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World PVP?
 43%  [ 728 ]
 56%  [ 929 ]
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 26-05-2015, 19:32:10 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Shocker ca sa multumim pe toata lumea inclusiv pe cei 40% care vrem pvp ON , setezi serveru 40% din timp PVP ON si 60% PVP OFF .Asa cum la TV este orarul destinat emisiunilor/filmelor 18+.

Ex: intre orele 24:00-8:00 PVP ON si 8:00-24:00 PVP OFF ... Cu ocazia asta rezolvi si problemele care pot aparea cu lagul deoarece la orele respective de PVP ON o sa fie mai liber serveru.

Optiunea de alegere PVP ON/OFF mi se pare cam absurda ..multi isi vor pregati atacul cu PVP OFF iar cand se vad in superioritate numerica isi activeaza PVP ON.

Last edited by Afterme on 26-05-2015, 19:43:47; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 26-05-2015, 19:38:39 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

A fost Pvp on permanent pe Cata si tot vedeai 2k+ oameni online, dar cu pvp off cred ca va scadea mult din lume.
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 27-05-2015, 02:21:31 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Drain wrote:
the only possible solution would be to enable bgs where factions can play in mixed teams

yes, let's implement something custom, rather something that is on retail aswell, just because there's more stupid people on the server with the right to vote. don't even try to deny it, I don't say everyone who voted no is stupid, but if you could understand some of the romanian comments you would probably agree.

you do understand that I offered a solution that would suit pvpers?
I could've just wrote another gloating post about pve players winning the poll and called someone an idiot/stupid like you keep doing since your first post. but, fine have it your way, keep calling people names cause you lost. it's probably gonna help.

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[fan nrultimate]

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Post Posted: 27-05-2015, 03:59:40 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

che wrote:
Drain wrote:
the only possible solution would be to enable bgs where factions can play in mixed teams

yes, let's implement something custom, rather something that is on retail aswell, just because there's more stupid people on the server with the right to vote. don't even try to deny it, I don't say everyone who voted no is stupid, but if you could understand some of the romanian comments you would probably agree.

you do understand that I offered a solution that would suit pvpers?
I could've just wrote another gloating post about pve players winning the poll and called someone an idiot/stupid like you keep doing since your first post. but, fine have it your way, keep calling people names cause you lost. it's probably gonna help.

you do understand this is not about alliance waiting in que for 30 minutes. This is about a feature that any PVP server should have. And this server had world pvp since the beginning. I do not know about cataclysm, maybe it was limited, but still, I could fight people in Tol'Barad (important zone in cata), and I could fight people in gurubashi, I do not know in other contested zones since I did not play that much, but still, what happened, 2 expansions, world pvp on, and now suddenly we're all supposed to stare at blue names?

I repeat, this is not about people waiting in que, this is about a feature a pvp server should have, and as far as I remember, this was a PVP server, if it is not, it should be clarified once and for all, so that the people arguing can move on.

As for my arguments, yes I called some people idiots, but understand, most people are, because they do not really understand what the question really is, they just give stupid arguments like "omg low lvls will get camped". Srsly? This isn't war****, this server doesn't have that much of a population, you don't just randomly find high lvl players camping you in your lvling zones. And even if you would, there isn't just 1 single zone for your level in whole fkin Azeroth.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 27-05-2015, 13:51:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Drain wrote:
che wrote:
Drain wrote:
the only possible solution would be to enable bgs where factions can play in mixed teams

yes, let's implement something custom, rather something that is on retail aswell, just because there's more stupid people on the server with the right to vote. don't even try to deny it, I don't say everyone who voted no is stupid, but if you could understand some of the romanian comments you would probably agree.

you do understand that I offered a solution that would suit pvpers?
I could've just wrote another gloating post about pve players winning the poll and called someone an idiot/stupid like you keep doing since your first post. but, fine have it your way, keep calling people names cause you lost. it's probably gonna help.

you do understand this is not about alliance waiting in que for 30 minutes. This is about a feature that any PVP server should have. And this server had world pvp since the beginning. I do not know about cataclysm, maybe it was limited, but still, I could fight people in Tol'Barad (important zone in cata), and I could fight people in gurubashi, I do not know in other contested zones since I did not play that much, but still, what happened, 2 expansions, world pvp on, and now suddenly we're all supposed to stare at blue names?

I repeat, this is not about people waiting in que, this is about a feature a pvp server should have, and as far as I remember, this was a PVP server, if it is not, it should be clarified once and for all, so that the people arguing can move on.

