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Post Posted: 28-07-2015, 14:55:25 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Necomercial - Vorbeste cu Drodu ingame / ts

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[Who Cares]

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Post Posted: 28-07-2015, 20:35:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Recrutãrile sunt în continuare deschise pentru:

- Death Knight (Blood) -
- Druid (Feral/Guardian) -
- Mage (Frost/Arcane/Fire) -
- Paladin (Holy/Retribution) -
- Priest (Holy/Discipline/Shadow) -
- Hunter (Survival/Marksmanship) -
- Monk (Mistweaver/Windwalker/Brewmaster) -

Cerinþe minime: 490 ilvl, experienþã pve, 40 days char played.

Putem recruta ºi alte clase/spec-uri, insã doar cu un nivel al jocului foarte ridicat.

Legaþi cont-ul cu cel din joc.

Exorcizare Gets 100.000 Honorable Kills

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 30-07-2015, 16:47:27 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

For guild master and recurting

Posturi unite automat, 30-07-2015, 17:47:27

1. Name IRL: Mike

2. Age:25

3. Location:i live in iran but i burn in london and for my work i come iran

4. How much time do you have for WOW (per day, per week, approximately.)? i can play all day's and all week because i am teacher and i am in class
until after noon

4. Class: Druid

5. Main Spec / OFF spec:Restoration / guardian

6. Link Armory *:

7. Interface ** Screenshot::

8. Why did you choose species that play now? I'm interested in to druid and i playing wow at 18 years and i 5 years play restoration i love this class To make easy

9. Tell us how you think you have to play this spec (talent, rotation, importance gear, gemming importance of stats to others, etc).

Rotation :Hmm i am Restoration Druid and Druid Restoration is Overhealing i use 3x life bloom in off tank Because Attention all healer's on main tank and use Rejuventaion on all players and use wild Growth Cooldown To Cooldon and use wild mushroom at stack and when player's health at 5% i use Tranquility after this when health is not up i use tree of life and use on players Regrowth

Talents : Feline Swiftness Ysera's Gift Mass Entanglement Incarnation Ursol's Vortex Heart of the Wild
gem: [Ember Primal Diamond] [Reckless Vermilion Onyx]
[Brilliant Primordial Ruby] [Purified Imperial Amethyst]

Etc: you can say it at my armory

10. Tell us about your experience in raids when you started to play WOW until now (Vanilla, TBC, WOTLK, Cataclysm). i Dont play old patch in freakz wow i play Wotlk and cataclysm at Blizzard and have good progress to this

11. former Guild (what guilds you've been, how were they, why you decided to leave, etc.) my guild It was not known what they had some good progress They make us to inv And we had to test But we were not invited to Raid and i for this problems leave my last guild

12. Details PC ***. I5 4690K CPU , GTX 970 GPU , 8G RAM

13. Why do you wish to join our guild? Because I love my progress and I think we can have good days together.

14. Tell us something about you as a person (if you are a student, you work, how you spend your leisure, hobbies, etc.) I am a teacher and my work in the winter and in summer i dont have work and i at home and play wow but at winter i am in work to after noon

15. Other information (which we consider important). I'm interested in wow and i like the basketball and rock music thanks

i am not dps for recount

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[Celebru anonim]

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Post Posted: 31-07-2015, 01:06:58 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

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Post Posted: 02-08-2015, 15:20:56 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Recrutãrile sunt în continuare deschise pentru:

- Monk (Mistweaver) -
- Death Knight (Blood) -
- Mage (Frost/Arcane/Fire) -
- Rogue (Combat/Subtlety) -
- Druid (Balance/Restoration) -
- Priest (Holy/Discipline/Shadow) -
- Warrior (Fury/Arms/Protection) -
- Hunter (Survival/Marksmanship) -

Cerinþe minime: 490 ilvl, experienþã pve, 40 days char played.

Putem recruta ºi alte clase/spec-uri, insã doar cu un nivel al jocului foarte ridicat.

