
Crysis - Guild applications
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 12-10-2013, 15:39:33 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Please read before applying!


If you're reading this you are probably about to apply to join Crysis. Before you do that, take a few minutes and read trough this post.
Crysis is a casual PvE oriented guild, located on Exodus realm. The guild however started on a different server, where it was indubitably the best raiding guild, claiming most of the server first WotLK kills. That being said, our goal on WoWFreakz is to continue the quality gaming while maintaining a highly sociable and diverse community.
But before all, we are a gaming community of friends who enjoy playing more than just WoW, we enjoy playing as a group on other games as well. So if you're tired of ninja looting raid leaders, 5 hour Halfus kills or are just looking for a friendly oasis then look no further than


At the moment, Crysis runs two separate 25-man raids that are scheduled and a number of 10-man raids trough the rest of the week.
Crysis raids for a MAXIMUM of TWO HOURS. Should we ever exceed our allotted time members are allowed to leave with no penalty and no excuses needed. We feel anything over two hours greatly demoralizes the raid to a point where our members are no longer having fun.

Raid times:
Friday, Saturday, Monday and Tuesday 22:00 Server time - DS 10 Heroic (on other days as well if theres enough characters left)
Sunday 22:00 Server Time - Dragon Soul 25 Heroic (alt run on Thursdays)
If you think you can’t make those times and stay 2 hours after then maybe you should reconsider applying to Crysis and look for a guild that has more suitable raiding time for you.


Loot is distributed through a free roll system. Only one loot per boss, unless none else needs the item. Certain items are also handled under loot council depending on the impact of the upgrade on certain individuals relative to others, again these are uncommon and situational.
Loot priority goes to mains before alts, mainspec over offspec. If you’re a type of a player that likes to make a lot of alts we do have an Alt 2.0 rank. Alt 2.0s are basically "good alts", alts that can perform up to the standards of a main. This means that a member should be able to play their alts just as well as their mains. Essentially, Alt 2.0s will be treated as a main character when rolling for gear. Each member may only have 1x Alt 2.0 for the time being.
Loot drama is not an option. Don't like the outcome? Tough cookies. Those that cry are handled with swiftly. Loot whoring will not be tolerated!


Some basic requirements are, but not limited to:
 PvE Item level of at least 390
 Having RaidCall and a working microphone,
this is non-negotiable
 Being knowledgeable of the class that you apply with
 Basic knowledge of English
 Having a sense of humor
 Having the will to improve
 Being a good listener
 Not being a douchebag (to guildies)
 Knowing all DS Normal and Heroic Boss Strategies


Finally the good part! Currently we have a lot of members, so we're only looking for exceptional people. What we want to see in our ranks is diversity. So make your application stand out, show us your personality trough it the best you can, be exceptional, stand out amongst all the others and you just might make the cut! Make your application interesting to read, colorful and not dull and standard uniform “im a funny guy” story that we read so many times. STAND OUT! If you really want to join the guild taking 20 minutes to write a decent application should not be a problem for you.

An application must include:
 Class and Spec/Off-Spec you play,
 PvE Item level of your main character,
 A screenshot of recount of your damage/dps with at least 6 million damage done on the Boss Dummy (not for healers and tanks obviously),
 Application part about why you want to join Crysis, a little bit about your self and the reasoning why you think we should invite you.

One last thing i would like to mention is that this is a highly social guild and we like to spend a huge amount of our time on RaidCall talking about almost everything game or not game related. So if you're English is above average your chances of joining are a lot better. We are always looking for social, outgoing and interesting people over those who just want to join the guild for easy gear. So being an active and social member will probably get you progressing trough the guild ranks a lot faster and get you into more raids. If this is something you are looking for in a guild, wait no longer and apply now!

More Info:

Our Youtube channel:
There you can view our raid videos and general guild shenanigans.

Our Guild website:
As a member you can join in even more shenanigans and view detailed guides on various aspects of the game created by knowledgeable members of the guild. DO NOT apply to the guild website unless we have invited you in the guild already.


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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 15-10-2013, 20:56:54 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Class and Spec/Off-spec you play:
Unholly death knight (main spec),blood death knight (off-spec)
I have 2 more alt charakters:

Magyx: fire mage 392 ilvl,1 ruthless item (shoulders) other gear is PvE. I have normal dragon soul achivement on him and i make 25k dps ussually.

