
[Raid] The Nighthold: Krosus
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Post Posted: 06-01-2018, 10:18:45 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Please post here any bug you found regarding The Nighthold: Krosus encounter, Normal, Heroic, Mythic

if you want to confirm a bug that it's been already reported please just use - like - button, otherwise we will delete your post
write difficulty and bug found
use this feature [spoiler] for youtube videos please so i can track each bug you post without scrolling my whole screen

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Post Posted: 06-01-2018, 12:37:58 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

All pets seem to have a problem with the bridge, they spawn under the bridge and are unable to attack, OR being in LoS with you , makes you unable to, (in my case GoSacrifice them).


Here you can see my Doomguard casually swimming and doing nothing. (1-2 hits, after i moved resummoned removed and all that kind of stuff) > (Could have been the 0.01 kill ;~)~) )

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Post Posted: 06-01-2018, 13:37:46 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

There seems to be a problem with the flame patches he spawns that summon the elementals , he for some reason spawns the majority of them on the bridge part that's closest to him , and almost none of them towards the back of the bridge . That or he just doesn't spawn enough of them , either way they're
a bit too easy to soak almost entirely which just shouldn't be possible ( on Mythic )

* PAUSE AT 0:59 * you can see there the way they are spawned , go ahead and take a look on how they're spawned on freakz and you'll notice the diffrence .

Fel beams also does very little dmg and can't even oneshot dpsers , much less the tanks ( they almost don't even take dmg with magic dmg mitigation up ) . Not only that but the beam hitbox is pretty small , you can just stay in the middle of the room and take no dmg from either one of the beams ( there is a safe spot like that on retail aswell but it's waaay smaller than it is on freakz ) .

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Post Posted: 06-01-2018, 15:36:24 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I can't really tell whichever is true but either Krosus takes a bit too much time before moving after a Slam that destroyed a bridge or his movespeed is slower than it should be, either way it felt frustrating as melee to not be able to refresh some buffs because of that downtime. It's very light though, probably 1 second off, maybe 2. Or it was just me not being on point with my rotations, will record my next encounter with it to acertain this.

Also :

•Respawn point after killing Krosus is located at its death spot and since Krosus is located in the water, you will end up there. Currently requires to swim below the bridge to speak to Kagdhar or use gap closer abilities to get on the bridge.
Initial report :

•Falling in the water whatever the reasons should cause immediate death. Instead of that, players are teleported to the back of the bridge. It makes me wonder what will happen after 6 minutes when the bridge is fully destroyed. Also, while it sounds unfair, it's totally legit that Rogues are DHs are meant to die should they use dashing abilities like Shadowstep or Fel rush on Krosus.
Initial report :

•Krosus's hitbox is somehow flawed as its dead center is located too far away from players to hit them with abilities like Felblade, Divine Hammer and so on.
Initial report :

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Post Posted: 06-01-2018, 16:05:25 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

First:As retribution paladins you can't hit sometimes with Divine Hammer and i have to stay on the edge of the platform to get all ticks from it.
Second: Krosus should move a little bit faster when he breaks the platform.

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Pinocchio Evreiesc
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Post Posted: 06-01-2018, 17:25:51 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

The teleport in the water thing will be reverted, only reason it works like that is, as was previously stated, because of demon hunters and rogues. But since players have mentioned you could kill yourself with fel rush on retail too by falling off the bridge then its settled.
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Post Posted: 06-01-2018, 18:13:28 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Magnus06 wrote:
Krosus's hitbox is somehow flawed as its dead center is located too far away from players to hit them with abilities like Felblade, Divine Hammer and so on.
Initial report :

This applies to frost mage combo of Flurry + Ice Lance as well, thing is, if you don't have any haste buff such as Icy Veins / Time Warp, and you are too far away from Krosus, your Ice Lance hits boss too late after you cast Flurry, so Ice Lance doesn't get shattered. It is similar to Helya for an example.

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Post Posted: 07-01-2018, 10:01:10 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1 Warrior cant use Charge on bridge " No path available "
2 The camera when the boss uses Meteor or Slam is shacking wayyyyyy wayyyyyy to much, it gives you eye and brain DMG.
3 on first 2-3 platforms if you jump in the water Rdps / Helers with the meteor mid-air you get teleport back on the platform and cancel the dmg from the meteor ( i saw it 2-3 times worked when ppl jump in the water with meteor and no dmg on raid )
4 boss movement speed after bridge collapse is too small
5 sometimes tank complain about getting 2 hits from slam when they soak ( il ask tanks from guild for a SS )

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Post Posted: 07-01-2018, 12:37:26 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Maev wrote:

5 sometimes tank complain about getting 2 hits from slam when they soak ( il ask tanks from guild for a SS )

that's because as a tank you once get hit by the slam dmg in the circle , and then with the aoe damage on the raid , and in combat log it shown as 2 different hits by slam

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Post Posted: 10-01-2018, 02:42:37 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

In the last phase of the boss, when the bridge is the smallest, as a melee he is too far away and you cant hit him on heroic dont know about other difficulties

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Post Posted: 11-01-2018, 04:49:21 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Demon Hunters spell Felblade doesnt work anywhere on bridge!
Just like Helya in ToV

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 17-01-2018, 15:54:51 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

One of the Fel Beams that Krosus casts is INVISIBLE. Always the same one (at 03:28 minutes into the fight). I'm posting a bunch of scrapped together screenshots from one of my addons as proof. All of this happened on normal difficulty, I do not have any info about the matter from other difficulties. Immediately after the invisible Fel Beam comes an Orb of Destruction. That leads to a few deaths on a boss where noone can die in order to beat the timer.

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Post Posted: 21-01-2018, 06:52:33 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

ogerajin wrote:
One of the Fel Beams that Krosus casts is INVISIBLE. Always the same one (at 03:28 minutes into the fight). I'm posting a bunch of scrapped together screenshots from one of my addons as proof. All of this happened on normal difficulty, I do not have any info about the matter from other difficulties. Immediately after the invisible Fel Beam comes an Orb of Destruction. That leads to a few deaths on a boss where noone can die in order to beat the timer.


You are right, there is indeed one of the Fel Beams Krosus fires, without any animation, it's just a damage with no source, it's not possible to dodge it, or predict which way it will go.

Please fix it fast.

Additionaly, there is yet another bug on Krosus, during the pull, my character went towards the boss with other players, and I suddenly died in middle of bridge few seconds into the pull while recount logs report, dead by environment.
This happened twice.
Please look into it also.

Thank you.

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[shefu' la luptatori]

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Post Posted: 22-01-2018, 01:58:29 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1. nvm this

2. There is some problem with the bridge texture, causing players to instantly die (falling in water like) after using certain spells like Dk's Wraith Walk (Exorcizare can confirm), or even Draught of Souls trinket. This happens at the and of the spell, when you drop back on the ground (they both cause you to raise up in the air a bit).
For Draught of Souls, I noticed it only happens in certain positions, I can't say for sure exactly where. For wraith walk it seems to happen more often.
There's also a bug report for this here:

[RO]Warrior Fury PvE Guide 5.4.8

[EN]Warrior Fury PvE Guide 5.4.8

Last edited by tudor1297 on 22-01-2018, 12:10:03; edited 1 time in total
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Pinocchio Evreiesc
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Post Posted: 22-01-2018, 11:50:37 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


1. Fel beam is supposed to be like that on mythic, on normal/heroic should be random.

2. This one is valid, im guessing death is triggered mostly by spells/items that lift your character from the ground.

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