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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 08-06-2017, 02:32:42 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Shocker wrote:
players are worried they are forced to play a spec until we fix the others.

wouldn't you think that'd be the main concern for any potential donors?

"why would I play/donate only to be told what to play?"

but the real question you want to answer is

Shocker wrote:
3) What about players who want multi specs? Both Fire and Arcane? Or even Frost too?


Shocker wrote:
2) Should we allow AP transfer when changing? Since you can change it immediately if you want, I assume no (you are not forced to farm AP on another artifact you dont want)

AP spent on a weapon should just stay on that weapon, like in retail

no transfers no moving no coping. you brake it you pay for it

with all this mix and matches the last thing you want to say is that freakz is "retail like" and then have all this custom stuff shoved down the throat of customers

Shocker wrote:
So how about allowing to change it immediately after ?
For example, you do the Arcane Mage scenario => get the Arcane artifact => instantly change it to Fire. But then we still need to think about:
1) Should we allow only ONE change? Or unlimited changes?

freakz has all the artifact weapons working, why on earth do you want to limit players spreading the word on how good the work you've done is?

no other pserver has them so nicely done. SHOW OFF!

like i said before, the weapons should be gated behind a quest chain

but once you've done that quest give all the weapons to the players. for now, for the early birds that recognized how great freakz is and are enjoying the server

then, when you have frost and fire quest chains working: you give frost and arcane to the frost chain, fire and also arcane at the end of the fire chain.

and if you want both fire and frost well then you gotta do both quest chains, like in retail

until eventually you give fire to fire, frost to frost and arcane to arcane

because as mentioned before legion = artifact weapons + AP grind. the rest are just the french fries next to the hamburger

tbh this little issue can make or brake freakz' reputation of your legion realm

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Post Posted: 08-06-2017, 10:43:49 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

This guy say correct.

You should do 1 quest and gain all artifacts for each spec for the moment if the quests are not fixed. For ex there are players that are playing spec for pve and spec for pvp, from the begining they must have 2 artifacts at least.
To transfer AP to another artifact is a bad choice, you need to keep people farm that AP and play constant to do it.
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 08-06-2017, 14:15:26 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

It's clear that the best solution is giving all weapons after compleating the working scenario. In alternative making it repeatable allowing us to pick a different weapon untill we have them all

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 11-06-2017, 11:47:07 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

In the PTR i have only seen dps specs and maybe a healing spec from all the classes having their artifact weapon questline ready. Pally has ret, DK frost, Warrior Fury, Druid idk, DH Havoc. Is there going to be any change to that so we can play as a tank?
thank you. Correct me if I am mistaken! I am open to any opinion.

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Post Posted: 11-06-2017, 15:14:09 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Some one of you talk on the subject but you don't really get what we are trying to point here. Did anyone mentioned donations?

Classes will have 1 or 2 specializations working from 3 possible on live. If (for example) you would like to play as enhancement shaman but only elemental is working when the server goes live; what would be the solution? Once the quest chain for the enhancement and it's artifact reward will work as intended, should we enable ONE switch of AP from the elemental (current spec) to the new fixed and avaible one?

Some of you seem to think it's funny to play a perioud of time on a specialization and then start over on the desired specialization once it's fully working... That sounds awful. He said that he considers moving your AP from X current specialization to Y fixed one if that Y was your intended to play specialisation from the start. The fact that you would have to complete a 30-60 minutes quest chain filled with WoW lore and cinematics should be something to be happy with not a wall. Obviously a featured as this will be better if will work only ONCE and only in the first (let's say) 72 hours after a new specialization will be set live

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 11-06-2017, 16:19:26 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Well, it's also not funny having to play one spec until freakz fixes the spec you really want to play. I don't care about moving the AP, I won't play as Protection if I want to play Retribution (just an example). We should be able to choose between "1) the actual artifact the quest is supposed to give us" and "2) whatever other artifact that its quest chain is not yet scripted" when finishing an scenario, I mean, if someone really cares about the lore, he would probably do the quest chain for his spec once it's fully scripted.
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 11-06-2017, 18:31:53 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

OpTIXy wrote:
Some one of you talk on the subject but you don't really get what we are trying to point here. Did anyone mentioned donations?

I mentioned donations

as a donor myself I think it's important to keep the donors in mind and bring in more

read up

OpTIXy wrote:
Classes will have 1 or 2 specializations working from 3 possible on live. If (for example) you would like to play as enhancement shaman but only elemental is working when the server goes live; what would be the solution? Once the quest chain for the enhancement and it's artifact reward will work as intended, should we enable ONE switch of AP from the elemental (current spec) to the new fixed and avaible one?

Some of you seem to think it's funny to play a perioud of time on a specialization and then start over on the desired specialization once it's fully working... That sounds awful. He said that he considers moving your AP from X current specialization to Y fixed one if that Y was your intended to play specialisation from the start. The fact that you would have to complete a 30-60 minutes quest chain filled with WoW lore and cinematics should be something to be happy with not a wall. Obviously a featured as this will be better if will work only ONCE and only in the first (let's say) 72 hours after a new specialization will be set live

this doesn't clarify anything to me

what are you trying to say?

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 11-06-2017, 21:00:43 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

OpTIXy wrote:
Some one of you talk on the subject but you don't really get what we are trying to point here. Did anyone mentioned donations?