As for my arguments, yes I called some people idiots, but understand, most people are, because they do not really understand what the question really is, they just give stupid arguments like "omg low lvls will get camped". Srsly? This isn't war****, this server doesn't have that much of a population, you don't just randomly find high lvl players camping you in your lvling zones. And even if you would, there isn't just 1 single zone for your level in whole fkin Azeroth.

PVP server? In locul tau m-as uita la sectiunea despre....Imi place ca singurul lucru pe care stiti voi sa il faceti este sa criticati oamenii pentru "argumente stupide" si pentru ca nu va fi rezultatul pe care il vreti.Daca era invers, probabil era la fel...playerii de pve ziceau ca asta e cel mai nus cum sv pentru ca n motive.Insa gandind logic,ceea ce aparent nu prea puteti face,cu ce ajuta ca voi faceti un rage de genul asta aici?Credeti ca schimbati rezultatele votului sau ca ii pasa cuiva ca ne faceti pe astea care am votat off in toate felurile?Sau credeti ca daca va enervati si incepeti sa faceti pe toti retardati,idioti si mai stiu eu cum o sa rezolvati ceva?

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 27-05-2015, 15:08:32 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Drain wrote:
you do understand this is not about alliance waiting in que for 30 minutes. This is about a feature that any PVP server should have. And this server had world pvp since the beginning. I do not know about cataclysm, maybe it was limited, but still, I could fight people in Tol'Barad (important zone in cata), and I could fight people in gurubashi, I do not know in other contested zones since I did not play that much, but still, what happened, 2 expansions, world pvp on, and now suddenly we're all supposed to stare at blue names?

this server was pve for almost year at the start of cata and then pvp was implemented (afaik) without voting on it cause "the majority wants it". yeah, like right now. if there was a poll, it would have ended up like this and you'd have no arguements to turn to. tol barad was a pvp zone in cata, so was gurubashi. I had no problems with that

Drain wrote:
I repeat, this is not about people waiting in que, this is about a feature a pvp server should have, and as far as I remember, this was a PVP server, if it is not, it should be clarified once and for all, so that the people arguing can move on.

I don't think you can call a server a pvp one if all the pve instances are working, pve raids are getting scripted yet arenas aren't even open. and most of the people who actually like to do an occasional bg avoid it due to classes not even working properly yet.

Drain wrote:
As for my arguments, yes I called some people idiots, but understand, most people are, because they do not really understand what the question really is, they just give stupid arguments like "omg low lvls will get camped".

calling people stupid and rejecting their points of view with "people are stupid/idiots" says more about you than them. your way of discussing already got you two warnings, a lot of negative reputation and your posts instantly get downvoted. you could look into keeping to the constructive part of your post/opinion like you've done in the past several posts with me. keep in mind - people learn more if you tell them where they are wrong than if you keep insulting them for being wrong.


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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 27-05-2015, 19:54:42 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Pentru cei pasionati de pvp, exista comanda /pvp, exista battlegrounds si nu in ultimul rand exista ARENA. Nu merg? Aww, so sad!

PvP fortat favorizeaza tocmai jucatorii care nu prea au nicio treaba cu pvp-ul - dobitoci full pvp gear care se bucura mult cand omoara pe unu' care-i afk, sau care face teste la dummy.

DACA cumva bagati pvp cu japca, macar puneti niste test dummy intr-o zona sanctuar - ca e dificil sa faci un bug report cu un rogue imba pe cap.

A, si inca o chestie. Un vot al unui jucator care a contribuit cu o sumedenie de bug reports este egal cu votul unui dobitoc cu reputatie negativa?

Concluzie: PvP flag - on/off la alegerea jucatorului.

Last edited by Hujin on 28-05-2015, 00:28:02; edited 1 time in total
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[fan nrultimate]

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Post Posted: 27-05-2015, 20:21:27 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

che wrote:
Drain wrote:
you do understand this is not about alliance waiting in que for 30 minutes. This is about a feature that any PVP server should have. And this server had world pvp since the beginning. I do not know about cataclysm, maybe it was limited, but still, I could fight people in Tol'Barad (important zone in cata), and I could fight people in gurubashi, I do not know in other contested zones since I did not play that much, but still, what happened, 2 expansions, world pvp on, and now suddenly we're all supposed to stare at blue names?

this server was pve for almost year at the start of cata and then pvp was implemented (afaik) without voting on it cause "the majority wants it". yeah, like right now. if there was a poll, it would have ended up like this and you'd have no arguements to turn to. tol barad was a pvp zone in cata, so was gurubashi. I had no problems with that

Drain wrote:
I repeat, this is not about people waiting in que, this is about a feature a pvp server should have, and as far as I remember, this was a PVP server, if it is not, it should be clarified once and for all, so that the people arguing can move on.

