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Should there be an i90 PvP realm?
Yes / if they can manage to keep both realms healthy and stable, why not
 61%  [ 109 ]
No (explain?)
 32%  [ 58 ]
Maybe (explain?)
 5%  [ 10 ]
Total Votes : 177

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 15-07-2017, 06:31:56 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Grimmxsh wrote:
@Shockeru would it be possible to add something like this:

- a NPC that instantly grants you lvl 90 + Grievous Gear, while disabling ToT + SoO Raids for 3(?) Weeks
- a Conquest Point catch-up mechanic (maybe the first cap could be 5000)
- slightly increase the Conquest Point gain (add something for a Lost BG, mainly because of 550 Premades, that simply love to destroy low-geared People)
- low ilvl Arenas (can't join unless <530 ilvl or everything is scaled down to 530, they should grant CP when winning, maybe even loss - just make severe punishments for losing on purpose)

for Pve:

- I think it's time to help out new / low geared Players, so they can experience MoP-Raiding. Maybe add an ICC-like (+20% Damage, HP, Absorb and Healing) that way an average group should be able to clear ToT / SoO easily without needing too many people to carry. Other Servers literally don't give a *** if a Boss is just Tank & Spank.
- VP cap / gain increase? x1.5 Rate + 1500 weekly cap?

P.S.: increase Secret / Titan drop rate ^^

i thinks thats pretty cool

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Post Posted: 17-07-2017, 01:20:16 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

My hope is slightly fading away tbh... I'll keep checking the thread, but not as often...
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Post Posted: 17-07-2017, 08:34:29 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

im still having my hopes up, ive been trying to play in P******** server fun realm, but its soo full of bugs like warr skills raging blow cant get 2 stack, sometimes priest cant get orbs and something something its full of bugs and it dont seem like they are fixing things,i really want to have some pvp realm but there isn't any good server out there, and also im not russian so i hate playing where they used other language i cant understant.... please shocker make a pvp realm and also you need to do something about the current MOP realm its dying which you already know,maybe think of something like recreating genessis relaunch it XD
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Post Posted: 17-07-2017, 15:34:44 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

As mentioned, I will do SOMETHING, but I can't decide if new realm or combine i90 with current realm. I want to combine them to avoid splitting the population even more but adding i90 to a progressive realm will break everything. I can't decide....yet... I'll try to have an answer as soon as possible

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Post Posted: 17-07-2017, 17:56:54 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

There's no need to create a separate realm. Freakz veterans will prefer to farm bg's in legion (they've already started from 0, there are players with all classes geared up on the mop realm, they won't join a new realm once again for the love of PVP). No point to farm gear/mounts/xmog and things you've already earned ..
My opinion : combine the ideas into the current realm and start the new season in 2 months so everyone has time to gear up.
I can bring up to 15-20+ PvP high-rated players back to MoP. The 400-500 players, who are daily online won't leave for an instant PvP realm cause they've spent much time with their toons, guilds and friends. Creating a new realm will split the population even more..

And it doesn't make sense to create a separate realm for a group of maybe ~ foreign 50 players with big promises and high hopes.

500 players on insta-lvl and 500 players on the current realm doesn't sound like an improvement. 1000+ online on the current realm might be a new start.

Am toate titlurile PvP pe Freakz, am jucat in echipa cu toti Gladiatorii de pe Freakz si impotriva lor. Am fost foarte bun!

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Post Posted: 18-07-2017, 03:32:11 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Shocker wrote:
As mentioned, I will do SOMETHING, but I can't decide if new realm or combine i90 with current realm. I want to combine them to avoid splitting the population even more but adding i90 to a progressive realm will break everything. I can't decide....yet... I'll try to have an answer as soon as possible

Glad you respondend. However, I just want to let you know, true PvP veterans won't be joining if you still have to level and do everything retail-like.
That's not only me speaking, that's just how it is.

Making a temporarily server for 3-4 months and see how it goes, is in my opinion the best shot you have.

