
Freakz vs Molten
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 09-05-2012, 15:57:59 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

spartan123 wrote:
While I couldnt enter exodus, i made a char and played on molten. it is simple, purely stupid to compare them.

ms isnt droping below 250 and there is constant delay, ALLWAYS.
Everething bugged to hell, hard to level up since most quests dont work. its pure shit, plz dont compare best cata server with molten.

They just need to fix a little on exodus (bring more ppl in) and its amazing.

250ms is normal lol, I played here with it before and their servers are in USA, Warthong is EU. so get better internet or that server isnt for you. Id rather play on stable and non-laggy USA servers than lagging, crashing and rollbacking servers and 2 month downtime + nothing get fixed. Buy urself a pair of glasses and log on Exodus to see what really Lagg and DC's on exodus for 2 months. You only make urself look bad when u say that 30k players on Molten wow dont enjoy it. THey got many things right and thats why they succeed. I wanted to see it here too but i guess it wont be happenin. My guildie mate Keox leveling a shaman there and he says they got more quests working but they dont make them autocomplete like it is here and autocomplete = bugged, just tank and spank in quest-mode. At this point Freakz is more bugged than Molten wow and that is a shame I wish staff give us update on when all this shit gonna be fixed and we will at least have a server to play on. 70% of Exodus pop are Romanian players, nobody gave shit about players from other countriesr :(

Posturi unite automat, 09-05-2012, 16:57:59

Aitu wrote:
saying Exodus is dead is pure bs. I constantly see 900+ online at the times i connect, which is actually and almost the same amount back when me and my guild moved here.

EDIT: Right now its 500 and not even evening when the most are online...and 1 realmlist is down now i go figure.

And why does Molten have to close 2 realms? Why do they open heroics suddenly? Why do they release so many bosses so fast?
The only answer i come up with is, they are loosing a shitload of players.

And people celebrating a omnotron normal kill, saying it was harder then retail heroic while the boss had 6million HP + all the stacking just... /facepalm

The only reason why they have way more players is because they are and always were a international server and they are better with advertising and selling themselves as the 'best server'. They only show you what they want you to see. You won't find anything bad about molten on their forums or facebook. They turn the things till they sound good and benefit them. For example if they get a DDos, 1 Day later attackers stop, Molten has it big on their Main page "DDoS has been successfully mitigated with our super duper protection, our competition can't stop us -Molten remains on the top-"

If mitigating a very powerful DDoS attack would be so easy, why do many big companys that get this kind of attack, get their services cut off for hours or even days as well?

Once the attackers stop cause they see we won't let loose or once the attack itself gets mitigated, everything will be back to normal and those that left will maybe even move back, who knows.
If not, who cares. The server won't become worse because they lost a few players, and eventually more will even come when they realize that this is the best server out there right now.

I know it sucks to play with those huge lag spikes, WHEN they happen. But its way better then everywhere else, after everything is back to normal.

There are 3 options:
- You play with them and hope it gets better
- You do something else in the meantime
- You move somewhere else

Sorry Aitu but you are wrong, we lost much more players then they did

Players: 1386 (Record: 2818)

EVOLUTION Players: 623 (Record: 1368)
All pservers lose players\

EXODUS (dont tell me that our little server got 2 month attacked pls)
Players: 546 (Record: 1165)

We lost more then 80% of players dude, get real. Looks like their scripts are more Blizzlike and more difficult thats why people celebrate kills, more players and less faceroll. Here HKP instakills bosses when theyre released and then they get farmed. I dont see Molten wow advertising themselves, they actually said they dont want more players and closed their population for last few months, not "peak players 2818" that we tell which isnt true. Tell me, do you really think Exodus got attacked for 2 months?! Come on pls. Did Shocker also get attacked and there wasnt ANYTHING fixed for 2 months?! They are sitting and banning IPs of flood for 2 months?! I dont think any private server gets attacked. Longest DOS attack in History lasted 18 days against antivirus company in 2010.

Molten wow gets DOS attacks for last couple of years and they give LIVE update on website and information about DOS, ive proberly seen about 10 attacks they were working on, some took 1 hour some took 2-3 days afaik. DOS protection services cost like 1500$ and dont tell me we dont have enough money from donations to install it. The tricky advertisement is actuelly here when server has some real unknown problems and instead of saying truth, they tell us that we get attacked by Molten wow. Guess what, Molten wow doesnt even KNOW about us, and I dont give a *** abotu them. Get real, there was never any DOS attack, its a lie and a myth. If we dont accept ciritcisizm we will die in a month completely and staff doesnt tell us TRUTH about server problems, few ppl are left and few ppl care anymore.

