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[Controlled Chaos]

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Post Posted: 22-08-2021, 23:22:53 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Zlu wrote:
Power, once 8.3 content gets released, do you intend on adding a chance of Echoes of Ny'alotha drop into the lootbox upon the completion of Mythic CoT or BoT? Or within the 2 more that will come?

Yeah, we thought about it, most likely they will be added.

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Post Posted: 23-08-2021, 10:56:17 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

can you add balance of power artifact sets or core races heritage i know they will get fix at someday until that day just add a way to get them and pls add way for exchangeing Echo of Time to get Echo of Reality idk like 40or50Echo of Time for 1 Echo of Reality also i think bot really need a repair npc
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[Controlled Chaos]

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Post Posted: 23-08-2021, 13:14:52 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

xilliden wrote:
can you add balance of power artifact sets or core races heritage i know they will get fix at someday until that day just add a way to get them and pls add way for exchangeing Echo of Time to get Echo of Reality idk like 40or50Echo of Time for 1 Echo of Reality also i think bot really need a repair npc

Artifact appearances won't be added to this event, there are a lot of rewards already.

We were hoping to implement the core races heritage chains but the development of 82 / 83 / Shadowlands has taken priority and we no longer have time for those quests atm. The sets will be obtainable through some event quests, like the class mounts.

Echo of Time and Echo of Reality will remain two different currencies, each with its own purpose. Echo of Reality may have its drop chance increased a bit more.

The "images" inside the dungeons will allow repair and Auto-Hammer will have a chance to drop from the Daily Satchel.

^ All those changes will be live in the next big update at the end of this month.

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Post Posted: 25-08-2021, 17:11:06 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Is there a way to put to take from daily quest.? Thanks
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[Controlled Chaos]

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Post Posted: 27-08-2021, 03:22:50 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

AnatoliVD wrote:
Is there a way to put to take from daily quest.? Thanks

There is gonna be a custom PvP event coming as well, this currency is better to be featured there.

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Post Posted: 02-09-2021, 18:21:06 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I have a suggestion of putting draenor / legion flying as an event reward. To make it a bit harder, it could cost lots of echoes of reality, like 100.

I have both these things, but thought it may be cool for players that were not able to obtain it before.

Also, a little question. I've seen Hivemind mount on the site as an event reward, yet I cannot see it in game at the vendor, what's going on with it?

Last edited by dziureczki on 02-09-2021, 18:21:59; edited 1 time in total
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[Controlled Chaos]

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Post Posted: 02-09-2021, 19:30:53 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

dziureczki wrote:
I have a suggestion of putting draenor / legion flying as an event reward. To make it a bit harder, it could cost lots of echoes of reality, like 100.

I have both these things, but thought it may be cool for players that were not able to obtain it before.

Also, a little question. I've seen Hivemind mount on the site as an event reward, yet I cannot see it in game at the vendor, what's going on with it?

Sorry but we won't add flying to the event.

Hivemind is supposed to be obtained from "Moon Guard Stronghold" but we've had A LOT of technical issues with the last two instances, thus the delayed release.

We will be doing the last internal tests this week and push the updated event/systems to live with the 8.2.5 release.

Last edited by Power on 11-09-2021, 22:38:49; edited 2 times in total
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Post Posted: 07-09-2021, 11:53:25 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

As every year, my gratitude for the time and effort invested by the developers in this event. I have only a few small observations to make:

(1) The Proudmoore Admiralty insignia is analogous to the Zandalari Empire insignia so it should probably drop 3x from the Mythic box (and twice from heroic), at the moment it drops only one.

(2) The Waist of Time figures on the loot table of the "Infinite Timerender", is that a bonus objective of the dungeon and when does it become active? Because I've never seen pugs doing it. If you try pulling it at the beginning it says "You cannot attack that target".

(3) Time Stop seems to have a weird interaction with longer duration buffs, for example if you have just used an inscription contract before the dungeon, it will be converted to a "0-seconds remaining" buff after it fades and disappear after relogging. You can see an example here. I don't know if Elisande had the same problem in Legion since most of the longer buffs were irrelevant then.

(4) This is unimportant because it happens very rarely, but probably the winds aren't intended to knock you out of the Time Stop Field.

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[Controlled Chaos]

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Post Posted: 08-09-2021, 04:46:19 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Midius wrote:
As every year, my gratitude for the time and effort invested by the developers in this event. I have only a few small observations to make:

(1) The Proudmoore Admiralty insignia is analogous to the Zandalari Empire insignia so it should probably drop 3x from the Mythic box (and twice from heroic), at the moment it drops only one.

(2) The Waist of Time figures on the loot table of the "Infinite Timerender", is that a bonus objective of the dungeon and when does it become active? Because I've never seen pugs doing it. If you try pulling it at the beginning it says "You cannot attack that target".

