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World PVP?
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 17-05-2015, 20:01:43 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

honestly i say keep it off except in pvp only areas so many players with max level characters would just go around killing all the low level characters for fun and its just going to make the server less popular and i honestly dont care for pvp i only on this server for pve which is why i liked it because i think you guys level out the pvp with the pve really well
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Post Posted: 17-05-2015, 20:24:21 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Vor fi mai multe voturi cu NU deoarece 80%+ din cei de pe server fac PvE (stiu,nu este cel mai "stabil" argument) + ca sunt tot felul de gunoaie ( n-am cum sa le spun altfel ) care "prefer Cross Faction Cucu Meu Bege Ca e mai usor sa ma care Gigi cel gearat..." .

Cel mai ok ar fi PVP ON si sa avem comanda ".pvp_off" aceasta comanda odata folosita sa dezactiveze WPvP pentru x timp ( 1 luna sau cat considerati ).


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[Death's Demise]

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Post Posted: 17-05-2015, 20:29:12 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Cea mai buna varianta este sa fie buton de on/off cu era si pe 4.0.6.

De cand a fost scos buntou' (parca pe 4.3), totul era un chaos.
Nu puteai sa farmezi mats pentru profesii, nu puteai sa faci un daily quest pentru gold( Nu veniti cu argumete bullshit gen: Tol Barad e zona PvP, asta se intempla si in Molten Front,lzona care nu e PvP, unde era un Dwarf Hunter non-lifer care statea doar sa farmeze oamenii care faceau questuri),nu puteai sa stai afk si sa craftezi ceva in cantititati industriale(gen food sau pots) ca venea un rouge mereu si erai mort.

Si oricum cel putin daca era echilibrat, adica eu aveam gear PvE, nu ma plang, dar de cele mai multe ori, mai aveam cam ~10% HP dupa ce se termina tot cc-ul, si , chiar daca vroiam sa-i "invat o lectie" nu prea mai apucam sa fac ceva. Stateam 2 minute, reinviam, ii bateam si dupa iar veneau, si evectiv nu puteam sa fac ce mi-am propus.

Sper sa nu se mai introduca niciodata pvp on obligatoriu pentru toata lumea, indiferent de gear, lvl, sau altceva

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 17-05-2015, 20:47:53 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Drain wrote:
Symaro wrote:
Drain wrote:
Symaro wrote:
Aliziea wrote:
moazzamali wrote:
Symaro wrote:
moazzamali wrote:
OK in my opinion should make an option for both pvp and pve lovers.

PVP on/off.

pvp on of both players = PVP for both

pvp off for one player but other on = no pvp

i think pvp lovers and pve lovers both will be happy.

This. Although there are no doubt still ways to flag others for PvP though bug abuse.
And I suspect that the people screaming for PvP to be activated will be pissed off if anyone could deactivate it because they want "World PvP" *coughgankingcough*

how someone can force us for pvp if we don't wana do in open world???? there are lots of pve lovers like me. and these pvp lovers always attack low geared and pve lovers.

Yes m8 ... because the PvP players will get into your instance/raid to kill you because that's how world pvp works

Not inside, but in front. Or at the daily questing hub. Or pretty much anywhere there is anything to do besides in instances.
Why do I need to explain this? Are you seriously THAT short-sighted?

as someone said, world of WARcraft, not world of peacecraft.
so far the only argument you guys have is "omg they will kill low-lvls and low-gear players, they will camp, and do stuff to us pve lovers" which basically translates to "i suck at pvp", which again is not a valid argument. newsflash pve lover, we don't have terminator vision that tells us "he is a pve lover, exterminate", if you die it's because you're an enemy, it doesn't have anything to do with the fact that you do pve, or are vegan, or like boys, or w/e.

So our only argument, according to you, is: "We want to protect people not interested in PvP from being forced into PvP."
Pardon me my friendly nincompoop, but that seems like a solid argument to me. We're considering everyone's interests here.
If you want to PvP, do battlegrounds and eventually arenas, that's what those zones are intended for. That's what Gurubashi is intended for, there are even conveniently placed portals in each of the dueling areas so you guys can go bash each other's faces in like a pack of rabid animals if that's what you want. Other areas like questing hubs, spawn points and miscellaneous event grounds are intended for questing and other such activities that do not specifically demand any sort of player versus player confrontation.

People should be given the choice to slap a "Kill me" sign to their foreheads if they so chose, but currently, that isn't working. There are ways to force PvP flagging, which means uninterested in PvP players are subjected to the whims of disruptive and malicious players, often killed due to a significant gear gap. Something called "Ganking". Until a system that enforces absolute, unquestionable player choice in the matter of whether they want to engage in world PvP or not is implemented, World PvP must be kept off, and right now, no such system exists.

The sick irony of it all is that you've presented no additional arguments other then that the game is called world of "War"craft.
Seriously? That's it? No positive reasons, no underlining the benefits, nothing. Just "Herp Derp Its Wurld of WARcraft" with some mud-slinging on the side. Don't try to "translate" my message, as I wrote it in plain english, and was quite direct. Also, I do PvP, I do a lot of PvP as a matter of fact. But I know what's gonna happen when World PvP is enabled, and the drawbacks will severely outweigh the benefits (of which I can't even name one).