Lag, DC's, offlines and proxys2 months, lies, im tired. I will probably take a break from wow at this point or play Diablo 3 and screw this game

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 09-05-2012, 16:11:42 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


Now go back to where you came from you *** retarded kid. I hate people like you who talk from their *** with absolutely NOTHING to say. If you have no *** clue what you are talking about, just kindly *** off. A serious DDoS protection isn't that cheap and you have to remind yourself we're talking about Romania here, not the US. I doubt Shocker even makes enough money from Donations to properly pay for all 3 servers. I have seen barely any people with donation items and I'm guessing Shocker mostly pays out of his own pocket.

Also the staff never said Molten is attacking us. You did. Just go play on that shitty server if you think it is so much better. That is exactly what I don't get. You say Molten is better, yet you will take a break from WoW because ONE realm on Freakz is down? You make less sense than 5 year old.

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[Been Cursed]

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Post Posted: 09-05-2012, 16:28:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

seriously? more blizzlike? get your head out of your *** next time you will write on these forums.

Setemotion - Goin Hard***
Setemotion's box of EDM goodies
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 09-05-2012, 16:52:54 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

honduz wrote:
spartan123 wrote:
While I couldnt enter exodus, i made a char and played on molten. it is simple, purely stupid to compare them.

ms isnt droping below 250 and there is constant delay, ALLWAYS.
Everething bugged to hell, hard to level up since most quests dont work. its pure shit, plz dont compare best cata server with molten.

They just need to fix a little on exodus (bring more ppl in) and its amazing.

250ms is normal lol, I played here with it before and their servers are in USA, Warthong is EU. so get better internet or that server isnt for you. Id rather play on stable and non-laggy USA servers than lagging, crashing and rollbacking servers and 2 month downtime + nothing get fixed. Buy urself a pair of glasses and log on Exodus to see what really Lagg and DC's on exodus for 2 months. You only make urself look bad when u say that 30k players on Molten wow dont enjoy it. THey got many things right and thats why they succeed. I wanted to see it here too but i guess it wont be happenin. My guildie mate Keox leveling a shaman there and he says they got more quests working but they dont make them autocomplete like it is here and autocomplete = bugged, just tank and spank in quest-mode. At this point Freakz is more bugged than Molten wow and that is a shame I wish staff give us update on when all this shit gonna be fixed and we will at least have a server to play on. 70% of Exodus pop are Romanian players, nobody gave shit about players from other countriesr -

Posturi unite automat, 09-05-2012, 16:57:59

Aitu wrote:
saying Exodus is dead is pure bs. I constantly see 900+ online at the times i connect, which is actually and almost the same amount back when me and my guild moved here.

EDIT: Right now its 500 and not even evening when the most are online...and 1 realmlist is down now i go figure.

And why does Molten have to close 2 realms? Why do they open heroics suddenly? Why do they release so many bosses so fast?
The only answer i come up with is, they are loosing a shitload of players.

And people celebrating a omnotron normal kill, saying it was harder then retail heroic while the boss had 6million HP + all the stacking just... /facepalm

The only reason why they have way more players is because they are and always were a international server and they are better with advertising and selling themselves as the 'best server'. They only show you what they want you to see. You won't find anything bad about molten on their forums or facebook. They turn the things till they sound good and benefit them. For example if they get a DDos, 1 Day later attackers stop, Molten has it big on their Main page "DDoS has been successfully mitigated with our super duper protection, our competition can't stop us -Molten remains on the top-"

If mitigating a very powerful DDoS attack would be so easy, why do many big companys that get this kind of attack, get their services cut off for hours or even days as well?

Once the attackers stop cause they see we won't let loose or once the attack itself gets mitigated, everything will be back to normal and those that left will maybe even move back, who knows.
If not, who cares. The server won't become worse because they lost a few players, and eventually more will even come when they realize that this is the best server out there right now.

I know it sucks to play with those huge lag spikes, WHEN they happen. But its way better then everywhere else, after everything is back to normal.

