
World PVP on / off
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World PVP?
 43%  [ 728 ]
 56%  [ 929 ]
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[fan nrultimate]

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Post Posted: 17-05-2015, 16:33:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Symaro wrote:
Aliziea wrote:
moazzamali wrote:
Symaro wrote:
moazzamali wrote:
OK in my opinion should make an option for both pvp and pve lovers.

PVP on/off.

pvp on of both players = PVP for both

pvp off for one player but other on = no pvp

i think pvp lovers and pve lovers both will be happy.

This. Although there are no doubt still ways to flag others for PvP though bug abuse.
And I suspect that the people screaming for PvP to be activated will be pissed off if anyone could deactivate it because they want "World PvP" *coughgankingcough*

how someone can force us for pvp if we don't wana do in open world???? there are lots of pve lovers like me. and these pvp lovers always attack low geared and pve lovers.

Yes m8 ... because the PvP players will get into your instance/raid to kill you because that's how world pvp works

Not inside, but in front. Or at the daily questing hub. Or pretty much anywhere there is anything to do besides in instances.
Why do I need to explain this? Are you seriously THAT short-sighted?

as someone said, world of WARcraft, not world of peacecraft.
so far the only argument you guys have is "omg they will kill low-lvls and low-gear players, they will camp, and do stuff to us pve lovers" which basically translates to "i suck at pvp", which again is not a valid argument. newsflash pve lover, we don't have terminator vision that tells us "he is a pve lover, exterminate", if you die it's because you're an enemy, it doesn't have anything to do with the fact that you do pve, or are vegan, or like boys, or w/e.

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Post Posted: 17-05-2015, 16:38:13 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Breaksense wrote:
Pentru aia care tot sar ca vreau on, da normal ar fi on daca, DACA nu ar fi toate gunoaiele care nu au altceva de facut decat sa farmeze low geared sau pve geared care doar incearca sa faca questuri/ rep/etc. Una e sa te omoare unul in trecere sau cu care te intersectezi la quest si alte e sa stea 1 sau un grup si sa nu mai poti face nimic de ei in zona aia.

Si cum romanii sunt romani, OFF. Si nu ma intereseaza parerea voastra despre ce am scris, asta e experienta mea pe freakz, asta e motivul pentru care il vreau off.

This.pvp off

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 17-05-2015, 16:39:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

lol pve rats voting off obv .. pve was always superior to pvp .. this Poll is pointless
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 17-05-2015, 16:51:30 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

PVP ON - doamne ce marfa este cand ai gear BIS si omori pe cei care nu au - mie unu imi place - si pe toate serverele private pvp este ON
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 17-05-2015, 17:23:46 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Drain wrote:
Symaro wrote:
Aliziea wrote:
moazzamali wrote:
Symaro wrote:
moazzamali wrote:
OK in my opinion should make an option for both pvp and pve lovers.

PVP on/off.

pvp on of both players = PVP for both

pvp off for one player but other on = no pvp

i think pvp lovers and pve lovers both will be happy.

This. Although there are no doubt still ways to flag others for PvP though bug abuse.
And I suspect that the people screaming for PvP to be activated will be pissed off if anyone could deactivate it because they want "World PvP" *coughgankingcough*

how someone can force us for pvp if we don't wana do in open world???? there are lots of pve lovers like me. and these pvp lovers always attack low geared and pve lovers.

Yes m8 ... because the PvP players will get into your instance/raid to kill you because that's how world pvp works

Not inside, but in front. Or at the daily questing hub. Or pretty much anywhere there is anything to do besides in instances.
Why do I need to explain this? Are you seriously THAT short-sighted?

as someone said, world of WARcraft, not world of peacecraft.
so far the only argument you guys have is "omg they will kill low-lvls and low-gear players, they will camp, and do stuff to us pve lovers" which basically translates to "i suck at pvp", which again is not a valid argument. newsflash pve lover, we don't have terminator vision that tells us "he is a pve lover, exterminate", if you die it's because you're an enemy, it doesn't have anything to do with the fact that you do pve, or are vegan, or like boys, or w/e.

So our only argument, according to you, is: "We want to protect people not interested in PvP from being forced into PvP."
Pardon me my friendly nincompoop, but that seems like a solid argument to me. We're considering everyone's interests here.
If you want to PvP, do battlegrounds and eventually arenas, that's what those zones are intended for. That's what Gurubashi is intended for, there are even conveniently placed portals in each of the dueling areas so you guys can go bash each other's faces in like a pack of rabid animals if that's what you want. Other areas like questing hubs, spawn points and miscellaneous event grounds are intended for questing and other such activities that do not specifically demand any sort of player versus player confrontation.

