
[REJECTED] [Mythic+] Rotation/Weekly Affixes
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[the Insane]

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Post Posted: 15-12-2017, 14:16:09 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz link: Mythic+ - Rotations / Weekly Affixes
Bug description:
Mythic+ should have a rotation , which changes weekly.
But on Freakz its completely RNG, which means someone can have the easiest key in his life, while others have the worst.
The weekly rotation sets 3 affixes for every keystone.

As example, for current Live affixes:

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I've read somwhere that Shocker said it was made random for now, but since then i suppose some time has passed.

As of 7.1.5 those affixes changed weekly:
Starting at Mythic +4 (e.g. M+4 or even M4), each dungeon begins to add an affix which, on top of the already graduating health and damage bonuses, adds new complexity and difficulty to the dungeon. The Affix groupings are static and the affixes per week rotate on a (seemingly) fixed schedule. As of the writing of this post, we're on bolstering/overflowing/tyrannical.
First (at +4) Second (at +7) Third (at +10) Upcoming Weeks
Bolstering Overflowing Tyrannical 2/7/17
Sanguine Volcanic Fortified 2/14/17
Teeming Necrotic Tyrannical 2/21/17
Raging Volcanic Tyrannical 2/28/17
Bolstering Skittish Fortified 3/6/17
Sanguine Overflowing Tyrannical 3/13/17
Teeming Skittish Fortified 3/20/17
Raging Necrotic Fortified 3/27/17

I'd love to see this in the near future!

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Post Posted: 15-12-2017, 14:27:07 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I would like this change a lot , so we can stop looking for keys with good affixes on global and just do our guildmates key.

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Post Posted: 15-12-2017, 17:48:37 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Reference to old topic

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Post Posted: 18-12-2017, 03:31:21 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

geknnt wrote:
so we can stop looking for keys with good affixes on global and just do our guildmates key.
=> killing a huge part of the PvE activity @ pugs

WOW FREAKZ @ Facebook
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[Pricefield Junkie]

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Post Posted: 18-12-2017, 14:33:11 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Maybe if it wouldn't be possible to pull half a dungeon even in high keys people would start doing bolstering sang etc keys that right now are considered ''dead'' keys . Why would you bother with bolstering or sanguine right now if you can just get a teeming / overflowing key and finish it 3 times faster than a bolstering key . Trash in m+ does very little damage with the exception of a few mobs . If teeming / overflowing / raging keys wouldn't be so easy to do then the weekly rotation could be really nice but if implemented right now with the current state of m+ difficulty weeks with volcanic / bolster / sang etc would see absolutely ( or atleast very few ) keys being done and weeks with teeming / raging / overflowing would see non stop farming . TL;DR The biggest enemy of a weekly rotation of affixes right now is the difficulty of the mobs encouraging faceroll affixes and discouraging affixes that prevent you from pulling everything and just aoeing . ( I'm not saying that teeming / overflowing keys shouldn't allow for bigger trash pulls but you just can't allow us to pull absolutely everything in sight ) .
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Post Posted: 18-12-2017, 16:01:34 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Why not just use combinations from retail as a posible pool of combinations, i think are better balanced than using just random affixes (bolstering necrotic tyrannical in MoS is a pain)
Now with the fix of bolstering and raging, this keys will be more easy to complete
the only remaining problem for bolstering is the aura being applied to Bosses (it shouldn't)

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 18-12-2017, 19:33:28 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Shocker wrote:
geknnt wrote:
so we can stop looking for keys with good affixes on global and just do our guildmates key.
=> killing a huge part of the PvE activity @ pugs

You could still do pugs but it doesn't seem normal that a guy could have an easy key for example , teeming overflowing , while i have a really bad key like bolstering necrotic. This way if we want to do high keys we are forced to look for people with good affixes and we have to do them even if the key holder is a great player or not (basically boosting) if we want any chance of progress and good items.
Anyway this problem should be fixed next patch 7.2 with the chance to Mythic+ dungeons so personally i wouldn't bother to implement weekly rotation

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[the Insane]

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Post Posted: 18-12-2017, 22:17:45 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Weekly rotation was released with legion, here it was since start rng.
And no, this problem should be fixed now and not with next content patch.

Everyone should have the same condition as another player - since it works this way.
And if we look straight at pugs yes maybe it would kill these but anyways pugs 1 random 4 guildmates > boosting.
Its rare to see a full pug group going above +10 (even with easy affixes) - mostly they get boosted and the boosting team gets the most out of it.

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Post Posted: 07-01-2018, 20:16:08 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Having an option every week to find a keystone or go boost a new one where the affixes are easier its better than having weeks where players don't feel the drive to play simply because the affixes this week are hard and there is nothing else to do.
From my point of view its more accesible and keeps more players interested in the game the way is right now.

No one is forced to look on global for easy key, you are welcome to try the "hard" ones with your guild party.