Legaþi cont-ul cu cel din joc.

Note: Reguli Guild.

Last edited by Ghosteyelol on 08-08-2015, 19:44:06; edited 8 times in total
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 07-08-2015, 22:40:35 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1. Nume IRL: Adi
2. Varsta: 20
3. Localitate: Bucuresti
4. Cat timp ai la dispozitie pentru WOW (pe zi, pe saptamana, aproximativ.) ? Depinde de zi, de la 2 ore pana la 5-6.
4. Clasa: Warr Arms
5. Main Spec/OFF spec: -
6. Link Armory*:
7. Screenshot cu Interfata**: O sa pun la Dps test.
8. De ce ai ales specul pe care joci acum?

Am ales warrior arms deoarece mainul rpala( 90 days played), este nerfed in patchul asta. Vreau sa joc o clasa sa ma pot distra si sa fie in raid de folos.

9. Spune-ne cum crezi tu ca trebuie sa joci pe acest spec(talente, rotatie, importanta gear, gemming, importanta unor stats in fata altora, etc).

-In principiu strengh main stat, hit cap, expertise cap , crit>mastery>haste. Atat in gemming cat si ca gear.
-Rotatie? in asa fel incat sa am la fiecare secunda de global cd un spell pe care sa-l folosesc.

10. Povesteste-ne despre experienta ta in raiduri de cand ai inceput sa joci WOW si pana acum(Vanilla, TBC, WOTLK, Cataclysm).

Joc de la sfarsitul patchului 3.3.5 pe freakz. Main retry pala.
-Wotlk-->M-am obisnuit cu jocul, jucam de fun, habar nu aveam multe.
-Cata --->4.0.6 - Tank/dps in guilda Ground Zero (-server evolution).Experienta cu pala (tot contentu hc facut ).
-Cata--->4.3.4 - Dps/tank in guilda Allstars Randoms/Hamsterii Blindati.... tot contentu facut pe pala si pe inca 2 offchare (druid/dk).(precizez doar raiduri de 10hc, datorita performantei scazute a pc-ului)
-MOP---> un raid de 25n in guilda Hemorage cu dk....unde am deschis ochii si am vazut ce imbalanced sunt clasele.(pc nou).

11. Foste Guilde(prin ce guilde ai mai fost, cum au fost ele, de ce ai decis sa le parasesti, etc.)

-In principiu s-au desfintat. Am avut tentative sa intru si in alte guilde, dar datorita lipsei de interes/ neprofesionalismului/ caterincii excesive aratata de catre aborigenii guildului, am hotarat ca nu apartin comunitatii.

12. Detalii PC***. Laptop

-Procesor i7
-Placa dedicata Nvidia 950m-4Gb
-Ram 8 Gb

13. De ce doresti sa te alaturi guildei noastre?

Datorita decentei si seriozitatii de care dati dovada in gameplay.

14. Spune-ne cate ceva despre tine, ca si persoana(daca esti student, lucrezi, cum iti petreci timpul liber, hobby-uri, etc.)

Student la UAUIM Bucuresti, Anul 3 Arhitectura
Lucrez in cadrul firmei 441 Design, ca designer.

15. Alte mentiuni(pe care le consideri importante).

[i]-Sunt un om serios care isi respecta cuvantul dat.
-Deocamdata nu am gear, consider ca experienta e mult mai importanta in ceea ce priveste gameplayul
-462 ilvl

16. Screenshot Recount 20 Mil. DMG Done(pt dps only) - Normal Training Dummy din Orgrimmar(nu cel heroic) own buffs, no food, no flasks, no scrolls.

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Post Posted: 08-08-2015, 19:34:18 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

@ Damncrit /w Toyz
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 13-08-2015, 04:19:56 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hope you guys recruit non-RO players -

1. Name IRL: Kemal

2. Age: 19

3. Location: Bosnia and Herzegowina

4. How much time do you have for WOW (per day, per week, approximately.)? After 13:00 PM , every day

4. Class: Death Knight

5. Main Spec / OFF spec: Unholy/Blood

6. Link Armory *:

7. Interface ** Screenshot:

8. Why did you choose species that play now? I find it the most fun to play

9. Tell us how you think you have to play this spec (talent, rotation, importance gear, gemming importance of stats to others, etc).