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Post Posted: 21-07-2017, 00:03:29 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

What would a REASONABLE, MINIMAL PvP starter be? On the live realm, not on a separate realm

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Post Posted: 21-07-2017, 11:49:32 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Shocker wrote:
What would a REASONABLE, MINIMAL PvP starter be? On the live realm, not on a separate realm

1st option: grievous set + prideful off parts + prideful weapons +1 profesion 600 skill
2nd option: prideful set + grievous off parts + prideful weapons +1 profesion 600 skill
3rd option: grievous set + grievous off parts + prideful weapons + 2 professions 600 skill
What do u think ? Also would be great to reset all pvp titles & pvp mounts from everyone(expect tabards u can pass em'). Just a few exemples of ''pvp players'' with r1 titles who got max 2k exp in mop:
and the list is by far to end.
For those who have pvp titles and mounts give em' 10-25$ on account or pve titles/pve mounts.

""Îmi cunosc limitele. Dar pur ºi simplu le ignor."

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Post Posted: 21-07-2017, 21:30:18 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

tyrannical gear with prideful weapons and trinkets

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Post Posted: 22-07-2017, 07:42:12 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

i suggest a tyranical ull gear or with greav full gear otherwise we would get full gear too easy that would ruin the mood to farm some gears,its the farming gear art thats fun even thought we always say if only i was full gear but its the need for more gear thats keeping us wanting to play
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Post Posted: 22-07-2017, 10:09:05 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Suggesting full Grievous Gear with Prideful Weapons & Trinkets - to motivate players even more, but no changes or disadvantages for veteran players. Old PvP Freakz Players and Title holders shouldn t be affected by this transformation and I can see only one player requesting this. It was discussed before and rejected. (keep in mind that Genesis Players have already lost their PVP achievements, tabards, titles and mounts due to Felsong transition) - some of the realm´s history has been written and it should stay as it is - deleting what other,s have earned IS NOT a way to populate MoP and doesn,t relate to the topic.(it is not an 1-year old realm, R1 titles are permanent on every WoW server in this world, PvP mounts and PvP achievements are permanent)

I guess Full Grievous Gear with some Prideful parts - Weapons should be fine for everyone. (as a starter gear pack)
1 Profession at choice - 600
Pre-Season 1 month until everyone gets his full Prideful gear and start a new season -

Am toate titlurile PvP pe Freakz, am jucat in echipa cu toti Gladiatorii de pe Freakz si impotriva lor. Am fost foarte bun!

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Post Posted: 25-07-2017, 02:04:53 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

My vote was "No", because of the added workload for GM's and developers.

I am not sure what a good alternative or suggestion would be, other than retooling battlegrounds and arena a little bit for those that like PvP that might draw in more players. This would probably be decent for Legion/Felsong.

(Or alternately, a new, free-for-all zone/instance that places people that enter into something that looks like the Gurubashi Arena for example, where you are granted Grievous armor and level 90 or Legion's max level for the duration of that brawl. When you exit the instance, you go back to being as you were before, even if you were level 1!)

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Post Posted: 25-07-2017, 16:14:05 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

ThisTowerisBurning wrote:
My vote was "No", because of the added workload for GM's and developers.

I am not sure what a good alternative or suggestion would be, other than retooling battlegrounds and arena a little bit for those that like PvP that might draw in more players. This would probably be decent for Legion/Felsong.

(Or alternately, a new, free-for-all zone/instance that places people that enter into something that looks like the Gurubashi Arena for example, where you are granted Grievous armor and level 90 or Legion's max level for the duration of that brawl. When you exit the instance, you go back to being as you were before, even if you were level 1!)

worst idea

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 25-07-2017, 20:34:36 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Repitchx wrote:

I tried doing this with P********, but having issues with the admin being stubborn and not supportive enough, resulting it just being a total failure and people left the server.

I gotta hand it to you, Reptichx, you're the only guy I've seen who thinks he's special enough that he can go to private server owners and demand that a realm be created just for him and his buddies. I saw you guys discussing Panda WoW on Arena Junkies- you told the Panda owner how special you were and he gave you free Prideful gear. Apparently that wasn't good enough for you, so here you are now demanding that yet another server cater to you.

Instant 90? Do you realize how fast leveling on Freakz is? You can't be asked to go quest a little like non-gladiators?

Ok, if you don't want to do that then how about getting a job, earning some money and donating for gear? Just like a lot of people on this server have already done (myself included). The money I donated helped keep this server running- I didn't just ask for stuff because I'm so special.

A lot of us current Freakz MoP players are really disappointed that Genesis had a lot of players taken away by the Legion server, and the last thing we need is to have yet another server taking even more players away.

Btw, got a good laugh out of your "backup" plan:

Repitchx wrote:
First 100-200 people that join, will get something unique, maybe a free 550 char or something else beneficial.

