
General PvP problem on server
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 07-11-2015, 03:30:11 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

From my point of view there are two situations:
A. Players who want to start and learn PVP on a new class/spec. Their needs to adapt more quickly :
    -balanced battlegrounds
    -posibilities to win a bg and not to fight 90% cases VS full premades .

B. PVP guilds with experienced/gladiators/geared players who wants to increase personal and guild reputation . Their needs :
    - fights/full premades VS other guilds in battlegrounds and in PVP zones.

For a good PVP server we need A. and B. players to be satisfied ..
Until cross-faction battlegrounds only B. players were satisfied ( of course not fully because world PVP is optional).
Now with PvP Mercenary Mode (cross-faction battlegrounds) finally after so much time we have players A. satisfied ... but critical situation for B. players because now they can do only arena and some poor bg with only one group (if more groups they risk to fight each other -very BAD situation)

In my opionion PVP is in the right way with cross-faction battlegrounds but FREAKZ STAFF should not stop here because we risk to destroy PVP guilds then lose old players
The problem for B. players who dont want to fight each other and want full premades (pvp guilds) can be solved with activation of rated battleground and a automatic announce when a team is in que . I know that was activated 5 years ago on evolution/genesis server but meanwhile things were changed a lot in terms of PVP guilds -big competition.
Also they needs zones where WORLD PVP should be ON for everyone, The right places should be Ogrimmar and Stormwind this way the farm zones will be protected (against stealth rogues and hunters who attack only players with HP<300k).
They need pvp achievements : "For the Horde" , "For the Alliance" ,"City Defender" team should attack a city,trying to kill the leaders, others to defend ..
Pvp guilds should have posibilities to increase their reputation : world pvp fights , rated battlegrounds Vs other guilds .Let's give them a chance and a place where to play the story World of Warcraft.

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Post Posted: 07-11-2015, 14:03:31 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Enabling PvP in SW and Ogrimmar causes massive lag spikes for all the players which leads to C. PvE players will hate that.

Ashcool - TEMPORARY UNAVAILABLE - Please contact Denim.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 07-11-2015, 14:09:43 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Ok. Mainly and first of all i`m not that big of PVPer. But from what i`ve read so far i just wanted to express my ''2 cent`s'' on it.

I agree that zones that were meant to be PVP (such as Wintergrasp, Tol Barad etc.) should REMAIN a FORCED PVP ZONES.

About the world PVPing Asji (or whatever that guy name was) isnt correct at all - mate from like 20 posts you made on this topic i`ve read only this : "enalbe world pvp bla bla bla. People wont leave because someone is ruining the ''PVEr" game, they are just threating you. But hey buddy you made the same mistake - you`re like this ''OMG IF YOU DONT ENABLE IT AND MAKE IT THE WAY I LIKE IT - I LEAVE AND ''A LOT'' (i doubt it that there are that much ''lot'') will leave aswell. Dude are you hearing yourself ? You`re that great PVPer (and you said your guild is) than go! Do Arenas! Show us R1 in 2s, 3s, 5s! If not than please play the game as you like it. And also stop mention the ''potential'' donors that will leave - mainly because of this : you`re not forced to donate, you`re doing it by your own free will and you`re doing it because you like the server and you want it to keep running (be glad that the GMs offer ya some items to appreciate your money). Last but not the least if we`re throwing ''rocks'' - OMG MENZ MANY RAIDERS WILL LEAVE CUZ NUB ALLY/HORDE KILL ME WITH A RAID GROUP AND I WAS ALONE (huh? how that sound...?!)

Also @Shockeru - yes i think you can consider letting the people choose if they want to join Xfaction or just Faction battleground - so at least the ''crybaby Asji'' can queue with premade group and still be able to easy run and kill a group of random guys that just wanted to chill on some battlegrounds.

@Removing the Arena Spectrate NPC - i dont quite see the point - If there are people that are avoiding a ''team'' because they cant kill it - that ruins the whole idea of the guys that posted before me in this topic (beeing able to defend your ore/herb/mob your HONOR and integrity even!)

To be honest i expect a lot of negative replays on my opinion but thats your right guys. I concider myself as an opinion @ all this - nothing much!


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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 07-11-2015, 15:57:26 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

tamaias1 wrote:
@Removing the Arena Spectrate NPC - i dont quite see the point - If there are people that are avoiding a ''team'' because they cant kill it - that ruins the whole idea of the guys that posted before me in this topic (beeing able to defend your ore/herb/mob your HONOR and integrity even!)

Its quite simple, just visit elwyn forest somewhere around 20pm when many people are online and count how many people are sitting next to arena spectate. Honestly its quite simple. If you are normally playing TSG for example and you see that RMP is playing, why would you ever queue if you know that comp counters you? Just gave an example. Lets talk about 2s. You are playing Thug and there is a Dk/hpaly playing, no point of queing right? Of course i am not encouraging people to dodge but blind queing is just more natural and more blizzlike. Just try to remove npc for few weeks and see if anything changed, don't think you got anything to lose.