I apply dots, and start doing rotation, when my trinket procs and i get 60+ RP i pop my "swifty" and reapply dots, then i try to keep those dots up on target 100% with Festering Strike and Outbreak. On 5 pet stacks i buff my pet and try to keep it always at 5 stacks rebuffing on 1-2 sec left. I use Plague Leech when i dont have anything to do and dots are low duration. Use Empowered Rune Weapon when i cant cast anything else beside Horn of Winter.
Priority for single target is:
1. Soul Reaper <35% HP
2. Death Coil > 80 RP
3. Festering Strike if strong dots will drop or if i have only 1B and 1F rune free
4. Scourge Strike or Death and decay(if target is stationary)
5. Festering Strike
6. Death Coil

For Talents i use:
Roiling Blood(for fights with aoe)/Plague Leech(single target only)
Purgatory(to survive that random hit that would kill me)
Deaths Advance(Movement speed is always nice)
Death Pact(some healing to save healer mana is nice)
Runic Corruption(I like it more than Blood Tap)
Gorefiends grasp(To help tank with aoe packs)

Stats in general are: Hit cap>Exp cap>Str>Crit>Haste>Mastery
But i use simulationcraft to determine my stats for my current gear so i dont follow those stats 100%

10. Tell us about your experience in raids when you started to play WOW until now (Vanilla, TBC, WOTLK, Cataclysm).

I started serious raiding in WotLK(Was playing Holy/Prot/Ret paladin)-12/12 ICC 10hc 0% buff, 12/12 ICC 25hc 0% buff on server Gamer-District(very good scripts)
Cata-DS 10HC(Warmaster HC on my rogue)/DS 25HC(Ultraxion on my rogue)

11. former Guild (what guilds you've been, how were they, why you decided to leave, etc.)

I have had no real guilds on MoP yet.
On cata i was in Midwinter, Aurora, and 1 more guild cant remember name(all heroic progression guilds)
Aurora was my first guild when we transferred from eternal, but the GM was creating too much drama amongst members so i applied for Midwinter and left.

12. Details PC ***.

Intel Xeon e5430 Quadcore 2.6 Ghz x2
8gb FB-DDR2 ECC 666mhz
Asus AMD Radeon HD7870
Kingston HyperX 3k SSD 120gb

13. Why do you wish to join our guild? I miss the hardcore raiding that i was doing.

14. Tell us something about you as a person (if you are a student, you work, how you spend your leisure, hobbies, etc.) I'm a student at University of Sarajevo - Software Engineering 1st year. I spend most of my time playing video games or tinkering with stuff on computers.

15. Other information (which we consider important). My gear is a little shit and i need to learn heroic raid boss scripts, but i dont think that is a problem since i have alot of exp on previous expacs.

Recount 16. Screenshot 20 Mil. Done DMG (for dps only) - Normal Training Dummy in Orgrimmar (not the heroic) own buffs, no food, no flasks, no scrolls.

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Post Posted: 13-08-2015, 10:55:03 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Kemokee -> Rejected ( 15d, 21h, 51m, 33s played / 40h )

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Post Posted: 14-08-2015, 17:47:04 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Recrutãrile sunt în continuare deschise pentru:

- Monk (Mistweaver) -
- Death Knight (Blood) -
- Mage (Frost/Fire) -
- Druid (Balance/Tank) -
- Priest (Holy/Discipline/Shadow) -
- Warrior (Fury/Arms/Protection) -
- Hunter (Survival/Marksmanship) -

Cerinþe minime: 490 ilvl, experienþã pve, 40 days char played.

Putem recruta ºi alte clase/spec-uri, insã doar cu un nivel al jocului foarte ridicat.

