
[EN] Fury Warrior Guide 5.4.8

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[shefu' la luptatori]

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Fury Warrior PvE Guide 5.4.8

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You can Charge through to any subject by clicking on the title. You can also come back here by using Heroic Leap from the right side.

1. Introduction

2. Why Fury Warrior?

3. Patch Notes

4. Race choice

5. Stat priority

6. Gems

7. Enchants

8. Professions

9. Talents

10. Glyphs

11. Stances & Rage Generation

12. Abilities

13. Rotation

14. Tips&tricks for each raid encounter

15. Useful Macros

16. Credits

1. Introduction

MoP is soon to be implemented on our server too and i figured out it's about time I wrote a Fury Warrior Guide.
I made this guide in the hope that it may help beginners or even more experienced players as well.
However, bearing in mind the fact that MoP is a new expansion for me as well, all that I could do until now was to collect information from multiple guides I found over the internet. I will update my guide so that it will reflect my experience and playing style when MoP goes live. Will also try to make the guide appropriate for Freakz, as some things might not work Blizzlike.

2. Why Fury Warrior?

The Fury spec has been trough a lot of changes from Cataclysm, it's no longer just "2xGurthalak and faceroll on the keyboard".
It became a bit more complex and more fun to be played.
Disadvantages like the lack of AoE damage or rage management difficulty have been removed.
Fury Warrior should also be in the top of the Dps recount on 5.4.8 patch, and it's clearly superior to the Arms Spec (in PvE, evidently).

Titan's Grip vs Single-Minded Fury
It all depends on the quality of the weapons that you own. So, if you have better Two-handed weapons, you should play TG. If your One-handed weapons are superior, you should play SMF.
In end gear TG is supposed to be slightly better than SMF-ului, however you can play the one you prefer (they're not very different tho).

(To summary)

3. Patch Notes

Here you can find all the patch notes for the warrior class, from 5.0.4 to 5.4.7, they migh be useful to you.

Patch 5.0.4

Patch 5.1.0

Patch 5.2.0

Patch 5.3.0

Patch 5.4.0

Patch 5.4.2

Patch 5.4.7

(To summary)

4. Race choice

Here you can find a top of the most useful racials in PvE.



(To summary)

5. Stat priority

Under ~490 ilvl
Hit/Exp cap > Str > Crit > Mastery >> Haste = Hit

Above ~490 ilvl
Hit/Exp cap > Crit > Str > Mastery >> Haste > Hit

Hit rating reduces the chance that you will miss with normal/special attacks.
The Hit cap for special attacks is 7.5% or 2550 rating.
The Hit cap for normal attacks (white melee hits) is 26.5 or 9010 rating.
However the white attacks hit cap is not to be achieved (it's a huge loss of other more important stats like crit), you should play with the 7,5% cap.

Expertise rating reduces the chance that you will dodge with normal/special attacks.
The Expertise cap is 7.5% or 2550 expertise rating (2210 if you've got Axe Specialization/Sword Specialization/Mace Specialization)
Expertise rating above the cap reduces the chance that you will parry, but you won't parry anyway if you stay behind the boss.

So the main priority for you is to cap your Hit and Expertise to 7.5%.
1% hit/exp = 340 hit/exp rating.

Strength - Each point of strength increases your attack power by 2. Attack Power increases the damage of each ability, even if it does so directly, for abilities like Execute, Deep Wounds, Dragon Roar, Heroic Leap, or indirectly, by influencing the Weapon Damage.
Strength has a higher priority than the other stats (excluding hit/exp caps, evidently) for low gear warriors.

Crit rating is a vital stat for Fury Warriors. That's because Bloodthirst and Colossus Smash crots proc Enrage. It becomes superior to Strength for high geared warriors, as you will be able to keep Enrage active almost all the time.
1% crit = 600 crit rating.

