
[LIST] Professions-related bugs
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[Achive Hunter]

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Post Posted: 09-03-2017, 12:04:21 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


Please post here any professions-related bugs you encounter. When doing so, please use the standard format:
WoW Freakz link:
Bug description:

WARNING! You must bring PROOF for each bug report! This also applies if you want to confirm something. Absence of proof may lead to your post being deleted. Also, any flame/troll/off-topic posts get deleted or the user(s) may receive warnings (depending on the nature of the post).

General professions
- [PENDING] Unable to learh second profession if you learn Skinning as first profession-> Proof (last post here)
- [PENDING] mining + herbalism : you can't track minerals and herbs at the same time. you can chose only one. Proof
- [FIXED] Also fixed all profession trainers in dalaran (spawns + recipes)
- [FIXED] Draenor's secret scrolls (like Draenor Engineering).
- [PENDING] Enchant gloves : legion herbalism not working.
- [PENDING] Enchant gloves : legion mining not working.
- [PENDING] Enchant gloves : legion skinning not working.
- [PENDING] Enchant gloves : legion surveying not working.
- [FIXED] Legion recipes show "Item was not found" message after crating an item and it doesn't increase your skill.
- [PENDING] You can't have an enchant and a tinker on a same item. proof

Gathering professions
- [FIXED] "Ancient Guardian" is meant to be mineable and not skinnable. (WoWHead info) -> Proof(info) -> Proof
- [FIXED] True Iron deposit and Blackrock deposit can contain only one unit of each loot.
- [FIXED] All nodes should be minable at (1) skill. *NOTE: Ghost iron still requires to have 525 even though it can be smelted; trillium and kyparite 600. *
- [PENDING] All nodes should only skillup once their minimum orignal skill requirement is reached (ex : ghost iron ore at 500).
- [FIXED] All pre-legion nodes should award nuggets instead of ores if mined before the original skill requirement.
- [FIXED] You should no longer mine nuggets once your mining skill is higher than the ore's skill requirement.
- [PENDING] Felslate deposit and Leystone deposit should skillup until 735.
- [PENDING] Rich Felslate deposit and Rich Leystone deposit should skillup until 770.
- [PENDING] Leystone seam should skillup until 785.
- [PENDING] Felslate seam should skillup until 795. (proof)
- [FIXED] WQ Brimstone Destroyer is not implemented.
- [FIXED] NPC Brimstone Destroyer should only appear when one of the World Quest Brimstone Destroyer is active.
- [FIXED] Brimstone Destroyer Core not spawning when NPC Brimstone Destroyer is killed. Instead, the creature is mined. WoW Head link
- [FIXED] Legion nodes contain only 1 ore regardless of its source or the player's profession ranks.
- [PENDING] You should be able to mine nodes while in combat.
- [PENDING] Rich Obsidium Deposit and Rich Elementium Vein have no loot. PROOF
- [PENDING] At some point Rich thorium veins (and possibly other nodes) do not provide experience for mining, even though they should, so you are required to level Mining through Smelting. PROOF
- [PENDING] Too few Leystone deposit nodes spawned (about 50 on Freakz, about 500 on retail?) WoW Head source (map with all the Leystone spawns)
- [PENDING] Felslate Basilisk mining does not drop Felslate. PROOF
- [PENDING] Forgotten Formulas of the Broken Isles (Mining) item cannot be recieved in-game; it is an item for people who unlearn a profession and want to relearn it at a later time.

Mining workaround (340, 450, etc) :