Legaþi cont-ul cu cel din joc.

Note: Reguli Guild.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 18-08-2015, 17:46:42 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1. Nume IRL: Mario Bogdan
2. Varsta: 16
3. Localitate: Constanta
4. Cat timp ai la dispozitie pentru WOW (pe zi, pe saptamana, aproximativ.) ? dupa ora 23:00 sunt liber pana la sfarsitul raidului
4. Clasa: Rogue
5. Main Spec/OFF spec: Combat/Subtility
6. Link Armory*:
7. Screenshot cu Interfata**: se vede la test dps
8. De ce ai ales specul pe care joci acum? Este cel mai bun spec de rogue care da dps si la low gear si la high gear, eu pe moment le practic pe amandoua avand in vedere ca subtility este un + pe single target
9. Spune-ne cum crezi tu ca trebuie sa joci pe acest spec(talente, rotatie, importanta gear, gemming, importanta unor stats in fata altora, etc). rotatia este una simpla care cred ca o foloseste orice rog combat : incep in stealth si deschid cu un ambush, reveling strike(rs), urmat de sinister strike(ss) pana la 5 pct si dau slice and dice(snd), dupa ss pana sa se procuie enchanturile de pe arme(dancing steel) si trinketa cu crit + 10% dmg increase de la Bandit's Guilde, dupa urmeaza kiling spree, la terminarea ks-ului urmeaza burstul (potiuni , trinketa , adrenaline rush) si spam de ss si rs sa mentin pe target, si dau eviscerate la 5 combo in max burst adica cand se procuie bandit's guilde si am 30% damage increase, si repet actiunea!important e sa mentin mereu rs pe target si snd pe mine

Statsurile mele sunt : 7,5 expertise si hit , la gear mai ridicat nu mai avem cum sa mentinem 7,5 hit deci o sa avem over hit -haste-mastery-crit

GEMS: pe spatile rosi punem gems cu 160 agil, pe spatile albastre 80 agil+160 hit, iar pe spatile galbene 320 haste

Talentele se pot vedea la armory: nu cred ca difera la rogi talentele,doar la burst of speed si shadowstep care depinde de encounter ce tinem pe noi
10. Povesteste-ne despre experienta ta in raiduri de cand ai inceput sa joci WOW si pana acum(Vanilla, TBC, WOTLK, Cataclysm). am inceput sa joc wow de pe wotlk ( pe la inceput), dar ca orice player incepator nu stiam ce sa fac asa ca doar omoram tot ce vedeam in fata, progressul meu a inceput odata cu cataclysmul pe un mage fire care am avut full 25/10hc si pe un druid restoration
11. Foste Guilde(prin ce guilde ai mai fost, cum au fost ele, de ce ai decis sa le parasesti, etc.) The council of elders, The divinity ( zic ca au nevoie de rogi si nu ii iau la raid)
12. Detalii PC***. i 5 , 3200ghz, 4 gb ram , geforce, placa nu o stiu
13. De ce doresti sa te alaturi guildei noastre? In primul rand imi covine programul vostru de raiduri adica incepeti raidurile pe la ora 10:30 ceea ce e este foarte ok pentru mine avand in vedere ca doar pe la ora pot sa intru din cauza serviciului, + ca mai am niste cunostinte pe la voi ( se stiu ele)
14. Spune-ne cate ceva despre tine, ca si persoana(daca esti student, lucrezi, cum iti petreci timpul liber, hobby-uri, etc.) lucrez la un magazin alimentar, am un program destul de incarcat, fac inot de performata, imi place footbalul si cam atat
15. Alte mentiuni(pe care le consideri importante). O sa para ciudat ca joc si la alianta dar na acolo cunosc mai multe persoane, la hoarda sunt de pe patchul
16. Screenshot Recount 20 Mil. DMG Done(pt dps only) - Normal Training Dummy din Orgrimmar(nu cel heroic) own buffs, no food, no flasks, no scrolls. [b]

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Post Posted: 18-08-2015, 18:20:58 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

hooted - Respins

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Post Posted: 19-08-2015, 16:01:31 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Recrutãrile sunt în continuare deschise pentru:

- Mage (Frost/Fire) -
- Monk (Mistweaver) -
- Druid (Balance/Tank) -
- Death Knight (Blood) -
- Warrior (Fury/Arms/Protection) -
- Priest (Holy/Discipline/Shadow) -
- Hunter (Survival/Marksmanship) -

Cerinþe minime: 490 ilvl, experienþã pve, 40 days char played.

