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Post Posted: 06-04-2012, 22:12:37 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

kotence wrote:
Maxipad wrote:
No emulator can handle 5000 players without having lots of lag, dc´s or other issues.
~1000 players is the most optimal amount of connections without affecting server stability.
Maybe it possible to make a some sort of battlegroup where players from all realms are able to compete each other. I am not sure its doable but i think there might be a some sort of solution.

Yeah you are right ! I know that on retail when you que bg and arena it joins players from all realms which I've never seen on private server . If this men who made that server who i think are genius make something like that in the nearest future it will be great for us players and server will become unique and more players will join this community. but still i think 3 th realm is not needed.

Early Ascent on 2.4.3 had the option to make people from different realms play together. However this won't work if a different realm is also on a different machine.
The problem here is, that the whole Battleground/Arena would have to be on a different server. Which means the world that you usually are in is the realm you connect to that has 2500 people on it, but as soon as you join a BG, it connects your client to a completely different machine that is ONLY able to run battlegrounds.

I know some people from Tinity were working on this a while ago (like 8 months?), but nothing ever came from it. It'd need a bigger team of developers and a lot of hardware resources that I doubt Freakz (or any other server for that matter) has available. However, it is something for private servers to look forward to and I believe it is possible and will be developed in the far future.
After all, no one believed that movemaps would ever be possibly integrated on private servers. And yet the movemaps project by trinity/mangos is now used by some very blizzlike servers with high to very high population. However, not on the latest patch(es).

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Post Posted: 07-04-2012, 18:45:49 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Schaka is correct - The reason why official servers can handle so many players isn't only because of the godlike hosting power and well-optimized code - It's also because all instanced areas are being load-balanced between a number of machines. It was not uncommon in Vanilla to get disconnected when you enter a newly-opened instance (Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, for example), only to log in in your hearthstone inn, because the instance server was overcrowded.

- Rhapsody [Exodus]
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Post Posted: 11-04-2012, 06:06:46 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Maby make sms donete wher ather can doneite from ather contry too..

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Post Posted: 11-04-2012, 14:31:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

hipijs29 wrote:
Maby make sms donete wher ather can doneite from ather contry too..

Unfortunately this is almost impossible and non-productive because most of the phone companies charge lots of taxes and the Freakz income is low.
If you still want to donate from other country, you can easily pay via PayPal. All you need is a credit/debit card or a bank account and a PayPal account.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 11-04-2012, 14:39:08 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

hah i have it (debit card and bank accont) but i can't if i wan't to complite register to platpal i need to go to bank and accept it so ther will go more money out -. If you mail me i can show you one WoW wich use some useful things...

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Post Posted: 11-04-2012, 17:08:52 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

vrazvan wrote:
hipijs29 wrote:
Maby make sms donete wher ather can doneite from ather contry too..

Unfortunately this is almost impossible and non-productive because most of the phone companies charge lots of taxes and the Freakz income is low.
If you still want to donate from other country, you can easily pay via PayPal. All you need is a credit/debit card or a bank account and a PayPal account.

Just read this, and may I offer a suggestion:
If you want more income from donations, there are multiple ways to do this:

Firstly, one very possible way may be to reduce the price of donated items.

I am going to break this down to a very very basic level.

- Firstly, we can establish that items provides the incentives for donating.
- Items however, are very demand elastic, that means the demand of the consumers (players) will likely be very sensitive to a change in price.
- Players don't NEED Heroic items. Its nice to have, but more of a luxury item. I am not saying make it 1 dollar per item, but if you make it cheaper, maybe people will donate more.

To maximise your income, you basically need to find the optimal point where your players are willing to pay,

We first establish that:

Total Revenue = Price x Quantity Sold

-As of right now, items are very expensive for your targeted players, which are mostly central + eastern European players. if one pixelated item costs more than 10% of my income, then I really don't want to pay for it. That's obvious. So we have a figurative High Price, and Low Quantity Sold.
Personally, i have played on multiple servers before, and the items here are more expensive compared to those servers.

Since we established that the demand is elastic, in reduction in price would result in a more than proportional rise in donations made. Therefore a small reduction in price say 10%, may result in a lets say, 20% increase in Quantity Sold.

say TR was 10x10=100 (assuming price and quantity was 10 each) TR would be, at this stage, 9x12 = 108, resulting in a 8% increase in revenue.

