
7.2 Mage Tower Challenges - related bugs
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Post Posted: 02-05-2019, 01:10:08 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Completing the Feral challenge completes The Mage hunter quest not Imp mother thus making it imposible to obtain the artifact appearance

Edit: Tnx, haven't noticed the completed quest, you can delete

Last edited by Bizo on 02-05-2019, 01:18:34; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 02-05-2019, 01:14:04 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Girouette wrote:

1. Variss ins't supposed to move (0:16s)
2. Fewer Infernals should apper, move slower and cast lesser times, also pushing you back not so far away. (First infernal spawns at aprox 50s, second one at 1min50s)
3. Golden Orb should also heal Velen for full health (1:48)
3. Kruul appears at 33% HP (2:37)

PS: Velen and the other one should show in the party or raid UI, this also beeing the case for the healer quest.

1) I know about it, but for some reasons when you fear him with the Holy Ward from Velen he will start going upwards. I try to fix that
2) Fixed the timers, should be ok now
3) Fixed
4) That's because of scaling HP. Don't worry, they have same MAX HP like blizzard

Update @ 02-05-2019, 02:14:04

Bizo wrote:
Completing the Feral challenge completes The Mage hunter quest not Imp mother thus making it imposible to obtain the artifact appearance

You need to go and complete the quest in Dalaran. After that, the skin will be unlocked

Micro, the Workaround master
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Post Posted: 02-05-2019, 04:17:52 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

mage tower bear form animations are wrong, swipe/trash/moonfire/skull bash/bestial charge show the bear form doing a jumping attack, making it look silly since you use those attacks a lot, the first 3 skills should use the claw swiping animation from autoattack, and bestial/skull bash just show you runing fast to your target

proof shows him using trash/swipe/moonfire a lot during the guide:

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Post Posted: 02-05-2019, 07:25:34 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

microk2 wrote:
Girouette wrote:

1. Variss ins't supposed to move (0:16s)
2. Fewer Infernals should apper, move slower and cast lesser times, also pushing you back not so far away. (First infernal spawns at aprox 50s, second one at 1min50s)
3. Golden Orb should also heal Velen for full health (1:48)
3. Kruul appears at 33% HP (2:37)

PS: Velen and the other one should show in the party or raid UI, this also beeing the case for the healer quest.

1) I know about it, but for some reasons when you fear him with the Holy Ward from Velen he will start going upwards. I try to fix that
2) Fixed the timers, should be ok now
3) Fixed
4) That's because of scaling HP. Don't worry, they have same MAX HP like blizzard

Update @ 02-05-2019, 02:14:04

Bizo wrote:
Completing the Feral challenge completes The Mage hunter quest not Imp mother thus making it imposible to obtain the artifact appearance

You need to go and complete the quest in Dalaran. After that, the skin will be unlocked

Still not working for Prot palas.. all these bugs still happens

also horors should wait and channel now moving while channel

Last edited by Chamath on 02-05-2019, 07:29:18; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 02-05-2019, 09:31:35 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

microk2 wrote:
alexandru512 wrote:
In the tank scenario the mobs should NOT MOVE while casting. The white mobs follow you while dealing aoe damage. Min 3:42. HE moves away from them when they cast, here they follow you.

Fixed. Live after server restart

this has not been fixed , both the boss movements and adds, I dont think the boss moves now when stunned but post interrupt he still does

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Post Posted: 02-05-2019, 10:43:40 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

boky123 wrote:
microk2 wrote:
alexandru512 wrote:
In the tank scenario the mobs should NOT MOVE while casting. The white mobs follow you while dealing aoe damage. Min 3:42. HE moves away from them when they cast, here they follow you.

Fixed. Live after server restart

this has not been fixed , both the boss movements and adds, I dont think the boss moves now when stunned but post interrupt he still does

Chamath wrote:
microk2 wrote:
Girouette wrote:

1. Variss ins't supposed to move (0:16s)
2. Fewer Infernals should apper, move slower and cast lesser times, also pushing you back not so far away. (First infernal spawns at aprox 50s, second one at 1min50s)
3. Golden Orb should also heal Velen for full health (1:48)
3. Kruul appears at 33% HP (2:37)

PS: Velen and the other one should show in the party or raid UI, this also beeing the case for the healer quest.