Mastery - Unshackled Fury
It increases all Physical damage dealt while Enrage is procced.
Each warrior has a 11.20% basic mastery.
1% mastery = 438 mastery rating.

Haste - Increases your attack speed => more rage. It is the weakest secondary stat for warriors.

(To summary)

6. Gems

Meta Socket: Reverberating Primal Diamond or Capacitive Primal Diamond
Red Socket: Inscribed Vermilion Onyx
Yellow Socket: Smooth Sun's Radiance
Blue Socket: Piercing Wild Jade

(To summary)

7. Enchants

Shoulders: Greater Tiger Fang Inscription
Back: Enchant Cloak - Superior Critical Strike
Chest: Enchant Chest - Glorious Stats
Bracers: Enchant Bracer - Exceptional Strength
Gloves: Enchant Gloves - Super Strength
Belt: Living Steel Belt Buckle
Legs: Angerhide Leg Armor
Boots: Enchant Boots - Pandaren's Step
Weapon: Enchant Weapon - Dancing Steel

(To summary)

8. Professions

Blacksmithing - 2 more sockets for your gloves/bracers (1 each) => 640 additional crit rating.
Engineering - 1920 strength for 10 seconds each minute. It's a good bonus since it's 1 minute cooldown allows you to line it up with Bloodbath/Bladestorm/Dragon Roar/Storm Bolt.

(To summary)

9. Talents

Excluding Tier 4 and 6, the talents do not affect your dps. You should choose the ones that fit your play style.
Here are the talents which I use and I will explain each of my choices below.

Tier 1

Juggernaut reduces the cooldown on Charge from 20 to 12 seconds. It's a good talent if you need to charge really often, but that shouldn't be the case in PvE encounters.

Warbringer is completely useless in PvE, it slows&roots the target.

Double Time is quite an interesting talent. It allows you to use Charge two times consecutively and it has a bit more complicated mechanic.
It works in a similar way to the dk runes. Supposedly you have 2 "runes" of Charge. When you use Charge one of the runes is consumed, and it recharges after 20 seconds. After you use another Charge, the second "rune" is consumed as well, but it won't start recharging until the first one recharged.

You can check here a better explanation found in a comment from wowhead:

I chose Double Time because it helps you to cover large distances in a very short time, and i think that Juggernaut is not that helpful, as you won't have to Charge that often.

Tier 2

Enraged Regeneration instantly heals you for 10% and also applies a HoT effect, healing you for 10% over 5 seconds. If you are Enraged, it will heal you for a double amount. It has a 1 minute cooldown. It's a very good survival cooldown for it's burst healing.

Second Wind heals you for 3% per sec whenever you're below 35% hp, and it is possibly the best talent for survival. Although it is inferior to the other two as healing output (because you won't spend very much time below 35%hp), this talent might just save your life (and, more importantly, your dps ) if the healers are going trough a difficult moment.

Impending Victory replaces Victory Rush, it doesn't have a proc condition and it has a 30 seconds cooldown. It heals you for 20% hp. Can also be used as a filler for when you're having problems with your rage management, and that's why i chose this talent over the other two, as it is the only one which might benefit my dps (very slightly).

You should choose however the one you prefer.

Tier 3

It doesn't really matter which talent you choose from this tier, they're only PvP relevant.

Tier 4

Bladestorm it's the warrior's most powerful AoE spell. It is a must have for fights which include AoE situations, and it's also superior to the other two talents on single target for TG moderately geared warriors.

Shockwave it's the weakest talent from this tier. Although it has a small cooldown, 20 seconds only(when you hit at least 3 targets), it's damage is too low.

Dragon Roar should only be used on single target because it has diminishing returns on multiple targets. This should be your choice if you're playing SMF or if you're playing TG and you're low geared.

Tier 5

Mass Spell Reflection - You probably won't have the opportunity to use this in PvE.

Safeguard - It's not a good talent in PvE, risking the chance to receive undesired damage and die before your time.

