
General PvP problem on server
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Post Posted: 01-11-2015, 17:36:16 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hi there
Im playing this game 6 years, ive seen everything from retail to every kind of private servers.
I came here to play, because this is the best panda server. But there is a problem, its pve server.
I was asking on global to find out why, and i realized that players have no idea what is pve server.
They think its pve/pvp something like mixed kind of server, but i have to tell ya, no its not its pure pve.
There are some topics about balancing BGs, rated BGs, world pvp etc.
Guys do you realize that pvp players will avoid this server if its pve, but Pve players will just rage when get killed somewhere?
Im more pvp than pve player, and waiting for Bg to pop is pain.
If you make it normal, make it pvp server (Pvp flags everywhere), ye gankers will come, but also ppl will play pvp to revange...
If you make it pvp, pvp players will come.
If you make it pvp, pve players wont go anywhere(tell me where they can go?), they will just rage,and run away...
Ye i know, there was voting for this, but i can tell ya, new expansion, ppl want to explore it and to not get distracted while doing that.

Pvp server - more pvp players - same pve players - some pvp problems soloved - quality pvp.

Pve server - less pvp players - same pve players - major pvp problems - less pvp quality

Im writing this because of Bg problems, because im missing to go and face some gankers in world pvp, and becasuse the half of our 5 years old guild wont follow us for the 1st time in our history because we are going to pve server.

Make it pvp, Make it better.

-sorry for bad eanglish, but you got the point -

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Post Posted: 01-11-2015, 17:47:40 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

world pvp was turned off at the beginning of MoP because people complained about ganking when leveling 85-90. later there was a vote on the forum , and since most people wanted it off but it wasnt an overwhelming majority they ended up making it off by default but it can be toggled on.

i would like it to be a normal always on world pvp, but what can we do? other people dont want it.

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Post Posted: 01-11-2015, 17:54:17 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I totally agree with you, we miss world PvP so much...
I hope that Shockeru and others GMs will consider once more about PvP future.. Many of my friends ask me for world PvP, Tol Barad ect...We dont ask for PvP server, we only want pve/pve enabled as they should.

Best Regards!

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Post Posted: 01-11-2015, 20:31:02 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

They should make pvp on only for lvl 90 characters, that would avoid all the possible problems.

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Post Posted: 01-11-2015, 22:30:46 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

dejakosmajac wrote:
I hope that Shockeru and others GMs will consider once more about PvP future..
What is there to consider? We had an open vote and much more players voted for "off with ability to toggle on", we can't ignore that vote -

WOW FREAKZ @ Facebook
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Post Posted: 01-11-2015, 23:18:13 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

as i told already, ppl voted for "off" because its something new, they wanted to explore and to not be distracted.
also, you should know (again as i already said) that pvp players wont play here if its pve, and Pve players will play if its pvp. simple as that.
you have new problems when you decided to make it pve, BG problems, and low pvp quality.
another thing, if people start crying for gear tomorrow, and to ask for BiS weapons for example, will you put it on vote and when decide, to give them that gear? ofc not.
People will always cry for something.
The point is : PvP players are unhappy, pve players dont care, server is runed (tol barad pve zone?wtf!? i guess that isle of thunder, timelss and giants will be pve too , i mean wtf, thats the essence of this patch, pvp on that places!!!), Pvp quality is decreased...
im not blaming players for their choice, i just cant understand how could you put something like that on vote? No offense but if somebody gets ganked, and he cant run away, he deserve to be ganked because he is to retarded to HS, to revive behind some pillar, or mount up...

Posturi unite automat, 01-11-2015, 23:18:13

Also, 1600 players voted, your server rekord is 4000 so this voting shoudlnt be valid.
the difference between Pvp and Pve is silly , its 6-7% back then when they wanted to explore new world.
And now we have a new pvp problems....

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 02-11-2015, 00:26:44 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

well its a pve server now, just gonna have to deal with it. even if its stupid in some cases. also, its been YEARS since we've had over 4000 players on the server. nowadays its much closer to ~1700.

still, having pvp off in tol barad is borderline retarded.

Last edited by rockhard on 02-11-2015, 02:03:48; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 02-11-2015, 01:03:20 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

most players dont even care about the forum, they are here for the game, not to vote. I think what this guy said, could be something good
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Post Posted: 02-11-2015, 02:17:13 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Honestly i was about to make this kind of topic. I play here on freakz since cataclysm came out, also played on retail and most of popular private servers, freakz is still best one for me. But PVP is dying and its mostly because we don't have enough players playing PVP. I participated in almost every single PVP event and always competed at higher rate(sounds funny on private server). One of main problems we have is that big part of wow freakz community are romanians so for some foreigners it might sound scary to come somewhere where they wont understand a thing, cant blame them. We gotta prove them wrong.

NOW most important thing is that we gotta get rid of Arena spectate NPC. Other private servers don't have it yet everyone is doing 2s/3s. If u go to elwyn forest/durotar u'll see most of ppl being gathered around NPC as if it was camp fire. Most of them would rather spectate and if they see a strong team they won't even bother queing so why we wouldn't just remove it? Might sound crazy but just look at other private servers, they don't have arena spectate npc yet nobody is complaining about it.

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Post Posted: 02-11-2015, 02:42:34 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Removing the Arena Spectate NPC is the best idea so far.
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Post Posted: 02-11-2015, 02:55:46 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

arena spectate npc exist on some good servers, but you cant see players names there, so you cant "dodge" some team in arena.
i used that npc, to waste some time while waiting for rbg there. But here it can be used for raiting farm - lose 1 game, remeber the names and do not join next one untill you see them playin...
We need world pvp here, and things will be better.
Again- pve players will cry, but they will learn that they can revive behind something, mount up and run. Or they will start playin pvp to fight back. But pvp players wont come to play pve and to wait 1 hour for rbg to pop, and pvp will die.

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Post Posted: 02-11-2015, 03:34:51 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

PvP was set to off / toggle, because horde side is 95% pve and alliance side is 80% pve, therefore, you have around 100 pvp players that would stomp hordes as much as they can if set loose.

This "problem" was a while back, when Alliance guys kept raiding Orgrimmar and PvP Zones due to outnumbering their opponents.

It gotten to the point where they were raiding the Shrines.

Even though it sounds complicated, I suggest, if possible, making designated PvP on areas and PvP off areas.
- Shrines, Dalaran, Shattrath - PvP Off
- PvP Areas - Forced agressive PvP On (Isle of quel'danas)
- Rest of the World - Normal PvP On
- Below level 90 - Toggle PvP on/off
- At level 90 - PvP on in "Rest of the World"

@ Iol
You'd be surprised by how many romanians can actually speak english but chose not to.
Problem is, server mentality isn't set for international, but for local.

It won't be easy to rewrite so many years of that culture, but it's worth a try, although I don't know how many will just give up their old habits for some new ones.

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Post Posted: 02-11-2015, 12:48:05 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

About world PVP. Why don't you just keep guards in orgrimmar and shrine for example enraged so nobody ever dares to raid it cuz u just keep getting oneshotted. If you are being killed in zones like tol barad i mean get some friends dude, that's what guilds are for. When mop came out and we were farming honor in tol barad whenever some of my guildies got killed by horde we would just swarm them.

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Post Posted: 02-11-2015, 13:05:28 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Tol barad was meant to be pvp zone, its what make this game fun, someone kills you, you revive yourself and look for revenge, call your friends to help you, at the end 2 raid groups are there -
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Post Posted: 03-11-2015, 02:39:17 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Even now, tol barad is place where you go to farm PvP gear... why do you need pvp gear if you wont fight?

Make it PvP , make it normal...

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