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Post Posted: 29-05-2017, 20:45:04 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Halls of Valor


·Doesn't count to complete the dungeon.
·The door behind can be opened and you can skip some boss mechanics (the dragons) with that
·Sometimes when the dragons use the breath, the floor gets full of storm in the opposite direction the dragon is going


·You can nuke the boss and don't go through all the mechanics
·If you follow him too fast when he is going to change positions, he will become unnatackable.
·Soloing it in Mythic as a Hunter and completing his encounter will reward the Hunters (BM) with Fenryr as a pet. Solo the encounter in Mythic and ·Fenryr will appear as Neutral in the cave after you kill him.


·When he casts Eye of the Storm and place a kind of anti magic zone, if you enter that purple bubble it should reduce the damage for 262k(Mythic), 187.2k (Heroic), 144k(normal)

Hyrja Encounter

·Sometimes when you finish the whole encounter (2 mini bosses and Hyrja herself) you get stuck in combat. I think is because the minibosses.

The God-King Skovald

·The Gateway of Splendor doesn't open even if you completed the previous bosses making impossible to reach the boss.

·Spoils of the Worthy doesn't give loot and it spawns x2


·It respawns after around 5-10 minutes
·Stormforged Sentinel should cast Charged Pulse, right now it's instant and they do it way too often. Also when they cast it, a circle should appear around them with the range of the cast. Also, they should be patrolling their respective areas.


·Mug of Mead is not usable so you can't complete the achievement I Got What You Mead
·The Ephemeral Way have no visual
·At the end of The Ephemeral Way there is a NPC called Thal'kiel


The whole video is a proof for everything I said in here as it is a complete guide about the dungeon in Mythic, also with trash guide.

Achievement I got What you Mead

Fenryr as a pet

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Post Posted: 31-05-2017, 06:00:19 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

[Darkheart Thicket:Mythic] Trash Mobs

1. Frenzied Nightclaw: "...will leap to a distant player with Frantic Rip, leaving a bleed". They just focus on the tank for Frantic Rip no one else.

2. Dreadsoul Poisoner: Doesn't transfor into a spider.

(You can see point 1 and 2 here)

3. Dreadsoul Ruiner need to be one more on the path there is just one.

4. Festerhide Grizzly doesn't spawn 3 Nightmare Abomination when using Spew Corruption ( (wowhead link))

5. These 2 Frenzied Nightclaw and Dreadsoul Ruiner should be patrolling

6. Those two should be patroling too


7. First pack: Vilethorn Blossom there are four on this pack, it's suppose to be 2 (00:00)

8. Second pack: There are 2 Rotheart Keepers, it's suppose to be 1 (01:06)

9. Third pack: A Rotheart Dryad and 2 Vilethorn Blossom should be patrolling they just standing there (pass by on 01:43)

10. Fourth pack: There are 3 Rotheart Keepers, it's suppose to be 2 (01:48)


8. Bloodtainted Fury does Blood assault ( (wowhead link)) too often

8.1. Main post say there should be 3 of them but I saw a couple of videos and there are just 2 of them.


9. First pack: There are 2 Taintheart Summoner and 2 Dreadfire Imp, there should be just 1 Taintheart Summoner and 2 Dreadfire Imp (Patrolling)

10. Second pack: There are 2 Taintheart Summoner, 2 Dreadfire Imp, 1 Taintheart Stalker, there should be 1 Taintheart Summoner less.

11. Third pack: There are 5 Tormented Bloodseeker, there should be just 4.

12. Fourth pack: It's ok.

13. Taintheart Stalker doesn't use Dark Hunt ( (wowhead link))

14. Taintheart Deadeye doesn't use Shadow Decoy ( (wowhead link))


NOTE: I check main post before posting so bugs already pending on main post are not here.


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Post Posted: 31-05-2017, 20:04:07 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

[Black Rook Hold:Mythic] Trash Mobs

1. Quivering Egg Sac all of them need to be removed

2. 1 Soul-Torn Champion and 1 Risen Scout should be patrolling the end of the stairway.

3. On PTR are 5 mobs: 1 Risen Archer, 2 Soul-Torn Champion, 1 Risen Arcanist and 1 Risen Scout. There should be 4 mobs, one Soul-Torn Champion needs to be replaced by Arcane Minion and Risen Scout needs to be removed. (Probably these two mobs are the ones missing on the stairway)

4. On PTR are 7 mobs: 1 Soul-Torn Champion, 3 Risen Scouts, 1 Risen Archer and 2 Risen Companion. There should be 5 mobs, 1 Risen Scout and 1 Risen companion need to be removed. Also 1 Risen Scout and Risen Companion, mention before, should be patrolling up and down the hallway.