Putem recruta ºi alte clase/spec-uri, insã doar cu un nivel al jocului foarte ridicat.

Legaþi cont-ul cu cel din joc.

Note: Reguli Guild.

Last edited by Catalepsia on 22-08-2015, 00:42:04; edited 3 times in total
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 19-08-2015, 21:47:15 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1. Nume IRL: Alexandru
2. Varsta: 24
3. Localitate: Olbia (IT )
4. Cat timp ai la dispozitie pentru WOW (pe zi, pe saptamana, aproximativ.) ? : de la 21:00,22:00 pana la 01:00,02:00 dar in timpul zilei sunt mai des on..
4. Clasa: Priest
5. Main Spec/OFF spec: Sadow [ 500] / Holy [ 490]
6. Link Armory*: sar putea sa va apara si itemele pvp daca sunt la arene..
7. Screenshot cu Interfata**:
8. De ce ai ales specul pe care joci acum? Imi place Sadow sa joc chiar daca pentru acuma nu prea este printre primele clase dar pe 5.4 va dobandi multe clase...!
9. Spune-ne cum crezi tu ca trebuie sa joci pe acest spec(talente, rotatie, importanta gear, gemming, importanta unor stats in fata altora, etc). Fiecare Joaca cum crede ca este mai bine pentru a da Dmg si pentru a putea ajuta raidu cat de cat si in alte privinte mai ales ca Priest, iar de restu cred ca cine joaca o clasa ar trebuie sa stie [ gear, gemmin, stat. ]
10. Povesteste-ne despre experienta ta in raiduri de cand ai inceput sa joci WOW si pana acum(Vanilla, TBC, WOTLK, Cataclysm). Am jucat pe cata progres Ful dar am jucat DK pentru ca era destul de OP ca tank si foarte simplu...
11. Foste Guilde(prin ce guilde ai mai fost, cum au fost ele, de ce ai decis sa le parasesti, etc.) : The Rebirth, sincer motivu a fost ca am murit la Toes 10h in faza cu " Lightning Bolt " dar cred ca a fost o scuza pentru kik guilda,, acum 2 zile m-am luat la cearta cu un Ofiter sau GM din guilda.. [ " iei spun ca nu dau dps cum trebuie la 10h TOES mai ales la primu bos dar la MV 25h si 10H sunt la 4 bosi pe primu loc sa burst de 600 k .. daca vreti va dau si print..!]
12. Detalii PC***. Acer/ Aspire cu x2 core, memorie ram 6G dar singura problema este ca am scheda vidio integrata adica din aia 6 g cred ca 2 se duc pe scheda Vidio !
13. De ce doresti sa te alaturi guildei noastre?: Am auzit destule lucruri bune si rele despre voi care ma indruma sa fac acest POST
14. Spune-ne cate ceva despre tine, ca si persoana(daca esti student, lucrezi, cum iti petreci timpul liber, hobby-uri, etc.) : Lucrez dar pentru acum am o perioada mai grea cu munca si am mai mult timp liber
15. Alte mentiuni(pe care le consideri importante). Mai nimic inportant cred ca restu sa va dati seama ce persoana sunt se poate face pe TS..!
PS : Sunt la Alliance pentru acum nu am posibilitate sa transfer caracteru dar luna care vine maxim x2 fac transferu!!
16 : 20 M [ ] + [ ]

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[Celebru anonim]

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Post Posted: 20-08-2015, 00:58:34 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

@Prodic - respins
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