
Custom Event: The Eternal Travelers | Changelog | Bugs | Suggestions
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[Controlled Chaos]

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Post Posted: 02-06-2021, 09:06:06 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Custom Event : The Eternal Travelers

This topic mainly serves as a place where the community can provide feedback / report issues related to the event.

We'll update the changelog below only after the fix is live.

Changelog | Bugs | Suggestions

WoW Freakz Link:

You must delete the cache folder in order for your client to be able to display properly some of the new changes.

Season 4:
  • Health and Damage @ Heroic Difficulty have been increased by 5%.

  • Arcanist's Manasaber is now sold by Melanie Fray.

  • Allanon Ravenscar now sells trinkets and fingers as well.

  • Master Noah now sells a BoA container. (it can be used to transfer echoes of power to alts at a ratio of 8:4)

  • Added a mailbox in the Ruins of Khintaset.

  • You can now instantly relog in the Ruins of Khintaset.

  • Time Paradox now deals 45% (was 30) of Max Health as arcane damage.

  • Bristling Power now gives 5% (was 10) increase per stack.

  • Time Shift now gives 2% (was 10) increased haste and 5% (was 10) increased movement speed.

  • Time Stop is now casted 60 seconds after the instance has started, then it repeats each time a guardian dies.

  • Guardians of Time are now frozen, after every Time Stop, one of the four guardians becomes active.

  • Rescue Mission has been turned into a daily quest for both factions and now requires 12 (was 20) captives to be rescued.

  • WANTED: Withered Covenant has been added to the daily quests pool.

  • Honorbound / 7th Legion representatives have been removed from the Ruins of Khintaset. LFR Vendors have taken their place in the tents.

  • End of Dungeon caches now have a chance to drop Rajani Insignia / Uldum Accord Insignia.

  • The daily satchel no longer contains currencies. Daily quests now reward random currencies such as Corrupted Mementos / Coalescing Visions / Honorbound Service Medal / 7th Legion Service Medal / War Resources.

  • Scrubber 500R only heals Withered Fiends, also, both have a chance to drop azerite energy now.

  • Nether Ray appears only twice instead of 3 times now.

  • Ashran Prowess now lasts 60 seconds. (was 25)

  • Various drop chances, amounts and groups related to containers have been slightly adjusted.

  • Damage and Health of creatures have been increased by 25%. (Note: as we progress through the season, the event is likely to increase in difficulty a bit more)

  • Normal dungeons now require a minimum item level of 390. (was 355)

  • Heroic dungeons now require a minimum item level of 415. (was 370)

  • Sands of Time now has 6% chance to drop on Heroic. (was 5)

  • Echo of Power, a new item, has been introduced - it is used to buy BFA gear from vendors.

  • Echo of Reality is now used exclusively for epic cosmetics / mounts.

  • Echo of Time amount from daily quests / heroic caches has been increased from 3 to 4.

  • Satchel of Infinite Mysteries now also drops Coalescing Visions x800, Corrupted Mementos x800.

  • Benthic Tokens (385) are no longer contained in treasures, they have been replaced with Black Empire Tokens (410-415).

  • Magical Ogre Idol, Carved Ogre Idol now have a chance to drop from Bastion of Twilight Caches.

  • Heritage of the Shu'halo no longer requires the completion of the war campaign.

  • Fixed an issue where Withered Fiends could not be summoned by the mini boss in Suramar Catacombs.

  • Nether Ray: Damage dealt increased by 30%. Damage taken increased by 50%. (During Corporeality)

  • Grand Astromancer Zemo: Damage dealt increased by 60%. Damage taken increased by 100%. (During Corporeality)

  • The ilvl of gear sold by this vendor has been increased from 430 to 460.

  • Melanie Fray now sells: Ensemble: Chronoscryer's Finery, Ensemble: Riftscarred Vestments, Ensemble: Epoch Sentinel's Mail, Ensemble: Timewarden's Plate (10x Echo of Reality).

