be like a Subscribe ( keep in mind that many of us aren't here because they can't afford retail subscription but of retail hard grinding and time consuming)
- How can a player aquire VIP Status ? - via shop with a montly subscription of 10-15 euros/dolars or with vote points ( you can have 5 vote points / day let's say that for a month of subscribe you must vote 3 weeks every day witch is worthy and server will have more big benefit from that because new players will come via those sites ( or that is supposed to be ) and also you will gain 10-15 euros / account, part of them you can invest in advertising ( if u care about this community - )

Benefits of VIP Status for players :

- experience increase from 1.5x to 3x
- reputation gain increase from 1x to 3x
- item drops increase from 1x to 2x ( mounts drops increase from 1x to 3-4x i don't know if drops can be changed to a specify account and only for mounts )
- thorgast soul ash multiplied to 1.25-1.5x
- increase chance of Renown drops
- ability to change stats for 1 item / character once or twice/month ( like old reforging)
- instant taxi flight in this patch and as we pass to the next you can allow subscribers to fly aswell even if they don't have fly unlocked ( only as long as they are subscribing )
- special VIP Title
- honor gain in PVP increase from 1x to 1.25-1.5x
- conquest points earn in PVP increase from 1x to 1.24-1.5x
- weakly best item reroll ( if u get a duplicate or an item for a slot that you allready have bis item you can reroll and give you another slot item ) or posibility somehow (with tokens mby) to chose your slot of item you get from Great Valut 1 or 2 items / month , here you will lower the annoying RNG problems and players frustration coming from that

Of course those benefits are just sugestions based of my self opionion don't need to implent all of that but i still thing that VIP Subscription would be a big step forward for the server ( important thing is that it can be aquired with vote points as well to increase server popularity , of course you need to reset all vote points people earned before this implementation)

Also i would suggest to make vote points like a curency and allow players to sell stuff on vote points ( like an auction house but without gold, with vote points on website , see other servers examples - ) - the important thing here is to not allow players to donate for vote points ! those should be only aquired by voting !

In the end this is my suggestion to get this server forward and i realy think that if this can be implemented, it would be a win-win to server ( 100 montly subscribers meanse 1500 euros / month and this is only 5% of daily online people) and players as well !

Best Regards,
Trafikante -

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 21-04-2022, 23:19:41 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

This is the most stupid suggestion ever, you do that and you will end up with a 20-players server, everybody else will be gone. It's already a damn pain in the *** to try to do anything with the *** donators pestering around.

Only thing i agree with in your post is this:

"Also i would suggest to make vote points like a curency and allow players to sell stuff on vote points ( like an auction house but without gold, with vote points on website , see other servers examples - ) - the important thing here is to not allow players to donate for vote points ! those should be only aquired by voting !"

I agree that there should be more ways to get vote points, the 5 per day system is totally absurd.

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Post Posted: 22-04-2022, 13:42:38 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

My opinion: the more costum things you add the worse.
Current example: arena solo que - can be fun and it's something to do when you have nobody to que with BUT it kill real arena pvp feel.

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