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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 30-11-2015, 17:26:57 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Lefatcow - rejected.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 30-11-2015, 18:32:52 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Briefly describe yourself (including age):
Hello my name is Jorge and i have 22 years old.

Nick: Netuno

Race and Class: Tauren Tank

Main spec/Off spec: Tank
What's your item level in PvE gear? Tank 497


Freakz's armory link of your main:


In what guild(s) have you been and why have you left/kicked ?

I'm left guild Contato Imediato because guild is over and leader stop to play.

What was your role/rank in those guild(s)?

Guild Member

What's your raiding experience on 5.4.8 Specify if it's on Freakz or elsewhere:

I have experience full progress mode normal but no garalon in HoF and 3/6 Mogushan heroic.

Explain us your main spec rotation in all situation (at pull, AoE, bursting, end phase):
Well, my main spec tank is then I care to maintain aggro the boss and move correctly as the stage and of course, using my skills properly to help the healers and the raid.

Explain us your stats priority and caps you are using (hit, exp, haste, etc):
145% >7.5%>5%

Mastery because is better for increase my heals and absorves.

Which addons are you using?

DBM, Recont, Item lvl.


Link us a screen shot of your dps on a dummy (this counts for any DPS spec, main or off). Open recount so we can all spells you have used. Stop at 5 million damage.

Link us a screenshot of your dps/heal in a raid. The boss must be dead. By preference Feng the Accursed.


Team speak is mandatory during our raids, will you obey this rule

Yes ,i have TS3.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 30-11-2015, 21:12:41 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Netuno - rejected.

Last edited by Woofies on 29-03-2016, 14:50:10; edited 1 time in total
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 30-11-2015, 21:13:19 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

PostPosted: 30-11-2015, 19:45:55 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages) Reply with quote Edit/Delete this post Report this post to the moderators of this forum
Name : Fouad Age : 21

race and class : Undead hunter

main spec : SV

off spec : MM / BM

profession : engineering

Armory :

Experience : i come from a Cataclysm french server (Paragon servers) , i've cleaned all cata raids NM/HM , playing hunter for 5 years pvp/pve
in mop i've only clean toes , 2 boss from HOF , 3/8 TOT , MSV clean .


Mono focus : apply serpent sting -black arrow -explosif shot - Glaives (talent) - pop my burst (rapid fire/ stampede/ beast/ trinket ......)- using cobra shot when i m out of focus

AOE : explosif trap -multishot - cobra shot to regen focus .

Hit 7.5 % expertise 7% /agility / critical strike / hast

addons : DBM , Skada

5 Millions Damage ( )

i have only 2 weeks in the server i did nt have the time to do mutch raids to send a screen .

TS 3 UP -

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 30-11-2015, 21:20:40 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Gunshotz - rejected.

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[Royalty insde my DNA]

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Post Posted: 03-12-2015, 14:55:25 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Briefly describe yourself (including age):
My name is Stefan, I'm 25 yo. I work as an Air Traffic Controller and I finished Electronics Faculty.
I've been playing WoW since 2005, retail and private, sometimes both at the same time. I stopped playing retail after Cata expansion because I was RL in a 10 man HC guild and I spent 90% of my time on forums reading, making tactics and stuff. I can't have that now.
I am a minmaxer, I love to play to the fullest and I try to tweak my char to play perfect. I can usually be found reading on EJ, playing with Rawr and Simcraft.
I love to raid a lot, never PVP. I don't mind wiping 200 times, but I will mind 100 of them being due to people not focusing or not caring. I am not here to ruin people time or fun nor do I want my time to be ruined by others.
I like to laugh also at all times, don't mind jokes if you don't mind being joked either. But when it's go time, we go!
This is my most important condition. The rest I can handle.


Race and Class: Troll Druid

Main spec/Off spec: Guardian / Feral

What's your item level in PvE gear? 497

Alts: Xytauri - Sub Rogue 502, Burstmebaby - Arcane Mage 496

Professions: Mining / BS

Freakz's armory link of your main:


In what guild(s) have you been and why have you left/kicked ?
Berserkers - I was RL there, got disbanded when school started.
Aeon Nox - left because I was in a busy period and in my last guild I was yelling at people for not attending, but I was doing the same... so I left to not stain my name.
Hemorrhage - I left because they changed a heroic raid from a specified hour to much earlier and I made my schedule specifically for that raid. I asked what happened and nobody answered.