- [FIXED] Herbalism Object's Loot
- [FIXED] Herbing in Legion is bugged, alot of the herbs give no loot at all. Foxflower, Aethril, Fjarnskaggl all bugged.
- [FIXED] Mageroyal and Briarthorn systematically loot only ONE plant instead of a random number between 1 and 8 (?) like the other plants. Proof
- [FIXED]Dreamleaf - Foxflower - Aethril - Fjarnskaggl , no loot.
- [PENDING] The skill needed for herbs is not set correctly. Almost every herb in the game is shown as green skill.
- [FIXED]Golden Lotus are empty.
- [FIXED] Snow Lily are empty.
- [FIXED] Fool's cap are empty.
- [FIXED] [WoD] In the herbs do not give any loot proof
- [FIXED] Not enough herbs in legion -> proof
- [FIXED] Dreamleaf Loot, must be 1-3 , not only one [url=]proof
- [FIXED] In WoD the herbs do not give any loot proof
- [FIXED] Aethril should have a 100 % drop of "Roseate Pigment", but it doesn't. proof
- [FIXED] Deadnettle missing from herb nodes. proof
- [FIXED] Withered Hungerer should only spawn (not always) after you gathered an herb to "defend" it in Aszuna.
- [FIXED] Nightmare creeper should only spawn (not always) after you gathered an herb to defend it in Val'sharah.
- [FIXED] Legion seeds cannot be used, Fertile soil missing, using the item spawn an attackable seed.
- [PENDING] You should be able to gather herbs while in combat. proof
- [FIXED] All herbs should be gatherable at (1) skill.
- [PENDING] All herbs should only skillup once their original skill requirement is reached.
- [FIXED] All pre-legion herbs should award petals instead of herbs if gathered before the herb's skill requirement.
- [PENDING] Edward Egan doesnt sell the Forgotten Techniques of the Broken Isles as he should. PROOF
- [PENDING] Herbalism Technique Starlight Rose (Rank 1) seems to make your chances of getting starlight 0%; you should be getting starlight dust if you dont get the rose. PROOF
- [PENDING] Herbalism technique Fjarnskaggl (Rank 3) doesnt work as intended - the mount speed stays exactly the same as without it.
- [PENDING] [url=]Forgotten Formulas of the Broken Isles (Herb Gathering)
item cannot be recieved in-game; it is an item for people who unlearn a profession and want to relearn it at a later time.
- [PENDING] When Aethril is gathered, the mob sometimes disappears too fast to be looted, and sometimes the loot is empty. PROOF

-[FIXED]"I should loot them before" Issue proof / "This creature cannot be skinned"
-[PENDING] We should be able to skinn any skinable npc with only 1 skill in skinning but i cannot(says "skill is not hgh enough"). Proof
-[FIXED] Legion skinning ( should not be taught by teachers proof
-[PENDING] Skinning cannot be up beyond 660 skill. Last "orange" mob is at 550 because it uses (creature level * 5) to determine difficulty and Difficulty + creature level to determine limit (stuff like that). Proof
- [PENDING] All skinnable creatures should only skillup once their original skill requirement is reached.
- [PENDING] All pre-legion skinnable creature should award scraps instead of hide if skinned before the creature's skinning skill requirement.
- [PENDING] Forgotten Formulas of the Broken Isles (Skinning) item cannot be recieved in-game; it is an item for people who unlearn a profession and want to relearn it at a later time.

Crafting professions
-[FIXED] Can't craft demonsteel bar at the firmament stone.
- [PENDING] Truesteel Ingot (spell) only produces 1 Ingot, instead of 8, increased by Blacksmithing skill. PROOF
- [PENDING] The items you craft with Legion Blacksmithing should have random secondary stats.
- [PENDING] Forgotten Formulas of the Broken Isles (Blacksmithing) item cannot be recieved in-game; it is an item for people who unlearn a profession and want to relearn it at a later time.

-[FIXED] Prospecting Leystone or Felslate is impossible. proof
-[FIXED] Mass prospecting spells are not working properly. info (wowhead link)
- [PENDING] Design twisted Pandemonite Choker and simillar recipes should give you +5 levels when crafted, but instead only give +1.[url=]PROOF
- [PENDING] Forgotten Formulas of the Broken Isles (Jewelcrafting) item cannot be recieved in-game; it is an item for people who unlearn a profession and want to relearn it at a later time.

-[FIXED] Not gaining skill from 425. -> proof
-[FIXED] Crafting issues proof ~item can be crafted just visual error issue.. also no skill is received
Draenor Tailoring Not working Proof
- [PENDING] Hexweave cloth creation only produces 1 Hexweave cloth, though it should be creating 8-20 depending on skill. PROOF
- [PENDING] The items you craft with Legion Tailoring should have random secondary stats.
- [PENDING] Forgotten Formulas of the Broken Isles (Tailoring) item cannot be recieved in-game; it is an item for people who unlearn a profession and want to relearn it at a later time.

