
[Shaman] enh shaman stormbringer off hand procs
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Post Posted: 26-09-2020, 12:12:18 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz spell link:
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Proof: its confirmed and its only a reminder please fix this bug ASAP as u fixed monk hit combo for 3 days this is essential for shamans to deal their maximum damage

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Post Posted: 26-09-2020, 15:39:47 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Shamans class mod did what he could, so as long as mod behind those fixes don't want to bother, shaman will remain like this.
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Post Posted: 26-09-2020, 21:45:49 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

and the disgusting delay for this correction was disgusting.
if the person in charge needs a salary bonus, let the players know that we will help if necessary.

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Post Posted: 02-10-2020, 11:12:08 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

This was reported several times,

It seems that this version for offhand procs hasn't been confirmed, and afaik there's now no class mod to report it now.

Instead the dev insisted that the issue was different to this, explaining that the attacks that shouldn't proc stormbringer, actually do but you don't get the effect and in fact consuming that proc chance (my understanding is that there's a certain amount of procs you can get for let's say 100 iterations, consider this as a budget - in game probability algorithm in a way almost guarantees you should have your proc chance)

Update @ 02-10-2020, 11:12:08

BTW, edit your post in the right format [Class][Spec]"bug name" - [Shaman][Enhancement] enh shaman stormbringer off hand procs

Last edited by Skillshot on 02-10-2020, 10:54:44; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 03-10-2020, 18:14:22 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

There's nothing we can do about it. I'm more than sure that the shaman classmod did his absolute best, but the devs won't listen which is really sad..

P.S.: Lets try keep this report as non-toxic as possible so we don't just get ignored by the devs, again.

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Post Posted: 03-10-2020, 23:38:30 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

AquoZz wrote:
There's nothing we can do about it. I'm more than sure that the shaman classmod did his absolute best, but the devs won't listen which is really sad..

P.S.: Lets try keep this report as non-toxic as possible so we don't just get ignored by the devs, again.

Without shaman class mod, there is slight to no chance for a dev to even peek here.

Edit: And to be honest seems like a lost cause, many shamans i know gave up trying to convince anyone and just rerolled to resto or elemental. Devs made crystal clear, Not enough Proof, they want more Data.

Last edited by se7enspree on 03-10-2020, 23:42:51; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 04-10-2020, 00:47:52 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

se7enspree wrote:
AquoZz wrote:
There's nothing we can do about it. I'm more than sure that the shaman classmod did his absolute best, but the devs won't listen which is really sad..

P.S.: Lets try keep this report as non-toxic as possible so we don't just get ignored by the devs, again.

Without shaman class mod, there is slight to no chance for a dev to even peek here.

Edit: And to be honest seems like a lost cause, many shamans i know gave up trying to convince anyone and just rerolled to resto or elemental. Devs made crystal clear, Not enough Proof, they want more Data.

I had to re-roll to resto too sadly cuz of the state enha is.. The thing is.. the damage is not even the main problem (don't get me wrong, the current dps is shit), its just.. the spec feels soo wanky to play and you always run out of maelstorm cuz of no procs. That should never happen to a 973 50% haste 77% mastery shaman. I know my shit, I know how to play this class. And in this patch this class is top tier dps, look it up.

Also the reason enha does bottom tier dps and its not completely unviable its cuz of another bug that increases the damage on Flametounge by 50% or something like that, without this other bug the class would not only feel dog shit to play but deal small pp dps too.

Another thing, don't be harsh on the classmod, as I mentioned above he did everything he could.

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Post Posted: 04-10-2020, 01:25:41 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I wasn't harsh on the class mod, and i know he tried. It's just that whenever there is proof, devs throw a curveball with the "Not enough Proof, Can't confirm". And no matter what people throw at them it will always end up "Not enough proof, can't confirm".
You will see, eventually they will fix flametongue, and the spec will completely die and we still be getting "Stormstrike procs work as intended".

