
[Raid] Trial of Valor
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Post Posted: 22-10-2017, 14:14:10 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

CocoDev wrote:
fearstreett wrote:

idk what to call this bug, lets call it : bug

How did you get there with no members in raid?

i logged off inside instance, logged back in after a while when it was disbanded, i think i am supposed to spawn outside if that happens right?

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Post Posted: 22-10-2017, 14:18:17 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Coco ,

Watch this video for all timers for all spells... (left side interface) ... you can fixed more easy and exactly ( horn / light etc etc )

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[Screwed Freak]

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  Battletag: postrow.ID_BATTLE_NET} 
Post Posted: 22-10-2017, 14:21:50 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

horn and light from hyrja>hymdal were fixed already, do some raid tonight and tell us any other bug that needs fixed
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Post Posted: 22-10-2017, 16:49:34 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

CocoDev wrote:
ZeroOmar00 wrote:
after killing odyn on hc. odyn was not responding which means we couldn't turn in quest or teleport to next boss and we didn't get loot ( this applies to the whole raid members)

Next time alt+f4 and relog

I relogged and found myself under the map on a flying mount flying strait then the mount disappeared and fell to my death
after releasing I went back to odyn and he was still not responding.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 22-10-2017, 20:37:48 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

CocoDev wrote:

Next time alt+f4 and relog

Happened again today. All raid ALT F4'ed and reloged. No change.

Later Edit:

We regrouped, reset, went in and killed it again. This time loot was ok and we could talk and proceed. No real indication of what causes the bug and how to reproduce, unfortunately.

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Post Posted: 22-10-2017, 21:23:48 [Valuable post] | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

This is starting to be the worst riding experience I had so far on Freakz. Is extremely frustrating to have the basic mechanics not fixed. As always, the most important things to do at a boss is to check the 1-shot mechanics. If these are not working properly than it's pointless to carry on.
How are you expecting to progress through the fights if there's no way to get pass 1min mark on the fight?
Ok, I get it, only ~200 players on the server are trying to get these bosses killed on M at the moment and they are not a bunch, compare to the 4-5k online every day, but the 200 are not going to do this anymore.
If you are taking this serious than we will also, otherwise I promise you there will be no more reports of the bugs, nor good or bad.

- the adds are still spawning randomly, sometimes the boss picks a random target and the bilewater cast is put on them, spawning the adds there or under the textures. Just make it to spawn it always in the middle and solve this shit.
- The tentacle slam is crap. You cant soak it 3 out of 4 times. You get in there to soak it and your ride wipes. NOTE: THIS MECHANIC USED TO WORK BEFORE!!!

@Odyn M
- The Protected buff is *** up. It used to work before, some guys that had no idea about the script complained about not getting it AND you broke it. Now it's impossible to go pass that phase. The adds die when and where they are supposed to, some of the people get 2 colors to get the Protected debuf and none of them work and some people dont get any color and they just basically die. NOTE: THIS MECHANIC USED TO WORK BEFORE!!!
- Expel Light targets the tank.
- Horn of Valor is dealing damage in 7-9 yards instead of 5. Having /range 5 activated and with no one showing on the radar you still get hit by other's Horn of Valor.
- If a player is fixated by a Valarjar Runebearer and the player dies than Valarjar Runebearer doesnt take a new fixate target, it just stands there, leading to a wipe.
- Glowing Fragments have a huge range making the second phase almost impossible. Only if a sphere directly hits you it should stun and dmg you. If you are trying to be at 1-2 yards of it than it hits you.
- Odyn's Test might be affecting the spear spawn. Sometimes 3 spears just landed and the new 3 spears are being summoned. Feels like there are too many spears and fragments when the boss gets to around 20-25 stacks.
- In the third phase the tanks are targeted by the Raging Tempest.

Having 50-60-70 or god knows how many wipes on Odyn M and another ~30 on Helya hc does say that we got to know the fights pretty well, especially with all the internet resources available. So it's not because we dont know how to play, or the dps is too low, or the heal is too low, or the tanks are too stupid. It's just that no matter how much we progress, the next day there's a fix that bugs a working 1-shot wipe mechanic.
Dont get me wrong. I wouldnt mind spending 2-3-4 weeks on killing these bosses with some mechanics that work and can be somehow soaked or avoided. But under these conditions there's no way for us to step back in ToV M before something drastic is changing.

Can you take a look at this Shocker? It's been around 10 days since this was live and some more days of scripting and testing before, without significant result. High-end pve guilds are looking for challenges but now we only got suicide missions.