5. At the end of the room are 4 mobs: There should be 5 mobs, 1 Arcane Minion should be added.

6. After defeat all packs, Commander Shemdah'sohn will jump off the balcony summoning 2 Risen Archers and 2 Risen Scouts ambushing the party. However it's not working.


7. After defeating Illysanna Ravencrest, on the upper right balcony there are: 1 Risen Scout, 1 Risen Archer and 1 Soul-Torn Champion none of them should be there.

8. Boulders appear as enemies and 2 Wyrmtongue Scavenger are hidden inside them. Players must avoid rollling down boulders, as Boulder Crush ( (wowhead link)) deals heavy damage.

9. Wyrmtongue Scavengers don't drink "Drink" Ancient Potion ( (wowhead link)) and always cast Indigestion ( (wowhead link))

10. First pack of Felspite Dominator on the stairway should be 2 not 4 of them.

11. Should be 1 Felspite Dominator upstairs but there are 2 of them.

12. On gauntlet area should be 2 Felspite Dominator but there are 4 of them.

This video shows how is suppose to work trash on BRH:

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Post Posted: 01-06-2017, 23:02:46 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Lord Parjesh

-Quicksand doesn't dissapear once you kill the boss.

-Boss deal way too low damage (1 damage per hit in melee).

Lady Hatecoil

-She sometimes get bugged in the air and you have to use a range spell to call her down.


-Blazing Hydra Spawn has a weird effect in his head. LOW PRIORITY

Kind Deepbeard

-Call of the Seas deal damage too fast when you stand on them.

Wrath of Azshara

-If you jump where the boss is (in the little pool he is standing) the boss reset or change target instead of the tank.

-There is a weird NPC called Weatherman which spawn during the fight, he casts storms and he also is invisible.

-There is also another NPC called Lighting Stalker who is invisible.


-Hatecoil Oracle Rejuvenating Water doesn't work, it should heal nearby allies within the circle, like the shamman spell does.

-Gritslime Snail doesn't stop casting Abrasive Slime and they do not do melee atacks because of this.

-Mak'rana Hardshell cast Armorshell too often.

-Stormwake Hydra Rolling Storm and Chaotic Tempest don't have animations and don't deal damage.

-Mak'Rana Siltwalker Spray sand always hit you even if you are behind the NPC, also he casts it too often.

-Skrog Tidestomper should cast Massive Quake every 20 seconds, he is casting it too often, also it doesn't spawn the blue circles around the ground which explodes after 3 seconds dealing heavy damage and knocking players to the air.

-Skrog Wavecrasher should cast Rising Fury every 18 seconds but he is casting it too often.


When you enter Deepbeard's Cove you should get the debuff Shelter (wowhead link) (thanks to OpTIXy for the help with this one) which grants you inmunity to the Violent Winds effect.
Violent Winds (wowhead link) should activate randomly after you defeat 2 bosses.


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Post Posted: 07-06-2017, 14:03:59 [Valuable post] | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Black Rock Hold:

[Game Objects]

  • [FIXED] Fixed all the gates/doors issues where players were able to click on them.

[The Amalgam of Souls]

[Illysanna Ravencrest]

[Smashspite the Hateful]

[Lord Kur'talos Ravencrest]

Halls of Valor:

[Game Objects]

  • [FIXED] Fixed all the gates/doors issues where players were able to click on them.
  • [FIXED] Fixed an issue where The Gateway of Splendor wasn't open even if the previous bosses were killed.


  • [FIXED] Fixed an issue where Dragons's Static Field was appearing in the opposite direction of where the dragons were coming from.
  • [FIXED] Fixed an issue where players could easily pass Hymdall without killing him.
  • [FIXED] Fixed an issue where Hymdall wasn't giving any kill credit after he was defeated.


  • [FIXED Fixed an issue where players after defeating Hyrja were stuck in combat.


  • [FIXED Fixed an issue where Fenryr was unattackable after reaching his den.
  • [FIXED Fixed an issue where Fenryr wasn't going to his den after reaching 60% hp.
  • [FIXED Fixed an issue where Fenryr wasn't removing the bleeding effect of Ravenous Leap from the players after going to his den.

[God-King Skovald]

  • [FIXED Fixed an issue where Ragnarok's damage was not taking into account the stacks of Ragnarok's damage increase buff.


  • [FIXED Fixed an issue where Odyn wasn't counted to objectives after he was defeated.