The way I see things, forcing players to do hard affixes keys will simply kill the idea of a privat server. I rarely play and knowing that I can find a global party late at night going for a decent key is what makes me to even want to try.

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Freakz Lich King 25H

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[Pricefield Junkie]

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Post Posted: 08-01-2018, 21:37:35 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

@Garn Sure this system might be good for players like you logging in once a week to do a random key late at night after work or w/e, but you also have to think about other players that are trying to push high keys and are getting bolstering / volcanic week in week out and it's not even worth trying . As mentioned in my initial post that for whatever reason you disliked random affixes would be fine if teeming wouldn't be the way it is now and if volcanic wouldn't just be impossible (without exploiting it). But the fact that teeming litteraly makes the key easier rather than harder ( because Enemy forces % is bugged ) while volcanic pretty much depletes a key before you even attempt it is just stupid . But let's stop talking about volcanic 'coes that's just 1 affix . What about bolstering ? That doesn't have any problems in terms of how it works script wise yet people never bother even running +5's with it , why ? Because there's just no point in doing so . Same goes for sanguine , same goes for necrotic ( to a lesser extent ) . Fixing enemy forces % , Volcanic and maybe making the mobs actually do stuff besides just meleeing the tank ( for the most part ) would make players start doing bolstering keys or sanguine keys , or any non teeming / overflowing / skittish / raging affix combination .
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[Err505 Baguette Way]

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Post Posted: 09-01-2018, 00:31:57 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Throwing ideas no matter how realistic they could be :

-Make keys having more and more difficult affixes the higher the player's ilvl is.
-Use the blizzard system but with decreased chance of getting hard affixes so that barely a couple of weeks are "dead" ones for the average player.
-Create a key reforger NPC that will reassign harder affixes to one's key.
-Invent a super mega cool system that will assign affixes based on previous performances so that newcomers keeps getting easy key while people aiming or progressing get suitable ones.
-Make key having randomized affixes past M+16. This way most players can do easier +15 keys while people willing to get some challenge can start getting the good stuff at the same speed. You probably don't want to grind a sanguine key starting from 4 to do it at 15+ right ?
-Keep it like it is and spam "LF1M w/ 1 hard M+ key", a message i rarely see tbh. Could be frustrating to have to come down to letting one of your own aside because you need to make room for a random guy with a hard key but that's fairly middgle ground if you ask me.

Currently, what you suggest OP is very dangerous for the server because the population while decent is not high enough to allow multiple so-called dead weeks in succession especially since LFR mode has yet to be released so average player will suffer from not having a satisfying gear progression which tends to be more important as they represent a majority and you, sadly i'm afraid, only a minority.

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Post Posted: 10-01-2018, 15:20:19 [Valuable post] | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Magnus seems to be the only one that gets my point.

By having the same affixes for everyone is not going to improve your chances of pushing a key high up. You basically have at least the same chances now that of one of your friends, guildmates to have an "easy key" which can happen every week.
If its rotational and you can't play that much during that week you basically have to wait some more weeks to get to a decent one.

Lets be honest, I have seen pugs failing low keys with easy affixes, you don't want them to do only necrotic, volcanic, bolstering few weeks in a row.

And what you are saying that teeming is making your key easier than more difficult is true if you push up to +12 or so. Around 20 and over every affix is difficult with nighthold gear and teeming can become more difficult than other affixes in some situations.

We are not retail, we have a smaller amount of players compared to them and we must ensure that we keep them engaged daily and what we offer them is as flexible as possible.

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Freakz Lich King 25H

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[the Insane]

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Post Posted: 11-01-2018, 08:19:28 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Just a quick reply tho, you said you're not retail, so don't call yourself 'blizzlike'.
This is not an attack or smth, just my opinion. And as i know you probably don't care about it but:
This is not how the system should work - and small playerbase? You're one maybe even the biggest legion server out there without faking pop~
Its enjoyable to play here, but the point is not to make it easier for everyone to push keys, to make it more decent.

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[Err505 Baguette Way]

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Post Posted: 11-01-2018, 14:14:29 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Lifelike android can never be exactly like the human model. That's a bit philosophic but it is what it is, in the past Freakz enhanced the way we would experiment what Blizzard ever offered and i'm taking the exemple of Freakz's custom raid finder back on MoP. That tool rarely ever got questionned about its blizzlikeness.

But your point just prove that this topic needed to exist to enlighten something that could probably be enhanced.

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Post Posted: 11-01-2018, 14:45:41 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I still dont understand something,ok leave the affixes like they are (random) but ffs everyone wants to do keys with players above 890 ilvl ,so where is the justice for the low ilvl players ? this system only helped those who have already good gear and want to grind even more and the new player exprience on this server is still quite bad (not talking about myself),u cant join premade dungeons without at least 880 ilvl and when u are acccepted is for some random 2,3,4 m+ key .

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