
[REJECTED] Auction house fee bug.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 20-06-2016, 11:42:00 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Normal auction houses (like the one found in Stormwind and Shrine of Seven Stars) should take a 5% fee on items that sell, and neutral ones should take 15%.
So, lets say the initial fee for setting up an item is 9 gold, and you're selling it for 10k, the following should happen:
- You put it up in a normal auction house for your faction, it sells, you should get 9509 gold in the mail after all the fees are applied (the auction house cut, and the returned initial fee).
- You put it up in a neutral auction house, it sells, you should get 8509 gold in the mail after all the fees are applied.
However, on freakz, the auction house always takes a 15% cut, regardless of where you have put your item up.

I do understand that this might be intentional, for whatever reason (intended as a gold sink, or maybe to encourage players to trade (though this wouldn't be a good idea, given the amount of trade scammers...)), but in case this is unintentionally like this, it should be fixed.
I have not provided any screenshot proofs, as this is very easy to actually test. Even with screenshots, you'd have to test it yourselves, anyway, so I didn't bother making any, instead just explained.
I also apologize for my post not being in the proper form, but I couldn't find a way to really fit it in the default form, I hope this will still be read and dealt with. Thank you!

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 08-07-2016, 09:39:24 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

This is not a bug. It works as intended.
All auction houses in the game are similar to those in the contested cities (neutral if you prefer).
Because of larger interaction with players of the opposite faction. So, regardless where you put your items for sale, will be seen by all players from both factions.
This is possible only in neutral auction houses, so all the auction houses in the game are of that type. All take a 15% fee.

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Post Posted: 08-07-2016, 13:57:20 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

This change is intended, and there's nothing more to add to what Moon said above.

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