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Post Posted: 29-06-2014, 07:01:05 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

^Tottaly agree, personally I found a way better server.

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Post Posted: 29-06-2014, 10:42:13 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

soufami wrote:
More content, more fixes this is what will bring people to the server, nothing else, even if you merge 10 realms the result will be the same.
It was your fault that you lost people. 2 years,freakz should be full content and with the best fixes around,but you know what? you slack.
And we all know where all those players gone (X servers :Full 4.0.6 content with best scripts around,4.2 full content in few days with legendary questline...)

Such words from such arab.. Abt the topic, theese waiting time for bgs dungs and raids come if u que alone a.k.a ur a pug. So instead of QQing here make some effort and find a guild for yourself that does raids bgs or whatever u are interested in.

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Post Posted: 29-06-2014, 11:49:14 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

What Enqu said.
By the time Freakz is on 4.3.4, u should already have full Dragon Soul, Firelands scripted with all working quests. It is logical that ppl with go and find the new server with better offer of gameplay experience and more working content. Every1 on the server is already sick of same bosses every week, and u are scripting dungeons? Rly? U should've scripted those back then when u updated server to 4.3.4, not now. And yes, u slack, u relese the boss every 5 months? Rly? I wouldn't say its the problem in "flying stuff" as it was on WMB, i'd say its only u slacking and wanting more donations.

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Post Posted: 29-06-2014, 12:12:59 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

i give up. i thought we were dealing with a smarter and older community. I see, again, only haters asking for full content, full fixes, free legendaries and for fuk sake worried about their nickname in case of a merge instead of caring about the health of the server. i could say many obvious things about retail, script coding, donations etc but i really don't wanna waste more characters.

if you choose a private server basing your decision on which one got more content scripted (and you should also ask yourself HOW it's scripted) you will keep chaning & changing, since wherever you're playing there will always be some place more populated and scripted than the one you're playing on, sooner or later. My opinion is that, on a private server, you should ask for decent content but you should search also for many other things and, in general, for a more "relaxed" environment. Listening yo guys, i feel like you're all high rank CEO of some multi billionar company.

i'm playing here since wotlk, many things could have been done much better, but in end i can say i had my fun.

Whatever decision you take it will be the best for me.

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Post Posted: 29-06-2014, 16:57:46 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

sheLbyPL wrote:
Badtobaco wrote:
*** THE MERGE...can u finally give some respond on bug report about WM, few months since it came out and you dont give a fckin *** about replying to any1 or EVEN BETTER, about doing anything about it and fixing shit, server is dying AND ITS YOUR FAULT cause you have fckin WRONG point of view what you should pay your attention TO!

ofc fixing your bug report will make 1000 players back to the server

not sure if braindead or just retarded

ofcourse it would help if they fix it, ppl are just not interested in spending time on smth not properly fixed and its even harder than it should be when properly fixed

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Post Posted: 29-06-2014, 18:24:15 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I've spent already few years playing on Freakz, and from my observation I can tell most people are getting annoyed not just by lack of content, but by the players they have to deal with. There is no a single day when someone doesn't QQ about noobs in BG's and lately in RDF. Except for that, people are getting lured to certain private srvers by the blizzlike feeling durning gameplay in some aspects of this game. Some people do not find on Freakz things they're expecting, so they're trying their luck elsewhere.
So in my opinion there's one way to at least partialy minimize or even get rid of the problems Freakz is recently suffering from.
Now that we've got a working RDF, Freakz is already half way to solve those problems and should lower the rates, especialy EXP so leveling will take more effort, and force people to level up like on retail using RDF and battlegrounds. People are leveling too fast, not bothering about those things and once they hit 85, they're queueing RDF and BG for the first time, without any basic knowledge what should they do. By doing both dungeons and battleground durning leveling phase people would gain at least bit of experience and knowledge needed to perform at least fine once they hit 85. Currently battlegrounds looks like some kind of special olympics where the less-noob team wins, instead of which team is better... I belive it would change if my suggestion would come alive, also completing full dungeon with RDF group wouldn't be a problem anymore, because nowadays it's rarity.

I can bet someone will disagree on my suggestion, suggesting focusing on the end game content instead. And you know what? Screw you. This is exactly the way of thinking Freakz was following till now, and look how it ended. Endgame content isn't everything most people are enjoying about this game, but the overall gameplay. Endgame content might lure alot of new potential players to freakz but for a very short time. People are leveling too fast, then they're ending up doing Dragon Soul, either getting best gear they're capable of, or stopping in the half way getting bored of the monotonic gameplay. Stop thinking of how to bring more players to this server and start thinking how to make the gameplay more enjoyable and challenging.
Quality over quantity. Remember that quality always will eventualy increase the quantity when it comes to the ammount of players.