People should be given the choice to slap a "Kill me" sign to their foreheads if they so chose, but currently, that isn't working. There are ways to force PvP flagging, which means uninterested in PvP players are subjected to the whims of disruptive and malicious players, often killed due to a significant gear gap. Something called "Ganking". Until a system that enforces absolute, unquestionable player choice in the matter of whether they want to engage in world PvP or not is implemented, World PvP must be kept off, and right now, no such system exists.

The sick irony of it all is that you've presented no additional arguments other then that the game is called world of "War"craft.
Seriously? That's it? No positive reasons, no underlining the benefits, nothing. Just "Herp Derp Its Wurld of WARcraft" with some mud-slinging on the side. Don't try to "translate" my message, as I wrote it in plain english, and was quite direct. Also, I do PvP, I do a lot of PvP as a matter of fact. But I know what's gonna happen when World PvP is enabled, and the drawbacks will severely outweigh the benefits (of which I can't even name one).

The only benefit that I can think of is that people like you will get about 30 minutes worth of entertainment out of it.
Sorry buddy, you'll have to deal with being just a little bit bored.

Last edited by Symaro on 17-05-2015, 17:32:09; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 17-05-2015, 17:31:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

ar fi destul de ok atata timp cat la intrarea in df`urii sau raiduri nu se face pvp... e aiurea sa faci raid si te asteapa x,y aly sau hode -

R . I . P LEGEND! -

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 17-05-2015, 17:32:33 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

lightouch wrote:
PVP ON - doamne ce marfa este cand ai gear BIS si omori pe cei care nu au - mie unu imi place - si pe toate serverele private pvp este ON

daca iti place asta,inseamna ca esti un mare pvp-ist

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Post Posted: 17-05-2015, 17:38:54 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

75% din playerii dp freakz fac doar pve asa ca mi se pare normal ca balanta sa se incline spre off pvp,oricum stricati jocul fara pvp on.
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 17-05-2015, 17:58:58 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

world pvp ON! this is what wow means!

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Post Posted: 17-05-2015, 17:59:06 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Cand vezi pe unu care nu vrea world PvP ON si da un argument ca ''Pentru aia care tot sar ca vreau on, da normal ar fi on daca, DACA nu ar fi toate gunoaiele care nu au altceva de facut decat sa farmeze low geared sau pve geared care doar incearca sa faca questuri/ rep/etc.'' crezi ca omul ala care te omoara stie ca tu ai pve pe tine???parca doar cei cu pvp gear ar ataca pe unu low gear -_- cea mai stupid/josnic argument pana si tu ai atacat cat timp ai jucat wow unu low gear si oricine cred ca a facut asta fie cu pve gear,fie cu pvp gear
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 17-05-2015, 18:44:10 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Cei care zic ca afecteaza crescutul celor de lvl mai mic se inseala fiindca nu poti ataca un player daca nare 90.
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 17-05-2015, 18:53:53 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Sunt multi pe server (majoritatea) care joaca cel mai mult/doar pve si este interesul lor sa nu fie deranjati in timp ce farmeaza diferite lucruri sau asteapta in fata unei instante. E dureros pentru unii sa fie campati in timp ce culegeau ghiocei din padure si din cauza asta pierd timp pretios nu ajung la raid, nu reusesc sa se culce la ora programata.
Si cel mai important lucru pentru a mentine pvp on este acela ca jocul in sine asa e facut, e o parte care este esentiala, mare parte a jocul e facut in jurul acestui concept de player vs player, de aici au aparut battlegrounds si arene. Cei care au jucat pe vanilla vor intelege. Trebue sa gusti din ambele parti ale world pvp-ului uneori e foate distractiv alteori e enervant dar asta e WOW is a bitch!