Shammyina: restoration shaman 386 ilvl,more PvE that PvP gear. Downed all bosses on normal difficulity except Warlord Zon'ozz,but i think i can handle healing there -

PvE item level of your main charakter:

Unholly spec:397 ilvl full pve,1 heroic item:

here is screenshoot of my dps (unholly spec) gear

Blood spec:395 ilvl,1 cataclysmic item and 2 heroic items:

here is screenshoot of my tank (blood spec) gear

A screenshoot of recount of your damage/dps with at least 6 milion damage done on Boss Dummy:
ths is my dps done on Boss Training Dummy -

Application part about why aou want to join Crysis,a little bit about your self and the resoning why you think we should invite you:

Well,i want to join crysis because i know that you are raiding guild which is making good progress on heroic mode also,and that's the tipe of guild that i want and need,bacuse i think i'm able to do do heroic mode dragon soul -
Now here is somthing about myself; I'm comming from Croatia from small town called Pakrac. In free time i play guitar and play handball. I play handball for 8 years in case u are intersted in that -
I'm 15 years old and,ofc,I love to play WoW. I love to have good time playing it as well as making fun with players who I'm playing with. I love society,and love to hangout with friends and other ppl. I think that i know english very well and u have writen that we should tell if we think we know it well.
I think you should invite me cos u have writen that u are raiding guild and I'm a player who raids allot,don't play PvP allmost notimes. I have 2/4 dragon soul heroic progress and wipe on Hagara the Stormbinder heroic on 2% HP. Also,I think that i make dps good enough for dragon soul heroic raids.

Thank you for your time,this is my application,hopefully it will be succsessful and that u will invite me to guild in near future! -

Gretings from, Deathyx!

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 16-10-2013, 00:11:31 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


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Post Posted: 17-10-2013, 03:44:27 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Class and Spec/Off-Spec you play

• Main: Raquieta - Death Knight, Unholy(PvE)/Blood (PvP, tho sometimes tanking ET etc. if someone asks)
• "good-alt": Sharaq - Rogue, Sub(PvE)/Sub(PvP), many might ask why sub PvE... It's pretty viable, but it tends to bug out here on freakz of hunter in raid's using wolf pet etc.

Got an 85 of each class, but mostly playing these two.

PvE Item level of your main character

• PvE: 399 (one item PvP; )
• PvP: 402 (full non-elite cataclysmic gear)

A screenshot of recount of your damage/dps with at least 6 million damage done on the Boss Dummy
Was 30k+ for most of the time but started dropping around 6kk of damage done. Maybe tired fingers, lol.
Do not mind action bars - Just got new UI and gotta sort everything -

Why you want to join Crysis?

Well, to be honest main reason why I'd like to join you is that Crysis most closely resembles <The Cold Knights> in which I've spent alot of time on Freakz, untill so called "guild merge" with EG, which shouldn't ever happen in my opinion.
Most of ex-TCK members currently reside in Crysis, so basicly I'd like to join them, since I pretty much got used to hang with those peeps around Freakz - That doesn't mean I wouldn't like to meet new people, I'm quite of a social guy.
Not to mention that you're quite attractive guild when it comes to raiding. Also bunch of PvP players.

A little bit about yourself and the reasoning why you think we should invite you

Um... I'm from Poland, 22 years old. Currently studying and working (officialy unemployeed, gonna change any moment).
Everyone around freakz just calls me Raq, so let it stay this way.
I'm both PvE and PvP player, not focusing on any side of gameplay, maintaining balance, coz it's all about fun.
Basicly have full progress, including heroic difficulty, maybe except Majordomo hc in FL. I know the drill and I'm familiar with tactics, it's just that I barely ever do Fireands. Not gonna hide my flaws.
Lately I'm more like casual player due to work and studies, however I still manage to find time both for social life and WoW, so raiding isn't much of a problem. Rarely it might happen so I won't be raiding even being online, so I'd like to note that there's always valid reason if something like that happens. I may be lazy sometimes but I'm not slacking when it comes to raid.

Susposed to be short and simple, guess that didn't work out.
Why should you invite me? Idk... I just know that I want to be there, and the reason is well explained above (at least I hope so).
It's up to you to decide wether I'll be viable asset to the guild or not. -

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 17-10-2013, 08:52:35 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


Pm a officer ingame to get a invite!
And for the love of God start making new posts don't apply in this section!

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 18-10-2013, 18:29:21 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

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[MS 13]

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Post Posted: 18-10-2013, 19:05:03 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 19-10-2013, 00:09:03 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

"A screenshot of recount of your damage/dps with at least 6 million damage done on the Boss Dummy"

Approved for ingame (Raidcall) interview and testing of dps. Contact Winterz or me ingame for the dps test on a dummy or in ET.