The only benefit that I can think of is that people like you will get about 30 minutes worth of entertainment out of it.
Sorry buddy, you'll have to deal with being just a little bit bored.

"We want to protect people not interested in PvP from being forced into PvP." Really, because that's not what is happening on retail servers. I don't see world pvp disabled there except on PvE servers which have way less population than their counterpart. If anything YOU are forcing shit down OUR throat with your lame excuses. You are removing an important part of this game on the argument that YOU cannot handle it. You can't die in this game. You are supposed to farm every fkin material, you are supposed to do your quests peacefully and finish them in one hour, and all the other players HAVE TO get in line. I am sorry, but that is not how the game works, there is supposed to be conflict, otherwise there is no point in 2 factions. MoP released, you have your dungeons, you have your raids. We have some battlegrounds, we have no arenas, and now you want world pvp gone forever? Again, on what basis? That you shouldn't die in this game while you farm your shit? Who the hell told you it was yours to farm in the first place? The only downside I see is for you my friend, because you suck at this game. Do you think it is fair to remove this part of the game just because you suck at it?
The argument isn't wether we should add something that was never there in the first place. The argument is wether something that is important to the game should be removed just because you cannot handle it.

Let me summarize your reply, since you seem to have the impression that just because you stretched it out, it ammounts to something more.
"You're wrong and you suck, because... because you suck and you're wrong."

I'll make this brief, since I have other things to do.

#1: Freakz IS a PvE server. It's been said time and time again. The "fact" that PvE realms have way less people playing on them in retail (which is absolute unmitigated bull that you yanked clear out your ***) is absolutely irrelevant, even if it were true. As a PvE server, Freakz is expected to have a "Normal" realm, or a "PvE" realm, which means that World PvP is OPTIONAL. What YOU're trying to do, is mandate it, and that won't roll.

#2: There you go again, trying to call me poor at PvP. It's a faux pas and a cheap jab at my ego, but I won't take your bait. Let's assume that you're right and I do suck at PvP. That's also absolutely irrelevant. The notion here is that people who have no interest in PvPing should have the right to NOT PvP if they so desire. Activating world PvP denies them of this option and leaves them exposed for gankers and farmers. Yes, they do need protection. No, World PVP is not an "important part of the game". Yes, you're full of s**t.

#3 You are in no position to be telling people how this game is supposed to work. Do not try to assert your authority over anyone here. Just because you've grown accustomed to a particular WoW experience, does not mean that everyone else is forced to abide by your norms. Choice is what must be provided, and right now, it can not be. The presence of two factions mandates conflict, but it does not necessarily madate world conflict. Once again, Battlegrounds, arenas and so on. Those are the places for such conflict to take place. Get your s**t together.

#4 No. I don't want World PvP to be gone forever. I side with pro-choice. Optional flagging for PvP, so people who are interested, can. And people who aren't, don't have to if they don't want to. Do not try to force words into my mouth, I won't tolerate that, although I will admit that I would like to see World PvP disabled forever, just to rustle your jimmies.

#5 Bla bla bla, more faux pas. That's not the argument, that's you trying to poison the well. You've gotten so desperate that you've even referred to dailies, which are doable by everyone, as "s**t that isn't supposedly mine to farm".

Once again, you've presented nothing to back up your stance that World PvP is a must.
You came at me with ad-hominem and blank unsubstantiated claims of the importance of immediate world PvP.
You failed to contribute in any way to the resolution of the issue.
You're basically acting like a toddler going "NYEEAH YOU'RE WRONG AND I'M RIGHT CUZ YOU'RE A MEANIE WAAAH!"
Kindly cease, and decist. I'm done with you.

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Post Posted: 17-05-2015, 21:19:19 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

i'm going to cut the quote train, sorry
where does it state that this server is PvE?
I already gave you the only argument that matters: if this server isn't pve, world pvp should be on, if it is pve (which I doubt since I play here since the beginning [with some pauses] and I don't remember not being able to engage opponents in world pvp until MoP) then optional flagging should be on. Either way, world pvp shouldn't be turned completely off.
and if the server isn't PvE, you should come with arguments as to why world pvp should be removed. Real arguments, like latency problems and stuff, not just "people with 0 brain will kill me (they obviously have more brains for this game than you do)".
Also, freakz isn't expected to do what some random (you) wants, it is expected to deliver a blizzlike experience, so the only question is wether the realm is pvp or pve. And really, there's no point in telling me what in your opinion is important in this game, I think it's obvious players are too much for you to handle.

Last edited by Drain on 18-05-2015, 01:26:13; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 17-05-2015, 21:51:16 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

frid@y wrote:
sunt tot felul de gunoaie ( n-am cum sa le spun altfel ) care "prefer Cross Faction Cucu Meu Bege Ca e mai usor sa ma care Gigi cel gearat..." .