Neltharion's Lair:

[Game Objectsl]
  • [FIXED] Fixed all the gates/doors issues where players were able to click on them.


  • [FIXED] Fixed an issue where if the tank has Spiked Tongue aura applied on him right before Naraxas dies, he is still pulled to Naraxa's position after her death.

[Dargrul the Underking]

  • [FIXED] It doesn't give kill credit after you defeat him, and you get Deserter if you leave the dungeon after you kill the boss.
  • [FIXED] Fixed an issue were Molten Charskin wasn't fixating any player.

The main post is updated, all the fixes will be available after the next restart!

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Post Posted: 11-06-2017, 01:39:41 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Assault on Violet Hold

-Completly broken, final boss already spawned at start, aswell as some NPCs in a portal and two NPCs flying called "Teleportation Portal (Intro)" and "Lord Malgath"

-Two portals spawned at the beggining, if you kill one, another two spawns right after it and then they spawn one by one.

-If you are able to defeat the Invasion Forces, the prison won't open, so you can't kill the boss and continue with the dungeon.

-On Mythic the end boss doesn't give loot.

-Portals stay there forever instead of dissapearing.

-Some of the bosses are friendly (Shivermaw, Mindflayer Kaahrj, Millificent Manastorm, Blood-Princess Thal'ena, Festerface, Anub'esset)

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Post Posted: 14-06-2017, 06:23:37 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Vinsel wrote:
Assault on Violet Hold

-Completly broken, final boss already spawned at start, aswell as some NPCs in a portal and two NPCs flying called "Teleportation Portal (Intro)" and "Lord Malgath"

-Two portals spawned at the beggining, if you kill one, another two spawns right after it and then they spawn one by one.

-If you are able to defeat the Invasion Forces, the prison won't open, so you can't kill the boss and continue with the dungeon.

-On Mythic the end boss doesn't give loot.

-Portals stay there forever instead of dissapearing.

-Some of the bosses are friendly (Shivermaw, Mindflayer Kaahrj, Millificent Manastorm, Blood-Princess Thal'ena, Festerface, Anub'esset)

Now is almost done. Things to be fix: Kirin Thor NPC at the entrance to begin the encounter, there is no % slider as well as portal count, invasion forces dont attack prision entrance, Lord Malgath doesn't move to open the portals, after you kill the first boss it will respawn in 5 minutes and finnally after defeating first boss portals will continue popin up infinite this is why second boss will not came out from its cell and also final boss wont be possible because of this.


UPDATED: Second boss is available by killing minions every 5-6 portales. Fixed. However, at least two bosses Festerface and Fel Lord Betrug doesn't drop loot.

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Post Posted: 19-06-2017, 01:20:19 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Violet Hold Heroic has no loot. Can't confirm for N or Mythic, but it happened in HC.

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Post Posted: 19-06-2017, 15:48:21 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hi guys, i noticed a lot of content work better.

Please update this list for us

Thank you

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Post Posted: 19-06-2017, 16:16:20 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

We have been doing all mythic dungeons and all bossses are pretty much killable EXCEPT Skovald. (4th boss of Halls of Valor)

Problem: The boss casts ragnarok, we stack behind aegis. That is working fine so far. After the Ragnarok ends the boss jumps on us and hits us 2 more times with Ragnarok. At this point even if we have the aegis up it doesnt matter because the boss literally jumps on us and hits us with ragnarok. Even if we survive that with defensives the second ragnarok hits %100 more with 10 stacks and pretty much 1shots all. Please don't take me as a noob and say "maybe u are not using the aegis right". It is literally impossible right now. We wiped 10 times on mythic+6.


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Post Posted: 19-06-2017, 16:25:41 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

@ErcSwn it is not nice to hear that, but, if you can show me in game how it happens, because i can t reproduce it. I could fix it easily.
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Post Posted: 19-06-2017, 16:31:42 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

CocoDev wrote:
@ErcSwn it is not nice to hear that, but, if you can show me in game how it happens, because i can t reproduce it. I could fix it easily.

We are still in DG. My nickname is Highlord. Can u come to us?

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Post Posted: 19-06-2017, 16:40:36 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

In 15 minutes i ll be online.
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Post Posted: 19-06-2017, 16:41:57 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

CocoDev wrote:
In 15 minutes i ll be online.

We'll be in the dungeon unless server crashes -

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Post Posted: 19-06-2017, 17:13:30 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Well, you saw us doing it properly, and then server died on Odyn. You saw we had no chance to die, maybe you can fix it for us? We had the boss on 1% when server died.
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