
Some Questions About 4.3.4
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 08-11-2012, 22:35:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


lamonna08 wrote:
Freakz u need to drop the loot rate to x1 and the gold to x1 , thats why freakz fail in 4.0.6a in dung , every one scape them and head right to raids [...]

Whoa, egoistic dudes like you really get on my nerve. Some people just dont get it... WoW is not (just) a PvE game... Including me, there's a large percentage of people not interested in dungeons/raids, let alone lore and such (BLEH) and consider farming gold by vending epics from trash runs a necessary waste of time. Matters like Gold/Exp/Rep/Conq/Honor/Justice require private servers to strike a happy medium, period.

Seriously why do PvE players often consider this game their own... in a way? You dont see many PvP'ers insisting on instant 85 which generally isn't a good idea, x50 gold rate or 100% chance to drop epic PvE junk (which would make nice transmogs and look cool in their bags). Happy medium, remember?

CONGRATS!! If you`re smart you won't answer to this, you'll know I'm right and had much more to say. I wanted to keep this short, therefore tolerable to skim through.

^ Hidden message for them smarter boys and girls. ^

P.S. I agree with those against gold wipe, I have my resons. But I'm also one of those who don't give a f**k 'bout it.

See you lot in the Battlegrounds.


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Post Posted: 09-11-2012, 01:17:14 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

So far majority of people that made effort of sharing their opinion about incoming changes are against the skipping of the 4.1/4.2 content. It shouldn't be ignored. If I remember right, freakz's staff used to say "Why do you want new content without even experiencing the previous one?"

As for gold wipe, It's good step to start the gold deflation, but in my opinion it would be more fair to reduce the gold instead of wiping it. Like letting players keep 20-30% of their current gold + ofc promised valor>gold convertion.
I'd keep the rates as stated >here<.

For those who QQ that WoW isn't just about PvE (Note that I play both pvp and pve) and trying to convince ppl to not give a *** about unfair changes should keep their mouths shut and focus on convincing the staff to create the AT realm as said here:
After this week we will transfer all remaining characters on Evolution to Genesis and will probably open an Arena Tournament realm later on.

True, it's not just about PvE, but it works in both ways, so it isn't just about PvP either. People spending their time playing only PvP shouln't be favored too.

Staff eventualy will do what in their opinion will be right. But it would be fair for us, players to start an OFFICIAL poll wether most of us want to skip content or not etc.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 09-11-2012, 01:55:33 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Wtfhaxx wrote:
For those who QQ that WoW isn't just about PvE [...] Staff eventualy will do what in their opinion will be right. [...]

Fella. Nobody QQ's about that [...] and that's what I've said.


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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 09-11-2012, 09:15:41 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

why you quote only parts of my all comment ?
if u read well u will see that i said i am pvp guy and i need only pvp gear , so u just want to flame just for flame ?? stop ur shiittt dude , if u want to play pvp only thats ur thing , but there are ppl who play pvp and pve like me , so i do give a fucck about skiping conten , i do give a *** about some lore and i do give a *** about PVP , STFU and befor u say any thing read well .
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Post Posted: 09-11-2012, 12:32:22 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

At this moment, you can not go to PvP without some PvE (gearing up for starters), and you can not go to PvE without some PvP (No epic PvE shoulders for every class available). I'm not a strict PvE player, I play PvP too. And I don't give a crap about the gold wipe, I also have professions and other means to get gold.

To PvP freakz: Your whatever-season gear will be scripted, you will have open bgs and arenas to kill eachother in and you won't have as much new content as the PvE freakz. (I play PvP too. You can see that from the Character signature below)

To PvE freakz: Like it or not, you won't be able to do 4.3 raid just yet, because i think that will be locked when we update to next patch. You will have to go through 4.1 and 4.2 first to be able to finish 4.3. (I play PvE too! See Char. Signature)

And thank you Lamonna for showing us what a dumbass you are. Please "l2english".

