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Post Posted: 03-06-2012, 21:50:57 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Brant wrote:

~Brant (cause my name is so pro that the signature function built into the forums is just not good enough at the end of my posts. no, not good enough at all, my brother. I have to type my name after every post for people know the name 5 cm to the left of my post. I also clearly hope to be staff someday)

I'm glad finaly someone pointed this out. I smell the stench of staff-wannabe around him since he appeared on this forum.
Funny he's asking to lock the thread which he did not create...

I'm also from Magic(tragic)-WoW, but I don't really remember any Berna.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 03-06-2012, 23:50:32 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Wtfhaxx wrote:
Brant wrote:

~Brant (cause my name is so pro that the signature function built into the forums is just not good enough at the end of my posts. no, not good enough at all, my brother. I have to type my name after every post for people know the name 5 cm to the left of my post. I also clearly hope to be staff someday)

I'm glad finaly someone pointed this out. I smell the stench of staff-wannabe around him since he appeared on this forum.
Funny he's asking to lock the thread which he did not create...

I'm also from Magic(tragic)-WoW, but I don't really remember any Berna.

Meh, idc. If he really wants to be staff go for it. Somebody has to do that stuff. A good staff member always has robot posts. It was just so obvious I felt I had to point it out or I could just not live with my post. I went back to edit that in about 20 seconds after I posted.

And I just dealt with that berna guy on magic when I logged in within the last week. Told me I needed like 120 expertise on cata and 30 or 31 on wotlk for ret paladin. And argued for a good half an hour that ret paladins were worst dps of any class on wotlk and mages should go heavy into frost spec for pve(on magic at least).

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 04-06-2012, 01:12:28 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Brant wrote:
Berna wrote:
Brant wrote:
Berna wrote:
i was waiting this topic. so predictable.

You are right. It was so predictable that someone would make it that coming on here just to say it is predictable makes you look like an idiot for trying to look smart by stating the obvious.

maybe. sometimes try to do something else productive than crying like a baby doll.



Thank you for your truly valuable input into this topic.


P.S. are you that berna guy from magic wow? Bernapala or whatever his name is. Seen him talk on support so was wondering cause that guy is an idiot.


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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 04-06-2012, 06:47:09 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

First of all, I have to say that this entire thread is garbage. There is a place for whining and complaining about things that aren't actual gameplay issues so much as "gimme more"; it's called a spam board. I am going to tear a few posts apart and address several things that need to be addressed by someone, as the staff have apparently been too busy and have overlooked this sorry excuse for a thread. Take it as you will.

Brant wrote:
[snipped for space] It has been quite some time since all the issues started and the rewards were promised to come once everything has been taken care of. So, hopefully there will be no more such problems.

The reason I am posting this is just to see how people feel about the rewards after waiting so long for them.

Personally, I am a little disappointed with them. I admit they do attempt to make up for some lost time due to all the down time before. However, I feel pressured to play far more than I would enjoy to during this next month in order to take advantage of the bonuses. I have found a comfortable level of raiding with my main character and alts that takes up a decent amount of time as it is. Now to get back that lost time I have to try and double the amount of time I spend playing. But perhaps the reduced time on resets is more beneficial to pvp players. I mainly just raid though. I was hoping for something similar but just increased rates and not reduced lockouts. There are probably those that disagree and would rather have gotten it this way. That is why I made this topic. I am curious how satisfied people are. I have seen people post they will appreciate any reward. I find it hard to appreciate something that requires me to try and change my whole playing schedule in order to take advantage of it. Especially when the problem it is trying to make up for also changed my whole playing schedule. It gets a little annoying when you go from not being able to play for 2 months to trying to fit 2 months of playing into 1.