Vigilance - It can be used as a defensive cooldown on the tank or on some other player that is about to receive a lot of damage.

Tier 6

Bloodbath - each attack deals a 30% additional bleed damage. It's best used in combination with Bladestorm in AoE situation. The cooldowns of these two spells are exactly the same, so the will line up nicely.
So you should choose Bloodbath if you're playing TG for AoE fights, or if you're playing SMF for both Single-target and AoE.

Avatar - 20% dmg increase for 24 seconds. Although it might look like a good talent, Avatar is actually the weakest one from this tier. As you will see later in the guide, your dps is based on Colossus Smash combos, am optimal phase of dealing damage. Having a 24 seconds duration, Avatar will only be active for 10 seconds of CS (6 from the first onel, and another 4 from the second). It also take too long to be used again, having a 2 minutes cooldown.

Storm Bolt is the hardest hitting ability of the warrior, it deals 500% dmg from both weapons each 30 seconds. This should definitely be your choice for single target if you're playing TG.

(To summary)

10. Glyphs

Unending Rage - Increases your Rage Cap from 100 to 120 and helps you with managing rage. This is the only mandatory glyph.

The other are optional and your choice should depend on the encounter and on your play style.

Death from above - Reduces the cooldown of Heroic Leap from 45 to 30 seconds, increases mobility.

Raging Wind - Each Raging Blow increases the damage of the next Whirlwind by 10%. Should be used in AoE encounters.

Bull Rush - 15 additional rage when you Charge.

Colossus Smash - Colossus Smash will apply a stack of Weakened Armor.
Should be used if there's no other player able to apply the debuff in your raid.

(To summary)

11. Stances & Rage Generation

As you might already know if you read the Patch Notes, the Rage Generation mechanic has been completely changed from Cataclysm.
The stances have been redesigned, they no longer increase you damage dealt and they are involved in Rage Generation.
So this is the way Stances work now:

    Battle Stance - Generates (3.5 * Wep_speed) rage from each Melee White Hit. So, if your weapon has 3.60 Weapon Speed, each swing will generate 12.6 rage (the .6 part is banked even tho it will not show on you rage bar).

    Berserker Stance - Only generates half of the rage Battle Stance generates form White Melee attacks, but it also generates 1 rage per 1% HP lost.

    Defensive Stance - Generates 1 rage every 3 seconds while in combat. Also reduces damage taken by 25% and increases your Threat Generation. This Stance is mainly used on Protection Spec.

You will spend almost your entire time in Battle Stance, and only change into Berserker Stance if you can anticipate that you will receive lots of damage.

(To summary)

12. Abilities

Before getting on to the rotation I will present you the core abilities and passives of the Fury Warrior.

    Bloodthirst - Even if it's damage is not very high, it is very important to use it on cooldown because it's critical strikes proc Enrage. Bloodthirst has double the chance to crit and has 4,5 seconds cooldown. Also generates 10 rage.

    Colossus Smash - This is the most important ability in our rotation. It applies a debuff that makes you ignore all the armor on the target for 6.5 seconds, meaning that you will deal ~36,5% more damage. Colossus Smash crits also proc Enrage. It's got no rage cost and has a 20 seconds cooldown.

    Raging Blow - One of the most powerful abilities that you can use. Each proc of Enrage will grant you one charge of Raging Blow, with a limit of 2 charges. Should mainly be used when Colossus Smash is active on the target, but we're going to talk more about that later. It costs 10 rage and has no cooldown.

    Heroic Strike - The most important characteristic of this ability is not being on the Global Cooldown. It has it's separate 1,5 sec cooldown. It should be used only during the time Colossus Smash-ului is active on the target and we want to push up as many damaging abilities as possible, or when we are about to Ragecap until the next Wild Strike. This ability costs 30 rage, so you should be careful not to spam it too much and become rage starved during the Colossus Smash-ului.