-[FIXED] Can't skill up leatherworking at skill 425 -> Video Proof
-[FIXED] "Dreanor Leatherworking"
it doesn't teach you any recipes.
- [PENDING] The items you craft with Legion Leatherworking should have random secondary stats.
- [PENDING] Stonehide Leather Barding duration isnt increased for Leatherworkers (it should be quadrupled). PROOF
- [PENDING] Forgotten Formulas of the Broken Isles (Leatherworking) item cannot be recieved in-game; it is an item for people who unlearn a profession and want to relearn it at a later time.

-[PENDING] Nitro-boost's cooldown doesn't start after combat, need to relog to start it.
-[FIXED] Draenor Engineering Not working
-[PENDING] Reaves Battery cannot be used while Rechargeable raves battery in on CD.
-[FIXED] Reaves module : bling mode doesn't work thus Blingtron 6000 can't be summoned. proof
-[PENDING] Goblin Engineering and Gnomish Engineering cannot be unlearned afterwards, to be switched.PROOF
- [PENDING] Forgotten Formulas of the Broken Isles (Engineering) item cannot be recieved in-game; it is an item for people who unlearn a profession and want to relearn it at a later time.

-[FIXED] At 425 , your not gaining and Skill points ->Proof
-[FIXED] Can not craft alchemy of broken isles although use dalaran alchemy station -> proof
-[FIXED] Wild Transmutation creates this item instead of granting random legion crafting regeants and a chance to learn a transmutation. Proof - FIXED recipe part, I need the list for the regeants to also fix them
- [PENDING] Forgotten Formulas of the Broken Isles (Alchemy) item cannot be recieved in-game; it is an item for people who unlearn a profession and want to relearn it at a later time.

- [FIXED]Disenchanting is not Working for legion items.
- [FIXED] Stack issue with "Enchanting Vellum" -> Proof
- [FIXED] Disenchanting is not supposed to grant you skillups after 70 -> Proof
- [FIXED] Draenor Enchanting Not working proof
- [PENDING] Some low item level items in Legion give Draenor materials when disenchanted. Seems random, affecting only rare or higher items, mostly at 680 ish item level. Tested with item ID 121435.
- [PENDING] Relics cannot be disenchanted. (proof)
- [PENDING] Disenchanting rare or epic items should have a chance to give a Blood of Sargeras Info
- [FIXED] Abysall shatter works but creates Essence or dust token.
- [PENDING] Warforged/Titanforged items are counted as green items when disenchanted (#bonusListIDs 1822). proof
- [FIXED] Mark of the distant Army missing damage formula. Proof
- [FIXED] Rank 3 enchants recipes can't be purchased at Broken isles Quartermasters. proof
- [PENDING] Mark of the trained soldier has no rank. Applying a rank 2 of this enchant doesnt show 2nd rank or resource cost reduction as it should. PROOF
- [PENDING] Forgotten Formulas of the Broken Isles (Enchanting) item cannot be recieved in-game; it is an item for people who unlearn a profession and want to relearn it at a later time.

-[FIXED]tome of the tranquil mind ,the recipe is not spawned in dalaran where the inscription training is.
-[FIXED] Inscription researches are not working. The only thing you get from doing a research is an Assorted Glyphs
-[FIXED] Draenor plants can't be milled.
-[FIXED] Mass milling spells are only giving 1 quantity of their respective crafting. They should give extra pigments. proof (wowhead link)
Glyph of Crimson banish cannot be learned through Research: Jadefire Ink, although it should be possible. PROOF *note: Read the Comment section of the WoW-Head's spell (wowhead link); it seems as if there are some "hidden" recipes behind it.
- [PENDING] Forgotten Formulas of the Broken Isles (Inscription) item cannot be recieved in-game; it is an item for people who unlearn a profession and want to relearn it at a later time.
- [PENDING] Codex of the tranquil mind isnt a working object - it is spawned, but not usable.