And btw, NO ONE will look through 8 pages of posts to find if anyone posted the encountered bug. If you (gms/devs) confirm an existing bug than post it on the first page, it's the reasonable thing to do. AND ANNOUNCE THE FIX if any of them are done. And stop sending us to go and test a shit when you post something as fixed on the first page but it's not. YOU test if it's working and then tell 10 guilds to get a valid group to that boss just to find out that they get wiped after 1 minute. If the hat is too large for your head and you cannot see anything than it means it's not for you.

Vengeance is in my heart, death in my hand,
Blood and revenge are hammering in my head.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 22-10-2017, 21:38:47 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Flamestalker wrote:

[*][FIXED] Guardian's Breath sometimes you don't get the debuff/damage

This is not fixed properly.

Guardian breath is not correctly applying the debuff. As a result the boss is gaining stacks uncontrollably.



Last edited by RCata on 23-10-2017, 09:43:18; edited 1 time in total
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[Screwed Freak]

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  Battletag: postrow.ID_BATTLE_NET} 
Post Posted: 22-10-2017, 22:18:48 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

madau wrote:
This is starting to be the worst riding experience I had so far on Freakz. Is extremely frustrating to have the basic mechanics not fixed. As always, the most important things to do at a boss is to check the 1-shot mechanics. If these are not working properly than it's pointless to carry on.
How are you expecting to progress through the fights if there's no way to get pass 1min mark on the fight?
Ok, I get it, only ~200 players on the server are trying to get these bosses killed on M at the moment and they are not a bunch, compare to the 4-5k online every day, but the 200 are not going to do this anymore.
If you are taking this serious than we will also, otherwise I promise you there will be no more reports of the bugs, nor good or bad.

Having 50-60-70 or god knows how many wipes on Odyn M and another ~30 on Helya hc does say that we got to know the fights pretty well, especially with all the internet resources available. So it's not because we dont know how to play, or the dps is too low, or the heal is too low, or the tanks are too stupid. It's just that no matter how much we progress, the next day there's a fix that bugs a working 1-shot wipe mechanic.
Dont get me wrong. I wouldnt mind spending 2-3-4 weeks on killing these bosses with some mechanics that work and can be somehow soaked or avoided. But under these conditions there's no way for us to step back in ToV M before something drastic is changing.

Can you take a look at this Shocke r? It's been around 10 days since this was live and some more days of scripting and testing before, without significant result. High-end pve guilds are looking for challenges but now we only got suicide missions.

And btw, NO ONE will look through 8 pages of posts to find if anyone posted the encountered bug. If you (gms/devs) confirm an existing bug than post it on the first page, it's the reasonable thing to do. AND ANNOUNCE THE FIX if any of them are done. And stop sending us to go and test a shit when you post something as fixed on the first page but it's not. YOU test if it's working and then tell 10 guilds to get a valid group to that boss just to find out that they get wiped after 1 minute. If the hat is too large for your head and you cannot see anything than it means it's not for you.

no 1 is complaining about beeing unable to kill some bosses, idk who gave you this thought, and as you can see each day some bugs that are reported here get fixed, good-bad, but they are taken care of, so please stop sounding so dramatic, maybe dev got the idea wrong, or maybe he didn't had enought ppl to test what he fixed, if you went to raid to see if it works, you also gave us feedback, so maybe you lost 10-20-30 min in that raid, but we now know what else is broken, things don't get fixed just by snaping a finger, so please be patient and wait for these bugs to get fixed
if you dont want to get involved and test again with your guild, that's fine for me, wait untill it get fully fixed, maybe you will feel a bit better about the raid experience

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[Screwed Freak]

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  Battletag: postrow.ID_BATTLE_NET} 
Post Posted: 23-10-2017, 07:59:19 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

  • [FIXED]In the third phase the tanks are targeted by the Raging Tempest.
  • [FIXED]Expel Light targets the tank.

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Post Posted: 23-10-2017, 22:29:20 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


  • [FIXED] Fixed an issue where Runic Band colours were removed from players after a Valarjar Runebeard was killed and for this reason they couldn't get protected debuff.
  • [FIXED] Expel Light shouldn't crit anymore.
  • [FIXED] Horn of Valor is dealing damage in 7-9 yards instead of 5. Having /range 5 activated and with no one showing on the radar you still get hit by other's Horn of Valor.
  • [REJECTED] If a player is fixated by a Valarjar Runebearer and the player dies than Valarjar Runebearer doesnt take a new fixate target, it just stands there, leading to a wipe. It only happens if the npc is in its own rune.
  • [FIXED] Glowing Fragments have a huge range making the second phase almost impossible. Only if a sphere directly hits you it should stun and dmg you. If you are trying to be at 1-2 yards of it than it hits you.
  • [FIXED] Spear of Light spears will be spawned every 15 seconds as it is on retail.


