
BOT - Valiona & Theralion
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Post Posted: 03-05-2012, 21:38:53 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

raxxar wrote:
They are not supposed to multishot.

This is true. I watched over 20 videos and in none of them the orbs were multishooting.

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Post Posted: 04-05-2012, 10:37:38 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

DuduMatt wrote:
In momentul in care da Valiona Breathul este cu spatele la raid dar rangerii tot crapa... dc?

Rezolvati problema asta ca e chiar stanjenitoare....cum sa dea dmg in spatele flame-ului Surprise. Inadmisibil. Over

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Post Posted: 04-05-2012, 12:02:39 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

These bug reports are invalid imo... Valiona is doable on heroic mode... Shes actually easier than halfus on heroic mode lol. -
Ive been doing Valiona on freakz since day one and i never saw the raid taking damage from Valiona's breath, unless they are idiots staying in front of the boss. -
Are you guys sure your healers didn't apply heals to Blackout affected raid members and that's the reason they kicked the bucket? :d

Quinwaz wrote:
Trebuie sa ma prezint si eu?
Nume: Marian
Nume in Game: Quinwaz
Despre Mine: Am Nasu Mare -

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Post Posted: 04-05-2012, 14:14:51 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

IamLegend wrote:
These bug reports are invalid imo... Valiona is doable on heroic mode... Shes actually easier than halfus on heroic mode lol. -
Ive been doing Valiona on freakz since day one and i never saw the raid taking damage from Valiona's breath, unless they are idiots staying in front of the boss. -
Are you guys sure your healers didn't apply heals to Blackout affected raid members and that's the reason they kicked the bucket? :d

Absolute douchebag seriously .... hate such ppl

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Post Posted: 04-05-2012, 14:40:53 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Seriously, when lots of people raiding a boss go on the forums and report the same weird thing in a boss encounter, theres a big chance of it being a bug.
However, when just a few people, who come from the same guild and are probably raiding together, come on the forums and complain about something they come by while raiding, there's a good chance of it being a flaw in their strategy or positioning and not a bug. -
This is the only thing i wanted to point out in my previous post. I don't troll people on the forums, i just have my own way to point out things. -

Quinwaz wrote:
Trebuie sa ma prezint si eu?
Nume: Marian
Nume in Game: Quinwaz
Despre Mine: Am Nasu Mare -

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Post Posted: 04-05-2012, 15:36:27 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

IamLegend wrote:
Seriously, when lots of people raiding a boss go on the forums and report the same weird thing in a boss encounter, theres a big chance of it being a bug.
However, when just a few people, who come from the same guild and are probably raiding together, come on the forums and complain about something they come by while raiding, there's a good chance of it being a flaw in their strategy or positioning and not a bug. -
This is the only thing i wanted to point out in my previous post. I don't troll people on the forums, i just have my own way to point out things. -

It actually happens but in a more random way,not on every try.

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Post Posted: 04-05-2012, 16:10:53 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Well, if you guys say so. -
Weird stuff happens all the time with Valiona, Halfus etc.
Sometimes Valiona goes under the floor and appears in the middle of the raid targeting random players (like healers etc).
Sometimes Halfus starts off with 2x proto behemots that spit fireballs like there's no tommorow or he starts fighting Storm or whatever dragon is active. -

Quinwaz wrote:
Trebuie sa ma prezint si eu?
Nume: Marian
Nume in Game: Quinwaz
Despre Mine: Am Nasu Mare -

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Post Posted: 05-05-2012, 01:35:01 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Its in normal mode... and i am sure that there is a visual bug at vali, coz all reangeres are behind the boss, and mellers too... so, i cant explian, it can only be a visual bug...
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Post Posted: 20-05-2012, 12:55:42 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Valiona bug pe 10 HEROIC. Encounter-ul e ultrabuguit

1: Deep Breath bug. acest spell trebuie sa fie channeled, odata ce este castat sa nu se miste dupa target, de mai multe ori boss-ul se intoarce dupa target si trece cu flacara peste raid, e un bug grav. wipe.

2: cand se face tranzitia la dinspre theralion spre valiona, coboara ambii bosi jos, timp de cateva secunde bune nici un boss nu poate fi atacat (invalid target). Isi revine apoi si face insant toate miscarile care trebuia sa le faca cat timp nu putea fi atacat. bug major.

3. Stack-urile puse de theralion pe tank, se pun aiurea si cateodata se pune al 5-lea stack exact cand da cu flacarile valiona, tank-ul intra in camera, dar cand sa dea click iese mort afara pentru ca sunt flacari puse de valiona. Oricum daca nu da click pe portal ramane in camera si oricum da wipe. Bug major. wipe

4. bilele din twilight realm, din camera.. chiar daca sunt morti toti mobi din camera, apar bile afara. se ia dmg. bug minor.