There are 3 options:
- You play with them and hope it gets better
- You do something else in the meantime
- You move somewhere else

Sorry Aitu but you are wrong, we lost much more players then they did

Players: 1386 (Record: 2818)

EVOLUTION Players: 623 (Record: 1368)
All pservers lose players\

EXODUS (dont tell me that our little server got 2 month attacked pls)
Players: 546 (Record: 1165)

We lost more then 80% of players dude, get real. Looks like their scripts are more Blizzlike and more difficult thats why people celebrate kills, more players and less faceroll. Here HKP instakills bosses when theyre released and then they get farmed. I dont see Molten wow advertising themselves, they actually said they dont want more players and closed their population for last few months, not "peak players 2818" that we tell which isnt true. Tell me, do you really think Exodus got attacked for 2 months?! Come on pls. Did Shocker also get attacked and there wasnt ANYTHING fixed for 2 months?! They are sitting and banning IPs of flood for 2 months?! I dont think any private server gets attacked. Longest DOS attack in History lasted 18 days against antivirus company in 2010.

Molten wow gets DOS attacks for last couple of years and they give LIVE update on website and information about DOS, ive proberly seen about 10 attacks they were working on, some took 1 hour some took 2-3 days afaik. DOS protection services cost like 1500$ and dont tell me we dont have enough money from donations to install it. The tricky advertisement is actuelly here when server has some real unknown problems and instead of saying truth, they tell us that we get attacked by Molten wow. Guess what, Molten wow doesnt even KNOW about us, and I dont give a *** abotu them. Get real, there was never any DOS attack, its a lie and a myth. If we dont accept ciritcisizm we will die in a month completely and staff doesnt tell us TRUTH about server problems, few ppl are left and few ppl care anymore.

Lag, DC's, offlines and proxys2 months, lies, im tired. I will probably take a break from wow at this point or play Diablo 3 and screw this game

trololol....can't tell if serious or trolling.


Ignorance in this post is too damn high

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 09-05-2012, 17:12:03 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

honduz wrote:
spartan123 wrote:
While I couldnt enter exodus, i made a char and played on molten. it is simple, purely stupid to compare them.

ms isnt droping below 250 and there is constant delay, ALLWAYS.
Everething bugged to hell, hard to level up since most quests dont work. its pure shit, plz dont compare best cata server with molten.

They just need to fix a little on exodus (bring more ppl in) and its amazing.

250ms is normal lol, I played here with it before and their servers are in USA, Warthong is EU. so get better internet or that server isnt for you. Id rather play on stable and non-laggy USA servers than lagging, crashing and rollbacking servers and 2 month downtime + nothing get fixed. Buy urself a pair of glasses and log on Exodus to see what really Lagg and DC's on exodus for 2 months. You only make urself look bad when u say that 30k players on Molten wow dont enjoy it. THey got many things right and thats why they succeed. I wanted to see it here too but i guess it wont be happenin. My guildie mate Keox leveling a shaman there and he says they got more quests working but they dont make them autocomplete like it is here and autocomplete = bugged, just tank and spank in quest-mode. At this point Freakz is more bugged than Molten wow and that is a shame I wish staff give us update on when all this shit gonna be fixed and we will at least have a server to play on. 70% of Exodus pop are Romanian players, nobody gave shit about players from other countriesr -

Posturi unite automat, 09-05-2012, 16:57:59

Aitu wrote:
saying Exodus is dead is pure bs. I constantly see 900+ online at the times i connect, which is actually and almost the same amount back when me and my guild moved here.

EDIT: Right now its 500 and not even evening when the most are online...and 1 realmlist is down now i go figure.

And why does Molten have to close 2 realms? Why do they open heroics suddenly? Why do they release so many bosses so fast?
The only answer i come up with is, they are loosing a shitload of players.

And people celebrating a omnotron normal kill, saying it was harder then retail heroic while the boss had 6million HP + all the stacking just... /facepalm

The only reason why they have way more players is because they are and always were a international server and they are better with advertising and selling themselves as the 'best server'. They only show you what they want you to see. You won't find anything bad about molten on their forums or facebook. They turn the things till they sound good and benefit them. For example if they get a DDos, 1 Day later attackers stop, Molten has it big on their Main page "DDoS has been successfully mitigated with our super duper protection, our competition can't stop us -Molten remains on the top-"

If mitigating a very powerful DDoS attack would be so easy, why do many big companys that get this kind of attack, get their services cut off for hours or even days as well?

Once the attackers stop cause they see we won't let loose or once the attack itself gets mitigated, everything will be back to normal and those that left will maybe even move back, who knows.
If not, who cares. The server won't become worse because they lost a few players, and eventually more will even come when they realize that this is the best server out there right now.

I know it sucks to play with those huge lag spikes, WHEN they happen. But its way better then everywhere else, after everything is back to normal.