  • Melanie Fray now sells: Lucid Nightmare (30x Echo of Reality), Stormcrow (40x Echo of Reality).

  • Daily and Weekly quests are now shareable.

  • The amount of Suramar Catacombs completions required for weekly quests has been reduced to 1. (Note: Endless Halls will soon join the objectives)

  • Normal: Eternal Traveler now rewards: 400x Titan Residuum (was 4k), 4x Echo of Power, 200x Echoes of Ny'alotha

  • Heroic: Eternal Traveler now rewards: 800x Titan Residuum (was 8k), 8x Echo of Power, 200x Echoes of Ny'alotha

  • Daily Time Chests now reward: 50x War Resources (was 50-70), 200x Azerite (was 200-400), 8x Prismatic Manapearl (was 3-5), 50x Corrupted Mementos, 200x Gold (was 100-300).

  • Normal Dungeon runs now reward 60x Echoes of Ny'alotha.

  • Heroic Dungeon runs now reward 120x Echoes of Ny'alotha.

Previous seasons:

Last edited by Power on 03-12-2021, 14:31:48; edited 21 times in total
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Post Posted: 02-06-2021, 13:05:53 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I ran the dungeon today and my DH +magic dmg taken debuff is not appearing on any of the mobs in here.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 02-06-2021, 19:31:32 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

This is "fun". You have a new character that you plan on gearing, and normally once you get 120 you start doing warfronts for a gear boost.
Now, warfronts are dead, so naturally you want to try this replacement thing.
You got a bit of gear (meaning I have 340ilvl) and search for premades. You find 3-5 almost always but ALL of them require you to have 400+ ilvl.
No one, and i mean NO ONE will accept your applcation with less than 400+.
So then what is the point of this event besides getting mounts? To clearly make low gear people unable to gear fast or faster than normal and to force them into the cash shop.
Either that or people on this server are retarded since they clearly don't know the difference between normal/heroic/mythic.

My suggestions:
If you are making an event that replaces a core mechanic of the game (I.E getting geared for dungeons/m+) then you should not add mounts or end game content on that same event. Either that or make the rewards in a different manner, like 1 dungeon for gearing and 1 for mounts with the reward marks appropriate for that specific reward. That way you make end game people who are already geared and want to go for mounts have separate runs from people who just want to gear up in order to do what the others do.

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Post Posted: 02-06-2021, 19:32:50 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

WoW Freakz Link: Ancient Spirit & Lantern of Darkness
Description: You get 10 ticks of Lantern of Darkness instead of 12 during 6 seconds. As a side note, the damage is very substantial making you unable to get more than one mob

We all pay eventually

Last edited by Ayro on 02-06-2021, 19:33:17; edited 1 time in total
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[Controlled Chaos]

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Post Posted: 02-06-2021, 21:04:06 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Emilia wrote:
I ran the dungeon today and my DH +magic dmg taken debuff is not appearing on any of the mobs in here.

If you have ever attended the event on the test realm while it was in development, you should clear the cache folder.

Looks fine for me on both realms:

Dragosh12 wrote:
This is "fun". You have a new character that you plan on gearing, and normally once you get 120 you start doing warfronts for a gear boost.
Now, warfronts are dead, so naturally you want to try this replacement thing.
You got a bit of gear (meaning I have 340ilvl) and search for premades. You find 3-5 almost always but ALL of them require you to have 400+ ilvl.
No one, and i mean NO ONE will accept your applcation with less than 400+.
So then what is the point of this event besides getting mounts? To clearly make low gear people unable to gear fast or faster than normal and to force them into the cash shop.
Either that or people on this server are retarded since they clearly don't know the difference between normal/heroic/mythic.

My suggestions:
If you are making an event that replaces a core mechanic of the game (I.E getting geared for dungeons/m+) then you should not add mounts or end game content on that same event. Either that or make the rewards in a different manner, like 1 dungeon for gearing and 1 for mounts with the reward marks appropriate for that specific reward. That way you make end game people who are already geared and want to go for mounts have separate runs from people who just want to gear up in order to do what the others do.

