
Pandaria Leveling Chests

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 18-07-2016, 09:54:28 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

i think a good idea would be to put freakz leveling chests like the ones level 60-85 with blue items also in pandaria

Last edited by boschetaru77 on 19-07-2016, 14:47:04; edited 1 time in total
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 18-07-2016, 10:03:38 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Please translate your post to English, since WoW section is now English only.
You can also find Romanian Zone here, where you can talk Romanian freely.

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Post Posted: 19-07-2016, 14:50:14 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Well it would be nice to have some.
The maximum ilvl they should give should be 450 though.

It would help the new players a bit more.It's hard to do some instances when you find just people with full greens on them(well if you can find a 500+ pve guy he can carry the whole instance but it does not feel so satisfying).
When entering the instance it would be nice to see that the minimun dps that someone can do is around 30-50k rather than 10-15k

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Post Posted: 20-07-2016, 09:45:28 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I'll explain why this is a bad idea,we already have rdf's implemented and they do drop 450 ilvl( Normal difficulty) items also the rdf changes as per your level. This also gives new players an experience of old dungeons as well as the MoP dungeons.The leveling from 85-90 should be a fun experience not an easy one where you just get gear from a box.Also with the reduced exp rates you do more quests and get items based on that.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 20-07-2016, 20:27:02 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

so lets clear a few things the chests are meant to help new players gear up and not spend 10 hours to level 85-90 with que for dungeons of 30 mins and die from more than 3 mobs agro while questing and the purpose of this chests are to increase the quality of gear without joining a specific dungeon for a precious sword that never drops until you dont need it anymore

when someone lvl 90 joins a dungeon full 372-408 and does 20k-30k dps its not really fun to wipe on same dungeon boss 3-4 times with a party disband result at the end while you waited for 30 mins in que for tank or healer to join

this suggestion is good for new players to help them enter a dungeon with more than full greens i bet you dont like when someone joins a bg with cata blue gear ilvl 333 because most people dont even know the wasteland and other gear sets vendors of pandaria

personal note this is supossed to be a fun server not blizz we dont have that kind of people to join all this dungeons and i bet at least 70% of people just play a few hours a day struggling to level a first character and they dont even think about dungeons they just join a bg to get free honor gear and join guilds with people inviting them and carrying them through raids created requesting 500+ilvl to carry the full greens friends

and btw dont even get me started on gold making to get crafted gear i spent a few days ago 3-4 hours on a fresh 90 questing and farming any greens to sell on vendor you know how much i made in almost 4 hours a little more than 12k that is just barely enough to learn flying skill and even if you spent it only on crafted gear if u have another class other than cloth good luck you can get 6 items at most

who is sick of players full greens joining bgs and dungeons/raids like this topic lets make this happen and forget all this guy full 553 hating on this idea because his precious blue items that drop when he farms harmony will get lower gold on ah

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 20-07-2016, 22:52:34 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

boschetaru77 wrote:
so lets clear a few things the chests are meant to help new players gear up and not spend 10 hours to level 85-90 with que for dungeons of 30 mins and die from more than 3 mobs agro while questing and the purpose of this chests are to increase the quality of gear without joining a specific dungeon for a precious sword that never drops until you dont need it anymore

when someone lvl 90 joins a dungeon full 372-408 and does 20k-30k dps its not really fun to wipe on same dungeon boss 3-4 times with a party disband result at the end while you waited for 30 mins in que for tank or healer to join

this suggestion is good for new players to help them enter a dungeon with more than full greens i bet you dont like when someone joins a bg with cata blue gear ilvl 333 because most people dont even know the wasteland and other gear sets vendors of pandaria

personal note this is supossed to be a fun server not blizz we dont have that kind of people to join all this dungeons and i bet at least 70% of people just play a few hours a day struggling to level a first character and they dont even think about dungeons they just join a bg to get free honor gear and join guilds with people inviting them and carrying them through raids created requesting 500+ilvl to carry the full greens friends

and btw dont even get me started on gold making to get crafted gear i spent a few days ago 3-4 hours on a fresh 90 questing and farming any greens to sell on vendor you know how much i made in almost 4 hours a little more than 12k that is just barely enough to learn flying skill and even if you spent it only on crafted gear if u have another class other than cloth good luck you can get 6 items at most

who is sick of players full greens joining bgs and dungeons/raids like this topic lets make this happen and forget all this guy full 553 hating on this idea because his precious blue items that drop when he farms harmony will get lower gold on ah