Note to everyone else that wants to apply in the future, your application MUST be in English or it will be rejected.
This is an English speaking guild and the application gives me a chance to evaluate your English. If someone thinks that nationality card can earn them extra points for joining the guild, you're thinking wrong.
Keep the apps in English, the better it is the better chance you have of getting in.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 22-10-2013, 23:38:43 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


Last edited by holydian on 23-01-2014, 01:12:25; edited 1 time in total
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 22-10-2013, 23:42:11 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

@ Holydian Rejected

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 22-10-2013, 23:45:31 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

why? -

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 23-10-2013, 11:52:58 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Class and Spec/Off-spec you play:
Main: Stonesmith, Main Spec: Restoration PVE /Off-Spec Restoration PVP
Alt: Khaledon, Main Spec Blood/Off-Spec Unholy

Item level of your main character

PVE: 401 ilvl whit 1 PVP item (Screen: )
PVP: 399 ilvl almoust full cataclysmic (Screen: )

Why you want to join Crysis?

Honestly i was member of many guilds but in the past times there was no activity in them. My main reason to join the Crysis guild is to meet a lot of high ranged players on the server and maybe to become on of them. Not to mention that this is guild is very attractive when we are talking about the raidings.

A little bit about yourself and the reasoning why you think we should invite you

First of all i like to introduce myself. I am 21 from Hungary. Right now I am studying at on University at Budapest. Lots of people on the server just call me Stone. As i mentioned before i like to meet new people and play whit them different games. My friends consider me a friendly and a funny guy, I hope so that you guys experience the same if you approve me to the guild. I am also a bit lazy when it comes about leveling up a character, but when i finally finish if i do my best to gear them up.
Basically I am playing in most of my times PVE but when i am bored i go and kick some Horde *** in BGs -

I hope this is enough for the decision to make.
I am looking forward to your reply,
Whit greeting Stonesmith.

PS: My armory link if needed:

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 23-10-2013, 12:03:39 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

@asztalospadi: Accepted for an interview on RaidCall. Install it and wait till an officer is online then contact them. Either wait for me (Mofu, Switch) or talk to Winterz or Repentance.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 30-10-2013, 08:41:16 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Class and Spec/Off-Spec you play

- Main Character: Doomrange - Hunter, Survival (PVE)
- I have two alt's but i don't use them anymore.

PvE Item level of your main character

- PVE - 387 ilvl (only 1 item PVP - Ruthless Shoulders)
I know its little bit low ilvl but I'm going to improve fast.

A screenshot of recount of your damage/dps with at least 6 million damage done on the Boss Dummy

It's not the best damage u ever seen but i started playing hunter soon, and i was really bad at it, but now i think im getting better and better.
I spend many hours in watching videos and reading guides so i think i will improve fast.

Why you want to join Crysis?

Well, I want to join your guild because as u can see, I'm only PVE player so i want a good raiding guild. I was in DS with your guild once ( I remember only names like Edagnir and Darkenlife) and i had a lot of fun at this raid. I like the ppl and the way they do raids, because there are many guys who just start raid and even don't know tactics..

A little bit about yourself and the reasoning why you think we should invite you.

I'm from Bulgaria, 19 years old. My real name is Mario. At the moment I'm studying German because I'm going to study in Germany and if everything is okay I will go there after Christmas. Hmm.. I was kinda new on Cataclysm cuz last time i played was on TBC, but now i know everything. I think that there will be no problem for me with the raiding hours and I'll be glad to join all your raids :)

I want to join cus as i mentioned before, I like raiding with your guild and it's the best raiding guild for me on Freakz.

Greetings !

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 30-10-2013, 13:35:27 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1)Character name, race, class and your role(s):Flaviuvel,human(when i have started to play wow ,i was doing pvp so i have choosed this class for racial), main spec warrior arms 398 ilvl full pve -dps
off spec-protection warrior 389 ilvl ,cataclysmic head - tank
2)A screenshot or the Armory link:
3)A screenshot of your best (by your opinion) dps / healing done in raid ( make sure to post it) with at least 5 million damage / healing done, also post a screenshot with your interface on your speces:
Yorsaj the unsleeping : 20kk damage done,52k dps
Hagara the Stormbinder: 11kk damage done 36,4k dps
Morchock: 8,8kk damage done,32k dps
Warlord Zon`ozz: (I am the 3d here with 61k dps 20kk damage done , ill put one more photo at zonozz) - second photo .
4)Write about your previous guild(s) before and why did you left them: I was in "The Immortal Guardians" before bot everybody left ,so i decided to leave also.I Was in ''Aliance Knights" - they were not capable to do a 10 hc ds
so i left.I think that`s all about my guilds.
5)At the end write down something about yourself ( age, your location,what are you doing in your free time), your raiding experience, about your character and why you want to join our guild:
Hi my name is Flavius but my friends calling me '' Flava'' I have 15 years old,im from Romania , i am living in a small town .In my free time I`m playing wow or watching serials or get out with my friends and waste my time.I wanna join this guild because one of my old guildmates from ''The Immortal Guardians" is here , Ephixia is romanian so he can help me to improve my self, i wanna join ur guild because it`s borring to play wow without mates.
Thanks for your time, i hote that you will invite me in your guild.

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