
Stop the Multiboxing
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 25-06-2013, 04:42:53 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hey, I don't know why your letting players creating more than one account only to use them in the same time.

Multibox are like a bot, because the "main" account control also the action of the other.
Multiboxing ruins the pvp game because player doesn't have the time to react that they are already dead with 1 or 2 hit (as much as you have HP and resi) because the focus of 4/5 enemy on 1 target with same damage .

so stop this it s a stupid item + u dont have any skill if your using it to kill in bg

so do something about it don't allow it in bg because that s bad and make bg unplayable
allow it just in pve only or just remove it

i wanted to put a screenshot but server went off and i was kicked out please do something .....

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Post Posted: 25-06-2013, 07:11:42 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I think multi boxing it's allowed on retail too, but I agree that it's annoying in that situation as you describe. If you enter a BG with 2 characters you can't play them both and one of them will surely be just farming for others.
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 25-06-2013, 11:00:52 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Multi-boxing is allowed on retail, they don't care...because multi-boxing =more $ xD.
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 25-06-2013, 12:50:36 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

FrostBlaze wrote:
Multi-boxing is allowed on retail, they don't care...because multi-boxing =more $ xD.

who care about retail it s privet so they could removed it + we as players are playing for the best performance of the server
so when adding such items it will cause ppl not to join bg anymore idk why allowing them right now since it wasn t allowed
in the previous mouth as far as i know now ppl are just donating for a stupid bot.
Question what the purpose of such bot ? (making money and making game unplayable ?)

hope one of the moderator of the server enter and give us what he think about allowing such bot

some servers does not allow such bot so why letting it here ??? i don't wanna name those servers

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 25-06-2013, 18:01:48 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

MadnessCaffe wrote:
I think multi boxing it's allowed on retail too, but I agree that it's annoying in that situation as you describe. If you enter a BG with 2 characters you can't play them both and one of them will surely be just farming for others.

It's allowed because you have to pay for the other accounts-----> more $$ for Blizzard, while here it is free, any idiot who wants can google 'how to multibox' and do it. It's just terrible that the ones who do it here even compare to the conditions on retail.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 25-06-2013, 23:06:12 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Annihilan wrote:
MadnessCaffe wrote:
I think multi boxing it's allowed on retail too, but I agree that it's annoying in that situation as you describe. If you enter a BG with 2 characters you can't play them both and one of them will surely be just farming for others.

It's allowed because you have to pay for the other accounts-----> more $$ for Blizzard, while here it is free, any idiot who wants can google 'how to multibox' and do it. It's just terrible that the ones who do it here even compare to the conditions on retail.

yep your right here so The Game Master of this server should take something to not allowed it
so we could have a nice gaming in bg not just a noob who join a bg with stupid multibox to kill other
no skills no nothing and that would make the server sucks

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[The Exploiter]

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Post Posted: 26-06-2013, 02:00:49 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

allowed on retail = allowed on freakz

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 26-06-2013, 02:08:51 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

None of you attempted it, yet you're all puking words along the line of 'multiboxing takes no skill' and 'allowed on retail only because of money'.

The extra income from what little multiboxing population exists is laughable compared to the millions of subs they already have and is hardly worth the sheer amount of rage they have to deal with because of it. They're not allowing it purely for money. They allow it because they allow someone to have multiple accounts and there's no restriction about logging all of them at once. Just because some are able to remain competitive while having to do 4-5 people's job dosen't change anything to it.

Sure, you all have that perfect little scenario in your head where I'm standing with my usual stack-o-toon, casting 4 lava burst to a poor defenseless target, which hands out a blatant one-shot.

Here's the deal : You're not suposed to let that scenario happen. Unless the opposition is retarded (granted, it often is...), it never happens. Sure, I can produce a 150K burst if you let me freecast it. Now, almost all the classes have something to counter the 'burst'. Even if they don't, they can still run and outrange me, or troll me with texture and line of sight.

Warrior -> Spell reflect all 4 Lava burst + shield wall

Paladin -> Bubble.

DK -> Anti-magic shell. Yes, I can pop it if I dump excessive damage into it, but if I get to kill you through it that fast, you're either undergeared, outnumbered or not playing properly.

Shaman -> Grounding totem all 4 lava burst.

Hunter -> Deterrance + Faint death + can easily outrange me.

Druid -> Survival instinct + frenzied regen if feral (Unless the druid is undergeared, I have to hold a PvE rotation for over 10 seconds to kill one through the cooldowns). Solar beam/typhoon if balance.

Rogue -> Cloak of shadow + Vanish.

Priest -> Dispersion if shadow. Pain supression + Holy barrier if discipline. Guardian spirit if holy.