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Post Posted: 07-11-2015, 17:30:08 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1st of all, im not "full geared gladiator etc" i have starting honor gear.
2nd i didnt say im gona leave this server or that somebody from my guild will do that.
3rd i never ever played "hardcore premade" like 2 healers full geared and some brutal DK-warr that cant die, sometimes i do premades but with my guildmates for fun , and its usualy another hunter, 2 mages, with average pvp gear.
4th yes im crying for world pvp enabled, becasue of people like you, that are scared of being attacked, and who dont give a f..k about other players needs, thinking only about yourself. If you are pve, you have your raids, here you have the whole world too, i just need a few pvp zones (pref tol barad and wintegrasp, and i like the idea with SW and OG up there. It wont make any lag since there arent much players because of shrines in pandaria).
5th Rise cooking find northrend "humanoid tracking food" and run (you should be able to do that at least) when you see red spot on minimap.
6th Its proven that the best players coming from pvp (the best pve players too) because only in pvp you have to learn your class to survive, in pve you have "rotation" you know when , how and what will happen next so you dont need much to survive. In pvp you dont know what will happen next (some players do know,its because of experience), and you have to be ready to use some of your spells that you didnt know you have them. Keep crying, but you cant run from the truth.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 07-11-2015, 21:46:20 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Ajsi wrote:
1st of all, im not "full geared gladiator etc" i have starting honor gear.
2nd i didnt say im gona leave this server or that somebody from my guild will do that.
3rd i never ever played "hardcore premade" like 2 healers full geared and some brutal DK-warr that cant die, sometimes i do premades but with my guildmates for fun , and its usualy another hunter, 2 mages, with average pvp gear.
4th yes im crying for world pvp enabled, becasue of people like you, that are scared of being attacked, and who dont give a f..k about other players needs, thinking only about yourself. If you are pve, you have your raids, here you have the whole world too, i just need a few pvp zones (pref tol barad and wintegrasp, and i like the idea with SW and OG up there. It wont make any lag since there arent much players because of shrines in pandaria).
5th Rise cooking find northrend "humanoid tracking food" and run (you should be able to do that at least) when you see red spot on minimap.
6th Its proven that the best players coming from pvp (the best pve players too) because only in pvp you have to learn your class to survive, in pve you have "rotation" you know when , how and what will happen next so you dont need much to survive. In pvp you dont know what will happen next (some players do know,its because of experience), and you have to be ready to use some of your spells that you didnt know you have them. Keep crying, but you cant run from the truth.

So basically you have a need : A need to kill PVE Players that dont like to PVP (or cant to) ? An interesting need i always though PVPers like to fight with guys better than them to proove something. Sigh, guess i was wrong -

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 07-11-2015, 23:49:28 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1 - PvE gear 517ilvl( + sha gems ) vs PvP 491ilvl Without Resillience(Malevoelnt) so idk why PvE players crying when you got ganked you can inv your friend from guild and easy revenge.
2 - You got gank on MSV HoT ToeS ?
3 - They can make shrine as Sanctuary and you will be save when you spend time to wait for raid in shrine
4 - OG and SW and other cities should be PvP Zone that make more stuff to make for PvP guild like raids for Garosh like on cata. On cata we have thaht and it will be ok because PvE players can wipe people on world PvP.
5 - On next phase you got around 540 ilvl and PvP will be arond 507ilvl so you got more chance to fight against pvp players who dont make any raid
6 - Idk why you dont make tol barad and wintergrasp pvp zone maybe you make same for Timeless Isle for PvE players? It will be funny when TImeless Isle will not be a pvp zone -

Cheers sorry for bad english but when im see this posts my eyes hurts.

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  Battletag: postrow.ID_BATTLE_NET}  decrepitwarrior 
Post Posted: 08-11-2015, 02:26:38 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Sorry but, what? You're saying that fully BiS geared guys can just simply one shot PvP-geared people? Nonetheless any PvP geared guy could counter a fully PvE geared one no matter what because this is NOT CATA anymore!You got crap load of new things like PvP power and Resi, which if you count them, you would also see that PvE gear scales NO MORE with dmg as PvP on Mists.Rest see for yourself. Peace!