Last edited by se7enspree on 04-10-2020, 01:28:46; edited 2 times in total
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Post Posted: 04-10-2020, 12:28:50 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

se7enspree wrote:
I wasn't harsh on the class mod, and i know he tried. It's just that whenever there is proof, devs throw a curveball with the "Not enough Proof, Can't confirm". And no matter what people throw at them it will always end up "Not enough proof, can't confirm".
You will see, eventually they will fix flametongue, and the spec will completely die and we still be getting "Stormstrike procs work as intended".

I still think the bug is that the off hand doesn't proc stormbringer as I tested it for like an hour and when the dev checked it and showed "proof" that it procced in that gif it was a false positive, meaning that stormbringer actually procced from main hand as sometimes the autoattacks bug out and the proc comes before the actual attack.

Last edited by AquoZz on 04-10-2020, 12:47:42; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 08-10-2020, 14:27:31 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

florinflo99 wrote:
It`s not the fact they can`t fix it, they DON`T want to fix it, and our class mod is mostly afk so... we should all reroll and delete 300-400$ characters cause they don`t give a sh*t.


Do we even have a class mod now? Because Shammybro i think is no longer one.

As for the marfisi, that's exactly why the classes here get poorly balanced and misstreated, we got these items that shouldn't exist in the first place like 985 marfisi that scales its crit dmg further, they even mentioned it, they had to forcefully apply more % to scale its crit dmg to its ilvl.

Last edited by se7enspree on 08-10-2020, 14:38:21; edited 2 times in total
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Post Posted: 08-10-2020, 16:36:38 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

How is that marfisi fix is the problem here? Marfisi was reported at the start of 7.3,looong before enha had these "issues". And what forcefully apply % are u speaking of? Its 24% even now, as it used to be on 7.2 and as shown on simcraft.

Last edited by Mighty on 08-10-2020, 16:39:33; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 09-10-2020, 16:27:57 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

One more thing, can we also check the proc rate with an immense amount of haste? There are times when I start the fight with 85%+ haste and get like 1 - 2 procs for the whole bl.
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Post Posted: 11-10-2020, 10:03:17 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

AquoZz wrote:
One more thing, can we also check the proc rate with an immense amount of haste? There are times when I start the fight with 85%+ haste and get like 1 - 2 procs for the whole bl.

Same here, with troll racials and haste set I don't get any procs during BL, and actually run out of maelstrom which is kinda dumb...

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Post Posted: 11-10-2020, 12:29:29 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

se7enspree wrote:
Skillshot wrote:
AquoZz wrote:
One more thing, can we also check the proc rate with an immense amount of haste? There are times when I start the fight with 85%+ haste and get like 1 - 2 procs for the whole bl.

Same here, with troll racials and haste set I don't get any procs during BL, and actually run out of maelstrom which is kinda dumb...

Do we have a class mod to test it tho, and i mean an actual shaman mod, not some random class mod that will jump in say it works as intended and jump out.

AFAIK, Shammybro has resigned.

Also the story with stormbringer is weird. Initially, a couple of months ago after people started reporting that it's not working as intended and a possible reason was due to offhand attack not proc-ing it - this was reported to the devs, the offhand version wasn't confirmed (we all saw that "famous" video on trello).
After being asked, Quicksand has stepped in, and based on his findings the attacks that shouldn't proc stormbringer actually consumed that proc chance, but didn't return the effect. Shammybro has reported it and it stood there as a urgent ticket for a long period. People started reporting again, some of us on discord (some other people directly asking Lethal and Quicksand in PM's, successfully being ignored though). After a while Quicksand just wrote on that trello ticket that this issue had been fixed long ago and that ticked was moved to can't confirm. The important fact is that enhancement is in the same situation - no effect after any "fix". There's no one to actually report it or test it, other than some random actors...

Last edited by Skillshot on 11-10-2020, 12:31:03; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 11-10-2020, 13:19:05 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Skillshot wrote:
The important fact is that enhancement is in the same situation - no effect after any "fix". There's no one to actually report it or test it, other than some random actors...

I've been constantly checking trello about that report, it got pushed back to can't confirm. So based on what quicksand says, this bug was fixed or at least had a fix but its not applied on the server?

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