Well, the event is intended to be a lot more than just a replacement for warfronts - it has a lot more content, it is giving better rewards and it's removing most of the RNG.

If you can't find a group for normal (in the first day), then it probably means that ~everyone is trying to push mythic and discover all the features / get more rewards, etc. They will start farming on lower chars once they are done with their "geared characters".

Also, gearing in BFA sounds like a you problem (anyone can compete with the "donated" players and attain the same gear ilvl), you won't be invited in a mythic10 (equivalent to heroic) or mythic15 (equivalent to mythic) neither at that item level.

The zones have a lot of buffs, you just need to use them and you'll be reaching 100k DPS on a 340ilvl. (that's what makes the event fun, using the buffs to kill stuff faster or survive)

So, at this point, just start your own normal group or make friends that are willing to play with you and gear your characters in Normal difficulty. (i.e: find a guild that can help you)

Anyone can do these dungeons and get almost the same rewards, the only difference is that it may take longer for you to get cosmetics / mounts since you need to focus on buying gear first from the vendors.

Ayro wrote:
WoW Freakz Link: Ancient Spirit & Lantern of Darkness
Description: You get 10 ticks of Lantern of Darkness instead of 12 during 6 seconds. As a side note, the damage is very substantial making you unable to get more than one mob

You can use any form of CC (except interrupt) on those mobs, if you are going for a big pull here, you should use your stuns / pushbacks / blinds / etc - we thought about it when testing and came to the conclusion that it's more engaging and fun this way.

I'll think about changing it a bit on lower difficulties but it's doable anyway - just use your classes.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 02-06-2021, 23:34:00 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Regarding Caverns of time.
I went into mythic (so this may not apply to normal/heroic idk), if you are not planning to buff this content hp/dmg vise in future patches duo to player gear increase and you intent on keeping it on this level disregard what i will type here but if you intent to further buff it...

Everything was as good as it can be from something custom like this, you get some pog buffs while you fight things (i instantly associated it with torghast) , they have slows, ccs, they do nice damage to whole party, to tank, there is time stop thingy that baboozles you once and you laugh it of and continue.
But than you get to the last boss (in quite a bit of time i must say) and you get annihilated by 10 overlapping mechanics.
If you don't dodge the swirling thing and it does 80% of your HP must you really take that knock up also?
Why is there that gold thing on the floor, since when is limiting players space hard? It's not hard it's annoying. Reduce it a bit. The dot part is hard, so you can't even stack two if you are running out of space w/o the immunity.
If you get hit by blind you are dead. You might as well just make it do bzillion damage by itself and be main boss mechanic cus if you take it there is not a slightest chance of you surviving cus you will be killed by the next ability. (again overlapping, not hard, it's annoying)
The one with the shield and interupt i like but even that does 50% dmg per tick, like... must it?
On top of everything some random adds spawning (10 different variations of them). In tries we did i must have died from some but i had no idea what they did and how they kill people, totally unnecessary imho.
The little orbs red and green ones.. like... ok?
The damage part was cool, you get buffed but it lasts like... 10 sec? - haha cute.

And that Bwonsamdi buff, what's the deal with that. Someone in our party talked with him, i have no idea what we gained as "help" but i damn sure know what the cost was. Somehow it disappeared (someone maybe turned it off) and we did the boss normally without having to deal with adds and that sucking mechanic. (This really looked like ybait for me, no idea what we got.)

Anyways tl;dr THERE IS TOO MUCH STUFF!!!!! if i was to pick one thing (or two i guess) i would remove the adds (or at least make only one kind spawn) and remove one form of CC. Overlapping is not fun, it never will be. The damage is already punishing enough. Each boss has hard mechanics and oneshot mechanics. This one on the other hand has 3 oneshot mechanics and 5 annoying ones.

But good job for making content, mounts are cool for those who collect them, and i guess gear is consistent if you have the will to get it. It will be there for the whole expansion, it's a grind and i get that, so difficulty is alright (but annoying, did i say this enough? ) if you don't plan on increasing it with the next patches (maybe a bit in 8.3).