And btw... InB4 ;TLDR

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Post Posted: 29-06-2014, 19:41:47 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Keep in mind, if you merge the realms and we will end up with 3k players on the realm. You should focus on low lvl RDF, not sure if it works or not, but as the guy above me said lower the XP rates a bit, increase the XP gain for finishing RDF + fix the bag you get after finishing the RDF. We also have cross-faction RDF.
In this way, you "force" people to que for RDF, get their gear while leveling and after they hit 85, they will be half ready for the cataclysm content.

Last edited by Shadowy on 30-06-2014, 13:47:39; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 29-06-2014, 21:15:58 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Reason why most good players are leaving the server and why most good guilds are falling apart or merging with others is that the player base on Exodus is way to small to recruit good players anymore. Ur left with recruits that can barely speak English, don't listen or sometimes even log on Raidcall, Ventrilo ect. They get some gear from normals, probably by being carried around, they don't come prepared with flasks, enchants, gems, reforges.

This is the reason why Crysis ended up merging with Whoracle into Ominence, and a reason why Galactoze and me as well ended up quiting the server. Leading a raid with idiots is no fun, and one or two of them is enough to ruin a raid.

I don't think a realm Merge will solve anything to be honest. The good players across Exodus are all split up in groups, and most of those groups don't stand each others coz of their childish egos. Problem with the server in my opinion can't be solved, since the advertisement of the server, and the website are not good enough to lure new people in. We were told 2 years ago, back on 4.0.6, that there would be a new website redesign coming soon and a forum overhaul, and it never happen.

This server, website, forums are just all so unwelcoming to the international community and that is the main reason why the amount of people coming in will never be higher then the amount of people leaving, and theres always gonna be people leaving, since everyone gets bored of this game sooner or later, and theres a limited amount of Romanians that the server can get, if they're not all here already.

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Post Posted: 30-06-2014, 10:54:25 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Yes, players are leaving.
Yes, it might be our fault.
Yes, we should have had more content.
Yes, whatever you are referring to "You SHOULD HAVE....."
Yes, whatever fixes and shit.

Can we go back in time and fix these? NO.

At this moment we would rather have one good & active realm rather than two dying realms.

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Post Posted: 30-06-2014, 11:37:11 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Totally agree with Wtfhaxx's post...Endgame content is boring as hell at the moment,we have 3 dungeons working,1 raid (not fully scripted but still decently)and the rest is like dueling in front of cities,making arenas (long queues even on low mmr) 2v2 only ofc,few 3v3 queues,but only if you spam like a freak or simply get sniped/snipe by/someone and maybe some battlegrounds.What else we have? Stonecore,Throne of the tides,1 boss in firelands and baradin hold... Wow Surprise I did start retail right after 1st day of release of 4.3.0 patch and i'd say it was pretty interesting and not as boring as it is here.Battlegrounds were totally enjoyable and balanced,i actually met some friendly and educated people that weren't like pro people,but they knew the basic stuff about battlegrounds.What i see here is some retards with green gear joining battlegrounds spamming S button and = )))))))))))))))))))) or u nob u nob u nob take flags u nob.In raids you see some guy that's thinking of god and he's pretty sure he knows entire game and scripts for bosses,but J fkin K he's actually the guy wiping the raid and basically what we all see is tons of retards --> (sorry,but it's true i bet even gms agree with that...)

Basically what you can do is to add more custom stuff players will fight for.One of them is rating requirement for PvP gear.Seeing people dueling in front of cities raping other bad people is just .. smart.He duels a ruthless guy and then he stands 5 minutes cuz his brain is not working properly and after waiting 5 minutes he says "you full cata nob nob nob lern tu plei dis geim" Of course leave the players that already got their s11 gear,but put a rating requirement to the current PvP vendors for s11 gear and leave ruthless gear obtainable by earning honor.

Work a bit @Tol Barad and maybe Wintergrasp since both battlegrounds give hiiiiiigh amount of honor and there are also some quests and it's pretty fun to play both of them,especially Wintergrasp.People will experience something new,since most of freakz players have never played Wintergrasp or even Tol Barad and this will be something amazingly fun and new for them.

Work a bit @Isle of Conquest + Strand of the Ancients,especially 1st one even if it's not scripted fully try to launch it with no such problems as doors not existing,blinking through walls and such,just make it live,but playable,it's not needed to be fully scripted.

