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Post Posted: 22-07-2016, 11:56:37 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

EN: (Google Translate)

First of all would need to make a plan for marketing / advertising .
About the site:
1. The site must be on an international domain (like .: .org, .com)
2. The design should be more friendly, the current overflows (strictly wow), resembles an arcade site. Players must be able to create a much simpler account (missing the most important thing: a large button with ACCOUNT CREATE). Believe me that nobody is interested in fixed sites posted on the front page. (That old players are interested only ... irrelevant thing in attracting new players). The idea is to attract new players. My opinion is that the homepage to run a movie made professional background of game in which ala show the good parts of the game both PVE and PVP of things that demonstrate quality compared to other competing server server.
3. Pay online advertising.
3. A good SEO is also indicated.
4. More videos online features, statistics, etc.
5. Encourage people to make streaming (very important) - give awards to those who are streaming into play.
+ More

In Game:
1. Try to do the actual players to stay as long in the game without getting bored by inducing both PVE and PVP competitions, guild events etc.


Pentru inceput ar trebuii sa faceti un plan de marketing/advertising mai complex.
Despre site:
1. site-ul trebuie sa fie pe un domeniu international (gen.: .org, .com)
2. Designul trebuie sa fie mai prietenos, actualul este prea incarcat (strict wow), seamana cu un site de jocuri arcade. Jucatorii trebuie sa isi poata creea un cont mult mai simplu (lipseste cel mai important lucru: un buton mare cu CREAZA CONT). Crede-ma ca nu intereseaza pe nimeni fix-urile postate pe prima pagina. (asta intereseaza doar jucatorii vechi...lucru nerelevant in atragerea de noi jucatori). Ideea este sa atrageti jucatori noi. Pararea mea este ca pe prima pagina sa rulezi un film in background facut profesional din joc in care sa aratati partile bune ala jocului atat din pve cat si din pvp, lucruri care demonstreaza calitatea serverului fata de alte servere concurente.
3. Platiti publicitate online.
3. O buna optimizare SEO este deasemena indicata.
4. Mai multe filmulete online cu caracteristici, statistici, etc.
5. Incurajati lumea sa faca streaming (foarte important) - oferiti premii pentru cei care fac streaming in joc.

+ multe altele

In joc:
1. Incercati sa faceti actualii jucatori sa stea cat mai mult in joc fara a se plictisi prin creearea de concursuri atat pve cat si pvp, guild events, etc nu ***** de genul "Unde sunt acum...bla bla...un fel de pitulusu - astea mai prind doar la aia de gradinita...ceeace nu este cazul)

+ multe altele

PS: Asta este o simpla parere a unuia care joaca pe serverul asta de cca 2 ani.

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Post Posted: 22-07-2016, 12:04:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

3. Pay online advertising.
4. More videos online features, statistics, etc.
5. Encourage people to make streaming (very important)
Three extremely good ideas .
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Post Posted: 22-07-2016, 12:05:42 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

@shoker you should invest more in advertising. make a pvp tournament, capture it, make a good edit and upload it. make some vids with the good pve content of the server etc. You just need a better marketing strategy and u can attract new players.

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Post Posted: 22-07-2016, 12:14:04 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I agree advertising is the most important aspect which we suck at. unfortunately I haven't come up with a good solution yet.
1+2 @ site / domain, as mentioned somewhere else, I am in the process of hiring a designer for a totally new website and I have already bought a .com domain (will enable it when we have the new design, I'm hoping ~1-2 months).

@tournament events: we tried that event with IRL $$, it was a total fail

@events: we simply don't have gamemasters that want to do events. We tried finding some, all of them lose interest instantly / don't take their job seriously. If anyone is interested in holding events, let us know

But still, I'm open to suggestions/discussions, so please continue

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Post Posted: 22-07-2016, 12:27:49 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

@tournament events: we tried that event with IRL $$, it was a total fail +1 That's a big truth
@events I do not think people choose their server by how many events they do.As was said above , youtube plays an important role today.I watched a few reviews and I saw that in general the only problem is that here the Exp rate is too big.Many servers have 1x rate and not the half of quests that we have.
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Post Posted: 22-07-2016, 12:31:27 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I personally think those events are absolutely boring. Get GMs to interact more with people, visit them in raids and do jokes so people feel like at home and not everwhelmed by bunch of people that dont even speak english, do those GM surveys, find out what people what. Only handful of people visit forum comparing to how many players we actually have. If its possible, implement so we can rate GMs assistance, put some rewards for them, so they put some more effort.

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Post Posted: 22-07-2016, 12:37:16 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Freakz arena master was fail mainly because it was pure clown fiesta. Gm was keeping all of the players in the same zone and asking them if they are ready on /s . Everyone was spamming on romanian, crying after losing and so on. When teams are about to play against each other GM should spawn them to different zone where its only 2 team leaders and GM so they can discuss if they are ready and what arena they would like to play.
Next time you decide to make a tourney do the same kind of rewards, set up clear rules, everyone who disrespects rule should be instantly disqualified without argument even for a second!
Of course bugs like the one resto druids had shouldn't happen, changed results of a whole tournament so i believe if some outsider was watching a stream he would change his mind about coming to our server.
If there are too many teams have more gms hosting 2 matches at same time cuz last event i spend hours spectating healer/dps vs mirror in bo5 ...
Previous BG event was quite decent i think? So we should host those more often, it really brings people back to game. Make 1 more bg event, if it goes well then make another BG event with Far greater rewards aka irl money and advertise it, maybe guilds from other servers would like it and eventually migrate.