  • [FIXED] Guarm's Guardian's Breath will apply a debuff on each player that stands inside. (It was a minor texture problem, now is fixed)


  • [FIXED] During Bilewater Breath and Corrupted breath cast helya will face her current target this way Bilewater Slimes and Corrupted Axion pools should no longer be spawned behind her.
  • [FIXED] Fixed Tentacle Strike soak problem. Now every player that is inside the visual should get hit by it.
  • [FIXED] Orb of Corruption and Orb of Corrosion should start following the player and do damage(leaving decay) after 3 seconds after they were spawned. However the fixate debuff will be applied on players when they are spawned and it will have a 11 seconds duration(visual) this way each player will have time to run pretty far before the orb starts following him.
  • [FIXED] Fixed Decay's size and from now on it should apply Decay on every player that stands inside.
  • [FIXED] Orb of Corruption and Orb of Corrosion's damage shouldn't crit anymore.
  • [FIXED] Decay's damage shouldn't crit anymore.

Live after next restart.

Last edited by CocoDev on 24-10-2017, 22:51:26; edited 1 time in total
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[Mentally Stable]

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  Battletag: postrow.ID_BATTLE_NET} 
Post Posted: 24-10-2017, 21:45:02 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I didn t get any colour for (wowhead link) , even if everyone has it.


Last edited by Skisly on 24-10-2017, 22:53:50; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 24-10-2017, 22:04:07 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1. It happened that one player got fixated by 2rune adds, and as far as i saw, when a player gets fixated by one runic add, he automaticaly gets the color aswell allowing him to get the shield as soon as his mobs dies, but having 2adds fixated on you that means having 2runic colors, that's why the following thing most probably happened.

Skisly wrote:
I didn t get any colour for (wowhead link) , even if everyone has it.

2. Also again, the horn of valor melee area hit seems to be a bit larger than his visual.

3. On 3rd phase, too many players are getting Storm of Justice
Proof freakz:
Proof retail:

As far as i can see on retail video, there is like that the combo, if you dont trust it, check the timers by yourself from method video..
Start(phase3) >>break 5seconds>> apply Storm of Justice(5players) >> break 5seconds(after storm explodes) >> apply Storm of Justice(6players) >> apply Runes(after storm explodes) >> break 10seconds >> Runes explodes >> break 10seconds >> Start again.

At this moment, if you check again the video below, you will see we get Runes+Storm in same time.
Even if retail's dbm says there is a third Storm of Justice in same time with Runes, there isnt..
Proof freakz:

4. Odyn Energy Bar is missing..


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Post Posted: 24-10-2017, 22:11:02 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Brigadee wrote:
1. It happened that one player got fixated by 2rune adds, and as far as i saw, when a player gets fixated by one runic add, he automaticaly gets the color aswell allowing him to get the shield as soon as his mobs dies, but having 2adds fixated on you that means having 2runic colors, that's why the following thing most probably happened.

Skisly wrote:
I didn t get any colour for (wowhead link) , even if everyone has it.

2. Also again, the horn of valor melee area hit seems to be a bit larger than his visual.

3. On 3rd phase, too many players are getting Storm of Justice
Proof freakz:
Proof retail:

As far as i can see on retail video, there is like that the combo, if you dont trust it, check the timers by yourself from method video..
Start >> apply Storm of Justice(5players) >> break 5seconds >> apply Storm of Justice(6players) >> apply Runes >> break 10seconds >> Runes explodes >> break 10seconds >> Start.

At this moment, if you check again the video below, you will see we get Runes+Storm in same time.
Even if their dbm says there is a third Storm of Justice in same time with Runes, there isnt..
Proof freakz:

4. Odyn Energy Bar is missing..

The timer for Odyn in phase 3 will be like this:

"After taking him down to 55%":
3 seconds Cleansing Flames on The ground
4 seconds first wave of Storm of justice (it will target 3 players only)
15 seconds wave of Storm of Justice
21 seconds runic brand(storm of justice brake here) that will last long for about 8 SECONDS
26 seconds third wave of Storm of justice that will be cancelled
~29 seconds runic brand explosion
37 seconds fourth wave of storm of justice
48 second fifth wave of storm of justice

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Post Posted: 24-10-2017, 22:12:31 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

this will be more blizzlike than it is currently:D thanks:D
if you can fix the timers of third phase and get them live untill tomorrow night i will be happy to test them tomorrow.

Holy Paladin 7.1.5 Guide

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 24-10-2017, 22:27:43 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

CocoDev wrote:


  • [FIXED] During Bilewater Breath and Corrupted breath cast helya will face her current target this way Bilewater Slimes and Corrupted Axion pools should no longer be spawned behind her.

Still happens. 4/4 tries the first breath is correct, the second is in the water.

* Tentacles seem to work correctly.
* Orbs of corruption/corrosion seem to also work correctly.

Last edited by RCata on 24-10-2017, 22:33:58; edited 2 times in total
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