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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 03-06-2021, 07:08:48 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

First of all congrats on the event i enjoyed it this far, Bastion of twilight is on par with a retail made dungeon. What i dont like though is the RNG side for the sockets , maybe make it so we can buy them with the [Echo of Reality]. And another think that would make this more awesome will be to make [Echo of Reality] account bind, one problem with BFA is not alt friendly at all and this could help.
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Post Posted: 03-06-2021, 10:25:41 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Power wrote:
Emilia wrote:
I ran the dungeon today and my DH +magic dmg taken debuff is not appearing on any of the mobs in here.

If you have ever attended the event on the test realm while it was in development, you should clear the cache folder.

Looks fine for me on both realms:¨

I don´t have a ptr account, so I´m not really sure what could´ve caused it. I´ll clear my cache anyways just in case.

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[Controlled Chaos]

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Post Posted: 03-06-2021, 13:21:36 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

uffi wrote:
Regarding Caverns of time.
I went into mythic (so this may not apply to normal/heroic idk), if you are not planning to buff this content hp/dmg vise in future patches duo to player gear increase and you intent on keeping it on this level disregard what i will type here but if you intent to further buff it...

Everything was as good as it can be from something custom like this, you get some pog buffs while you fight things (i instantly associated it with torghast) , they have slows, ccs, they do nice damage to whole party, to tank, there is time stop thingy that baboozles you once and you laugh it of and continue.
But than you get to the last boss (in quite a bit of time i must say) and you get annihilated by 10 overlapping mechanics.
If you don't dodge the swirling thing and it does 80% of your HP must you really take that knock up also?
Why is there that gold thing on the floor, since when is limiting players space hard? It's not hard it's annoying. Reduce it a bit. The dot part is hard, so you can't even stack two if you are running out of space w/o the immunity.
If you get hit by blind you are dead. You might as well just make it do bzillion damage by itself and be main boss mechanic cus if you take it there is not a slightest chance of you surviving cus you will be killed by the next ability. (again overlapping, not hard, it's annoying)
The one with the shield and interupt i like but even that does 50% dmg per tick, like... must it?
On top of everything some random adds spawning (10 different variations of them). In tries we did i must have died from some but i had no idea what they did and how they kill people, totally unnecessary imho.
The little orbs red and green ones.. like... ok?
The damage part was cool, you get buffed but it lasts like... 10 sec? - haha cute.

And that Bwonsamdi buff, what's the deal with that. Someone in our party talked with him, i have no idea what we gained as "help" but i damn sure know what the cost was. Somehow it disappeared (someone maybe turned it off) and we did the boss normally without having to deal with adds and that sucking mechanic. (This really looked like ybait for me, no idea what we got.)

Anyways tl;dr THERE IS TOO MUCH STUFF!!!!! if i was to pick one thing (or two i guess) i would remove the adds (or at least make only one kind spawn) and remove one form of CC. Overlapping is not fun, it never will be. The damage is already punishing enough. Each boss has hard mechanics and oneshot mechanics. This one on the other hand has 3 oneshot mechanics and 5 annoying ones.

But good job for making content, mounts are cool for those who collect them, and i guess gear is consistent if you have the will to get it. It will be there for the whole expansion, it's a grind and i get that, so difficulty is alright (but annoying, did i say this enough? ) if you don't plan on increasing it with the next patches (maybe a bit in 8.3).


The event will be buffed and receive notable features and rewards every time a new PvE season starts.

Genesis is the only real boss from this instance, it's supposed to be a bit more special and require "coordination", I will try to explain what you should do in this fight:

  • Wrath of the Light only gets applied on healers and it's really easy to dodge. The knock in the air comes from the Tree of Life which may be summoned at 90% HP. (don't stay on the tank to avoid the knock + dmg, only he should get it)

    -> tell your healer to stay away from the melee range at least until the tree is killed

  • Cleansing Flames only targets DPS and can be interrupted / outranged. (you must "do" this mechanic only when the Wrath Ember is alive, since you cannot interrupt the boss then)

    -> run from the flames, they will get placed behind you

  • You just need to turn away from the boss when it casts blind, you can set the boss to focus to see that when you're fighting another mob.