I really hate taking a stance on peoples' opinion because everyone has a right to one and not everyone is going to agree with each other any given topic, but you sound like a selfish, greedy, pissy little child here (can we say pissy on the forums here? =| ) and I am angry on behalf of the people responsible for trying to do you and everyone else here a good turn out of the goodness of their hearts. You feel pressured to play more? Don't like that? Then don't do it. Play how you are comfortable or just ignore it altogether & kindly keep your wholly ungrateful thoughts to yourself. No one is demanding that you change your playing style here so kindly step off. The fact of the matter is that they really did not have to do jack for anyone, but they did. I have played on many, many private servers over the life of this game, and let me tell you somethin son. Most of the servers nowadays (and even in the past, if the truth were told) don't care one way or another whether or not you're happy. All they care about is making money, everything and everyone else be damned. Something happens and the server goes down? That's too bad for you. Server gets attacked and you lose everything? Hey man, sure sucks to be you! Maybe you don't realize how much it sucks on other servers because you haven't been around much, but let me be the FIRST to assure you that this is almost too generous of them. You seriously expect them to make up 2 extra months of work for you because you feel pressured? It's this kind of thinking that just makes me sick. They bend over backwards to try to make up for a mistake that wasn't even their fault and this what they get slapped with. Curious how satisfied people are, eh? Good Lord but that sounds like an invitation to start an entire thread of nothing but flame. How this thread was allowed to stay open this long I simply cannot fathom. Oh, and for the record, those reduced lockouts allow you to do more, so you could very feasibly make up for lost time if it really mattered that much to you. An entire month of reduced lockouts is just nuts. Man, I cannot get over people actually complaining about this...

Brant wrote:
And as far as the voting rewards go, I have tried voting on a few different occasions. I have gone through the process on all 4 links and have not been awarded a single vote point any time I tried. I type in the captcha and take the redirect link back the the wow freakz main page but always get nothing. Not sure if it is just a bug for me or if I am doing something wrong. Either way, I have skimmed over the vote rewards before and never found anything that motivated me enough to try and figure out how to get it working. So I guess that reward just does not do much for me either.

Overall, see the effort but disappointed. Guess I did say I would be happy with just a working server(but that was after it was broken for like 2 weeks not 2 months). So oh well, hope it stays stable.

It sounds you really should have reported this bug and gotten some help; it may have helped others too, you know. Of course, if you're one of those people who only vote for rewards and you didn't like anything in the shop, I guess it doesn't matter right? So why even mention it? Either make a friggin suggestion about something constructive, such as items you would like to see in the vote shop (and post it in the correct place of course), or do us all a favor and stop complaining already. Be constructive or please, just keep it to yourself!

Brant wrote:
GrandMerlin wrote:
I think people are acting silly here. The staff is offering a show of appreciation to us. They don't half to do that. When our guild played on another private server and they experienced similar problem's they did NOTHING to there players for it. Keep that in mind players. They do NOT half to do anything. Just as it is not your fault for the inconvenience. It was not the staff's fault either for the troubles. But they are making efforts not just to solve the problem. But to show they care for your troubles from playing. So with all that said. BE GRATFUL WE ARE BEING COMPENSATED. And remember its not a reward but a show of appreciation.


You are right. They do not have to do anything. However, after the extreme situation that has been going on for the last several months, I would hardly say anyone is out of line for expecting something of a certain degree as compensation. In fact, it pushed the staff to months in advance state that they would give a "show of appreciation" for people staying and playing. Just as the staff is free to pick what they think is fair compensation, each person is free to decide what they think fair compensation is. That does not mean both will see eye to eye.

Basically, I view this all as a bribe. The bribe was put in place to try and keep people playing. Maybe an investment would be a better term. I prefer bribe though. Either way, when the bribe is given, I feel it shows how much people really think you are worth in their opinion. It shows how much they appreciate you doing what they want you to do. And in this case, I feel as though it is just enough (and I mean just barely enough) effort for me to not be insulted by someone trying to bribe me. If it was just vote points,I would likely be insulted. But in my opinion, I think more thought could have been put into it in order to display the staff's gratitude for players bearing with them through this all. And that is the main point I am trying to display. That perhaps in future situations the staff might try a different method instead of reduced lockouts as the pve bonus/bribe.