Iancule, nu te-ai mutat recent la alianta sa nu mai fi farmat in bguri si sa te care gigi cel gearat? Gunoaiele alea la care te referi nu vor decat sa fim 15 vs 15 sau 10 vs 10 in bguri, ca world pvp on sau off e fix nimic daca si peste o luna tot nu o sa fie lume la bguri.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 17-05-2015, 22:17:30 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

pvp on is normal just because some player prefer to gather flower and minerals in peace maybe its to fight on resources..
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Post Posted: 17-05-2015, 22:26:18 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

toX wrote:
frid@y wrote:
sunt tot felul de gunoaie ( n-am cum sa le spun altfel ) care "prefer Cross Faction Cucu Meu Bege Ca e mai usor sa ma care Gigi cel gearat..." .

Iancule, nu te-ai mutat recent la alianta sa nu mai fi farmat in bguri si sa te care gigi cel gearat? Gunoaiele alea la care te referi nu vor decat sa fim 15 vs 15 sau 10 vs 10 in bguri, ca world pvp on sau off e fix nimic daca si peste o luna tot nu o sa fie lume la bguri.

Mr Tox cand esti cretin , esti cretin ...
Am mai spus de ce m-am mutat si toata faza cu Angent si etc.
Pai si ce rezolvi cu pvp off ? Mai multi la bg?


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[supa la plic]

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Post Posted: 17-05-2015, 23:04:42 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

frid@y wrote:
Pai si ce rezolvi cu pvp off ? Mai multi la bg?

Scriu in engleza sa inteleaga si strainii

Let's say we have PvP On @ lvl 90 starting tomorrow. There will be some places where 1-2 guys will meet 2-3 guys and fight it out, no problem when stuff like that happens, it's fun and i'm all for it. But every single person on this server knows that those a few vs a few fights will be rare, and on a daily basis it will mostly be 40 man raid <PVP> in tol barad killing random ppl, or 40 man raid <Authentiks> in shrine of the two moons, or other full raids camping the klaaxi daily quest hub or other rep grinding spots. Yeah, alliance players will have their fun for a while, and then some hordes will transfer AGAIN, some other hordes will leave the server, and this will only make things worse overall. You guys are all talking about skill or no brains if you get owned in world pvp, but lose sight of the fact that it's always gonna come down to situations where one guy gets killed and brings a whole guild to get revenge. For example, here is a recording of Aldunis after getting killed in tol barad

I'm only saying the situation from the horde point of view. I want world pvp, but not when it's gonna lead to even less people staying here.

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Post Posted: 17-05-2015, 23:11:00 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

PVP On ca asa este normal, dar in conditiile de game play, aici , singura optiune e sa se faca zona de PVP , intri in zona restepctiva si se activeaza PVP'ul automat , gen Wintergrasp , TB etc , cam greu dar nu este imposibil .

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Post Posted: 18-05-2015, 00:07:02 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I can say I voted to not have PVP 100% active at this time, and for me personally I think these are my arguments:

1. Shrine of the Two Moons / Shrine of the Seven Stars will be overrun quite a lot (the 580k HP guards that you can fly over will do nothing to save people).

2. All flight paths in Pandaria have literally no guards or something to prevent instant death when being teleported.

3. (I will get flamed for this, but it is a part of my reasoning) Donations. Yes.... donating will make it near impossible to have some kind of balanced PVP (you can flame me, but w/o arenas to gear this is true in my eyes).

4. Class bugs make some classes OP in PVP. Still plenty of bugs in classes make that there are classes that are near impossible to tackle properly or lack PVP options (examples here are the too high damage of Mistweavers; bugs in Unholy DKs; general more fixes in Warriors; etc. etc.)

I am in no way stating world PVP should never be active, but currently it seems like a lost effort. I'd prefer:

1. 2v2 / 3v3 / 5v5 arenas

2. World PVP is some areas (like Dread Wastes and Tawnlong Steppes)

3. Toggle-able PVP on/off

This is just my opinion, I will not be bothering to reply to remarks

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Post Posted: 18-05-2015, 07:11:56 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

PvP Off .thanks

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[SS Obergruppenführer]

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Post Posted: 18-05-2015, 08:08:31 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

PvP should be off. Thanks! -
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 18-05-2015, 09:46:48 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Kyrax wrote:
"Devenise relaxant ºi plãcut cât nimeni nu se omora cu nimeni. Normal ar fi sã poþi alege MÃCAR sã te faci pvp sau nu, cum de altfel e ºi normal. Altfel, doar o tâmpenie. A stricat experienþa de joc pe Cata, o va strica ºi acum." poate tu te distrai fara world pvp

Sa stai 2 ore in Blasted Lands (==>random location) sa farmezi ally/horde lvl sa omori npc cu respawn 30min-1h...doar pentru ca te-ai plictisit...inseamna ca ai probleme grave de personalitate daca asta te face sa te simti mai bine.Alta e cand sunt raiduri SW/ achievement , Gurubashi ,Wintergrasp etc...ce mi se pare chiar funy,entertaining...WORLD PVP OFF

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 18-05-2015, 10:53:27 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

on !!
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