
Second blizzlike realm

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Post Posted: 17-01-2016, 00:01:02 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


this suggestion of course is not something to be done tomorrow, or maybe even in a year, however I see some large unused potential in the server. Let me explain:

There are different types of players, and a large group are these who seek the experience as close to retail as possible. These players play on servers like x for Vanilla, y for TBC, z for WotLK, w for Cata. These servers have x1 rates (maybe except Hellground which is x2 I believe) and no custom content or just some very minor tweaks. There is even a WoD server in the works following the same ideology (Valhalla - still far from playable though). But there is no single "pure blizzlike" MoP realm.

The problem with such servers is that with x1 rates the content has to be really polished to be enjoyable. One bugged quest blocking a questline becomes problematic. One low-level instance in bad condition becomes problematic, as with slow leveling almost everyone will at some point bump into it.

The thing with Freakz is that it HAS working quests (Loremaster!). It has working dungeons. It has pet battles, scenarios, progressive content release. Technically it has everything there is needed to successfully provide pure-blizzlike (ideologically) experience. But it still isn't a place for a huge playerbase, although it relatively easily could be.

From what I see, and I read quite a few private server related forums, there would be a high interest in a realm that would combine Freakz' good technical state with the ideology of a server like Atlantiss or Nostalrius. These who look for such a server usually go to the PS forums and make topics like "Looking for a blizzlike MoP realm". The responses are usually pointing at Freakz as technically the best out there. These people check Freakz out, but get discouraged by crossfaction, leveling chests, inflated ah prices, starter heirlooms and people around who level 15 times faster than them.

Now, to be clear:

I am perfectly aware of the fact that like over 90% of Freakz players like the custom features it offers. They like the x15 - x10 - x5 leveling model. They like crossfaction dungeons and instant flight paths. But there are probably thousands of people out there NOT playing on Freakz just because of these features. And they have nowhere to play, because a decent x1 MoP server with no custom features simply doesn't exist yet.

My suggestion is to open a second realm with blizzlike rates and no custom features at all. Maybe a good moment to open it would be when the current realm gets to the last phase and SoO gets cleared.

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Last edited by Articuno on 17-01-2016, 00:29:20; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 17-01-2016, 00:26:55 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Personally, i would move to that realm in a heartbeat but not many people like x1 concept so that realm will be underpopulated and after a while, Shockeru will shut it down, like he did with "Exodus" -

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Post Posted: 17-01-2016, 00:33:34 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Currently we cannot spare resources to support second realm (by resources I refer to staff). Flight paths, perfectly working quests and old content will all require our attention.

In the future? Maybe. We shall see.
Cheers, Ash.

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Post Posted: 17-01-2016, 15:43:37 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I tend to agree with op except for the x1 rate. i'm not extremely fond of the custom features, but lvling at x1 for 1000th time is not for me anymore. but there seems to be a market for it...

I prefer to get to end content relatively quick, and yeah maybe x15 is too fast but that's why the rates are flexible

and I do agree 100% with the over inflated ah. i really wish they could do something about it

but in the long rung, the core they are building now can definitely be use for a more bliz like realm

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Post Posted: 17-01-2016, 16:04:49 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Last thing we need now that population seems decent is 2nd realm. Everyone who played on Exodus knows how it was to play with 800~ ppl online. Horrible! Freakz is almost perfect from pvp/semi pve perspective so id like it to stay this way.

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Post Posted: 17-01-2016, 19:07:01 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Well, if you are worried about population, there is also a partial solution: Making the current realm more blizzlike fan - friendly.

It would in my opinion require to:

- Set the gold and all drop rates to x1 for everyone. This would reduce the inflation and motivate some players to set lower xp rates.
- Disable the leveling chests.

- Make crossfaction bgs/dungeons an option to be turned on/off OR make them at least visually blizzlike by using a (de)buff similar to Orb of Deception or the one from Old Hillsbrad dungeon. I hope you know what I mean -
- Make instant flight paths an option to be turned on/off. There is a thread about it already and it has been stated that it would require some work and time. (
- No starter heirlooms.

Well, these are the changes I would personally like to see, however i am aware of the fact there are many people who like it as it is.
On the other hand, these changes wouldn't affect the current gameplay style much. Less green drops and gold from mobs in exchange for reducing inflation seems like a good deal to me. Starter heirlooms sorta remove the fun of finding new cool weapons during leveling. Visual buff in dungeons is, well, visual. Doesn't affect gameplay. And the leveling chests... With all these rare mobs with fast respawn, are they really so useful?

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Post Posted: 17-01-2016, 21:08:43 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

All of the above that you mentioned was already discussed. We arent able to make instant flight paths and crossfaction optional.
As for rates many of us doesnt like the slow process of leveling which is the reason there are flexible xp rates for those who want blizzlike experience, but we cannot force the majority to do something they dont like.