I don't think you can call a server a pvp one if all the pve instances are working, pve raids are getting scripted yet arenas aren't even open. and most of the people who actually like to do an occasional bg avoid it due to classes not even working properly yet.

Drain wrote:
As for my arguments, yes I called some people idiots, but understand, most people are, because they do not really understand what the question really is, they just give stupid arguments like "omg low lvls will get camped".

calling people stupid and rejecting their points of view with "people are stupid/idiots" says more about you than them. your way of discussing already got you two warnings, a lot of negative reputation and your posts instantly get downvoted. you could look into keeping to the constructive part of your post/opinion like you've done in the past several posts with me. keep in mind - people learn more if you tell them where they are wrong than if you keep insulting them for being wrong.


do the math, 1 year out of 5 world pvp off doesn't sound like a pve server to me.
as for which branch of the game gets more content its pretty obvious. sad part is, classes not working properly doesn't seem to stop the staff from introducing pve content, it's as if class bugs only affect pvp, people literally beg for arenas just for conquest cap and nobody bats an eye.
@last part, don't really care about those things, just look at the guy above me, he says world pvp favours full pvp geared retards who kill people that are afk or test bugs (afking on a flying mount is damn hard, and damn I can't wait to kill those people testing their damage @ dummies, that's the reason me and everyone else votes yes). Doesn't mean only people who voted no are stupid, there's some other guy who said that world pvp should be turned on 40% of the day and 60% of the day off, so that it reflects the vote (he voted w/ yes)

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 27-05-2015, 23:22:11 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Drain wrote:
do the math, 1 year out of 5 world pvp off doesn't sound like a pve server to me.

using this logic, romania is still a communist country. things change.

Drain wrote:
just look at the guy above me, he says world pvp favours full pvp geared retards who kill people that are afk or test bugs

pvp has always favoured "full pvp geared retards". that's the whole point why people who don't wanna pvp outside of bgs/arenas/pvp zones are against turning world pvp on

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[fan nrultimate]

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Post Posted: 27-05-2015, 23:34:58 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

che wrote:
Drain wrote:
do the math, 1 year out of 5 world pvp off doesn't sound like a pve server to me.

using this logic, romania is still a communist country. things change.

Drain wrote:
just look at the guy above me, he says world pvp favours full pvp geared retards who kill people that are afk or test bugs

pvp has always favoured "full pvp geared retards". that's the whole point why people who don't wanna pvp outside of bgs/arenas/pvp zones are against turning world pvp on

1) uhm no, not really.
2) I meant the last part of his sentence, in his opinion if world pvp is active all I will do is kill him when he's afk/testing bugs, that's the only thing he understands out of world pvp. I'm sure if world pvp would be on, questing/farming zoned will be filled with "full pvp geared retards", this poll shows it. So when it comes to arguing that world pvp should be turned off, the server is filled with bloodthirtsy pvpers, but at the same time, the majority of this server is made out of pve-ers so shocker should listen to the majority. Seems legit.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 28-05-2015, 22:21:00 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 29-05-2015, 13:28:32 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I think anyone could choose if playing pvp or not...but for the first choice there are arenas and bgs. So i think it's better to turn world pvp off
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Post Posted: 29-05-2015, 14:01:39 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Baphomet83 wrote:
I think anyone could choose if playing pvp or not...but for the first choice there are arenas and bgs. So i think it's better to turn world pvp off
There are consequences that have a bad impact on the game/player experience, if allowing the turning on/off by choice.
Read all replies if you want to know more.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 29-05-2015, 15:51:18 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Rep107 wrote:
There are consequences that have a bad impact on the game/player experience, if allowing the turning on/off by choice.

however, there are far worse consequences if you turn it on against the player's will

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[fan nrultimate]

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Post Posted: 29-05-2015, 16:03:31 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

che wrote:
Rep107 wrote:
There are consequences that have a bad impact on the game/player experience, if allowing the turning on/off by choice.

however, there are far worse consequences if you turn it on against the player's will

yeah, sometimes "he" will die, sometimes "he" will kill someone else, monstrous consequences, GreyFace.
WHat will the player do? Leave the server? I love the mentality of the pve players, dying in pvp is 100x worse than dying in a raid/dungeon, I shall leave this server forever for this insult.

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