There are 3 options:
- You play with them and hope it gets better
- You do something else in the meantime
- You move somewhere else

Sorry Aitu but you are wrong, we lost much more players then they did

Players: 1386 (Record: 2818)

EVOLUTION Players: 623 (Record: 1368)
All pservers lose players\

EXODUS (dont tell me that our little server got 2 month attacked pls)
Players: 546 (Record: 1165)

We lost more then 80% of players dude, get real. Looks like their scripts are more Blizzlike and more difficult thats why people celebrate kills, more players and less faceroll. Here HKP instakills bosses when theyre released and then they get farmed. I dont see Molten wow advertising themselves, they actually said they dont want more players and closed their population for last few months, not "peak players 2818" that we tell which isnt true. Tell me, do you really think Exodus got attacked for 2 months?! Come on pls. Did Shocker also get attacked and there wasnt ANYTHING fixed for 2 months?! They are sitting and banning IPs of flood for 2 months?! I dont think any private server gets attacked. Longest DOS attack in History lasted 18 days against antivirus company in 2010.

Molten wow gets DOS attacks for last couple of years and they give LIVE update on website and information about DOS, ive proberly seen about 10 attacks they were working on, some took 1 hour some took 2-3 days afaik. DOS protection services cost like 1500$ and dont tell me we dont have enough money from donations to install it. The tricky advertisement is actuelly here when server has some real unknown problems and instead of saying truth, they tell us that we get attacked by Molten wow. Guess what, Molten wow doesnt even KNOW about us, and I dont give a *** abotu them. Get real, there was never any DOS attack, its a lie and a myth. If we dont accept ciritcisizm we will die in a month completely and staff doesnt tell us TRUTH about server problems, few ppl are left and few ppl care anymore.

Lag, DC's, offlines and proxys2 months, lies, im tired. I will probably take a break from wow at this point or play Diablo 3 and screw this game are so *** stupid, not sure are you serius at all ?

wow freakz my ms is 70
wow arena tournament my ms is 70-90
molten wow ms is 200 - 300

it has 1 sec delay.
Also, more quests working then here ? You forgot to mention that your friend is mentaly retarded. Molten wow is bullshit, so go there when u like it more then freakz.

Why are you here at all ? go to molten, no one will miss you. but I know soon ull be back with another acc and name. retard.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 09-05-2012, 17:20:12 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Back in the days i was one of the happy people that though Molten was the best private server. I knew that all scripts they release are full of crap, with numerous bugs and non-balanced classes but i never considered that there would be a better private server only because Molten population keeps growing and growing... and i was thinking why the hell will people keep coming here if it's not the best server.....

Oh well Dear past Me... you were an IDIOT. I've stated before my experience with Molten server so i'll skip cuz I'm pretty sure every one here with IQ more then 70 (some people here prolly don't have 50) know that there's no comparison between Freakz and Molten.

I'd like to ask what do you find challenging in Molten when all classes are bugged as hell. All of them are making double or even triple the dps they should be doing.

What's the challenging when every single boss in BWD has at least 2 or more MAJOR bugs that completely change the game play,make all tactics useless and most of the time BORING!?

Yes, Molten posts live updates when they have problems... but i'll tell you a little secret. More then half of those live updates are FAKE.
Yes, Molten have huge team of developers, all of them are on salary and still they have less skills then a 2nd year college kid with average skills in programming. So they might have the big staff,but QUALITY IS ALWAYS ABOVE QUANTITY ...

I'm not even going to talk about the working quests, zones or endless world bugs that they have . . . If you're so blind to think otherwise ... feel free to leave our server. But you can be sure,that with the fake change logs that Molten is releasing, sooner or later they'll be the one losing people.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 09-05-2012, 17:41:38 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Setemotion wrote:
seriously? more blizzlike? get your head out of your *** next time you will write on these forums.

It's his opinion, why do you criticise in a way like this?
Or did you want to add "mannered Staff" to Moltens' Pro list?

And for all the ppl that say that Shocker isn't a money whore, that he can't access the servers, that he doesn't have money to pay the protection and that he's basically a God 2.0...
Where's the 150k protection hardware? Not even close to Romania. Yet, according to the Staff, "it's being set up and tested at the moment". BTS telecom, your host, has a different opinion about where their own hardware actually is.

seriously? being tested atm? ... etc. (read the quote above)

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 09-05-2012, 18:34:28 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

ZickZak wrote:
Setemotion wrote:
seriously? more blizzlike? get your head out of your *** next time you will write on these forums.