Would be great if you make live BwD and BoT bosses i don't know why you made them friendly,you want to keep them forever like that and not doing anything about them cuz you'll say like "huh we're working at end game content cba fixing this shit" As i said above about these two battlegrounds,you should do the same with BwD and BoT raids.They're both 2 patches back and will not boost people's gear that much.

Work at Zul'Aman + Zul'Gurub = alot of bosses inside means people will gear up a bit faster with 2 patches back gear and then comes endgame dungeons and such cuz it's dumb to see yourself typing LF dps/tank/heal (cuz rdf is kinda dead if you're not tank or healer and simply not look for someone before you que) and then you see whispers TANK HEAL HEAL HEAL TANK ! And then you type .ilevel name and basically what you see is Name's item level is 325....

Also work at some raids from old expansions i don't think it will be a huge problem to fix some bosses.Illidan have been bugged and causing crashes for players for quite alot of time,luckily we experienced it in 4.3.4 and in 4.0.6 he was unkillable.Akama is bugged as well and people comes with some posts that he is not,also i remember some GM that said "if you follow the script it will work" i'm like dude i aint braindead k?

If you're that lazy to do the suggestion above,there is 1 more solution,but just for the loot,you can simply add alot of transmog items in a new PvP vendor and basically put rating requirement.

My favourite.I don't fkin have a clue what is the problem for just one GM to just stay online for like 1 hour and answer to the *********** tickets ? I mean what is the problem srsly what?!!?!?! What is the problem to just help the players in need than doing something wrong or staying in forum online all day long (ofc not even replying to topics tooo but still) than just answer the tickets? Same with topics in forum,even if your answer is not in interest of people commenting that topic,just post some reply than leaving it alone.I'm myself looking the forum really actively and i can say that if i was some kind of staff member i would seriously answer to all these topics,like i literally opened and saw/read every single topic in the forum 30 times a day(exaggeratedly).Like i see some guy speed and fly hacking for 3 days and there is still noone from the staff here to ban him.. cmon..

Posturi unite automat, 30-06-2014, 12:37:11

avan wrote:
So instead of QQing here make some effort and find a guild for yourself that does raids bgs or whatever u are interested in.

Tell me atleast one PvP guild in Exodus than some random guilds "We are doing PvE + PvP ,everyone is welcome "

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Post Posted: 30-06-2014, 17:11:04 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Funny how when I suggested merge few months back, I was told to piss off without a second thought.

I'm up for the change of course.

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Post Posted: 30-06-2014, 18:38:02 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

bordy wrote:
Funny how when I suggested merge few months back, I was told to piss off without a second thought.

I'm up for the change of course.

I think everyone became so desperate -

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Post Posted: 30-06-2014, 18:53:32 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hawtydaboss wrote:
bordy wrote:
Funny how when I suggested merge few months back, I was told to piss off without a second thought.

I'm up for the change of course.

I think everyone became so desperate -

Exactly. This is act of desperation. I might exaggerate, but it's just one step from even merging with whole another server.
Anyone who remember the times when exodus didn't exist yet, will agree that realm merging is a bad idea. Barely anyone spoken english, and like someone mentioned above, noobs spamming = )))))))))))))))) in every corner of Azeroth. It... was... horrible!
There's also problem with names, which is just a detail, but still it will make alot of people angry when they'll be forced to change the name they've been using for a long time. Let's say straight, the exodus player database would be transfered to Genesis, and only those people from Exodus will be forced to change the name.

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Post Posted: 30-06-2014, 19:16:04 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Wtfhaxx wrote:
Hawtydaboss wrote:
bordy wrote:
Funny how when I suggested merge few months back, I was told to piss off without a second thought.

I'm up for the change of course.

I think everyone became so desperate -

Exactly. This is act of desperation. I might exaggerate, but it's just one step from even merging with whole another server.
Anyone who remember the times when exodus didn't exist yet, will agree that realm merging is a bad idea. Barely anyone spoken english, and like someone mentioned above, noobs spamming = )))))))))))))))) in every corner of Azeroth. It... was... horrible!
There's also problem with names, which is just a detail, but still it will make alot of people angry when they'll be forced to change the name they've been using for a long time. Let's say straight, the exodus player database would be transfered to Genesis, and only those people from Exodus will be forced to change the name.

There is actually a solution for players that will complain about their names.Simply allowing players to use symbols like ø / Ø / è / ß / Í / á / à / â / ì / Ð / Ñ will definitely solve the problem.

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Post Posted: 30-06-2014, 19:59:22 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Well, I have nothing against using those symbols for guild names and such, but if we're talking about players' names then it's quite *** up.

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