1) I know about it, but for some reasons when you fear him with the Holy Ward from Velen he will start going upwards. I try to fix that
2) Fixed the timers, should be ok now
3) Fixed
4) That's because of scaling HP. Don't worry, they have same MAX HP like blizzard

Update @ 02-05-2019, 02:14:04

Bizo wrote:
Completing the Feral challenge completes The Mage hunter quest not Imp mother thus making it imposible to obtain the artifact appearance

You need to go and complete the quest in Dalaran. After that, the skin will be unlocked

Still not working for Prot palas.. all these bugs still happens

also horors should wait and channel now moving while channel


Micro, the Workaround master
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Post Posted: 02-05-2019, 10:50:35 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

ohh i see i thought there was already the daily restart, sorry

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Post Posted: 02-05-2019, 13:04:21 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

There are still some issues with Protection Paladin challenge. First of all bosses have too much health it seems to match wowhead guide, but i dont think is for the current patch. Any videos i found showed way less health than it has here.

1:25 shows Variss at 58782k health
patch 7.3

0:35 shows Variss at 58.8M
patch 7.3.5

0:24 shows Variss at 50.1M

Second thing is Variss moving after interrupt with Avenger's Shield. It was supposed to be fixed after restart, but it wasn't. Variss should have slight movement, but not as it is here.

2:53 comment about Variss moving after interrupt
in the same video timestamps: 2:13, 2:17, 2:56, 3:01 show interrupt without boss movement
At 2:31 you can see boss moving after some delay after interrupting
Also Variss here seems to move faster than on the video. You can see him moving away from boss without getting new stacks, but here boss seems to be catching up if you dont use any movement increase.

At 5:05 Kruul comes down with 53830k health instead of 77M as it is now.

edit: i tested also health of adds and with the same video 2:12 health of Horrors at 1995k, 1:58 eye at 519k health. Those two now have 3.15M and 1M health.

Last edited by jumpylion on 02-05-2019, 13:11:47; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 02-05-2019, 13:33:41 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Thwarting the Twins - Mage Frost Challange
video by blizz player(wowhead) -

Got few bugs;
1. Karam Magespear should not cast 'Rising Dragon' or any deadly hits instantly when he can touch the player, u can see in video he got few melee hits that's wont even made a scratch.
2. Karam Magespear's melee attack range is bit more than it should be. he instantly kills me when i can use Frost Nova on him only once succeed to frost nova him.

its really hard to control Karam Magespear cause he oneshots long before he come touch

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Post Posted: 02-05-2019, 13:34:43 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)
those adds need to reach the mother imp to start channel their cast ..
if u root stun them they still gonna cast it anyway even tho they`re away from the mother / and if u dot the imps they`ill stop and cast the spell no matter where they are

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Post Posted: 02-05-2019, 14:12:58 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

On tank specks the elemental throws you out even if you are behind him..... That should happen only if you are in the shit on the ground. Now he has a 360* radius, not a cone in front of him.

Last edited by alexandru512 on 02-05-2019, 14:21:46; edited 3 times in total
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Post Posted: 02-05-2019, 14:42:19 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

cicada2077 wrote:
WoW Freakz link:

Bug description: I finished the Assassination Artifact scenario [The God-Queen's Fury] but the server crashed before I could take the follow-up quest [Eyir's Forgiveness], removing the whole questline completely from my log. I went to the Vault of Eyir regardless and got the cutscene, but Sigryn despawned before giving any quest or dialogue options.

Because quest 45526 (which is [The God-Queen's Fury]) has been flagged as completed I CANNOT RETAKE the initial Mage Tower quest from War Councilor Victoria (see proof #1).
The Eyir located in Stormheim ( DOES NOT give the next quest, it has to be the version from within the scenario which I can't access for reasons stated in the previous sentence.
I am therefore unable to complete the last two quests for the artifact appearance.


Power wrote:
There was an issue with the questgiver (this one should be used only in case of what happend to you), fixed.