~Brant (cause my name is so pro that the signature function built into the forums is just not good enough at the end of my posts. no, not good enough at all, my brother. I have to type my name after every post for people know the name 5 cm to the left of my post. I also clearly hope to be staff someday)

First of all, no one here is entitled to jack squat, so expecting them to do something for you out of the kindness of their hearts because "you deserve it" is just obnoxious and horribly rude. Say what you want, but that entitled attitude is not going to get you very far, either here or in life. And what the heck is wrong with you, a bribe? Are you always this caustic and argumentative? These folks are trying to do something nice for you because they feel bad that you had to be without your warcrack for a while, and you accuse them of trying to bribe you? It's called a gift. Look it up. I will be the first to admit that I am sure they do hope that you keep playing - not because of the gift they gave you to help you out, but because they cared enough to give you anything at all, and that alone is confoundedly hard to find on a private WoW server these days. I truly abhor trolls such as this, taking something nice and good and twisting it into something ugly and hateful. You ought to be ashamed, talking this way to these people when they try to do something nice. Don't think I didn't notice your little attack on Merlin, either. Downright shameful. Just because someone tells you that you should be more grateful for your gifts does not give you the right to attack them. That was utterly childish. As was this:

Wtfhaxx wrote:
Brant wrote:

~Brant (cause my name is so pro that the signature function built into the forums is just not good enough at the end of my posts. no, not good enough at all, my brother. I have to type my name after every post for people know the name 5 cm to the left of my post. I also clearly hope to be staff someday)

I'm glad finaly someone pointed this out. I smell the stench of staff-wannabe around him since he appeared on this forum.
Funny he's asking to lock the thread which he did not create...

You both need to grow the hell up. He was right to ask for this nonsense thread to be locked. It needs to be. This entire discussion has been truly ridiculous. The hell of it is, if you had gone about it differently, been respectful and not so selfish and whiny, this could have been an excellent discussion and a brilliant springboard for ideas for the future, but you guys have ruined it with your petty, *** behavior. I don't care if I get punished right along with you, you two came off as total infantile brats and you really ought to think before you post! >=\

I came to this server for a couple of friends that I played WoW with ages ago on a server that I hope burns to ashes and dust. I told myself that I would never play WoW on a private server again because this exact kind of tripe, but they vouched for this place and told me that the community was a totally different animal than what we had known on that other horrible server. As a new player, I can honestly say that seeing this kind of refuse on the forum is a very big discouragement towards my decision to continue playing here or not, and in fact if I had wandered here on my own rather than coming here for friends I would be seriously considering quitting or moving to another server right now for one simple reason. Private WoW servers are all about the community, and this is NOT the kind of community I ever intend on associating with again. The staff here seem like they do care, so please, lock this ridiculous thread before this goes any further.


~*~ I Speak The Truth But I Guess That's A Foreign Language To Yall ~*~
Forsaken Knights is the best guild on Exodus.
Just sayin'. ;P
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 04-06-2012, 07:13:02 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

popcorns and noobs arguing ftw
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 04-06-2012, 14:45:42 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

to be honest i was w8ing for some new content ( fix some cata BG , rated BG , cata arena , new raid ....) but i am okay with those rewards
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Post Posted: 04-06-2012, 14:55:36 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

lamonna08 wrote:
to be honest i was w8ing for some new content ( fix some cata BG , rated BG , cata arena , new raid ....) but i am okay with those rewards

Pretty funny that you say that Thinking.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 05-06-2012, 00:45:17 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

wonder how many will try to transfer to exodus to take advantage of the rate/lockout change
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 05-06-2012, 00:57:49 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Riannon wrote:
First of all, I have to say that this entire thread is garbage. There is a place for whining and complaining about things that aren't actual gameplay issues so much as "gimme more"; it's called a spam board. I am going to tear a few posts apart and address several things that need to be addressed by someone, as the staff have apparently been too busy and have overlooked this sorry excuse for a thread. Take it as you will.

...and all that other crap...


Sorry my type of constructive criticism is not in the form of a Hello Kitty commercial with bunnies and tons of nice comments. I gave my constructive criticism when I told them as a player I do not like reduced lockouts and would rather get increased rates. I do not give a damn if some people in Romania think I am ungrateful cause I tell them an alternative for next time that I would appreciate better and why. I am going to be honest and tell them. Just like when I see someone that I think is acting like a fake little suck up on the forums in order to try and get on staff. It is obvious when someone is doing it, and I would much rather deal with GM's and staff that I do not feel are just a fake personality someone is showing on the internet to fool people. Am I rude? Not interested. As far as I am concerned I was being as nice and helpful as I can be to push things in good directions for people. Did I expect to get on a few peoples bad sides? You bet. I am going to give input in my own way. I usually enjoy sarcasm. I feel it is a good tool for teaching.

