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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 21-04-2012, 19:55:32 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Well they wouldnt give points to newly created accounts obviously
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 21-04-2012, 20:09:37 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

yah , i think marcelo made a script so only those that loged in or tried to log in rigth before the database went bad got the points and only on those players, i had 6 accounst from 3 chars to 6 chars on each , only got 32 poinst in 2 , the resto between 10-12 .. and 0 in 2 of them lol

it was not to "all" just to those that tried to play.. in a DDoS case would be diferent.. i even dunno if they keep such logs

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 21-04-2012, 20:13:41 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I for example have 3 accounts and only 2 chars on just one account. They where all made half a year ago. I bet theres a lot of others in this position. Plus filtering accounts would just add more work to them and its not like they dont have enough work with the flood and all. A change inside the server it self like the one i suggested for example i a lot less work and would reward only the players that are active on the server and that did not leave it on first sight of trouble, so it would ensure that the ones that stayed trough all the trouble would get rewarded and could negate the chance to abuse the system totally.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 21-04-2012, 20:30:59 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Inanis wrote:
donation points?

i think is a good idea, personally i lost a lot of TIME trying to raid in exodus .. the value of that "lost time" is different for everybody .. but i know for sure that me personally would have been in atleast 8-12 raids and some 24 hrs of farming (for world epic) time .. so yeah be it either a "token" to get 1-2 items from donation list/ database .. or just donation points would compensate somewhat what was lost the last 16 days.

i been playing in private wow servers the last 5 years, i have been in 6 different servers .. my experience about server downtime and compensation is:

-Chronic Domination: DDoS attack , 2 days to fix it, votepoints compensation
-Toxic-wow: Database corruption , 1 day to fix it, votepoints compensation
-Chronic Domination 2 , DDoS (10 hrs downtime to fix it) no compensation
-Magic-wow , DDoS attack (6 hrs to fix it) no compensation
-Magic-wow , database issues (4 days downtime). donation points compensation.. per character (accounts with more chars that tried to log in got more points ...personally i got like 32 in some accounts. Note: the value per item of donation points is lower in magic.. BiS Heroic items in magic are 16 points .. basically up to 2 items per account)

now we have:
-wowfreakz, DDoS attack (15 days to fix , effective downtime 15 days): compensation to be decided

i think the problem is that we think of it as a "reward" imho that is wrong.. we shouldnt be "rewarded" at all because the server got fixed .... but we shoukld be compensated by the time we have lost and our patience ... this will also make people return to the server (3 friends of mine went back to their old server because of the lag/downtime .. i really do hope they come back)

PS: ofcouse those that think their time is worthless and they shouldnt be compensated at all should be able to get their names on some list so they dont receive any compensation at all (if that is what they want)

-Magic-wow , database issues (4 days downtime) + 2 WEEKS ROLLBACK.

stop posting what u think happened and add to your post that cause of those points the server died.
Wasting more time bitching about your "wasted" time ain't gonna give you shinnys this time.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 21-04-2012, 20:42:45 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

it was 4-5 days it got "rollbacked" i counted that as a downtine since it was time lost
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 21-04-2012, 20:51:15 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Inanis wrote:
it was 4-5 days it got "rollbacked" i counted that as a downtine since it was time lost

You got it all wrong, it was a 4-5 days downtime trying to recover the DB. After that they announced it's final, DB rollback 2weeks since they didn't have time to implement some changes they made to the backup system they had before the crash. Then they checkd logs for activity and gave donation points acording to activity per character.
The points where given out as a reward for the rollback, not for the downtime.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 21-04-2012, 21:00:06 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

erm dunno.. never had more than 5 days offline lol
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 21-04-2012, 21:09:04 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

necromancer92 wrote:
Skel wrote:
necromancer92 wrote:
I'm guessing now ur gonna need another week for "hoping" to get it fixed.
This server is the best it's undeniable, but honestly 2 weeks is way too much. All we got is false promises and cheap excuses.

Because its out of their control you uninformed douche. Honestly I'm getting tired of idiots like you who have no idea about anything. Cheap excuse my ***, the truth is Freakz is a end-user for the server. They cant do anything server side, they don't host the server in their houses, they're not the ones installing security software server side, so what can they do? What more do you want, they want the server up as much as you do. Its undeniable they feel bad about this, but its BTS fault that the security isn't up yet. They've already transferred exodus into germany, temporarily until its up, whois the realmlist.

Honestly, its not like their sitting on their assess just waiting for the attacks to stop.

*** off and stop licking other people's asses.
*** prick.

Is what I said unreasonable you stupid douchebag? Would you please not be a *** self centered arrogant twat, and think things through.