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Post Posted: 02-05-2019, 14:51:33 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz link:

Bug description:

Only talking about Prot Warrior:


Varis` Drain life is not interruptable, only stunnable. you should be able to interrupt it. (wowhead link)

2. The Eyes sometimes spawn inside Terrain. Making them unkillable. (wowhead link)

3. The Smash hitbox is buggy. it should be a really small line infront of him and not a cone that is wider than the animation sometimes you stand behind him and it kicks you away. (wowhead link)

4. The Nether mobs should only cast Psyclaws and not (wowhead link). Netherstorm is part of dh, guardian and blood dk (i think) but not prot warrior. look up here that (Update: Seems like this one just got fixed.)

5. Kruul Sometimes flies into the sky and you cant do shit to him and cant interrupt his spell (twisted reflection) which results to a wipe.

6. Varis flies in the air aswell after using velens orb. And spawns the eyes outside of range because of that.

Spell Reflect:

All of the following spells should be Spell Reflected when used. (wowhead link) (wowhead link) (couldnt find freakz link) (Update: Seems like its fixed) (wowhead link) (Update: Fixed aswell)


gonna try to record and screenshot some of them.

Last edited by Kaelon on 02-05-2019, 15:16:02; edited 5 times in total
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Post Posted: 02-05-2019, 16:14:25 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Kaelon wrote:
WoW Freakz link:

Bug description:

Only talking about Prot Warrior:


Varis` Drain life is not interruptable, only stunnable. you should be able to interrupt it. (wowhead link)

2. The Eyes sometimes spawn inside Terrain. Making them unkillable. (wowhead link)

3. The Smash hitbox is buggy. it should be a really small line infront of him and not a cone that is wider than the animation sometimes you stand behind him and it kicks you away. (wowhead link)

4. The Nether mobs should only cast Psyclaws and not (wowhead link). Netherstorm is part of dh, guardian and blood dk (i think) but not prot warrior. look up here that (Update: Seems like this one just got fixed.)

5. Kruul Sometimes flies into the sky and you cant do shit to him and cant interrupt his spell (twisted reflection) which results to a wipe.

6. Varis flies in the air aswell after using velens orb. And spawns the eyes outside of range because of that.

Spell Reflect:

All of the following spells should be Spell Reflected when used. (wowhead link) (wowhead link) (couldnt find freakz link) (Update: Seems like its fixed) (wowhead link) (Update: Fixed aswell)


gonna try to record and screenshot some of them.

Fixed all except 6) and 5). Spawn radius of (wowhead link) is now 20 instead of 25

Update @ 02-05-2019, 17:14:25

Chamath wrote:
Thwarting the Twins - Mage Frost Challange
video by blizz player(wowhead) -

Got few bugs;
1. Karam Magespear should not cast 'Rising Dragon' or any deadly hits instantly when he can touch the player, u can see in video he got few melee hits that's wont even made a scratch.
2. Karam Magespear's melee attack range is bit more than it should be. he instantly kills me when i can use Frost Nova on him only once succeed to frost nova him.

its really hard to control Karam Magespear cause he oneshots long before he come touch

Post actual proofs, not only videos

Micro, the Workaround master

Last edited by microk2 on 02-05-2019, 16:10:47; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 02-05-2019, 18:02:16 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

jumpylion wrote:
There are still some issues with Protection Paladin challenge. First of all bosses have too much health it seems to match wowhead guide, but i dont think is for the current patch. Any videos i found showed way less health than it has here.

1:25 shows Variss at 58782k health
patch 7.3

0:35 shows Variss at 58.8M
patch 7.3.5

0:24 shows Variss at 50.1M

Second thing is Variss moving after interrupt with Avenger's Shield. It was supposed to be fixed after restart, but it wasn't. Variss should have slight movement, but not as it is here.

2:53 comment about Variss moving after interrupt
in the same video timestamps: 2:13, 2:17, 2:56, 3:01 show interrupt without boss movement
At 2:31 you can see boss moving after some delay after interrupting
Also Variss here seems to move faster than on the video. You can see him moving away from boss without getting new stacks, but here boss seems to be catching up if you dont use any movement increase.

At 5:05 Kruul comes down with 53830k health instead of 77M as it is now.

edit: i tested also health of adds and with the same video 2:12 health of Horrors at 1995k, 1:58 eye at 519k health. Those two now have 3.15M and 1M health.

I confirm all of this.
It is hardcore (impossible) atm, even for a donor prot pala.

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