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Post Posted: 08-11-2015, 04:49:34 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

tamaias1 wrote:
Ajsi wrote:
1st of all, im not "full geared gladiator etc" i have starting honor gear.
2nd i didnt say im gona leave this server or that somebody from my guild will do that.
3rd i never ever played "hardcore premade" like 2 healers full geared and some brutal DK-warr that cant die, sometimes i do premades but with my guildmates for fun , and its usualy another hunter, 2 mages, with average pvp gear.
4th yes im crying for world pvp enabled, becasue of people like you, that are scared of being attacked, and who dont give a f..k about other players needs, thinking only about yourself. If you are pve, you have your raids, here you have the whole world too, i just need a few pvp zones (pref tol barad and wintegrasp, and i like the idea with SW and OG up there. It wont make any lag since there arent much players because of shrines in pandaria).
5th Rise cooking find northrend "humanoid tracking food" and run (you should be able to do that at least) when you see red spot on minimap.
6th Its proven that the best players coming from pvp (the best pve players too) because only in pvp you have to learn your class to survive, in pve you have "rotation" you know when , how and what will happen next so you dont need much to survive. In pvp you dont know what will happen next (some players do know,its because of experience), and you have to be ready to use some of your spells that you didnt know you have them. Keep crying, but you cant run from the truth.

So basically you have a need : A need to kill PVE Players that dont like to PVP (or cant to) ? An interesting need i always though PVPers like to fight with guys better than them to proove something. Sigh, guess i was wrong -

i said that? no i didnt, stop turning my words.
what i need is a place where there are no girls and noobs, where i can find challenge and play some pvp while waiting on RBG (since rbgs are even worse now with xfaction without any choice,i whould prb spent my wow day there, in that zone)
Tol Barad should be pvp zone no matter what, even on retail pve servers it is pvp zone.
As i said , the best players are born in BGs and Arenas , because you have to fully learn your class there, there isnt any known tactic that you can learn, and do the same thing every time. Pve is for less skilled players (not all of them,but if you sux in pvp, there is only pve left), that are doing same thing over and over again, its not challenging when you know what will happen, and you know that you will kill the boss, because you did it 1k times before.
All i need is something harder challenging and fun.
and ye, xfaction bgs are nice, but players should be able to chose if they want to play on different side.

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Post Posted: 08-11-2015, 16:56:30 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Ajsi wrote:

what i need is a place where there are no girls and noobs, where i can find challenge .

Dat sexism tho.

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Post Posted: 09-11-2015, 00:25:55 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Suggestion v1: At least, make that Players which attack Elite/Rare Mobs in Pandaria are flagged with PvP ON, cuz on blizz Rare Elites with Good Loot are made to Enable PvP status if attacked:
As with all rare elites each of these PvP elites has a chance to drop Small Bag of Goods and Blood-Soaked Invitation.
However unlike most other rares these six also drop high level epics, these and the bonus of a guaranteed honor point token makes them highly valuable to many players.

... but here players are abusing PvP Off and killing everything they want with no problem... it's not supposed to be like this.

And srsly, PvE Players should never complain about Wpvp because they can teleport to their Raids/Dungeons from any place EVEN being DEAD(unlike for BG's, idk why).

Suggestion v2: WPvP at LvL 90 should be On... Shrines/Cities and many other places can be made Sanctuary places where PvP is forbidden, but in rest, the world should remain wild and unpredictable, where you never know what can happen, and who you're gonna meet.

Shocker, when you find some time, Think again about World PvP state/condition.

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Post Posted: 11-11-2015, 03:33:44 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

This is so funny that everybody just keep spaming shit about world pvp, and still not a single word about arena bugs, like u still cant see against what classes and specs u playing, still cant change your talents and glyphs before fight starts lol - Ppl just worried about not important things, eh sad boys.
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 11-11-2015, 10:37:47 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Allan wrote:
This is so funny that everybody just keep spaming shit about world pvp, and still not a single word about arena bugs, like u still cant see against what classes and specs u playing, still cant change your talents and glyphs before fight starts lol - Ppl just worried about not important things, eh sad boys.

What server do you play on? Those things work for well over a week.
Wake up and stop posting without knowing.
Things are starting to look really good for arenas.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 11-11-2015, 12:08:06 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Yesterday i tried to help my friend to finish Zul Drak arena at lvl 75. We took quest from Dalaran, and we started arena.
In that very moment a blood elf paladin dismount from his bird and start killing every our mob/boss. We couldnt finish arena, we could not attack him because he is PvE flaged. We were there about 30 min, but he was there as well all time laughing to us. Until world PvP is disabled Freakz will be fun server and this will not be World of Warcrat. More like Farmwill.

About xfaction bg:

It is much batter feeling to wait 15 min in que and do some good PvP Horde vs Ally... i looked to my char and he had some ridicules Horde/Ally mask.. srsly.

Blizzlike is what you need to do. In all things.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 11-11-2015, 12:14:00 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Yesterday im got 270k HP human warrior on bg and he flaming horde on start of bg " fuk the horde " and spamming trash talk so imo disable xfaction bg is a good decision. Sometimes my dk pet dont atack horde on ally side or once time i cant karma horde on ally side -
Its not my fault that 50% pvp horde join alliance and now crying because they got long quenes -

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