    Wild Strike - This is our main rage dumper. Should not be used unless you are about to Ragecap. the reason for this being that the rage spent on a Wild Strike outside Colossus Smash-ului would be spent better on a Heroic Strike inside the Colossus Smash-ului, dealing more damage.

    Whirlwind - This will be our main filler in AoE situations. It costs 30 rage and procs Meat Cleaver.

    Execute - Probably the most powerful ability that we have. It can only be used on targets below 20% hp, it has no cooldown and it costs 30 rage.

    Berserker Rage - It procs Enrage. Should be used at the times when you have no Raging Blow charges during Colossus Smash.



    Recklessness - Increases the chance to crit by 30%. Lasts for 12 seconds and has a 3 minute cooldown. This is our main burst ability.

    Skull Banner - Increases the damage that critical strikes do by 20%. !!!This cooldown affects the whole party/raid. You should talk with the other warriors in your part/raid (if existent) and use Banners consecutively.

(To summary)

13. Rotation

Pentru a scoate un dps competitiv este foarte important sa it stapanesti si sa iti planifici din timp cooldownurile. Eu o sa incerc sa-ti arat cum.

Normal Rotation

The whole rotation of Fury Warrior is based on this ability: Colossus Smash. Therefore, the rotation is made up of two phases:
- Phase I: An optimal dps phase, with Colossus Smash debuff is active on the target and your objective is to deal as much damage as possible, by prioritizing abilities that deal a lot of damage and using as much rage as you can(without affecting you rotation) on Heroic Strikes.
- Phase II: This is the sub-optimal phase of our rotation, without Colossus Smash. This phase is basically about preparing for Phase I, by keeping a rage threshold of ~ 60-80. You should also keep one charge of Raging Blow to be used in Phase I.

As I said earlier, it is very important that you use Bloodthirst in cooldown to keep up Enrage for as much time as possible. However, because it's damage is not very high, it should only take one place inside the Colossus Smash combo, like in this picture:

And here's the filler priority:

Storm Bolt should be used on cooldown. Because it has a 30 seconds cooldown and Colossus Smash has 20 seconds cooldown, it means that one of two Storm Bolt will fit in Phase I. The other one should be used instead of a filler.

If you are low on rage it is quite alright to leave an open Global Cooldown. You'll just have to fit your rotation so that you won't get rage starved/rage caped, and so that you will always have enough rage to spend in Phase I.

If you're playing with Bladestorm, you should use it immediatly after a Bloodthirst crit, and you should cancel it if Enrage fades out.

Burst Rotation

This rotation maximizes every cooldown that you have, but you must be careful with your timing.
Dragon Roar is the last in the list as it does not benefit from Recklessness or Colossus Smash, but it does benefit from the other effects.
If you're not playing with Dragon Roar, just use a Wild Strike instead.

Execute Rotation

In execute phase, because Execute deals tons of damage, Bloodthirst will be skipped during Phase I. Don't ignore it in Phase II however, you still need Enrage procs. In execute phase you should stop using Heroic Strike unless you're about to rage cap, that's because an execute outside Colossus Smash does a lot more damage than Heroic Strike inside Colossus Smash.

Execute vs Raging Blow during Phase I
It's only a question of general gear vs weapons. If your weapons are better than the rest of your gear, prioritize Raging Blow as it benefits more from weapon damage. On the other hand, if your weapons are weaker than the rest of the gear, you should mainly use Execute because it benefits from attack power.

Execute phase fillers:

Wild Strike should no longer be used in execute phase.

AoE Rotation

And use, of course, Bloodbath + Bladestorm on cooldown.

(To summary)

14. Tips&tricks for each raid encounter

(I will update this as new bosses get implemented on Freakz.)

