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Post Posted: 29-03-2012, 13:27:48 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I wanna know when we will get working anti-hack mechanism? I'm sick of all hackers here. People running while stunned, casting spells while mounted, pots and food in arenas, mages blinking into the walls and attacking you from there etc. When will we get some descent working anti hack mechanism? It's getting unplayable like this.

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Post Posted: 29-03-2012, 16:37:00 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Agree. I see many hackers nowadays. Even more than before
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Post Posted: 29-03-2012, 17:15:05 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I saw quite a few speedhackers in BGs at horde side :/
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Post Posted: 29-03-2012, 21:21:38 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Casting spells while mounted or stunned aren't hackable things. Those are server-side bugs. Pots in arena? Also not hackable, idk what you're talking about. Food in arena? Yes, mages can make that.

I mean, I hate speed and flyhack just as much as everyone else does. But you sound to me like you don't actually know what you're talking about.

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Post Posted: 29-03-2012, 22:26:03 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

schaka wrote:
Casting spells while mounted or stunned aren't hackable things. Those are server-side bugs. Pots in arena? Also not hackable, idk what you're talking about. Food in arena? Yes, mages can make that.

I mean, I hate speed and flyhack just as much as everyone else does. But you sound to me like you don't actually know what you're talking about.

I'm kinda "forced" to agree with you.

I belive such things happen when alleged "hacker" is actually lagging. I myself see ppl "teleporting" from place to place on battlegrounds or moving corpses after I, or someone else kills an player, and that happens because of lags on these people side (caused by server or these people's network).

As for speedhacking/flyhacking etc., only solution is to "hire" new GM's (Yes I know there's already new ones, but they're either not active very often or they're keeping tidness on romanian realms instead of on Exodus). In my opinion new GM's shouldn't be just romanians but they should come from any other countries with different time-zones so they can be active (just on Exodus) more often. I don't speak for myself, but some ppl have to be ONLINE at very late hours to be serviced by an GameMaster, because there's rarely any GM online on Exodus and that's also why certain people can use all kind of hacks ANYWHERE (Battleground for example), at ANY TIME without getting punished.

Also you (staff) have to consider restrictions about multiboxing (Dietrying if you read this please don't feel offended, but you're still *** for me), because from what I've observed Freakz is the only private server WITHOUT ANY RESTRICTIONS regarding multiboxing. I understand that you want to keep the server BLIZZLIKE, and multiboxing is allowed on retail, but that's only because an multiboxer have to pay for ALL the account he posses monthly. I guess our famous multiboxer have donated (maybe not just once), but is it really an excuse? As the name suggests it's DONATION, not payment so you don't owe anything to donators.

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Post Posted: 30-03-2012, 00:27:16 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Wtfhaxx wrote:
Also you (staff) have to consider restrictions about multiboxing (Dietrying if you read this please don't feel offended, but you're still *** for me),

Another q_q post about multiboxing.
Reading similar posts forces me to smile again and again -
I suggest you read my signature...

Wtfhaxx wrote:
because from what I've observed Freakz is the only private server WITHOUT ANY RESTRICTIONS regarding multiboxing.

You played on WOW private servers a little, or you intentionally try to mislead Freakz stuff.

There is one private server with huge community, donations and e.t.c.
I won't post post name of that server here, to avoid advertizing, but i'am sure that Freakz stuff understand which server I mean.

Cutting from rules of that server:
"our position on the matter assumes that whatever is "legal" on Retail Warcraft will remain "legal" here, effectively making it "legal" to multibox.
Multi boxing is in no way something that happens automatically. So it is in no way against the rules. The actions that the the other characters do are defined by the player playing them."

On most popular WOW private server's (i don't take in attention bad servers) there is no restrictions for multibox.

Wtfhaxx wrote:
I understand that you want to keep the server BLIZZLIKE,

All already understood that you try to implore for a ban on multiboxing, but in a different way.

Wtfhaxx wrote:
and multiboxing is allowed on retail, but that's only because an multiboxer have to pay for ALL the account he posses monthly. I guess our famous multiboxer have donated (maybe not just once), but is it really an excuse? As the name suggests it's DONATION, not payment so you don't owe anything to donators.

Multibox and DONATIONS are different things. If you don't have time (or maybe you are too lazy...) you start to spend your money for DONATIONS.
If multiboxer has no time to gear up all his characters, he can make much more donations than the person playing with single character.
Because it's really difficult to gear up all toons together.

Multibox are allowed on most private servers and its free. Everyone can start multibox with any amount of characters for free and buy gear for them later, making DONATIONS.
If you have many PC's, you can start multiboxing without problem'sю.

Anyways, multiboxing helps to raise server population on any server. On some private servers, multiboxer's help GM with events.
Personally I conduct small events near Stormwind. It introduces World PvP in game. Alliance always wins =P

I talked to some people here and i was able to interest some of my game style. I continue to receive PM messages like "how you do that?" or "you @#@%$ hacker" which means that most players don not understand what is multiboxing and i always trying to explain them how it works (if they are adjusted friendly)
I am not going to do from this a secret. And i try to draw attention of people to multiboxing, because its fun.

I managed to involve one player in my guild. He level up his character's now. Maybe he will do some DONATIONS later, who knows...
But i don't think that players will begin to pay the money for possibility to multibox their character's.
Because as i wrote above, multibox are free on most popular WOW private server's , without any restrictions.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 30-03-2012, 05:51:54 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Usually I agree with you and I don't have any problems with you nor with your shamans.
But saying "Anyways, multiboxing helps to raise server population on any server" is just not true.
I mean everytime when I join a BG and you are there on the horde side people from alliance will leave as soon as they see you. Some days ago on EOtS we had -6 people because of you.
Now again, don't take it wrong because I don't care if you are there or not.