Am I going to do what I normally do? Yeah, I think I am kind of aware that just because they reduced lockouts does not mean I have to play more. Thank you for your very useful suggestion. Sorry you cannot take the time to tell staff some of the flaws in their actions and how they could improve in the future. If you and them just want to look at a negative point of view cause I am not here praising the server they are hosted on (now, not the one from 3 months ago) for the bonuses they have given, then fine take nothing away from it. I hope the actual staff can identify feedback when it is given to them. Even if it is some mad kid on the internet. That is their target audience. And in the end this is a business, so they should probably try to listen to the people they are hoping to have donate. That does not mean they always have to do what every person tells them to.

And as far as servers not doing anything to make up for months of downtime or rollbacks, yeah, have not dealt with those. And yes, a staff trying to make up for those kinds of things is great. Want to know what is better? A staff that knows how to pick the right kind of bonuses that fits players needs. Did I say I was 100% right? Did I demand that the staff go and change the rewards right now because I know for sure what is best? No. I said what I felt about the rewards and asked other to tell me their feelings about them. If someone is going to take the time to post about how I am ungrateful, I am going to further try and explain in order to help them understand. They may get offended. But most people are so easily offended. Especially on the internet.

And if you are so naive to not view it as a bribe, you need to get out into the world more. You think businesses just do things out of the kindness of their hearts? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA. It is to make money. And it is 10x more expensive to get a new customer than to keep an old (The Office fact of the day). If you plan to say that this is all for free and no one is forcing me to pay for anything, that is true. However, that is not how Wow Freakz makes money. They make money by trying to convince people that this is the server to play on so that donations increase. If you were faced with a situation where your server might be down for months and you expected to lose a large amount of your player base, you would put out bribes in order to keep them playing. Their bribe was just "keep playing and stay with us until this is all over and we will make it up to you." It is ok if you are that naive though. Being blissfully ignorant has its advantages.

If you do decide to let 1 topic on a forum make the decision of whether or not you will play on a server, then I kind of hope you do leave. Don't need people that will just quit cause someone has a difference of opinions on how things should operate. You may be a little too sensitive. Welcome to the internet.

On Topic (since there have been so many rude interruptions):

I am intrigued to hear more about new content since it has been a while since the last raid boss releases.

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[Fuzzy Juzzy Wuzzy]

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Post Posted: 05-06-2012, 04:45:12 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Brant wrote:
Riannon wrote:
First of all, I have to say that this entire thread is garbage. There is a place for whining and complaining about things that aren't actual gameplay issues so much as "gimme more"; it's called a spam board. I am going to tear a few posts apart and address several things that need to be addressed by someone, as the staff have apparently been too busy and have overlooked this sorry excuse for a thread. Take it as you will.

...and all that other crap...


Sorry my type of constructive criticism is not in the form of a Hello Kitty commercial with bunnies and tons of nice comments. I gave my constructive criticism when I told them as a player I do not like reduced lockouts and would rather get increased rates. I do not give a damn if some people in Romania think I am ungrateful cause I tell them an alternative for next time that I would appreciate better and why. I am going to be honest and tell them. Just like when I see someone that I think is acting like a fake little suck up on the forums in order to try and get on staff. It is obvious when someone is doing it, and I would much rather deal with GM's and staff that I do not feel are just a fake personality someone is showing on the internet to fool people. Am I rude? Not interested. As far as I am concerned I was being as nice and helpful as I can be to push things in good directions for people. Did I expect to get on a few peoples bad sides? You bet. I am going to give input in my own way. I usually enjoy sarcasm. I feel it is a good tool for teaching.