The way i see it most of players playing on other populated servers are blind and they think that's how game should work, they don't even know Freakz has 10 times better scripts so you have to find a way and open their eyes. Easier said than done but it can be done.

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Post Posted: 22-07-2016, 12:46:16 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

No, the tournament was mainly a fail because we waited lots of time to barely get the minimum number of teams (what happened after is also true), players simply don't want PvP tournaments

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    Battletag: postrow.ID_BATTLE_NET} 
Post Posted: 22-07-2016, 13:26:12 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

In fact people don't join at this tournament because Player X who is rank 1 will come, I will lose if I come so neh,

And about events, I personally had 3 months of full events made by me, and only 20 people enjoyed them, because if you don't win, it's no fun they said...and to make events always it's not the best idea, because people will stay online just for that and they will forget to play the game, not just wait for big events and until they come you just enter to see what's new for 5 min then exit.

Update @ 22-07-2016, 14:26:12

Sure a BG event would be awesome and I really want to make it with some extra rules because the last one was kinda unperfect with some things, but for the moment there aren't people with a lot of gear or equal gear to be fair enough, maybe in the beggining of august.

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Post Posted: 22-07-2016, 13:51:48 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

also, next time you`ll make tournaments, try to make them 3v3, 2s was totally crap(and this isn`t just my point of view, but the pov of others too). First find a kinda fine and whiling to participate player base, then make the tournament, here, on freakz are many that don`t wanna participate/que arenas(even some kind of "high rated players" that made the rate farming noobs) because they`re affraid to que agains others better than them. As you remember i participate with hpriest and stand against dk hpala full epic 8 minutes and was very funny to see u can`t do shit bc your healer is constantly low health jk NOT. Also, next time check the bugs from the tournament realm and assure that everything is fine. Cheers!

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Post Posted: 22-07-2016, 13:54:18 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Please stop it with the tournaments. This is mostly about advertising and improving the server, those tournaments won't help that much, just cause even more drama

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Post Posted: 22-07-2016, 14:15:26 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

That might be a high flight but have you thought of opening a second realm of for example cata or wotlk? You already had those, I don't know how would it work but most top servers host at least 2 xpacs. If you could make it work Im pretty sure players would join. I also do realize that purpose of freakz is to be proggressive which is very good cuz there is(I believe) no other server like that but some people just want to be back to memories or smth and play for some time on older xpacs. Im writing this in hopes of feedback not as a suggestion, I have no idea what players/gms think about it so wtb comments

Also Im not advertising anything but for example lets bring Pandashan which in my honest opinion I tried and it was the worst server of whole times and there is no way to go worse than that. 90% of the things didnt work, same on monster wow. Although they have a lot of players because they have multiple realms. At least they had, didn't check recently.

Last edited by MikiQ22 on 22-07-2016, 14:17:56; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 22-07-2016, 14:17:07 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Actually the main reason for not opening another xpac is because we're afraid of the population split that might happen (some players from MoP will move to the WoTLK server), that means lower population on MoP. Lower population will cause more players to leave

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Post Posted: 22-07-2016, 14:21:00 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


Planul vostru de marketing ar trebuii sa urmareasca 2 ramuri.

1. Ingame - axat pe jucatorii care deja au cont si pe care sa ii faceti sa fie cat mai atrasi de joc (prin crearea de competitii in joc, etc).
2.Outofgame - tine de atragerea a cat mai multi jucatori sa isi faca cont si implicit sa joace pe server ( aceasta ramura depinde implicit de prima deoarece un numar mai mare de jucatori pe server atrage implicit si alti jucatori).Aici se aduce in discutie si ideea de advertising care implica enorm de multe cunostinte in domeniu. Si o spun asa pentru ca am lucrat peste 15 ani in domeniu si stiu cu ce se mananca.

Parerea mea este ca sa stabiliti un plan concret si sa il elaborati incepand cu website-ul (care trebuie foarte bine gandit si structurat) din punctul meu de vedere as merge ca o sugestie pe "Heroes WOW" iar fiecare content actualizat sa apara si in format video onsite...conteaza enorm de mult. NU incercati sa elaborati un plan pe care sa il incepeti de la coada spre cap, o sa fie inutil si ineficient. NU va ganditi la un plan de ADVETINSING pana site-ul nu este ok...o sa platiti niste bani degeaba!


Your marketing plan would need to follow two branches.

1. Ingame - focused on players who already have an account on which you make them be more attracted to the game (by creating competition in the game).
2.Outofgame - attract more players to make their account and thus play on the server (this depends default first branch because a greater number of players per server and thus attract other players) .Here is being discussed and the idea of advertising that involves a huge amount of knowledge in the field. And I say so because I worked over 15 years in the field and know what they eat.

My guess is that you establish a concrete plan and he had worked since the website (which should be very well thought out and structured) from my point of view I would go as a suggestion on "Heroes WOW" and every content update appearing in onsite video format ... matters enormously. DO NOT try to develop a plan to start him from head to tail, it will be useless and ineffective.

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Post Posted: 22-07-2016, 14:23:57 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

@income even though what you're saying is true, you didn't actually say ANYTHING there, just "you should get more players" / "you should do more advertising"

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