(3) Time Stop seems to have a weird interaction with longer duration buffs, for example if you have just used an inscription contract before the dungeon, it will be converted to a "0-seconds remaining" buff after it fades and disappear after relogging. You can see an example here. I don't know if Elisande had the same problem in Legion since most of the longer buffs were irrelevant then.

(4) This is unimportant because it happens very rarely, but probably the winds aren't intended to knock you out of the Time Stop Field.

  • Solved, not live yet.

  • The Infinite Timerender is the drake that casts Time Stop, after all 4 Guardians of Time are killed, the drake looses his power and falls to the ground. - You can search for its corpse and loot it. (probably, we'll move the waist to the Loot Box)

  • We'll check if it can be fixed.

  • It is intended.

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Post Posted: 12-09-2021, 18:25:04 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages) Hello, I have questions about the Pet Battle Challenge achievements, is there a way to put them to this event. ?
These achievements give nice items would be nice if you have them here. -

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 14-09-2021, 13:14:24 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

@Power, i had the exact same issue with the [Sands of Time] again, the quest didn't let me choose an item. I took screenshots of every step this time.

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[Controlled Chaos]

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Post Posted: 15-09-2021, 02:28:03 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

AnatoliVD wrote: Hello, I have questions about the Pet Battle Challenge achievements, is there a way to put them to this event. ?
These achievements give nice items would be nice if you have them here. -

Some items from these achievements are not working properly and would require time to be fixed - we have more important tasks in the present. Also, these specific rewards seem worthless for most players, we will not add them, sorry.

Dwynen wrote:
@Power, i had the exact same issue with the [Sands of Time] again, the quest didn't let me choose an item. I took screenshots of every step this time.


I think the problem comes from your interface addons, there is no way for us to replicate this bug.

Next time you get that quest, you can try to disable an addon and then check if the choices are visible on the quest completion tab - repeat until you can see them, the last addon disabled would be the one causing it. (should look like this)

DM me on forum which upgrade you wanted to choose: Prismatic Socket Upgrade / Tertiary Speed Upgrade / Tertiary Avoidance Upgrade / Tertiary Leech Upgrade. I will send it to you through in-game mail.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 15-09-2021, 11:56:22 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Power wrote:

I think the problem comes from your interface addons, there is no way for us to replicate this bug.

Next time you get that quest, you can try to disable an addon and then check if the choices are visible on the quest completion tab - repeat until you can see them, the last addon disabled would be the one causing it. (should look like this)

At the beginning, t thought the same, because the first time i was, in fact, using an addon that modifies the dialogs look (Immersion), but after that, i disable it every single time i get a [Sands of Time] and still got it again. I've gotten like 20 Sands (i farm them) and the bug has popped only twice.

I think (i'm not sure) that the bug comes from the moment when the quest pops up automatically when you loot the item. Again, i'm not sure, but i think the times the quest has bugged for me, the entries in the questlog have been different. The first time (which was btw the first Sands i got) i didn't know what "i should be seeing", so, when the quest in my loq popped without any choices, i thought it was normal and just kept clicking "Ok, ok" (that's why i didn't have ss), but the other times i got a Sands, if i recall correctly, the options were visible from the start (like there were two different quests, with the same name, that were being triggered). Anyway, i'll keep investigating the next time i get a Sands and report back what i find.

EDIT: A quick suggestion as a solution.. why don't u add the upgrades to the npc vendor with a 1x [Sands of Time] as their price and convert the item into a normal item (not a quest item)? So, you just loot it and use it as a currency to buy the one you like, no quests or dialogs involved.

About the item, it's always a 'Tertiary Leech Upgrade' for me (

Last edited by Dwynen on 15-09-2021, 12:03:07; edited 2 times in total
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Post Posted: 15-09-2021, 15:45:53 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Dwynen wrote:
Power wrote:

I think the problem comes from your interface addons, there is no way for us to replicate this bug.

Next time you get that quest, you can try to disable an addon and then check if the choices are visible on the quest completion tab - repeat until you can see them, the last addon disabled would be the one causing it. (should look like this)
EDIT: A quick suggestion as a solution.. why don't u add the upgrades to the npc vendor with a 1x [Sands of Time] as their price and convert the item into a normal item (not a quest item)? So, you just loot it and use it as a currency to buy the one you like, no quests or dialogs involved.

About the item, it's always a 'Tertiary Leech Upgrade' for me (

The quest is required for the weekly cooldown, won't be changed.

Done, the item upgrade should come through mail few minutes after you log in.

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Post Posted: 18-09-2021, 00:34:55 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Could you please re-enable the old way to enter the instances? So we can manually enter the instances, without using rdf
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