You do know that going from 85-90 takes 2-3hours in worst case scenarios? Right?
Also people should know to get their wastelander gear with money which is basicly free gear,all major cities have it. (Halfhill,Dawn's Blossom,Serpent's Spine,etc)

What making gold is hard? Yeah it is,cause Auction House is overpriced, that has been an "issue" since the beggining of time.
People are GREEDY,its their NATURE,you cant change that.Deal with it OR underprice them at AH and get money.
Level your proffesions and craft your own gear,you can always join timeless coin farms and pray to get a gear token appropriate for your class.Even if you dont get one,u can buy items with timeless coins. 496/489.
Old valor vendors should also be updated with their price changed to JP instead of VP but I doubt that will happen.
And yes.i've done MANY raids/battlegrounds where players were full green.I didn't cry about it.Why? Cause I know the state of the server,state of the AH to be precise,if you win a battleground with them be happy,if u dont well bad luck.

PS: There are way too many dailies in Pandaria,so if you dont want to break your nerves on AH making money just do Isle of Thunder dailies. You should be able to solo them. EVEN if you are green. + Mogu's in the middle of Isle of Thunder have a high drop chance for old epic items. 476. you can also use those. you SHOULD use those.
And.. chests? in Pandaria? I'll say it like this. No. There are already "elite" spawns all over pandaria which have a chance to drop blue gear.They are hard to kill,thats for sure *as a greenie at least* however killing it and getting an item will fill somewhat rewarding,if u cant solo it ask on global for help.There is bound to 1 guy at least bored out of his mind willing to help.

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Post Posted: 21-07-2016, 05:09:19 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

boschetaru77 wrote:
so lets clear a few things the chests are meant to help new players gear up and not spend 10 hours to level 85-90 with que for dungeons of 30 mins and die from more than 3 mobs agro while questing and the purpose of this chests are to increase the quality of gear without joining a specific dungeon for a precious sword that never drops until you dont need it anymore

when someone lvl 90 joins a dungeon full 372-408 and does 20k-30k dps its not really fun to wipe on same dungeon boss 3-4 times with a party disband result at the end while you waited for 30 mins in que for tank or healer to join

this suggestion is good for new players to help them enter a dungeon with more than full greens i bet you dont like when someone joins a bg with cata blue gear ilvl 333 because most people dont even know the wasteland and other gear sets vendors of pandaria

personal note this is supossed to be a fun server not blizz we dont have that kind of people to join all this dungeons and i bet at least 70% of people just play a few hours a day struggling to level a first character and they dont even think about dungeons they just join a bg to get free honor gear and join guilds with people inviting them and carrying them through raids created requesting 500+ilvl to carry the full greens friends

and btw dont even get me started on gold making to get crafted gear i spent a few days ago 3-4 hours on a fresh 90 questing and farming any greens to sell on vendor you know how much i made in almost 4 hours a little more than 12k that is just barely enough to learn flying skill and even if you spent it only on crafted gear if u have another class other than cloth good luck you can get 6 items at most

who is sick of players full greens joining bgs and dungeons/raids like this topic lets make this happen and forget all this guy full 553 hating on this idea because his precious blue items that drop when he farms harmony will get lower gold on ah