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Post Posted: 17-05-2015, 19:38:01 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Mai bine faceti ceva cu comanda /pvp on/off si asa toata lumea e multumita, cei care vor pvp vor sta pvp on evident si restu off si sa fie la modu daca esti /pvp on si incepe unu sa dea in tine sa nu te poti baga /pvp off in combat doar out of combat sau dupa nu se faca abuzuri de /pvp on/off
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 17-05-2015, 19:44:33 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Facetil dezactivabil. Mie personal nu ami place PVP si mi se pare foarte stresant sa ma atace cineva atunci cand ami vad de treaba mea prin joc

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[fan nrultimate]

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Post Posted: 17-05-2015, 19:54:40 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Symaro wrote:
Drain wrote:
Symaro wrote:
Aliziea wrote:
moazzamali wrote:
Symaro wrote:
moazzamali wrote:
OK in my opinion should make an option for both pvp and pve lovers.

PVP on/off.

pvp on of both players = PVP for both

pvp off for one player but other on = no pvp

i think pvp lovers and pve lovers both will be happy.

This. Although there are no doubt still ways to flag others for PvP though bug abuse.
And I suspect that the people screaming for PvP to be activated will be pissed off if anyone could deactivate it because they want "World PvP" *coughgankingcough*

how someone can force us for pvp if we don't wana do in open world???? there are lots of pve lovers like me. and these pvp lovers always attack low geared and pve lovers.

Yes m8 ... because the PvP players will get into your instance/raid to kill you because that's how world pvp works

Not inside, but in front. Or at the daily questing hub. Or pretty much anywhere there is anything to do besides in instances.
Why do I need to explain this? Are you seriously THAT short-sighted?

as someone said, world of WARcraft, not world of peacecraft.
so far the only argument you guys have is "omg they will kill low-lvls and low-gear players, they will camp, and do stuff to us pve lovers" which basically translates to "i suck at pvp", which again is not a valid argument. newsflash pve lover, we don't have terminator vision that tells us "he is a pve lover, exterminate", if you die it's because you're an enemy, it doesn't have anything to do with the fact that you do pve, or are vegan, or like boys, or w/e.

So our only argument, according to you, is: "We want to protect people not interested in PvP from being forced into PvP."
Pardon me my friendly nincompoop, but that seems like a solid argument to me. We're considering everyone's interests here.
If you want to PvP, do battlegrounds and eventually arenas, that's what those zones are intended for. That's what Gurubashi is intended for, there are even conveniently placed portals in each of the dueling areas so you guys can go bash each other's faces in like a pack of rabid animals if that's what you want. Other areas like questing hubs, spawn points and miscellaneous event grounds are intended for questing and other such activities that do not specifically demand any sort of player versus player confrontation.

People should be given the choice to slap a "Kill me" sign to their foreheads if they so chose, but currently, that isn't working. There are ways to force PvP flagging, which means uninterested in PvP players are subjected to the whims of disruptive and malicious players, often killed due to a significant gear gap. Something called "Ganking". Until a system that enforces absolute, unquestionable player choice in the matter of whether they want to engage in world PvP or not is implemented, World PvP must be kept off, and right now, no such system exists.

The sick irony of it all is that you've presented no additional arguments other then that the game is called world of "War"craft.
Seriously? That's it? No positive reasons, no underlining the benefits, nothing. Just "Herp Derp Its Wurld of WARcraft" with some mud-slinging on the side. Don't try to "translate" my message, as I wrote it in plain english, and was quite direct. Also, I do PvP, I do a lot of PvP as a matter of fact. But I know what's gonna happen when World PvP is enabled, and the drawbacks will severely outweigh the benefits (of which I can't even name one).

The only benefit that I can think of is that people like you will get about 30 minutes worth of entertainment out of it.
Sorry buddy, you'll have to deal with being just a little bit bored.

"We want to protect people not interested in PvP from being forced into PvP." Really, because that's not what is happening on retail servers. I don't see world pvp disabled there except on PvE servers which have way less population than their counterpart. If anything YOU are forcing shit down OUR throat with your lame excuses. You are removing an important part of this game on the argument that YOU cannot handle it. You can't die in this game. You are supposed to farm every fkin material, you are supposed to do your quests peacefully and finish them in one hour, and all the other players HAVE TO get in line. I am sorry, but that is not how the game works, there is supposed to be conflict, otherwise there is no point in 2 factions. MoP released, you have your dungeons, you have your raids. We have some battlegrounds, we have no arenas, and now you want world pvp gone forever? Again, on what basis? That you shouldn't die in this game while you farm your shit? Who the hell told you it was yours to farm in the first place? The only downside I see is for you my friend, because you suck at this game. Do you think it is fair to remove this part of the game just because you suck at it?
The argument isn't wether we should add something that was never there in the first place. The argument is wether something that is important to the game should be removed just because you cannot handle it.

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