
Custom Event: The Eternal Travelers | Changelog | Bugs | Suggestions
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 28-01-2022, 12:22:11 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Royd wrote:
Suggestion: Would it be possible to allow the leech/avoidance/speed tokens to not overwrite each other, but to add the tertiary stat without removing the preexisting one? (for ex., to have an item with leech and speed) Patch is near end and there isn't much to farm anymore, the event is one of the best things to do and it'll be great to have the chance to keep improving the gear further just for fun.

that would be great perfect would give players a lot of joy

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[Controlled Chaos]

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Post Posted: 28-01-2022, 12:56:06 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Mordocc wrote:
Royd wrote:
Suggestion: Would it be possible to allow the leech/avoidance/speed tokens to not overwrite each other, but to add the tertiary stat without removing the preexisting one? (for ex., to have an item with leech and speed) Patch is near end and there isn't much to farm anymore, the event is one of the best things to do and it'll be great to have the chance to keep improving the gear further just for fun.

that would be great perfect would give players a lot of joy

We won't do that, there are no more new updates coming in BFA - we are focusing on the next expansion which is going to be announced pretty soon.

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