(To summary)

15. Useful Macros

You can find here some cool macros that I use - :

Intervene @ Mouseover - Very useful mobility macro, you will be able to Intervene much easier, without needing a target.
#showtooltip intervene
/cast [@mouseover, help, nodead] intervene

Dragon Roar/Bladestorm/Shockwave Macro - Bind all these spells with one macro, you won't need to put the new talent on your bar if you need to change them. Note: The name of the macro has to be "T4" or it won't work.
/cast Dragon Roar
/cast Shockwave
/cast Bladestorm
/run local G=GetSpellInfo SetMacroSpell("T4", G"Bladestorm" or G"Shockwave" or "Dragon Roar")

Using the same model you can make the macro work for any Tier, like Tier 6:
/cast Storm Bolt
/cast Avatar
/cast Bloodbath
/run local G=GetSpellInfo SetMacroSpell("T6", G"Avatar" or G"Bloodbath" or "Storm Bolt")

Bloodbath + Bladestorm macro

/cast Bloodbath
/cast Bladestorm

(To summary)

16. Credits

Thanks to the guy who wrote this, he's awesome -. Used a lot of information from his guide and even used some pictures he made.

If you liked the guide or if it helped you feel free to +rep/ -
Also please point out errors of any kind that i might've made so that I can fix them.

[RO]Warrior Fury PvE Guide 5.4.8

[EN]Warrior Fury PvE Guide 5.4.8

Last edited by tudor1297 on 20-04-2015, 23:36:23; edited 5 times in total
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[Inside the fire]

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Post Posted: 27-03-2015, 14:04:56 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Good job! -

,,Angel Among demons"

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Post Posted: 27-03-2015, 14:43:22 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

L-ai tradus prima data in romana apoi l-ai luat si l-ai tradus in engleza. Great job not. E la fel de praf ca primul, nu stiu de ce te mai obosesti cu toate guide-urile astea pentru ca se vede clar ca nu iti iese.

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Post Posted: 16-04-2015, 13:06:56 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Very detailed and good guide - great job

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Post Posted: 21-04-2015, 11:03:58 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Foarte reusit! Gj -
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Post Posted: 12-05-2015, 14:53:10 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Veri gud gaid. Bat uai shud ai pley furie end nat armes ?

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Post Posted: 11-06-2015, 09:29:42 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Since in most of the raids the boss does aoe damage/pools etc. to me it seems that berseker stance is better than battle stance

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Post Posted: 11-06-2015, 12:25:15 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

ryangg wrote:
Since in most of the raids the boss does aoe damage/pools etc. to me it seems that berseker stance is better than battle stance

Maybe at low gear, but at 490+ you have enough rage to do hulk smash.

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Post Posted: 25-05-2016, 15:11:03 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Nice to see that people still use the old MMO-C Info we piled up back then, good job.

How about adding the advanced rotational min/maxing tips, like RW Whirlwind, instead of Non-Procc WS, Bloodsurge splitting, Leapweaving etc.? ^^

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Post Posted: 09-02-2017, 16:19:51 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Very useful guide, thank you. Can I ask for more Macros?
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Post Posted: 20-05-2017, 13:48:56 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I disagree wholeheartedly with the point at which you should transition from str based statweights to crit based statweights, a simple number change in the ilvl does not magically make that stat better, you need one specific item for that to happen.
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Post Posted: 23-06-2017, 19:24:48 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

@tudor1297 How about a Legion guide ? :p

[EN] 7.2.5 Fury Artifact Guide &FAQ

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[shefu' la luptatori]

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Post Posted: 23-06-2017, 19:26:08 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

hangryforwar wrote:
@tudor1297 How about a Legion guide ? :p

I barely know how to lvl in legion -))

[RO]Warrior Fury PvE Guide 5.4.8

[EN]Warrior Fury PvE Guide 5.4.8

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 23-06-2017, 19:27:41 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

tudor1297 wrote:
I barely know how to lvl in legion -

You should be fine Tbh - ain't that hard

[EN] 7.2.5 Fury Artifact Guide &FAQ

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