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 09-11-2012, 13:34:00 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

u still and idiot , i really don't know how can i explain the idea more then i already did.
i guss u like easy thing thats all , u want to play last 3 dung and raid and thats it , other ppl want to go throught 4.1 and 4.2 raids , we cant x1 gold and x1 exp rate like blizzard , u want x30 gold and x30 exp so can have 210 k gold and 10 charc .
i said wht i want , but did not like wht i want , so go *** ur self .
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 09-11-2012, 15:38:30 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

To PvE freakz: Like it or not, you won't be able to do 4.3 raid just yet, because i think that will be locked when we update to next patch. You will have to go through 4.1 and 4.2 first to be able to finish 4.3. (I play PvE too! See Char. Signature)

Macedo problem is that we wont see the 4.1-4.2 content 'cause Shocker will not focus on the earlier patches just the 4.3 content . Raster said a few comments back "that is priority".

We (I mean Shocker) will focus on 4.3 content aka the three dungeons and Dragon Soul.

“It is as much of a mistake to underestimate yourself as to overestimate yourself.”
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 09-11-2012, 17:23:16 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

In other words: No Dragonwrath for the greedy casters.
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Post Posted: 09-11-2012, 17:52:15 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

pal0bre wrote:
In other words: No Dragonwrath for the greedy casters.

In even other words: Yet another legendary weapon available only through donations.

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Post Posted: 10-11-2012, 11:30:26 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

lamonna08 wrote:
u still and idiot , i really don't know how can i explain the idea more then i already did.
i guss u like easy thing thats all , u want to play last 3 dung and raid and thats it , other ppl want to go throught 4.1 and 4.2 raids , we cant x1 gold and x1 exp rate like blizzard , u want x30 gold and x30 exp so can have 210 k gold and 10 charc .
i said wht i want , but did not like wht i want , so go *** ur self .

I want 10 chars? Why didn't you check my Char list? You would see that I already have 10 on this account. I actually got 15 in total. I don't give a crap about gold since i don't need it. If i want to gear up some alt, i either go to a BG or a raid. I don't give a crap about the new dungeons/raids, i only want Nefarian and Chogal to be scripted because i want the damn BWD/BoT achievment that i couldn't do until now. I know i'm not here for as long as some of you. I'm only here for a year but i guess i know my way around PvP and PvE better than you (@lamonna).

darkbunny wrote:
To PvE freakz: Like it or not, you won't be able to do 4.3 raid just yet, because i think that will be locked when we update to next patch. You will have to go through 4.1 and 4.2 first to be able to finish 4.3. (I play PvE too! See Char. Signature)

Macedo problem is that we wont see the 4.1-4.2 content 'cause Shocker will not focus on the earlier patches just the 4.3 content . Raster said a few comments back "that is priority".

We (I mean Shocker) will focus on 4.3 content aka the three dungeons and Dragon Soul.

I still think that we will have to go through old (4.1 and 4.2) content before we head into the new one (4.3).

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Post Posted: 10-11-2012, 14:37:46 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Macedo931 wrote:

I want 10 chars? Why didn't you check my Char list? You would see that I already have 10 on this account. I actually got 15 in total. I don't give a crap about gold since i don't need it. If i want to gear up some alt, i either go to a BG or a raid. I don't give a crap about the new dungeons/raids, i only want Nefarian and Chogal to be scripted because i want the damn BWD/BoT achievment that i couldn't do until now. I know i'm not here for as long as some of you. I'm only here for a year but i guess i know my way around PvP and PvE better than you

I really doubt you could do it by now since it took you FOUR months just to take down ODS HC.

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Optimus Burnstein

[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 10-11-2012, 20:19:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Architech wrote:
dzvera wrote:
Architech wrote:

And they'll wipe gold because of the people like you, who stock gold and ruin server's economy.

I don't see how ppl who stock gold ruins economy. I had over 2 mills and I get them with selling food, gems, glyphs, 359 ilvl trash items, enchants, flasks, leathers, ores, herbs. How filling the AH up ruins the economy ?

Because your huge amount of gold means that you can buy items for much higher price then other people. So instead of buying items for 50-60k, we're forced to buy them for 200k since item sellers target people like you. If there are no gold stockers, items would go to 100k max since everyone will have around that much money.