Try grinding or donating. You're not that special.

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Post Posted: 25-07-2017, 23:28:37 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Areciah wrote:
Repitchx wrote:

I tried doing this with P********, but having issues with the admin being stubborn and not supportive enough, resulting it just being a total failure and people left the server.

I gotta hand it to you, Reptichx, you're the only guy I've seen who thinks he's special enough that he can go to private server owners and demand that a realm be created just for him and his buddies. I saw you guys discussing Panda WoW on Arena Junkies- you told the Panda owner how special you were and he gave you free Prideful gear. Apparently that wasn't good enough for you, so here you are now demanding that yet another server cater to you.

Instant 90? Do you realize how fast leveling on Freakz is? You can't be asked to go quest a little like non-gladiators?

Ok, if you don't want to do that then how about getting a job, earning some money and donating for gear? Just like a lot of people on this server have already done (myself included). The money I donated helped keep this server running- I didn't just ask for stuff because I'm so special.

A lot of us current Freakz MoP players are really disappointed that Genesis had a lot of players taken away by the Legion server, and the last thing we need is to have yet another server taking even more players away.

Btw, got a good laugh out of your "backup" plan:

Repitchx wrote:
First 100-200 people that join, will get something unique, maybe a free 550 char or something else beneficial.

Try grinding or donating. You're not that special.

Okay, thanks for your input.

I just tired to help the server where I thought the owner would at least give it a try, but he'll make some stuff on the current realm, so don't worry.

I guess you roleplayers/PvE-ers don't really know how many other blizzlike servers there are, where way more people play than on here. I just tired to bring an unique suggestion to maybe get some PvP going, but I guess not.
You can try to do some features all you want by giving some people a free 550 char or starting gear, but not many will join, because that was already done on P******** and everyone left already. Wonder what will make it work on here.

You all live in a fairytale that think that your suggestion will work. Mine might obviously not work, but that is why I suggested by giving it some time to grow, 2-4 months. If nothing happend, no server increase, then obviously you could do w/e you want with it.

All I asked was to give it a shot.

and to answer you, Areciah, sorry, but just keep your mouth shut. Your irrelevant post is honestly just stupid. Why do you think I wanted to get more gladiators and r1 players on here? BECAUSE THEY PVP AND WILL PLAY QUITE OFTEN IF THE SERVER IS GOOD, BECAUSE LEGION IS TRASH AND MOP 5.4.8 WAS GOOD.

Combine my current suggestion and maybe also give free 550 gear to perhaps other new players, and you would see people would play here, but it's pointless to argue with people like you, that think I came from P******** to freakz to make a realm for my "buddies"? Holy shit, you're delusional.
If I wanted to make a new realm for my own, I'd make my own server like Project Xuen (Xuen is garbage btw).

Gettng a job? Hmm, last time I checked, I'm a health worker, going to be a nurse. What about you? -

"donate for gear" so this is your argument? Everything is about donating gear? Please, stop trying to make everything about money. Don't make this shit into a pay2win project.
"donate for gear like everyone else on this server" I don't want to burst your bubble here, sir, but I don't think legit everyone donated for gear? and how many players are there right now on Genesis? 300? 400? 500? 600?... keep living in your fairytale thinking this server will be a hit WHEN THERE ARE OTHER SERVERS THAT ARE BETTER WITH MORE PLAYERS AND THAT AIM FOR BLIZZLIKE, JUST LIKE FREAKZ.

WHY, just tell me WHY people would play on here instead of other server IF THEY AIM FOR THE SAME THING? I'm just really curious now. I want to improve this server, I really do. I told you guys that I'd love to see w****** do it, but I've tried and there's no point. I said in my thread that this is my last server that I'll try to help.

I told you guys that I saw potential in this server, but I lost it.

I never said I was special btw, Areciah. Never said anything. I just said that I used to help Zeox with P********. I stopped helping him after I saw how he treated others.

I said it before and I'll say it again. Retail players (retail players aka ppl with PvP experience) will NOT grind for anything, they don't want to do this and that to get X amount of items. Call them what the f**k you want, but those are the players that actually will keep a PvP server alive.

I won't play on here after I had a talk with Shocker on Discord, but I'll keep checking the forum and this thread, always been a fan of being in touch with WoW communities.

Have a good day sir!

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