
[REJECTED] [Rogue] All specs Global Cooldown Bugged PVP and PVE
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Post Posted: 04-06-2020, 06:11:17 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

If yall just download Dejacharacterstats addon it would show you that it should indeed be 1s unaffected by anything GCD on feral druid. And here's u're proof, u're welcome. Count the amount of Thrashes and watch the stopwatch counter.
I can't really confirm its the same for rogues since my haste is pretty much 0, but I'm pretty sure that I can spam abilities way faster during bloodlust. And I know that if you have enough haste on sub rogue (about 6-8%) you can get double benefit from legendary hands, which shouldnt be possible.

Last edited by djordjebre96 on 04-06-2020, 07:31:30; edited 5 times in total
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Post Posted: 07-06-2020, 17:39:53 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

mirkocroatia wrote:
Again manipulated ''proof''.The same way spectator makes same ability seem like hits twice,it can make GCD what it's not.Untill you make a REAL video duplicating that,it's not proven.And believe me you will not be able,because feral has soft-lock,which makes GCD even longer than it should be.Unlike rogues and warriors who can do full burst in less that 1.5 seconds.......

Manipulated? Do you even know the meaning of that word? You've been shown that GCD shouldn't be lower than 1 sec for ferals. Therefore there should be no direct hits hitting in that exact same second twice. Simple math. Please stop being like this. I know it may hurt you that your class exploits getting revealed. But lets try to be reasonable and balance all classes together.

Update @ 07-06-2020, 17:39:53

I figure out why this happening. Haste pretty much lowers GCD of feral and rogue and WW and BW monks and feral affinity spells when it shouldn't. They already have lowered GCD of 1 sec. It shouldn't go below that. \-

Last edited by telesto on 07-06-2020, 19:30:01; edited 2 times in total
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Post Posted: 07-06-2020, 17:56:36 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

telesto wrote:

I figure out why this happening. Haste pretty much lowers GCD of feral and rogue and WW and BW monks and feral affinity spells when it shouldn't. They already have lowered GCD of 1 sec. It shouldn't go below that. \-

Hmm this may actually be true.

I've made a demonstration. Please note despite the fact the GCD on stats shown 1 sec. That is only because addon wasn't designed to lower down the GCD any lower than that due to ferals having static 1 sec GCD.

0:18 - you see shred GCD is on point
1:22 - you see shred GCD timer on skill bar resets way sooner than before due to extra haste added via rings and head
1:39 - you see in combat log 2x shreds procced during one 1 sec GCD at 17:08:40
2:02 - regular gear no haste added doesn't effect GCD of shred

So in conclusion on freakz Haste lowers GCD for classes that have base 1 sec GCD when it shouldn't.

Specs like:
1. Windwalker monk
2. Brewmaster monk
3. All Druid specs in cat form
4. All rogue specs
5. All energy pets
5. Basically all specs with energy bar

Haste buffs like for example:
1. Night elf racial
2. Troll racial
3. Priest talent
4. Alter time, Bloodlust, Drums etc...
Should NOT reduce GCD for the specs mentioned above.

I've noticed during my test Touch Of Elune was slightly effecting the GCD cuz it is only 1%.

You can clearly see on this retail video a feral with alter time witch is 30% haste increase doesn't effect his 1 sec GCD at all :

12:47 - check the GCD with 30% extra haste from alter time. it is still 1 sec

Last edited by zeakey on 08-06-2020, 17:00:01; edited 22 times in total
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Post Posted: 08-06-2020, 16:27:50 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Warrior wtih no haste

warrior with haste

Feral with no haste

Feral with haste

OK , so here we can see that im using Deja characher stats addon and its working by blizzard formula, and you can see that on warrior base gcd is 1.5 and gets reduced by haste and on feral base is 1 sec and its same value when i add 23% haste . And animation for gcd works fine but actual mechanic doesnt because you can see ferals/rogues/monks (classes that use energy as resource) can use another ability before the gcd animation ends. This is MAJOR bug and beacause of this classes do more damage than they should especially ferals bcs during Incarnation they have endless energy so they exploit this to the max. This classes gcd should be fixed 1 sec no matter how much haste they have

also Unholy dk pet uses energy therefore has the same problem . Pet does second ability before gcd ends

Last edited by aceofspades1 on 08-06-2020, 21:04:13; edited 5 times in total
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Post Posted: 09-06-2020, 17:04:26 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

This report went in a direction that has nothing to do with rogues or their GCD. Therefore Im closing this report and making one myself which you will be able to find on trello. If you feel like other classes have similar problems post proof for them in their specific categories.

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