Am I going to do what I normally do? Yeah, I think I am kind of aware that just because they reduced lockouts does not mean I have to play more. Thank you for your very useful suggestion. Sorry you cannot take the time to tell staff some of the flaws in their actions and how they could improve in the future. If you and them just want to look at a negative point of view cause I am not here praising the server they are hosted on (now, not the one from 3 months ago) for the bonuses they have given, then fine take nothing away from it. I hope the actual staff can identify feedback when it is given to them. Even if it is some mad kid on the internet. That is their target audience. And in the end this is a business, so they should probably try to listen to the people they are hoping to have donate. That does not mean they always have to do what every person tells them to.

And as far as servers not doing anything to make up for months of downtime or rollbacks, yeah, have not dealt with those. And yes, a staff trying to make up for those kinds of things is great. Want to know what is better? A staff that knows how to pick the right kind of bonuses that fits players needs. Did I say I was 100% right? Did I demand that the staff go and change the rewards right now because I know for sure what is best? No. I said what I felt about the rewards and asked other to tell me their feelings about them. If someone is going to take the time to post about how I am ungrateful, I am going to further try and explain in order to help them understand. They may get offended. But most people are so easily offended. Especially on the internet.

And if you are so naive to not view it as a bribe, you need to get out into the world more. You think businesses just do things out of the kindness of their hearts? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA. It is to make money. And it is 10x more expensive to get a new customer than to keep an old (The Office fact of the day). If you plan to say that this is all for free and no one is forcing me to pay for anything, that is true. However, that is not how Wow Freakz makes money. They make money by trying to convince people that this is the server to play on so that donations increase. If you were faced with a situation where your server might be down for months and you expected to lose a large amount of your player base, you would put out bribes in order to keep them playing. Their bribe was just "keep playing and stay with us until this is all over and we will make it up to you." It is ok if you are that naive though. Being blissfully ignorant has its advantages.

If you do decide to let 1 topic on a forum make the decision of whether or not you will play on a server, then I kind of hope you do leave. Don't need people that will just quit cause someone has a difference of opinions on how things should operate. You may be a little too sensitive. Welcome to the internet.

On Topic (since there have been so many rude interruptions):

I am intrigued to hear more about new content since it has been a while since the last raid boss releases.

Yo dude -- Raid & Event Live Stream
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 05-06-2012, 07:18:51 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Brant wrote:

Sorry my type of constructive criticism is not in the form of a Hello Kitty commercial with bunnies and tons of nice comments. I gave my constructive criticism when I told them as a player I do not like reduced lockouts and would rather get increased rates.

Your criticism was not constructive in the least. You did not explore actual options for making different perks available in the event that this or something similar ever happens again. All you seemed to do was complain, and I stand by what I said: You did, and still do, come off as an ungrateful whiny little child.

Brant wrote:
Sorry you cannot take the time to tell staff some of the flaws in their actions and how they could improve in the future... I hope the actual staff can identify feedback when it is given to them.

Feedback. So that's what you call this brand of aggressive whining? How interesting. You need to review what the word constructive means. You have to actually suggest something, more so than complain and whine, for it to be constructive. It is generally better received when the bulk of your post does not come off as an attack or even just a rude affront. =\

Brant wrote:
Did I say I was 100% right? Did I demand that the staff go and change the rewards right now because I know for sure what is best? No. I said what I felt about the rewards and asked other to tell me their feelings about them. If someone is going to take the time to post about how I am ungrateful, I am going to further try and explain in order to help them understand.

There is no misunderstanding occurring here. You were rude, and I called you out on it. You're so-called suggestion was completely overshadowed by your childishly peevish tone, whether you want to recognize that fact or not.

Brant wrote:
And if you are so naive to not view it as a bribe, you need to get out into the world more. You think businesses just do things out of the kindness of their hearts? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA. It is to make money. And it is 10x more expensive to get a new customer than to keep an old (The Office fact of the day). If you plan to say that this is all for free and no one is forcing me to pay for anything, that is true. However, that is not how Wow Freakz makes money. They make money by trying to convince people that this is the server to play on so that donations increase. If you were faced with a situation where your server might be down for months and you expected to lose a large amount of your player base, you would put out bribes in order to keep them playing. Their bribe was just "keep playing and stay with us until this is all over and we will make it up to you."