Funny thing is you call it a fun server when we are trying to refrain from making it one. Shocker has been generous enough to put those leveling chests . Also it takes 4 hrs max to go from 85-90 also rdf' scales with level so don't tell me that you die to 3 adds aggro it doesn't make sense and on your thought of making gold all get gold after finishing an rdf' it also gives jp from which u can buy 458 Ivl lgea. The whole purpose of this system is to let players get to know the content of mop. Even if you give them 450ilvl gear and they hit 90 and join rdf' s brain-dead people will be brain-dead and will still do 20k DPS like the ppl in green gear. So this again makes the server more custom which is not what we strive to be.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 21-07-2016, 10:09:57 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Let me ask you this
How many years of wow have you played to know to level in 2-3 hours 85-90?
How did you know where to find 372-408 green items vendor?
How do you know to find those elites that are almost imposible to kill solo?
Have you recently inspected a fresh lvl 90 to see that he uses 429 world drops combined with cata gear blues 300-346ilvl that does not even know to use ah?
Have you just talked to some stranger because he\she asked if u got skype to help him\her level and explain talents abilities rotation and so on , did you notice his\her voice he\she is not above 16 years and he\she loves this game and he\she does not even know how to join a bg or dungeon , when you meet him\her was doing -10k dps and after you explained him\her a few things now is doing 40k+ after a dungeon

all you do is critic i can do that to look here ( there are world drops that are picked up from objects that give bind on account weapons like THIS. )

i repeat this is not about you its about the guy\girl that does not know how to do those things

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[Harley Quinn]

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Post Posted: 21-07-2016, 10:25:13 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

boschetaru77 wrote:
Let me ask you this
How many years of wow have you played to know to level in 2-3 hours 85-90?
How did you know where to find 372-408 green items vendor?
How do you know to find those elites that are almost imposible to kill solo?
Have you recently inspected a fresh lvl 90 to see that he uses 429 world drops combined with cata gear blues 300-346ilvl that does not even know to use ah?
Have you just talked to some stranger because he\she asked if u got skype to help him\her level and explain talents abilities rotation and so on , did you notice his\her voice he\she is not above 16 years and he\she loves this game and he\she does not even know how to join a bg or dungeon , when you meet him\her was doing -10k dps and after you explained him\her a few things now is doing 40k+ after a dungeon

all you do is critic i can do that to look here ( there are world drops that are picked up from objects that give bind on account weapons like THIS. )

i repeat this is not about you its about the guy\girl that does not know how to do those things

So what? Giving that guy/girl who doesn't know things gear for free is a good option? Of course not, what are you talking about. You yourself qqd at least 50 times I bet at newbs in rdfs/lfr/pug raids so don't bring an argument like that because people who are green in this game just should learn by themselves, not be feed with spoon by easy gear getting with chests. If you wanna earn something you need to at least give some effort back.

Struggling at leveling. If some1 new to this game has at least some brain he won't go face wall and just run past everything but GOOGLE or ask a friend: How do I do this, how do I get 90. You are writing this from a perspective of 9 year old going into this game or what?

You bring gold argument. You do realize the fact that you called freakz a "fun" server and by that you should know that daily quests to kill ex: 15 mobs with 400k HP give 300 gold/quest? you do 20 dailies per day within 20-30 minutes and you earn 6k/day, is that a problem? I doubt.

who is sick of players full greens joining bgs and dungeons/raids like this topic lets make this happen and forget all this guy full 553 hating on this idea because his precious blue items that drop when he farms harmony will get lower gold on ah

This is an excact counter argument you just gave to yourself. New players WILL join everywhere they can with gear that allows them to. I have never spotted a person who has leveled an alt and had at least some experience in this game who went BGS with 408 ilvl. They want a carry of course, but they ask guild then to do it. New players with blue 450 gear on bg will be the same as new players with 408 gear. Until they will start learning their classes and mop as a content nothing will change.

