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Should there be an i90 PvP realm?
Yes / if they can manage to keep both realms healthy and stable, why not
 61%  [ 109 ]
No (explain?)
 32%  [ 58 ]
Maybe (explain?)
 5%  [ 10 ]
Total Votes : 177

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Post Posted: 28-06-2017, 21:29:49 [Valuable post] | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Greetings members of wow Freakz!

My name is Vidar, or better known as Repitch in the Mist of Pandaria private server community.

Today I had a talk with Shocker about creating a new realm. This realm will be for pvp purposes only.

What I have in mind:

- instant 90
- start gear either s13/s14 (Tyrannical / Grievous) and arena to get s15 (Prideful) armor. If you start with Tyrannical, you do battlegrounds to get Grievous
- free gems/glyphs/enchants/bags. All the stuff you need to start PvP-ing
- Sell cosmetic stuff like certain mounts, tabards, fun items and certain items for honor
- awesome transmogs for honor/conquest + 2.2k+ 3v3 rating requirement (motivates people to queue)
- Rating requirement for old weapon enchants just for visuals (again, motivates people to queue)
- People that migrate to this realm, will have already free 550, but max 2 characters per person (kinda like the system you already have, almost)
- arena cap reset 2 times per week (monday & friday)
- possible to donate to reset arena cap (more people playing - server gets money - profit?) just comment and say what you think
- 1v1 skirmish
- 1v1 rated (+ npc/ladder. no rewards)
- 3v3 solo queue

These are some ideas. Main goal is to make it as good as possible. This will not be blizzlike. Once again, it will be a PvP realm. You can still do PvE and world PvP, but main goal is arena.

What I can offer:

- multiple rank 1 players & gladiators from retail joining the server
- great advertisment through streams and Youtube videos (from retail players)
- help setting the realm up (I already have a list of the best 550 setup for every class (, I can also get all the IDs for all the items you need for each vendor
- Getting the most game-breaking bug fixes ready by sending to-do lists (if wanted of course) to the developer team. I've done this on P******** and everyone liked it

Why am I doing this?

I'm a big fan of MoP s15 and its PvP. Sadly, there is no longer a good instant 90 server. I tried doing this with P********, but having issues with the admin being stubborn and not supportive enough, resulting it just being a total failure and people left the server.

I've noticed that on this server, you have plenty of what P******** got bugged scripted 100%. Most importantly, you have spell queue system, which I heard many people complained about on P********. It is a huge bug and it affects the gameplay greatly

Many of the retail players are tired of Legion due to imbalance classes and 3 button classes. Not everyone got to experience s15 PvP, but with this, they can jump straight into action.

You might think I'm just lying about retail players coming on here, but that is actually not true.

I have a discord filled with many rank 1 players and you can even ask them youself

Most of them PM'd me for gear and I forwarded it to the owner, and he gave the gear to them. I suggest giving 35k-ish conquest, makes it a lot easier.

Just some of the people that got on the server.

So please leave a comment and tell me what you think about this.

If I should remove the server name, please let me know and I will do.

Best Regards;

Vidar / Repitchx

Last edited by Repitchx on 31-08-2017, 01:23:54; edited 4 times in total
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Post Posted: 28-06-2017, 23:00:07 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I'd prefer Grievous as starter gear.

Also Transmog for Arena rating. let say 2.2k rating in 3s and you can buy T3 or something. just an idea.

But overall a good idea



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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 28-06-2017, 23:00:33 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I love mop so I would love a well scripted instant 90 pvp server. I am a Gladiator player and can bring some friends to play here for sure.

Retail armory:

Twitch stream:

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Post Posted: 29-06-2017, 00:16:09 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Why do people vote but not explain why?

I hate this poll system.

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Post Posted: 29-06-2017, 07:42:07 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

overall it seems like a decent idea. Monday and Friday resets may be a bit uneven. Maybe Monday and Thursday, so that it's a bit more evenly spaced. Staff members are currently taxed as it is with Legion just being released, so some additions may have to be made unless this waits until Felsong is more stable and staff can breath a little.
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Post Posted: 29-06-2017, 08:49:09 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Greetings! I'm against starting another MoP realm now because it's very hard to manage two realms at once, let alone three. That's made even harder by the Legion launch the workload is currently very heavy, for the Game Masters, and for the development team as well. I find it hard to believe that we could just find a workaround to this issue and keep all 3 communties pleased at all times.
I haven't voted in the poll yet because the discussion has just begun. We can figure out how to combat this issue, if that is even possible.