Cheers, Ash.

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Post Posted: 17-01-2016, 21:52:06 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hah, maybe I just have this idea of my perfect server in my head and now I'm trying to convince everyone that only my point of view is right - Time for me to start learning C++ and SQL -
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Post Posted: 17-01-2016, 22:09:40 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Articuno wrote:
Well, if you are worried about population, there is also a partial solution: Making the current realm more blizzlike fan - friendly.

It would in my opinion require to:

- Set the gold and all drop rates to x1 for everyone. This would reduce the inflation and motivate some players to set lower xp rates.
- Disable the leveling chests.

- Make crossfaction bgs/dungeons an option to be turned on/off OR make them at least visually blizzlike by using a (de)buff similar to Orb of Deception or the one from Old Hillsbrad dungeon. I hope you know what I mean -
- Make instant flight paths an option to be turned on/off. There is a thread about it already and it has been stated that it would require some work and time. (
- No starter heirlooms.

Well, these are the changes I would personally like to see, however i am aware of the fact there are many people who like it as it is.
On the other hand, these changes wouldn't affect the current gameplay style much. Less green drops and gold from mobs in exchange for reducing inflation seems like a good deal to me. Starter heirlooms sorta remove the fun of finding new cool weapons during leveling. Visual buff in dungeons is, well, visual. Doesn't affect gameplay. And the leveling chests... With all these rare mobs with fast respawn, are they really so useful?

I left my former private server for having too much splitted their ressources, even though if Freakz have a much healthier pool compared to them. I know how hard it can get for retail player to earn gold except if you're dedicated to it but most are left with a poor budget and this effect would be tremendously worse on a private server, same goes for levelling so players that get lost will get dispapointed or upset but because they don't pay to play here they will simply leave for a happier place.

Also i have trouble getting your point, you want blizzlike server but you seem to neglict the "RP" side of it. Having an aura that would morph like the Old Hillsbrad foothill does is a mistake, that would break the charm of the said dungeon. Next, you want to have non-instant flypath but a true blizzlike player would first claim an option to "unlearn" them as you know them all by default.

About the economy, specifically the inflation, know that it goes both ways. As an exemple i will take the newly arrived Haunting spirit that are way too many present at a so cheap price : despite the generous gold rate and the said inflation, their price are close to retail.

Finally, heirlooms that are given to player can be simply toss away. Even creating a "Welcome on Freakz, may this new adventure bring you enjoyement and such. Here, grab this ! *give heirloom to %t*" NPC in each spawning place wouldn't be good.

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Post Posted: 17-01-2016, 22:49:15 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Nah, you missed my point with the visual buff in the dungeon.

Currently, if a hordie gets thrown into a dungeon with an ally, there are a Night elf and an Orc fighting side by side. This neglects the "RP" side, as Horde and Alliance hate each other.
My idea is to pick one faction, based on the majority of players, and "morph" the minority, so that all players in the dungeon appear to belong to one faction.


Following players are thrown into Uldaman:

Blood Elf
Night Elf

The Night elf is in the minoity, so he gets a "buff" which visually morphs him into an Undead.

OR another idea:

The same players are bein thrown into Uldaman, but the hordies see the Night Elf as an Undead. However the Night Elf sees himsel normally, but the hordies appear to him as a Human, Dwarf, Worgen and a Draenei.

Basically, a player sees the whole group as his faction.

Now, at this point I know this has very little chance of getting implemented, I just enjoy the speculation -

The starter heirlooms are actually the custom feature that bothers me the least -
And when it comes to the flight paths, cince Cataclysm they unlock automatically as you level.

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Post Posted: 18-01-2016, 06:05:49 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


I doubt splitting the population in another realm would be a good idea . A split population means slower queue times for rdfs/bgs & raids hence this wont happen.

And the visual modifications are too custom to implement .


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Post Posted: 19-01-2016, 02:08:52 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Um, sorry, but you are wrong. It's blizzlike. That's how mercenary mode works on retail.

"Players will automatically have their race changed into one appropriate for the opposite faction which means their model, including tooltips, will be completely changed and unrecognizeable as being "disguised"


Our Freakz crossfaction DF is basically mercenary mode in pve.

And this is from official Blizzard blog:

"When you compete as a mercenary, you still earn all of the same rewards you would have by winning or losing as your own faction (with the exception of faction-specific achievements). Your race also automatically changes into one appropriate for the opposite faction while you’re still inside the Battleground or Ashran."

From the technical side it would mean giving the "mercenaried" players a buff almost identical to Orb of Deception, just persistent through death like a flask and impossible to get rid of until you leave the bg/df.

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Post Posted: 19-01-2016, 18:28:44 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Tbh we had 2 realms back then and the pve status of the International one wasnt really great.Also population was really low as someone pointed it out in the above comments, but splitting the server imo isnt really worth the effort.

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