Secondary professions
First Aid
- [FIXED] First aid can't be up above 700, because none NPC teach it as they should. proof
- [FIXED] Aid Trainers doesn't teach legion bandages and doesn't unlock skill from 700 to 800 proof

- [FIXED] [Draenor][loot]Not receiving Warlord's of Draenor Fish when fishing in Frostfire Ridge, getting classic Vanilla fish. Proof
- [FIXED] Most wod / legion zones don't have fishing data set
- [PENDING] Fishing data on Timeless Isle not set. The fishing loot default (like lowlevel location) proof
- [PENDING] I can't fish in Dalaran (The Underbelly) and in Margoss's Retreat or any other shallow waters.
(Waters that is not deep, but just a few inches deep)proof

- [FIXED] Can't learn the last "level" of Cooking.proof
- [PENDING] Bear tartare should grant speed buff when killing any ennemy and not just from those you can earn experience/honor.
- [PENDING] Legion artifacts can't be solved even when you have the required fragments. Proof

- [PENDING] Some digsites don't award fragments or relics are out of reach. (Example: Krasarang wilds digsite - PROOF)
- [PENDING] Bugged digsite called "Zul'mashar digsite" (In Eastern Plaguelands) .Troll digsite -> Even though it's a troll digsite, upon reaching the spot where you would normally spawn an object that gives you fragments, nothing spawns. You just get credit towards completion of the digsite, and that's it. Additionally, when I completed the Digsite, it was marked as "unknown" in the racial window that pops up when you complete the digsite.
- [PENDING] Bugged digsite called '' Savage Coast Raptor Fields. When you use the archeology spell Survey it should spawn a Survey Tool which has the light. however in this digsite that doesn't work everywhere. the survey tool will appear in some places and won't show up in others. pretty impossible to finish the digsite. Proof
- [PENDING] Profession can be up after 675, cause Brittle Cartography Journal doesn't proc on dig site.
- [PENDING] The Joy of Draenor Cooking doesnt enhance your Cooking to 700 - instead it gets stuck at 600.

PLEASE NOTE! All bugged achievements must be posted in the dedicated topic here:

Bugged Achievements

Last edited by dracusoru93 on 07-08-2017, 12:43:03; edited 53 times in total
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[Achive Hunter]

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Post Posted: 10-03-2017, 10:40:11 [Valuable post] | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Herbalism Object Loot : Earthroot , need to drop only Earthroot, bot here is droping this:

Peacebloom ,

Silverleav No loot.

Some one need to check all the Object Loot

Update @ 10-03-2017, 10:40:11


The you loot the object but is not reciving despawn for the reset Cooldown.

First time i loot

Second time i loot.

Last edited by dracusoru93 on 10-03-2017, 12:48:48; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 10-03-2017, 12:26:19 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Earthroot, Silverleaf, Pacebloom, Copper Vein [FIXED]
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 22-03-2017, 22:22:03 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Description: Cannot mill legion herbs at rank 1


What it should be done, you learn inscription in dalaran, get the quest , get 1-800 Inscription, and it would let you mill legion herbs.

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Post Posted: 26-03-2017, 23:01:58 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Anyone else had the problem that they could not learn Leatherworking? I am trying it at the Trainers in Orgrimmar but after i confirm my choice the skill is still not learned.
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Post Posted: 27-03-2017, 03:55:20 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Bug Description: Not receiving Warlord's of Draenor Fish when fishing in Frostfire Ridge, getting classic Vanilla fish.


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Post Posted: 27-03-2017, 14:32:25 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Current profession bugs are as such:

Skinning (dunno which ID for the spell).
Bug description: Currently cannot skin lower-level mobs (like, in Durotar) to skill up. You get a message saying "This creature cannot be skinned", even though it's a boar, raptor or scorpid. This makes leatherworking impossible to level.

WowFreakz Link:
Bug description: You still haven't made the [Herbalist's Spade], which is the herbalism skill boosting item, available to players on most vendors that are Pre-WoD...
Proof? Check your own link, they're all sold by vendors that are either in Draenor or Broken Isles. =/

I would like to remark that in the current PTR, Horde* players will not be able to reach Legion or even Draenor Skill levels for primary professions and cooking, because you've closed off Pandaria, or made it inaccessible. =/

Last edited by phil777 on 01-04-2017, 08:14:29; edited 1 time in total
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 27-03-2017, 22:08:58 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Even though I have the skill level, and the recipes, I still can't cook.