Man no offence but are you an 13 year old girl blonde? Seriously.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 21-07-2016, 11:08:10 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

boschetaru77 wrote:
Let me ask you this
How many years of wow have you played to know to level in 2-3 hours 85-90?
How did you know where to find 372-408 green items vendor?
How do you know to find those elites that are almost imposible to kill solo?
Have you recently inspected a fresh lvl 90 to see that he uses 429 world drops combined with cata gear blues 300-346ilvl that does not even know to use ah?
Have you just talked to some stranger because he\she asked if u got skype to help him\her level and explain talents abilities rotation and so on , did you notice his\her voice he\she is not above 16 years and he\she loves this game and he\she does not even know how to join a bg or dungeon , when you meet him\her was doing -10k dps and after you explained him\her a few things now is doing 40k+ after a dungeon

all you do is critic i can do that to look here ( there are world drops that are picked up from objects that give bind on account weapons like THIS. )

i repeat this is not about you its about the guy\girl that does not know how to do those things

1)I've been playing this game for around 8-10 years. TBC,wotlk,cata,panda. So i do know how much time is needed for 85-90 as proof.. well i have 8 characters on lvl90 right now.
2)How did I know? I asked google/guildies.
3)WoW Freakz NPC finder/Item finder in combination with Atlas Loot.
4)Excuse me? That would be his issue.Not even checking with the guards/knowing at least basic parts of the city is just being ignorant and stupid.
Last alt I leveled is already 530 and more then capable of raiding all current avaivable content.
My main and primary alts are all over 550.
5)I have NEVER ignored ANYONE that asked me about help with his class/spec. Even tho there are MILIONS of guides online. I even made one for WoW Freakz *ONLY*
Bottom line is: I've never rejected/ignored ANYONE who asked me for help with his class.Nor will I ever do.And yes there were many cases where people were actually whispering me about it.
But just asking for another "loot chest" again will not SOLVE anything.If players are not willing to put at least 1hour/day to get themselves geared,its their choice. thus we are NOT supposed/forced/NEEDED to comply with them being lazy and wanting everything for free.For once I'll agree with Shocker on that.

Guy/Girl doesnt know how to level/play his class/somewhat properly or doesnt even have a clue? Allright:
Those are FREAKZ only guides. Guides which were made BY THE COMMUNITY. Which are foolproof.*somewhat* for both PvP and PvE,leveling OR proffesions. Altho for proffesions I'll always prefer the wow-proffesion guides which pop up on google.

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Post Posted: 21-07-2016, 11:21:05 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

boschetaru77 wrote:
Let me ask you this
How many years of wow have you played to know to level in 2-3 hours 85-90?
How did you know where to find 372-408 green items vendor?
How do you know to find those elites that are almost imposible to kill solo?
Have you recently inspected a fresh lvl 90 to see that he uses 429 world drops combined with cata gear blues 300-346ilvl that does not even know to use ah?
Have you just talked to some stranger because he\she asked if u got skype to help him\her level and explain talents abilities rotation and so on , did you notice his\her voice he\she is not above 16 years and he\she loves this game and he\she does not even know how to join a bg or dungeon , when you meet him\her was doing -10k dps and after you explained him\her a few things now is doing 40k+ after a dungeon

all you do is critic i can do that to look here ( there are world drops that are picked up from objects that give bind on account weapons like THIS. )

i repeat this is not about you its about the guy\girl that does not know how to do those things

Please learn to read and take a positive feedback unlike calling us critics we are part of the people that care for the server and want it to be good. The fact is we play wow here on freakz for free and you people want custom things but want other things to work as intended. Google things and learn from reading , nothing happens in one day you should be happy that the leveling areas are actually working fine. People on freakz have leveled before without the boxes too. Also ILL SAY IT AGAIN BOXES ARENT WORTH IT IN 85-90 PHASE BECAUSE WE HAVE SCRIPTED RDF WHICH DROPS 450ilvl GEAR. SO GIVING THE SAME GEAR FOR FREE ISN'T WORTH IT.
If you real like the game invest time in it and have fun.
Also take the same time you take make QQ post like these to actually learn ways to level/gear/make gold/proofs through google.

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Post Posted: 21-07-2016, 11:41:30 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

There is no plan to introduce Levelling chests to Pandaria content level 85-90. Since many features were implemented recently such as personal loot and bonus loot in raids, world bosses , Raid finder and Flex raids & timeless isle which help players gear up faster.

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