Classes will have 1 or 2 specializations working from 3 possible on live. If (for example) you would like to play as enhancement shaman but only elemental is working when the server goes live; what would be the solution? Once the quest chain for the enhancement and it's artifact reward will work as intended, should we enable ONE switch of AP from the elemental (current spec) to the new fixed and avaible one?

Some of you seem to think it's funny to play a perioud of time on a specialization and then start over on the desired specialization once it's fully working... That sounds awful. He said that he considers moving your AP from X current specialization to Y fixed one if that Y was your intended to play specialisation from the start. The fact that you would have to complete a 30-60 minutes quest chain filled with WoW lore and cinematics should be something to be happy with not a wall. Obviously a featured as this will be better if will work only ONCE and only in the first (let's say) 72 hours after a new specialization will be set live

This bring up, once again, to the point where the best solution is to give all the weapons for the class with the only working scenario, no custom artifact swapping, no clunky artifact power moving from a weapon to another. The weapon scenario is done just once per spec with you ingame character, just once and then it gets forgotten. Sure is nice and prestigius to have all of them fixed and certanly the players will appreciate the effort once all of them are working, but is it worth to complicate everyone's live (both players and devs) by adding unnecessary features when you can just give all the weapon upon completing the working scenario? I believe not. You can always remove the one you fix from the initial working one as you progress with the scripting where at some point all of them will work and every new player will have to complete the scenario specific to the weapon they desire but for now, please, just give them all and focus on having the best start possible. The 15th approaces and we don't have a clear answer for this topic. Walk my shoes for a moment, i'm asking my entire guild (more than 30 people) to move here in hope for a better game environement, we all agree to come here but if all the weapons won't be available at start there is no point in moving now and i'll have to ask everyone in my guild to wait even more. So please give us an answer about all of this in the next days before the server launches

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 11-06-2017, 23:15:56 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

delfinoc wrote:
is it worth to complicate everyone's live (both players and devs) by adding unnecessary features when you can just give all the weapon upon completing the working scenario? I believe not.

of course it's not worth complicating things at all

specially if that complication brings the server closer to a fun server instead of a bliz like one

delfinoc wrote:
The 15th approaces and we don't have a clear answer for this topic. Walk my shoes for a moment, i'm asking my entire guild (more than 30 people) to move here in hope for a better game environement, we all agree to come here but if all the weapons won't be available at start there is no point in moving now and i'll have to ask everyone in my guild to wait even more. So please give us an answer about all of this in the next days before the server launches

totally understandable

as it stands, it's definitely not advisable to move out of a server that gives you the freedom to play the spec you want
where you have invested time and probably have donated for some things

this of course is pushing and scaring away potential donors

(even before the realm is live)

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Post Posted: 12-06-2017, 14:33:46 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages) (here can you see what Artifact Scenarios are working)

I agree with wait for your Artifact until the quest/scenario is scripted, because it is a huge chaos when you already have the Artifact and you do the Quests/Scenario. But i would say why not create a NPC who gives you for free a Weapon with 715+ ilvl weapon until you can get your Artifact?

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 12-06-2017, 16:09:27 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Fyury wrote: (here can you see what Artifact Scenarios are working)

I agree with wait for your Artifact until the quest/scenario is scripted, because it is a huge chaos when you already have the Artifact and you do the Quests/Scenario. But i would say why not create a NPC who gives you for free a Weapon with 715+ ilvl weapon until you can get your Artifact?

It wouldn't be fair to people who play a spec with an unscripted artifact quest chain. As said before, Legion without artifact is not Legion, as Legion is all about farming AP.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 12-06-2017, 16:24:34 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

ZexeoR wrote:
Fyury wrote: (here can you see what Artifact Scenarios are working)

I agree with wait for your Artifact until the quest/scenario is scripted, because it is a huge chaos when you already have the Artifact and you do the Quests/Scenario. But i would say why not create a NPC who gives you for free a Weapon with 715+ ilvl weapon until you can get your Artifact?

It wouldn't be fair to people who play a spec with an unscripted artifact quest chain. As said before, Legion without artifact is not Legion, as Legion is all about farming AP.

You still can get AP from Quest, Mobs, ... . So keep the AP and wait until you can get your Artifact Weapon and then use it. I think you need to wait only 1 to 2 Weeks until all Artifact Scenarios are working. Cant you play for 1-2 Weeks without an Artifact Weapon? When not then just level yourself to level 100 and wait until you can get your Artifact Weapon.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 12-06-2017, 17:12:56 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Well, we don't know if it's gonna be 1-2 weeks or 1-2 months, and I don't think it's fair to ask the devs for an exact date, as I, as a developer myself, know deadlines can be stressful and there can always be setbacks that prevent reaching those deadlines.

I want to be able to play whatever spec I want without that being a disadvantage compared to other specs.

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Post Posted: 12-06-2017, 17:13:07 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

No you can't. Artifact weapon is everything in Legion, you think you can wait? then wait to pick up yours and try to do every activity without it, let us know how it feels. Also what you're saying is that we all should stop our progress at the very start when we could easly get all our weapons? Forgive me but this is pure nonsense.
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Post Posted: 12-06-2017, 19:08:22 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Well this is a bit of a let down. I did not test all scenario's on the PTR since I had no intention of playing all classes and specs.

Judging by the list linked earlier from Fyury there can't be any Rogues and Warlocks since they can't get any artifact weapon at this moment in time. Since given options like AP transfer or pick ur weapon after scenario don't apply.
So what will happen for these classes?

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