Grilled Saberfish --- Wowhead (wowhead link)
Saberfish Broth --- Wowhead (wowhead link)

Learnt from: The Joy of Draenor Cooking --- Wowhead

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 29-03-2017, 12:43:47 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW legion 7.1.5 [Skinning]


can't skin boars in durotar, it says i should loot them before i loot them they stay glowing as lootable.
works normaly in molgore


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Post Posted: 29-03-2017, 14:00:08 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz link: ; ;
Bug description: They have no loot.
Proof: Look at the loot table

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Post Posted: 29-03-2017, 15:31:04 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz link:
Bug description: I fished from one of those multiple times, only the first time dropped a fish, the rest of them, nothing.

Update @ 29-03-2017, 16:31:04

WoW Freakz link:
Bug description: Disenchanting doesn't seem to work for legion items at least.
Proof: it can easily be tested.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 29-03-2017, 23:05:00 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Rdtym wrote:
WoW Freakz link:
Bug description: I fished from one of those multiple times, only the first time dropped a fish, the rest of them, nothing.

WoW Freakz link: Cursed Queenfish
Bug description: The same can be applied to Cursed Queenfish. Fished for about 20 minutes, got none of that.
Only Raw Brilliant Smallfish and Raw Longjaw Mud Snapper ( vanilla fish).
Don't have a video, but some screenshots.


The third image is at the spot where this fish are supposed to be : Cursed Queenfish School

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Post Posted: 01-04-2017, 08:29:19 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Mining: a lot of mineral veins require 0 skill to mine. This is problematic, because you can currently skill up mostly via making bars, and not mining the minerals themselves. This starts as early as thorium. I am now stuck at Adamantite with 340 skill (crafting bars has become grey, no skill from mining it or khorium), and 350 is needed to learn cobalt. =/

Proof: (thorium veins) (rich thorium) (fel iron)

And so on. The only mineral so far that required a high skill requirement to mine was pyrite. =/

But as you can see, even the Richer form suffers from this bug. =/ (

We cannot procede to Draenor or Legion profession content while this bug is active.

Update @ 01-04-2017, 09:29:19

Archaeology: Basic mechanics work fine, but according to this Legion archaeology guide (, we should have 4 digsites per continent, depending on the skill level. 1-300 = 8, 4 in EK and Kalimdor. 300-375 = 12, 4 more in Outland, and so on. Broken Isles apparently only has 3 digsites though.

Currently, we only start with 2 digsites per continent, which is half the amount we should get.

Proof? Just learn archaeology, even with 1 skill, you can see that you'll only have 2 digsites in Kalimdor and EK. (And this problem also affects the MoP realm, as I've reported before...)

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 03-04-2017, 04:20:31 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

phil777 wrote:
Mining: a lot of mineral veins require 0 skill to mine. This is problematic, because you can currently skill up mostly via making bars, and not mining the minerals themselves. This starts as early as thorium. I am now stuck at Adamantite with 340 skill (crafting bars has become grey, no skill from mining it or khorium), and 350 is needed to learn cobalt. =/

Proof: (thorium veins) (rich thorium) (fel iron)

And so on. The only mineral so far that required a high skill requirement to mine was pyrite. =/

But as you can see, even the Richer form suffers from this bug. =/ (

We cannot procede to Draenor or Legion profession content while this bug is active.

Update @ 01-04-2017, 09:29:19

Archaeology: Basic mechanics work fine, but according to this Legion archaeology guide (, we should have 4 digsites per continent, depending on the skill level. 1-300 = 8, 4 in EK and Kalimdor. 300-375 = 12, 4 more in Outland, and so on. Broken Isles apparently only has 3 digsites though.

Currently, we only start with 2 digsites per continent, which is half the amount we should get.

Proof? Just learn archaeology, even with 1 skill, you can see that you'll only have 2 digsites in Kalimdor and EK. (And this problem also affects the MoP realm, as I've reported before...)

Confirmed i'm having the same problem I'm also stuck at Adamantite with 340 skill (mining bars has become grey, no skill from mining anything), and I can mine cobalt, but get no skill for it, but should not be able to with no mining training in it.


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Post Posted: 03-04-2017, 05:56:29 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

The same problem is affecting herbalism nodes. I'm able to get Kingsblood ( and fadeleaf at around lvl 50 of herbalism. Those are herbs found in lvl 30 zones minimum...

Also...Mageroyal somehow gives earthroot. You guys have an odd sense of humor, huh? :p
Same thing with Briarthorn, except it gives peacebloom. XD (

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