Bribe is a very negatively connotated word, Brant. It is generally used in common speech to allude to nefarious behavior, usually being perpetrated by unscrupulous individuals. While the textbook definition of the word does match your intended use, it is still rather an unsavory use of the term and that irks me. This goes back to my original point, yet again, about your overall tone in your posts in this thread - that is, your tone of childish peevishness. You are deliberately being inflammatory, stating things in such a way as to offend others, otherwise known as flaming or trolling. While the basic tenants of your posts could be valid, you wrote them in such a way that made them little more than tripe. You won't cover that up by attempting to insulting me or anyone else, nor will you hide it by pretending to take the high ground now.

Brant wrote:
If you do decide to let 1 topic on a forum make the decision of whether or not you will play on a server, then I kind of hope you do leave. Don't need people that will just quit cause someone has a difference of opinions on how things should operate. You may be a little too sensitive. Welcome to the internet.

This is the only sentence where you attacked me that I am actually going to acknowledge in any length, because you are right that I should not allow the contents of one thread to dictate whether or not I stay here. However, I do have to say this: this server may not need sensitive individuals such as myself, but I daresay it needs them more than it needs trolls and instigators who do little more than complain just to see how big of a fight they can stir up. I've said it before and I'll say it again, private WoW servers are all about community. It says quite a great deal about what has been said - but perhaps even more so, what has not been said - in this thread.

In closing, I would like to request that you refrain from attacking people in this thread from here on out. You obviously don't have to acquiesce, but if you truly want a useful and informative thread about this topic, you will restrain yourself from allowing it to devolve any further into a flame war. Either it's a discussion about the event rewards and community feedback on them, or it's not. The choice is yours. I have nothing further to contribute on that topic, as I find the rewards to be better than satisfactory, beyond the point generous for the sheer length of their duration. Good luck with your "discussion."


~*~ I Speak The Truth But I Guess That's A Foreign Language To Yall ~*~
Forsaken Knights is the best guild on Exodus.
Just sayin'. ;P
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Post Posted: 05-06-2012, 08:07:39 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


hence why i love this chicky to bits ^.^ <3

y'all be jelly now >;D -- Raid & Event Live Stream
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 05-06-2012, 17:52:51 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Pretty funny that you say that Thinking.[/quote]

wht's funny about it ?
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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 06-08-2012 23:38)
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Post Posted: 06-06-2012, 06:53:25 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Riannon wrote:

..more crap...


I did not explore actual options? You did read yourself quote me twice stating that increased rates are better than reduced lockouts, right? So that is not an actual option? I am confused as to how they did it for children's day then. Like I said focus on the complaint if that is all you want to. I would expect nothing else from someone with your attitude. Overly sensitive and seems to need to try and display a sense of superiority causing you to just focus on something you can talk down on. We are not too different you and I. You are the kind of person that always loves to get the last word. Me too.

Just cause you can't take something constructively does not mean other people are the same as you. And considering that I think you really take things overboard or it is just a bad time of the month, I am going to guess that the message has actually penetrated through others egos to make them see my reasoning for how I felt. Do not get me wrong, I understand your point of view. That does not mean I have to choose to play the way you want me to and post on here the way you deem appropriate. While you may read my post as whining, I read it as me stating facts about how I reacted to the rewards. I put in points to show that I knew some people would disagree and would prefer the rewards. However, you only read what you want to. I do not find it offensive at all. If the staff were so offended by my comments, I would hope they would have the balls to tell me to cause I do enjoy these kinds of posts from time to time. However, they have not yet. Zohl took the time to leave a message but just about things to expect to come. Personally, I am just hoping for some more clearly unbiased comments from your guild master. He really has so much to add.

The use of the word bribe offends you. Got it. Didn't expect that one. (note to self - bribe is now a word only to be used by sailors and congressmen)

In closing, ladies and gentlemen of the wow freakz forum, not my chair, not my problem. But thank you for your contribution to the thread by stating how you feel about the rewards. /sarcasm?

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 19-12-2013 17:51)
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Post Posted: 06-06-2012, 10:40:38 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Riannon wrote:

..more crap...


Wannabe staff number two on thread. I bet shes fat. Go crawl back into the fridge and let men talk.

Staff message (Rizwan):
+1 warn - flame

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