Mage -> Ice block.

Warlock -> Shadowfury. Since this (along with resto druids) is the class with the less defence against my onslaught, I like to maul them down first. (Nothing to do with me not liking fear spam *cough*) Take the tip and don't be the first guy I see in a battle.

Again, if you let me blast you like you so hate, some of it is your fault. If you run out of cooldowns to deflect my attacks and I kill you, it's not because multiboxing is utterly overpowered and cheating, it's because I outnumber or outplayed you.

As I said earlier, you didn't attempt it and thus can't call it easy. While anyone can create multiple accounts with a toon on each, over half will get their mind boggled trying to make key broadcasting and basic following and assisting macros work properly. You'll admit that we're far from a PvP situation where you get randomly stunned, slowed, sapped, feared and/or else, hm?

Blasting a target that dosen't even try to survive is easy. Winning a 4v4+ against players that do their best to disrupt my syncronism isn't easy at all.

If you see him online alliance side, ask Envymask about it. He attempted 5x arcane mage and even though he got key broadcasting right with my help, he became a pack of walking honorable kills as soon as he stepped in a BG. And before you even suggest it, he very much know how to play a single arcane mage properly.

Playing a multibox team at the same level per toon as one does solo takes skill. Lots of it. Blasting a lonely target with a team of 4 is worth ganking someone with 3 other people for someone playing solo. Anyone can do that. Do the math a bit for larger scale battles and say multiboxing takes no skill again.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 26-06-2013, 04:26:43 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

No comment just see this picture and tell me what you think

one more thing u just saying that since you dont have time to even block one spell if you block one they will keep hitting you with high damage +
if you kill one target the rest will kill u that s sucks and stupid

Remove it our other wise no one will play bg :(

Posturi unite automat, 26-06-2013, 05:08:40

is this what retail will become that sucks

Posturi unite automat, 26-06-2013, 05:10:51

and yes multiboxing = no skills and who care if he had skills and using it that would make out of him a noob instead of a pro

Posturi unite automat, 26-06-2013, 05:12:45

if he really got skills why using such items but in reality i dueld him and won full HP 1 vs 1
in any case noob ppl will always go to the easy way to win and farm and ...........
and dam to retail if it s gonna be like that :(

Posturi unite automat, 26-06-2013, 05:26:43

that s an other picture from bg no comment also

and tell me if this nice loosing 20 bg casue of that multiboxing

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 26-06-2013, 05:00:02 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

This is essentially what happens when a premade stomps a bunch of randoms. A good multiboxer amounts to an average premade. A good premade will stomp a multiboxer. Believe me, I've been graveyard camped by premades that knew how to handle me. Lost more toons than I killed people. In these, I usually end up as the only player with kills at all, or close to that.

Yes, I outplay random groups of undergeared players by a gap huge enough that scoreboards get scary. Just make the entire opposition ruthless geared players and I'll drop back down to the middle in terms of damage done. (Killing blow are always high mainly because I steal alot of kills with my quick, huge damage casts)

Those screens aren't multiboxing being OP, that's me stomping randoms with my guildies supporting me on top of it.

The irony of multiboxing is that it only truly shines when it's supported by normal players.

Soulbotz/Botzdotcom. Quad elemental, quad DK, will take full advantage of above statement.
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 26-06-2013, 15:12:36 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

To answer your 1st question:yes multiboxing is allowed on retail and 2nd its no big deal.I mean i have a preamade for bgs of 3 ppl(including me) and we stomped over those shammys everytime...u just have to find his target and thats easy because that target will usually have 4 flame shock on him,after that pop every defensive cd(we use pain suppresion and/or hand of sacrifice),after that just take them down 1 by 1.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 11-07-2013, 09:16:24 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

i have to agree with Gren on World of Warcraft the retail you see tons of multiboxers and since Blizzard let's them play i dont see a reason they should not be allowed to play here.

Posturi unite automat, 11-07-2013, 10:16:24

PLUS if you see this guy in Bg's again fear and single target is your friend.....and magic immunity ofc -

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Post Posted: 11-07-2013, 10:52:29 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

So what? What if someone multibox? Its the same thing as having 4 friends and doing a premade BG. Go cry.
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 11-07-2013, 16:56:15 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Multiboxing is allowed on retail because you are allowed to have 4 accounts.

On Freakz, that would get you banned.

Isn't there a rule stating you are allowed 1 account per user?

Exorder1337 wrote:
Cat despre frost mage, crede-ma, e printre cele mai grele clase din joc.

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[Ace of Spades]

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Post Posted: 13-07-2013, 21:47:38 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

pateu wrote:
Isn't there a rule stating you are allowed 1 account per user?

No. You can have ∞ accounts.

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