What was your role/rank in those guild(s)?
Bers - Rogue DPS / Officer
AN - Rogue DPS / Trial
Hemo - Rogue DPS and lately Guard Dudu / Raider

What's your raiding experience on 5.4.8 Specify if it's on Freakz or elsewhere:
No retail experience.
I have 5/6 HC in MV, 3/4 HC in ToES and Empress HC in HoF.
Normal modes are all done ofc.
Except Empress HC, all of the other bosses have been done as DPS and Tank.


Explain us your main spec rotation in all situation (at pull, AoE, bursting, end phase):
Well I use a lot of mouse over macros, like FF and Growl. So for example let's assume MV Dogs. I FF one and charge the main target.
On single target I use FF on the boss followed by charge.

I play a Crit oriented build for SD and FR(healing), so Mangle is my top priority. After the charge I drop Mangle on the boss and if the fight will be where I am, I pop Zerk and spam Mangle to get threat and rage. If I have to move the boss, I'll do a simple rotation: Mangle, Lacerate, Thrash, Mangle and so forth.
I have a one button rotation macro because why have 4 buttons when 1 can do the job. It's not about laziness, it's about watching the field. If I'm watching my action bar, I can't see on the field. And if I'm only watching the field, I can't do 100% dmg, thus maybe wiping or not getting nuff rage to heal myself, thus wiping.
With this macro it's a compromise. I am constantly watching the field and doing dmg also. Ofc it's not 100% because macros are not that perfect. I do have enough WeakAuras, PowerAuras and etc to let me know if a Mangle has proc'd and so forth.
FF is used for refreshing debuff and when far away from the boss.

AoE is Thrash on CD, Mangle on CD and Swipe in between, though for example at dogs, I found that replacing 1 Swipe with Lacerate increases dmg done. On 5+ targets Swipe takes the lead.

IF the fight dictates that I will stay on the boss and the dmg done to me is not that high, I will spec in NV for dmg increase.
IF the fight requires swapping and I get 1 minute not taking, I'm going for HotW. This way I can spam Wrath on the boss, or for Tsulong heal him. This is also the prefered talent for HP increase.
DoC is situational, I might take it if I know the healers have to move.

Explain us your stats priority and caps you are using (hit, exp, haste, etc):

One of the reasons I like a Crit oriented build is because I come from being a top 5 dps in any fight, so the competition in me is strong, thus I want to dmg the boss a lot. Ofc if the fight dictates Surv over Dmg done, I will respec accordingly. At 700k+ HP I don't feel I should stack stamina. If needed I can replace both trinkets with Stamina ones.
So Hit, Exp cap, then stack Crit. I chose Mastery over Haste, for extra armor.

When the content will require, I will gem stamina if needed, though it has never been the case and the healing provided by FR is nice to have.

Which addons are you using?

DroodFocus, PowerAuras, WeakAuras, Omen, Recount, Tidy Plates, DBM, ReforgeLite, AtlasLoot, Sha of Fear Assist.


Link us a screen shot of your dps on a dummy (this counts for any DPS spec, main or off). Open recount so we can all spells you have used. Stop at 5 million damage.

Link us a screenshot of your dps/heal in a raid. The boss must be dead. By preference Feng the Accursed.

I see it's not written so I'll write about it. In case of a new boss or something I don't know, I watch a lot of videos on youtube and prepare accordingly. I hate wiping because I wasn't paying attention or performing like a newb.

Well kinda hard to link dummy as Vengeance is a must in order to dps. I do have a screenshot from Sept, I didn't have that good of a gear and I was arguing with a guy that was sleeping at rolls and then starting to argue we ninja him. I'll post that.
If I get into a raid before you decide about my app, I will take a SS of DPS and Heal.

I think a screenshot of my current UI made just for tanking is more relevant.


Team speak is mandatory during our raids, will you obey this rule?

Of course. I have TS and mic. I know English very well and can talk to others np.