  • If the first mob summoned from the portal was "holy themed", at 50% HP, the boss will cast genesis and summon 6 red orbs - after the cast is finished one orb becomes green. (killing a green orb will make another orb turn from red to green)

    -> The tank should take the boss away and you should focus only on killing green orbs (one by one) until all are dead - that's when you can burst the boss with the wings buff

    -> If you kill a red orb, boss heals for 10% health.

    -> If you bring the boss to 20% HP and the red orbs are still alive, she will heal for 10% health from each red orb alive.

  • If the first mob summoned from the portal was "nature themed", at 50% HP, the boss will cast genesis and summon 5 mutated vinewardens.

    -> You must kill them one by one, because they heal to full health when another mob dies - also they become powerful (after all of them are dead, boss becomes vulnerable and you can take it down easier)

  • You have all this space to deal with the Sacred Ground.

    -> don't stack it (you can take 0-1 stacks from it if you keep moving when placing it), just place it on the sides or far away from the boss - don't trap yourself...

    -> this ability is not casted in important phases so it's not hard at all

    * the only problems with this spell are that it's 1y larger than the visual and that it's not removed after the boss evades / dies. (if you step on it while boss is not engaged, you'll pull it) I'll try to fix this as fast as possible

The buff from bwonsamdi is optional and it increases your absorbs, damage and healing done by 20% per stack. You loose a stack if you are the first one to die.

(the rest of the players that die while they have this buff and while they are near Bwonsamdi / reaping mobs already won't loose a stack)

-> but it was nerfed today and doesn't summon adds as long as there are still adds alive from the previous proc.

Kamkuzan wrote:
First of all congrats on the event i enjoyed it this far, Bastion of twilight is on par with a retail made dungeon. What i dont like though is the RNG side for the sockets , maybe make it so we can buy them with the [Echo of Reality]. And another think that would make this more awesome will be to make [Echo of Reality] account bind, one problem with BFA is not alt friendly at all and this could help.

Thanks but I'm afraid the chance of the sockets/tertiary cannot be increased more than 3% (HC) and 4% (Mythic) - it's already a lot.

You can get almost the same rewards (amount of echoes, etc) on alts by doing the event on normal. What I may do is add more gear sources like BoE items that drop from bosses.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 03-06-2021, 14:03:50 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

CoT guardians give no % when killed. Is this intended?
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[Controlled Chaos]

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Post Posted: 03-06-2021, 14:32:18 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

simple-explanation wrote:
CoT guardians give no % when killed. Is this intended?

Yes, they are a separate objective.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 03-06-2021, 20:28:32 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I tried the event it's interesting better then warfronts for sure but in my opinion is way to hard even on normal difficulty will you guys nerf it? at least on normal difficulty?
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[Controlled Chaos]

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Post Posted: 03-06-2021, 21:26:06 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

@ "it takes too much to fill the progress bar in caverns of time"

I am going to increase the amount you get from mini bosses and some elites, killing them will be worth now.

pi4ork wrote:
I tried the event it's interesting better then warfronts for sure but in my opinion is way to hard even on normal difficulty will you guys nerf it? at least on normal difficulty?

Does it feel hard on normal because of the HP/DMG or because of certain boss mechanics ? Can you give some examples please ?

Last edited by Power on 03-06-2021, 21:28:04; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 03-06-2021, 21:36:48 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Does it feel hard on normal because of the HP/DMG or because of certain boss mechanics ? Can you give some examples please ?[/quote]

a bit of both especially the Genesis boss has too many mechanics imo

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 03-06-2021, 22:06:48 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

The bastion of twilight is fun to play, but the caverns of time are very boring and the % bar fills extremely slowly
I would advise for the echoes of reality to be account bound, because this expansion isn't very alt friendly, and that would help a lot with that problem

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