5. Cand este Theralion activ flacarile date de Valiona sunt puse de multe ori aiurea prin camera pentru ca coboara ambii bosi jos

6. Cateodata nu coboara nici un boss jos, raman ambii sus, da breath peste raid, wipe.

Am discutat cu mai multe persoane pe server si din cauza bug-urilor absolut TOTI o fac cu exploit. Eu doresc sa o fac normal si refuz sa o fac cu exploit. Va rog reparati boss-ul ca distrus de tot. Serios toti idiotii au iteme de valiona pe ei pentru ca se duc cu 1 lock si 3-4 dps, se teleporteaza in spatele zidului invizibil si fac exploit..
Sunt 2 variante.. ori reparati boss-ul ori acceptati ca toti sa il faca cu exploit si gata. Dar cel putin sa spuneti ca nu sunteti in stare sa il scriptati calumea

Last edited by redblast on 20-05-2012, 13:18:54; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 20-05-2012, 13:06:39 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

redblast wrote:

Am discutat cu mai multe persoane pe server si din cauza bug-urilor absolut TOTI o fac cu exploit. Eu doresc sa o fac normal si refuz sa o fac cu exploit. Va rog reparati boss-ul ca distrus de tot. Serios toti idiotii au iteme de valiona pe ei pentru ca se duc cu 1 lock si 3-4 dps, se teleporteaza in spatele zidului invizibil si fac exploit..
Sunt 2 variante.. ori reparati boss-ul ori acceptati ca toti sa il faca cu exploit si gata. Dar cel putin sa spuneti ca nu sunteti in stare sa il scriptati calumea

bossul se poate face chiar usor fara nici un exploit, da este adevarat este foarte buguit dar scriptul este destul de complex destul si greu de scriptat, cu multe faze, totusi asteptam sa se nerfuiasca scriptul si sa se gaseaca o sa solutia pt a nu se mai face exploit.

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Post Posted: 22-05-2012, 04:11:59 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

not sure if this has been reported before, but i dont see it on the first post with all the known bugs so i guess not

while you are inside the twilight realm, you get damage from spells like Fabulous Flames (wowhead link) and Engulfing Magic (wowhead link) but you can not see the flames on the ground or the engulfing effects.

this happened to me some days ago while i was inside the twilight realm, i was taking some considerable damage from an unknown source, and it wasnt shown on my scrolling combat text

2 seconds later im dead and right above the Fabulous Flames (wowhead link)

as you can see they were not shown while inside the twilight realm but they can still hurt you, unlike on this picure taken from Paragon Vs Valiona and Theralion 25HC video where you can clearly see the flames:

Also note on the above picture that you should be able get engulfing magic inside the twilight realm, here on freakz only people outside can get it, but they can hit those that are inside the twilight realm and you cant see the engulfing magic explosions. it should be limited to damage those that are on the same zone with the player with the debuff.

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Post Posted: 08-06-2012, 06:18:38 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

unul dintre bugurile des intalnite este acela cand dupa breth se face switch-ul dintre theralion si valiona . Valiona ajunge pe pamant ( probabil bug vizual ) ramane pe loc si nu poate fi atacata , nici macar sa-i dai taunt nu merge . Dupa un timp de 10-15 sec , valiona incepe sa dea brethu cum este si normal si totu decurge comform scriptului , dar numai ca in acel moment se da wipe la tot raidu deoarece valiona este undeva suspendata sus ..... dupa parerea mea , acest bug este printre cele mai frecvente si cele mai stupide daca putem spune asa.
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Post Posted: 08-06-2012, 21:54:14 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

leocta wrote:
unul dintre bugurile des intalnite este acela cand dupa breth se face switch-ul dintre theralion si valiona . Valiona ajunge pe pamant ( probabil bug vizual ) ramane pe loc si nu poate fi atacata , nici macar sa-i dai taunt nu merge . Dupa un timp de 10-15 sec , valiona incepe sa dea brethu cum este si normal si totu decurge comform scriptului , dar numai ca in acel moment se da wipe la tot raidu deoarece valiona este undeva suspendata sus ..... dupa parerea mea , acest bug este printre cele mai frecvente si cele mai stupide daca putem spune asa.

bugul asta ne da wipe cel mai des si se intampla mereu am stat si cate 3h numai din cuza acestui bug.

Concluzie nu vad de ce sa facut acest topic daca nu sa reparat absolut nimica la encouner Raised eyebrow
Lumea posteaza si se plange mereu iar fixuri nimica.

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Post Posted: 20-06-2012, 19:40:02 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

respect_dani wrote:
DuduMatt wrote:
In momentul in care da Valiona Breathul este cu spatele la raid dar rangerii tot crapa... dc?

Rezolvati problema asta ca e chiar stanjenitoare....cum sa dea dmg in spatele flame-ului Surprise. Inadmisibil. Over

astazi mi s-a intamplat si mie si am luat 2 whipe-uri din cauza asta, se intorcea putin cand dadea breath(nu la toate, se intampla la al 2-lea breath dupa tranzitie) si lua toata lumea dmg, nu doar range.

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Post Posted: 29-06-2012, 20:16:27 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

am facut si eu un topic la bug report tot pe aceasta tema.Vad ca incet incet lumea incepe sa se revolte.
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