It's his opinion, why do you criticise in a way like this?
Or did you want to add "mannered Staff" to Moltens' Pro list?

And for all the ppl that say that Shocker isn't a money whore, that he can't access the servers, that he doesn't have money to pay the protection and that he's basically a God 2.0...
Where's the 150k protection hardware? Not even close to Romania. Yet, according to the Staff, "it's being set up and tested at the moment". BTS telecom, your host, has a different opinion about where their own hardware actually is.

seriously? being tested atm? ... etc. (read the quote above)

1. There is a big difference between opinion and facts, look it up

2. You really have your head stuck up your ***, shocker has no control over this anymore, it is up to BTS telecom how fast it will be till it is installed. You do realize how serious a DDoS attack is? you do realize this is completely against the law if they are caught...

Before you bash someone go learn your shit. Stop blaming Freakz for not trying hard enough when you don't even know who has what power. 90% of you don't even know how the GM system works and what a difference between a GM and a Developer... Most of you don't even know how a private server function... before criticizing how private servers work, think carefully of your knowledge in private servers.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 09-05-2012, 18:54:47 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Rikkycurtis wrote:
ZickZak wrote:
Setemotion wrote:
seriously? more blizzlike? get your head out of your *** next time you will write on these forums.

It's his opinion, why do you criticise in a way like this?
Or did you want to add "mannered Staff" to Moltens' Pro list?

And for all the ppl that say that Shocker isn't a money whore, that he can't access the servers, that he doesn't have money to pay the protection and that he's basically a God 2.0...
Where's the 150k protection hardware? Not even close to Romania. Yet, according to the Staff, "it's being set up and tested at the moment". BTS telecom, your host, has a different opinion about where their own hardware actually is.

seriously? being tested atm? ... etc. (read the quote above)

1. There is a big difference between opinion and facts, look it up

2. You really have your head stuck up your ***, shocker has no control over this anymore, it is up to BTS telecom how fast it will be till it is installed. You do realize how serious a DDoS attack is? you do realize this is completely against the law if they are caught...

Before you bash someone go learn your shit. Stop blaming Freakz for not trying hard enough when you don't even know who has what power. 90% of you don't even know how the GM system works and what a difference between a GM and a Developer... Most of you don't even know how a private server function... before criticizing how private servers work, think carefully of your knowledge in private servers.

Eh, here we go again.
1: It wasn't a point towards the player, it was towards the GM. That kind of acting would get you fired on molten. I don't know, but maybe I just like professional staff and not random crap like that.
2. Ooooh, so THAT's the reason to lie to server's players.
3. I feel like that came out of the blue. I haven't said anything about freakz not trying hard, I haven't used a word GM nor developer in my post not to mention I didn't try to compare them, neither I said anything even close to understanding / not understanding how the server works.

<= Go!

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 09-05-2012, 19:46:07 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

You do know that a GM is like a player like you and me. For all you know i could be one on another server but what matters is that their jobs are to enforce the rules, not act like princes that everyone should bow down to and worship... Where are your claims to show that Freakz is lying, where are your evidence? The last part was aimed not to you but mainly to the others that were bashing Freakz.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 09-05-2012, 19:58:12 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

i bet this Honduz guy works for molten - -
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 09-05-2012, 20:15:57 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Rikkycurtis wrote:
You do know that a GM is like a player like you and me. For all you know i could be one on another server but what matters is that their jobs are to enforce the rules, not act like princes that everyone should bow down to and worship... Where are your claims to show that Freakz is lying, where are your evidence? The last part was aimed not to you but mainly to the others that were bashing Freakz.

Evidence? Sorry bro, didn't know we're at a court. I'd say a call to BTS telecom and asking them would be the "evidence". Go ahead, try the phone. It makes the charm every time.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 09-05-2012, 20:17:35 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

because only in court rooms people need proof to show what they say is true right?

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 09-05-2012, 21:52:32 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 09-05-2012, 22:55:39 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

about the ddos, its bullshit.
there is no ddos that can be done for 1month constantly
not even a paid ddos with a huge number of infected pc
and if they rly trying to do sth about it
they had alrdy done it
150k anti ddos protection?? haha not rly
there are some rly good one for less
may some of you knew "heihachi" it was a hacking group who also dealed with ddos and ddos protection
i cant remember the prices but it was somewhere around 400 euro and u wont get any ddos at all
so wtf are u guys talking about ddos protection, on this server there never was one and will never be

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