Thank you for reviewing my application.
Have a nice day.

PS: my PC can handle Elegon 25HC with a breeze. I also play on a 32 inch TV, so max resolution and stuff.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 03-12-2015, 16:11:15 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Xigard - accepted! Now that's an application - love it!

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[Royalty insde my DNA]

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Post Posted: 03-12-2015, 17:55:27 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Thanks -

You should see my Feral Cat app from WotLK.
Man did I theorycrafted in that thread. EJ would of been proud of me.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 06-12-2015, 15:26:17 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Well.I go study and sometimes play wow in the free time.Sometimes.

Race and Class: Hunter Orc

Main spec/Off spec: Marksmanship

What's your item level in PvE gear? 505

Alts: Deyra,Denra{most important ones.}

Professions: Jwl and Tailoring on main

Freakz's armory link of your main: <a href=''><img src=''></a>

In what guild(s) have you been and why have you left/kicked ? Well,I've been in many pve guilds.I'll start with Riders on the Storm than we merged with Reckless than joined Riders on the Storm again than The Forgotten Heroes>Heaven >Betrayers>Unleashed>Aeon Nox>Hopefully Reckless again
1:I left RotS because Josh left wow. (..)
2:We merged to Heaven because some officers argued and we splitted.
3:I left Heaven becasue they weren't raiding anymore
4:I've got kicked from Betrayers because Milkmeplease.
5:I've got kicked from Unleashed since I don't wanted to dps the oozes@Ambershaper. (Ofc I do now xD )
6:Left Aeon Nox because they are not raiding anymore,many ppl went on Retail

What was your role/rank in those guild(s)? TFH and Heaven Elite raider,Betrayers member and than trial all the way down.

What's your raiding experience on 5.4.8 Specify if it's on Freakz or elsewhere: Well full hc progress except Will of Emperor.Did everything on freakz.


Explain us your main spec rotation in all situation (at pull, AoE, bursting, end phase):
Well:Opener:Hunter's Mark>Serpent Sting>Burst Macro{Rapid fire,Kafa boost,and all hunter has for bursting}>Fervor>Aimed shot>chimera shot>2 steady shots>2 aimed shots>than only stedy shots until 80 focus and aimed>chimera all the way.
Aoe:Barrage FTW,Traps,Survival spec,Multi shot spam and explosive shot on multiple mobs when it procs.
End Phase:Like I said before+Kill shot
{I use burst whenever it has no longer CD}
I use Glaive Toss whenever it has no longer CD
Explain us your stats priority and caps you are using (hit, exp, haste, etc): Hit>Expertise>Crit>haste>mastery
Hit 7.50% exp 7.50% and crit 7736.

Which addons are you using?
Move Anything,Reccount,nothing special

Link us a screen shot of your dps on a dummy (this counts for any DPS spec, main or off). Open recount so we can all spells you have used. Stop at 5 million damage.
Link us a screenshot of your dps/heal in a raid. The boss must be dead. By preference Feng the Accursed. - Can't rly find anybody doing MSV in the end of the phase


Team speak is mandatory during our raids, will you obey this rule?Sir yes sir.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 06-12-2015, 18:58:54 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Detra - rejected.

Last edited by Woofies on 29-03-2016, 14:51:00; edited 1 time in total
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 11-12-2015, 20:48:40 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Briefly describe yourself (including age): i am 20year old i have playing wow when i was 15

CHARACTER INFORMATIONS: paladin deathkinght

Race and Class: hord/paladin

Main spec/Off spec: paladin

What's your item level in PvE gear? my pve level is 465

Alts: deathknight 85lvl

Professions: leath work 600

Freakz's armory link of your main:

EXPERIENCE: i have lots of experience in 5.8 more then other

In what guild(s) have you been and why have you left/kicked ? i was in aenox guild but when this suver mov in to 5.8 i thought i should move of my old account 5.8 battlenet account but it move in to 6.0 now and i thought i should play new exprince world of warcraft legion now i am playing that now i am playing paladian in legion healer and dps but i want to play 5.8 now but when i log my account i was not in guild i didnt log for so long so they thought i leave that game so they kicked me