One way of finding where the maximum level of income will be to do the following:

- For 1-2 weeks, (say New Year, Christmas, your Birthday, whatever.) introduce a N% increase in donation points received from every dollar donated. And reward those who have already donated previous year/month.

- Why reward those who donated? firstly, you encourage people in general to donate more, secondly these players are more open to donating, so a reward system for donating before will also increase your sales.

- You can start off with 10%, so 10% reduction in price per donation point. See how much income you get as a result. Do the maths, find out the elasticity of items. And price your donation points/ dollar appropriately.

Secondly, change the currency players donate in.

-Your player base is mostly European. Why is the dollar preferred currency to donate in.

-The dollar is appreciating and will continue to appreciate in the future as the American economy recovers., most of your players are paid in Euros, it just seems to me that if you base the donations in Euros, you will get more stability and income.

-Also, as dollars appreciate, 1 dollar buys more Euro, you are going to get more Americans donating too, as their currency now has higher purchasing power.

Thirdly, make it easier to donate

- increase the no. of ways to donate

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 11-04-2012, 21:33:39 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

so true in Latvia normal ppl income is abaut 600$ and 1/3 for donete... i can say only "no way"

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Post Posted: 13-04-2012, 05:03:29 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I suggest adding some titles as either donation or vote rewards, mostly the ones that you can only get through Feats of Strength, such as the classic PvP ranks or some of WotLK's realm first raid boss defeats

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Post Posted: 13-04-2012, 06:33:45 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

mistermano wrote:
I suggest adding some titles as either donation or vote rewards, mostly the ones that you can only get through Feats of Strength, such as the classic PvP ranks or some of WotLK's realm first raid boss defeats

They are available as donation rewards.

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Post Posted: 19-04-2012, 13:02:05 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

The most sought-after feature is transmogrification. I think someone said this before, I bet it was in russian tho, so I couldn t read it...

Either way: Transmogrification puts a lot of originality in the game and it keeps players occupied and entertained for a way longer period of time than fixing any other boss or arena; for most players it is far more tempting than anything else. If other private servers on wotlk patch managed to do it, I think devs of this server are able to do so as well.

Safe to say this since vanilla long awaited feature would attract a lot of players, not only because it d be working, but because it would be working on a well scripted server that is running better than log-in-log-out way, unlike the other 4.3 servers that have transmog and that s about it...

Also, it might boost voting a bit, since you need to own the item you are transmogrifying into and many of the old items were removed, or are a bit harder to reach and obtain.

Last edited by ZickZak on 20-04-2012, 14:58:07; edited 2 times in total
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Post Posted: 19-04-2012, 13:51:07 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

That is only available in patch 4.3 you epic noob *don't wry, I know him.

We need more GMs on Exodus, that's for sure. Perhaps host a GM recruiting thread and interview potential candidates on vent etc.?

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Post Posted: 19-04-2012, 17:01:30 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Repentance wrote:
That is only available in patch 4.3 you epic noob *don't wry, I know him.

We need more GMs on Exodus, that's for sure. Perhaps host a GM recruiting thread and interview potential candidates on vent etc.?

I'm there almost my entire free time. Please let us know what problems are you experiencing so we will know what to improve. Letting us know that we need more GM's is something general and couldn't improve anything if we don't know what the issue is.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 19-04-2012, 18:28:22 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Repentance wrote:
That is only available in patch 4.3 you epic noob

No, really? That s completely new informa.........enchanting anecdote, kinsman the ginger. /tripplefacepalm

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Post Posted: 19-04-2012, 20:56:18 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

wow Freakz TS3 ???
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 20-04-2012, 17:37:44 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

vrazvan wrote:
Repentance wrote:
That is only available in patch 4.3 you epic noob *don't wry, I know him.

We need more GMs on Exodus, that's for sure. Perhaps host a GM recruiting thread and interview potential candidates on vent etc.?

I'm there almost my entire free time. Please let us know what problems are you experiencing so we will know what to improve. Letting us know that we need more GM's is something general and couldn't improve anything if we don't know what the issue is.

Perhaps its just my timezone then, but about 70% of the time when I check gm ingame there are none. Since we deal with speedhackers ingame, I thought it may be a good idea to ensure that there would be at least one GM on at each time. There are no specific issues as such.

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