PS: Probably I will PM you on horde side soon ;D

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Post Posted: 30-03-2012, 08:15:16 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

"Anyways, multiboxing helps to raise server population on any server" LOL, are you serious ? not for Freakz anymore.
you join WSG with your 10 shaman and waiting near your flag room, yeah everyone enjoyed ...
you just broke server population stability, thats it.

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Post Posted: 30-03-2012, 15:28:07 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Antihack = LAG.

It was implemented long time ago and we had issues because of the high population. I guess its not that easy to make a lot of scripts on a high populated server.

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Post Posted: 30-03-2012, 19:57:32 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Well, I guess you got offended after all... Apologies, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.

You must laugh your *** off seeing all those raging people, I know that feeling well. But still...
Try looking at it from perspective of other players, They're playing fair with ONE of their characters, and they're facing ONE player with "power" of TEN. That's ruining all the fun of playing. A game should be a challenge (that can be faced). I guess there's no challenge for you while you're multiboxing, so I'm curious how you enjoy the game if you put "makign ppl rage" aside.

Also, You're using 3rd party program for multiboxing, wich helps you get an unfair advantage over other players. An Flyhack/Speedhack software is also a 3rd party program, and effect of using it is same: you're getting unfair advantage. In conclusion, if we're allowed to use 3rd party programs, like multibox for example, then why we're not allowed to use speedhack/flyhack?

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Post Posted: 31-03-2012, 04:50:04 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Wtfhaxx wrote:
Also, You're using 3rd party program for multiboxing,

Using one keyboard to send signals to multiple instances of WoW are not automation.
All hardware is considered neutral as long as its commands and features are not being used to automate gameplay.
Unlike the forms of botting, multi-boxing requires user input and does not automate any aspect of gameplay. Each time an action is performed it is controlled by a real player sitting at their computer controlling multiple accounts.

GM Quotes - Multiboxing vs Automation:

Wtfhaxx wrote:
wich helps you get an unfair advantage over other players.

With my 10 shamans, i have an advantage only against 1-5 players, but seven players can easily beat them.

Wtfhaxx wrote:
An Flyhack/Speedhack software is also a 3rd party program, and effect of using it is same: you're getting unfair advantage. In conclusion, if we're allowed to use 3rd party programs, like multibox for example, then why we're not allowed to use speedhack/flyhack?

This is completely different things.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 31-03-2012, 14:31:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Dietrying wrote:
Wtfhaxx wrote:
Also, You're using 3rd party program for multiboxing,

Using one keyboard to send signals to multiple instances of WoW are not automation.
All hardware is considered neutral as long as its commands and features are not being used to automate gameplay.
Unlike the forms of botting, multi-boxing requires user input and does not automate any aspect of gameplay. Each time an action is performed it is controlled by a real player sitting at their computer controlling multiple accounts.

GM Quotes - Multiboxing vs Automation:

Wtfhaxx wrote:
wich helps you get an unfair advantage over other players.

With my 10 shamans, i have an advantage only against 1-5 players, but seven players can easily beat them.

Wtfhaxx wrote:
An Flyhack/Speedhack software is also a 3rd party program, and effect of using it is same: you're getting unfair advantage. In conclusion, if we're allowed to use 3rd party programs, like multibox for example, then why we're not allowed to use speedhack/flyhack?

This is completely different things.

How is that "unfair advantage"? U mean same as when 5 players gank you, they have unfair advantage over you because they are 5? How is 1 person controlling 5 chars unfair advantage over 5 players control 1 char each? Imo alliance get more advantage when he is in BG cause he just fight somewhere not capping flags and so.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 31-03-2012, 14:47:11 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Well 5 persons ganking one is not unfair in that way since you could just ask your friend to come help you out. Maybe you need to wait for them to log so your gone be in the disadvantage then for sure but thats the game, and ganking is in world PvP so you can still get away without having to deal with the gankers.

But As multiboxer you don't call out for friends to come help you you just stupidly login 9 other toons and your ganking others that way + your doing it in BG's as well wich makes it even more bad since you skew up the timer persons spend ingame for FUN.

So ya It can be seen as an unfaire advantage above others since you are using a 3th party software to make it work.

If your way is not an unfaire advantage don't use 3th party software to do it. use 10PC's whatever and click it individually as everyone els does it. And then you will not have an advantage above others. You may have some ingame friends too then instead of your other 9 chars. just some advice man.

See ya

If you never fail, you're not trying hard enough!

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 31-03-2012, 15:45:49 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Ye thats advantage part, but which part is unfair to person playing 5 chars compared to 5 players playing 1 char. Even in BG him playing 10 chars vs 10 players, how is that "unfair" advantage?
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Post Posted: 31-03-2012, 19:20:51 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

What's unfair is that he's just a one player, one person. He has "power" of 10 players just as one player vs other players with "power" of their one character.

It's like putting a tiger and a rabbit into a cage to fight. To defeat him you have to find his weakness (kill the main shaman or something), and to defeat you he don't have to do much, he will cast on you wolves wich will hunt you down, or 1shot with instant 10x Stormstrike + WF proc...
Almost every time when I'm on BG and Dietrying is there as well, people from my group run, yelling at others to run when they see that "Wave" of shamans coming for them. Rarely some brave "heroes" are rushing at him, but it's only matter of seconds before they'll be waiting for respawn.

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