What was your role/rank in those guild(s)? i was officer but i want to play like normal player so i was normal player in guild but they invit me all the raid

What's your raiding experience on 5.4.8 Specify if it's on Freakz or elsewhere: i am played 5.8 like 3 year i know every thing about 5.8 what i have to do at raid how to get legendary cloak legendary questline every thing

HOW YOU PLAY YOUR CLASS i am good at deathknight and paladin but mostly i play pala healer

Explain us your main spec rotation in all situation (at pull, AoE, bursting, end phase):

Explain us your stats priority and caps you are using (hit, exp, haste, etc):

Which addons are you using? i am useing recountshow addon i dont like other addons


Link us a screen shot of your dps on a dummy (this counts for any DPS spec, main or off). Open recount so we can all spells you have used. Stop at 5 million damage.

Link us a screenshot of your dps/heal in a raid. The boss must be dead. By preference Feng the Accursed.


Team speak is mandatory during our raids, will you obey this rule? yes sure i relly like team speak it help other players to help ech other so i obey this rule

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 11-12-2015, 21:07:49 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hello my name is belka and i have 27 years old.

Nick: tatomix

Race and Class: Orc hunter
Main spec/Off spec: Sv main/ MM off
What's your item level in PvE gear? 477

no Alts:
Professions: eng/lw

Freakz's armory link of your main:

In what guild(s) have you been and why have you left/kicked ?

I' left guild rots because guild is over

What's your raiding experience on 5.4.8 Specify if it's on Freakz or elsewhere:

not yet

rotation in all situation (at pull, AoE, bursting, end phase):
single target ... put all dots on target (crows black arrow serpent sting ) for burst i use stampede and burst macro (rapid fire and trinkets) after this use rotation bestween xplosive >cobra> arcaneshot
multiple target i use multi shot spam and explosive trap and
barrage in safe zone and cobra shot ofc to generate focus

stats priority and caps (hit, exp, haste, etc):
agility>hit capped 7.5%>crit>mastery>haste >expertise

Which addons are you using?

Xperl recount dbm

Yes ,i have TS3.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 12-12-2015, 00:18:35 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Bluerlf - rejected.
Tatomix - rejected.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 13-12-2015, 14:43:45 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Name : Fouad / Age:21

Class : Hunter / Race : Undead Character name : Gunshotz

Main spec/Off spec: Survival / BM

What's your item level in PvE gear? : 486 ilvl .

Professions: engineering / mining

Freakz's armory link : (the armory shows item with no gems , but it have gems i belive it s just a bug)

EXPERIENCE: Playing since TLK

In what guild(s) have you been and why have you left/kicked ? : heaven of kingdom , it s very good guild with really kind ppl but i play to have a pve experience and i won't be able to do it with them cuz of their skill (i'm not talking about all players in guild)

What was your role/rank in those guild(s)? : Raider

What's your raiding experience on 5.4.8 Specify if it's on Freakz or elsewhere: Toes/Msv clean 10/25 n , did n t have the chance to do HOF or other raids on HC mode cuz of Ilvl ...

Explain us your main spec rotation in all situation (at pull, AoE, bursting, end phase):
At pull : serpent sting-black arrow - explosif shot / pop cooldown dump focalisation with arcane shot / regen with cobra , using explosif shot and black arrow everytime it's up .

Aoe:explosif trap - multishot / regen foca with cobra shot .

End phase : same rotation as pull adding to priority the kill shot .

Explain us your stats priority and caps you are using : Hit and expertise at 7.5 % after this agility/crit/hast/mastery

Which addons are you using? : DBM , Recount


Link us a screen shot of your dps on a dummy (this counts for any DPS spec, main or off). Open recount so we can all spells you have used. Stop at 5 million damage. : (

Link us a screenshot of your dps/heal in a raid. The boss must be dead : i have only this screen for now , i was 481 ilvl Toes 25 n 1st boss : (

Team speak is mandatory during our raids, will you obey this rule? : yes .

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 14-12-2015, 14:54:30 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Gunshotz - rejected (again).

Last edited by Woofies on 29-03-2016, 14:51:46; edited 1 time in total
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