I just made this account (forgot details to my old one) cause I had to laugh at this post since the gold cap on this sever was never increased. You are complaining about having to pay 200k for an item? Go play somewhere that actually increased the gold cap to 1 million like it should be and enjoy seeing items in the AH for like 700k. Gold stockers are no problem what so ever on a server that it is stupidly easy to farm gold. The amount of gold is inflated and thus it is not worth as much so the prices rise. 1k of random noobs doing 25 tb dailies (which give like 500 gold each?) each day would come to like 12.5 million gold being put into the economy each day. There is your problem for high prices. Although, that is also the reason why you can get so much gold easily anyway. So you will find that the effort to get something does not change much. The price increases cause the gold available increases.

Gold stockers however just stock gold and do not spend it. So it is like they are pulling it out of circulation, which I would think would add more value to the remaining gold which would lower prices. Basically it all evens out over several factors.

TL;DR: Prices would be much higher if the gold cap was not 214k and was actually ~1,000,000 like it should be so do not complain.

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Post Posted: 10-11-2012, 21:40:29 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Optimus Burnstein wrote:
Architech wrote:
dzvera wrote:
Architech wrote:

And they'll wipe gold because of the people like you, who stock gold and ruin server's economy.

I don't see how ppl who stock gold ruins economy. I had over 2 mills and I get them with selling food, gems, glyphs, 359 ilvl trash items, enchants, flasks, leathers, ores, herbs. How filling the AH up ruins the economy ?

Because your huge amount of gold means that you can buy items for much higher price then other people. So instead of buying items for 50-60k, we're forced to buy them for 200k since item sellers target people like you. If there are no gold stockers, items would go to 100k max since everyone will have around that much money.

I just made this account (forgot details to my old one) cause I had to laugh at this post since the gold cap on this sever was never increased. You are complaining about having to pay 200k for an item? Go play somewhere that actually increased the gold cap to 1 million like it should be and enjoy seeing items in the AH for like 700k. Gold stockers are no problem what so ever on a server that it is stupidly easy to farm gold. The amount of gold is inflated and thus it is not worth as much so the prices rise. 1k of random noobs doing 25 tb dailies (which give like 500 gold each?) each day would come to like 12.5 million gold being put into the economy each day. There is your problem for high prices. Although, that is also the reason why you can get so much gold easily anyway. So you will find that the effort to get something does not change much. The price increases cause the gold available increases.

Gold stockers however just stock gold and do not spend it. So it is like they are pulling it out of circulation, which I would think would add more value to the remaining gold which would lower prices. Basically it all evens out over several factors.

TL;DR: Prices would be much higher if the gold cap was not 214k and was actually ~1,000,000 like it should be so do not complain.

Can you tell me, who'd pay 700k for a single item, normal player or gold stocker?

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Post Posted: 11-11-2012, 02:15:30 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Architech wrote:
Macedo931 wrote:

I want 10 chars? Why didn't you check my Char list? You would see that I already have 10 on this account. I actually got 15 in total. I don't give a crap about gold since i don't need it. If i want to gear up some alt, i either go to a BG or a raid. I don't give a crap about the new dungeons/raids, i only want Nefarian and Chogal to be scripted because i want the damn BWD/BoT achievment that i couldn't do until now. I know i'm not here for as long as some of you. I'm only here for a year but i guess i know my way around PvP and PvE better than you

I really doubt you could do it by now since it took you FOUR months just to take down ODS HC.

It didn't take four months, it took only about a dozen or two tries (15-20).

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Post Posted: 11-11-2012, 03:06:58 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Macedo931 wrote:
Architech wrote:
Macedo931 wrote:

I want 10 chars? Why didn't you check my Char list? You would see that I already have 10 on this account. I actually got 15 in total. I don't give a crap about gold since i don't need it. If i want to gear up some alt, i either go to a BG or a raid. I don't give a crap about the new dungeons/raids, i only want Nefarian and Chogal to be scripted because i want the damn BWD/BoT achievment that i couldn't do until now. I know i'm not here for as long as some of you. I'm only here for a year but i guess i know my way around PvP and PvE better than you

I really doubt you could do it by now since it took you FOUR months just to take down ODS HC.

It didn't take four months, it took only about a dozen or two tries (15-20).

Don't bullcrap me, ok? I was in that guild since you tried to kill ODS for the first time and finally after three and a half months you downed them. Doesn't matter how many tries did it take, as for "the best ally pve" guild, that's embarrassing. Now, if three and a half months took you to down ODS HC, how long will it take to down Nefarian? 7 months? And you want us to wait for that much so you can kill him?

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