We're all angry we can't connect on a stable connection. But it would be wrong to blame the staff, as I've pointed out. You should be angry at whoever is conducting the attack, sadly we don't know.. -

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 21-04-2012, 21:12:31 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

From the perspective of a pure PvE player, I think a certain amount of time without lockouts or CDs on raids, OR a REDUCED Lockout (3 or 4 days instead of a week) will be better then a reward with items, for the the following reasons:

- If you see it like a compensation to the players who were not able to login: they can use the free CDs to recover the lost weeks of inactivity. Raiding or doing dungeons, but most important for small or new guilds: learning the scripts, and gaining experience as a group.

- Players lost *TIME* online, ITEMS WERE NOT TOUCHED, there was no rollback or similar issues.

- A few heroic epic items will not change the situation of a raid / group, if this one is not prepared for a certain level of raid progression. Besides, most normal raids are doable with full blue items from dungeons or justice points -there's no enrage timer-, and heroic raids don't require a full 372 item set either. You just need coordination, knowledge of your class and bosses scripts, and most important: persistence and patience.

- If you see it like a way to attract more players to the server, this solution is even better. New players will discover the advanced developing stage of the server by experiencing the dungeons and raids.

- I know free items will be tempting for new players and may attract a number of casuals to the server. But what comes easy, easily goes away. This server is the best because of its developers, that's the uniqueness. Those who seek a scripted server will stay, those who seek tank n' spank content have many other private servers to play.

Ok, this is just my opinion, everyone else can dissent with respect. And maybe some players will like a different kind of reward, nor items, or free lockouts, idk, maybe hugs!

My idea here is to beneffit the guilds and the raidgroups, not myself. Specially for the small guilds, or those who are having trouble progressing through specific encounters, they have more chances to gear up and learn at the same time.

The server is still young, maybe only a few guilds are really into PvE now, as most other guilds are starting its first steps on raid progression, but this solution bennefits all kind of guilds. And let's face it, there's no raid progression on casual groups.


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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 21-04-2012, 21:45:10 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

i lost one week of arena matches (saying this cause theres some pvp sheeps here) and my conquest cap went from 2.3k to 1350 again and i'm not here flaming and asking for stupid donations points.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 22-04-2012, 00:53:53 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

This is going way out of line....better lock this before someone gets banned
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 22-04-2012, 04:46:13 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

erm.. didnt know arena points cap reseted if you didnt do arenas that week.. lol ..
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 22-04-2012, 07:33:07 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I already stated my thoughts on this. so not gone do it again.

I'm just asking for new ideas we are stuck right now in 2 things CD less / cap less and donation points I'm sure some persons may have other ideas so please let us know.

THATS what a forum is about to tell other what you think so we can discus it.

NOT insulting each other when your idea is beeing rejected with arguments.

See ya

If you never fail, you're not trying hard enough!

Exodus Realm Alliance Guild: Ejusdem Generis
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Post Posted: 22-04-2012, 07:35:27 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Ezeky wrote:
I already stated my thoughts on this. so not gone do it again.

I'm just asking for new ideas we are stuck right now in 2 things CD less / cap less and donation points I'm sure some persons may have other ideas so please let us know.

THATS what a forum is about to tell other what you think so we can discus it.

NOT insulting each other when your idea is beeing rejected with arguments.

See ya

I hate repeating myself, but looks like i'll have to. My quote from the 4th page of this thread:

Architech wrote:
You tards are suggesting ENTIRE WEEK w/o Raid Lockouts. Let me see if i understand that. You want to enter into raid, clear it up, go outside, reset, enter, clear the raid again, go outside, reset, enter... And all that for ENTIRE WEEK?

I don't think i understand why should we get that... Oh wait, there are two guilds which would farm 25HC's which are Ejusdem Generis and Crysis. Let's do some calculations. To clearn BWD for example on 25hc, you'll need somewhere around 2 hours. There are 5 available bosses, 4 items per boss that's 20 items. In even evening, from 6 to 12 you can do three raids, that's 60 items. they can farm BWD for entire week thats 7x60=420 items.

Sorry, looks like i'm greedy for asking for two *** items. I'm soo sorry.

So forget about it, it will never happen!

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 22-04-2012, 07:53:00 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Just SHUT UP kid is this bringing a new argument no your just screwing around the same shit again.

And just for the note some players have a life next to wow so most can't do like 3 raids a day.

And the base idea is just a CD less thing GM's will do what they want with it I just say what I think and YOU again think you can decide what GM's have to do.

SO please start reading and stop behaving like a 14y old kid and just shut up for now.

Can someone please bring up some new ideas? would be appreciated.

See ya

If you never fail, you're not trying hard enough!

Exodus Realm Alliance Guild: Ejusdem Generis
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