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(January 2017 - February 2018)

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Post Posted: 29-06-2017, 11:07:07 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Altho idea is very good i doubt its going to happen. I have been trying things like this for last couple of years and even with support of PvP community things haven't changed a bit. PvP is not even a dot on freakz radar and its been like that since Malevolent season ended. When MOP came to freakz i expected it to be suuper buggy at least first two seasons but it turned out to be other way around, lots of things were working correctly so automaticly bunch of people stayed active in PvP, ladder was competitive and there were tons of 2s/3s games going on (3k cr and r1-10 having more than 400 games). After malevolent ended money greed happened and legendary meta gems were allowed in PvP(DESPITE HUGE FEEDBACK FROM PVP COMMUNITY), so everyone donated 20% dmg reduction gems and pissed on those unwilling/unable to donate, people slowly started leaving server and perfect example of that is top 3 players getting r1 tittle with 1900 rating and 100 season games played. Anyway we cannot blame legendary metas alone for making people leave, it was always fault of lacking PvP oriented admins. The only way some spell/mechanic would get fixed was if some player makes super detailed post with proofs and formulas. We only had 1 PvP Gm that would actually investigate things on his own, spending his free time so he could enjoy playing PvP a bit more, after he quited things went back to same type of shit. PvP tournaments were also huge disappointment. I have participated in almost every single 2v2/3v3/battlegrounds tournament since late cataclysm and maybe only 1 or2 of them were actually smooth, rest of them were mostly PVE gms trying to organise something while arguing with couple of salty romanian kids in romanian language ofc. Anyway, i know almost 90% high rated players that have played on freakz since cata, i was part of strongest PvP guild and all those players that have left had same reasons as i mentioned above. Dunno if its worth continuing "bashing" but its just harsh truth.
Anyway idea is still good and if realm was working nicely i would gladly come back and i could bring couple of old freakz veterans and my glad retail partners (they are also sick of Legion).
Let the Gm downvotes begin

Voted Yes

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[Mersi Pentru Tigans]

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Post Posted: 29-06-2017, 11:20:13 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

The idea is good but overall from my point of view, it's just pointless.With no PvP GM and seeing the results after dozens of people tried to revive the PvP.Everyone stopped giving a *** about it.And after the releasing of Legion,no chance

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Post Posted: 29-06-2017, 11:47:58 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I see what you guys are trying to say, but this server is quite popular, it's a known name.
People wouldn't just transfer from other 2 Freakz realms, you would have people transferring from other servers and retail.

You can not judge the population before you've tried it out. Why do you think P******** fun realm is so popular?
It's not because it's russian, because the majority of the PvP-ers are actually from NA and all over EU.

@Wedinn Why should having to find GMs being a problem? I'm sure you can find competent and qualified players that are willing to help out.
Just ask the community, open new positions for the realm. You can't say this is going to be a problem if you haven't even tried it...

I used to be a staff member (QA) aka quality assurance. I was working with the dev team, and I still have contact with one of the devs.
My job was to test every bug fix on CTR (closed test realm. Only QA members have access).
I'm not sure if you have experience in coding, but having 3 realms is actually not a problem. You have to just apply the scripts to the realms, that's all.

What you could also do is to add a cross server. Make all 3 realms queue into each other for battlegrounds & arena. (unless you already have this, not sure).

If you really care about PvP, you should vote yes. I see potential here. Give it a shot and see how it goes, that's all I can say.

@Wafty Release of Legion? Most of the people that play there are already from Freakz. I'm talking about people that play other MoP servers and people from retail would instantly join the server if you just gave it a shot.

Advertising on P******** and on w****** wouldn't even be a problem, I would gladly do it.

For the people that just vote no. It's sad that you guys just vote no and won't explain why.
If you're a PvE-er or roleplayer and don't PvP, then in my opinion, your vote is totally invalid.

This won't affect you and you just want to do it to piss off other people, or at least it seems like it.

I heard someone tried this before as well, but I'm legit handing over many players, where is the problem exactly?

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Post Posted: 29-06-2017, 13:29:20 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

A well scripted instant 90 PvP server? I don't see why this concept should not work, all people would get attracted to this instead of grindy PvE realms just to enjoy the endgame PvP experience with as many other people as possible. Easy access means easy clients that can bring in potential new players.

There are lots of MoP PvP lovers out there, just waiting to jump on a server that supports it properly.

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Post Posted: 29-06-2017, 13:29:59 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I'm not really convinced by what you have to say. There are a plethora of things that we'd have to deal with. If the people show interest I suppose something could be done, but it's certainly not as easy as it sounds.
I love PvPing and a realm like this sounds good on paper but it's hard to pull it off. I voted "Maybe".

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Post Posted: 29-06-2017, 17:38:43 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

This is what I mean. People that vote for no, are the ones that don't PvP at all and just wants PvP to be dead.

That is just sad that they can't comment and tell us WHY it's not good.

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Post Posted: 29-06-2017, 19:56:36 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

i strongly agree with this idea but the only down side is that the devs are already having trouble maintaining 2 realms right now and if the third realm gets in all 3 would impact all of them negatively so what i suggest is actually closing this mop realm tbh no one plays in it anymore like seriously since the launch of the felsong i haven't seen more than 1K players and remplacing this realm with the insta lvl 90 pvp realm it would attract more players to mop and you guys would focus on the end game content and ignore the lvling/PVE content

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Post Posted: 30-06-2017, 00:36:32 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

PPl who are downvoting are those who want the focus set on other realms (legion LOL)

so w/e

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Post Posted: 30-06-2017, 17:41:25 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

very good idea. a atr like insta 90 realm would be great. a lot of people will be happy to hear this. UP!

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