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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 14-12-2015, 17:59:18 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

i don t need a guide to play , u ppl belive only in theorycraft , maybe one day we ll be in same raid and u ll see , i understand that the problem in my 1st reply was the ilvl but now the problem comes from u , nvm .
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[Inside the fire]

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              Battletag: postrow.ID_BATTLE_NET} 
Post Posted: 15-12-2015, 10:03:11 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Briefly describe yourself (including age): Well, my name is Bogdan i've been playing here on freakz since council was added(wotlk) i had performances like 25h realm first lk / 25h realm first dw(even if hkp took the achievement on 10h, they made 25h later) and a lot a lot of realm first. My age is 20 y old, i live in Romania, i'm student in Constanta and dunno. You'll find more about me if you wish to know me personally.


Race and Class: Blood Elf Paladin

Main spec/Off spec: Retribution/Protection

What's your item level in PvE gear? 507/recently deleted because i've made a ragequit about prot


Professions: Alchemy/Engineering

Freakz's armory link of your main:


In what guild(s) have you been and why have you left/kicked ? well i've been in a lot of guilds like ENS(miss you dudes), INL, Ground-Zero, Gravity, Method(wotlk, i miss you Jud :'( ), Allstar Randoms, GM's&Donors, Hamsterii Blindati, HKP(been awhile), Deathwish, Aeon Nox(luv yu guys)

What was your role/rank in those guild(s)?: Ground-zero(officer)/Allstar(officer)/Hamsterii(officer awhile)/Aeon Nox(raider)

What's your raiding experience on 5.4.8 Specify if it's on Freakz or elsewhere: i haven't played a lot on freakz because ret was rlly useless in raids, r.i.p. ret pally but after this new phase pally will be ok again and i wanna play t


Explain us your main spec rotation in all situation (at pull, AoE, bursting, end phase): well ke, i got a tutorial for that in my signature

Explain us your stats priority and caps you are using (hit, exp, haste, etc): hit>exp(both 7,5)>haste>crit>mastery

Which addons are you using? : also you find em in my tutorial


Link us a screen shot of your dps on a dummy (this counts for any DPS spec, main or off). Open recount so we can all spells you have used. Stop at 5 million damage. : i can't i'm making this post on my telephone

Link us a screenshot of your dps/heal in a raid. The boss must be dead. By preference Feng the Accursed. : I'll add in my raid soon some vid's playing in dungs/scenarios/raids


Team speak is mandatory during our raids, will you obey this rule?: if i had to - , jk.

,,Angel Among demons"

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 23-10-2019 01:52)
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Post Posted: 15-12-2015, 20:07:32 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Snoppy - accepted! Contact one of the Officers for an invite.

Last edited by Woofies on 29-03-2016, 14:52:14; edited 1 time in total
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 22-12-2015, 03:29:52 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Briefly describe yourself (including age): 31, Generally a easy going guy, I work 70-80 hours a week in the summer so I'm not on much then, but during the winter I get to do *** all, so I can come no-life on here :)


Race and Class: Troll Hunter

Main spec/Off spec: SV,MM

What's your item level in PvE gear? 508

Alts: None at the moment

Professions: Enchanting & Blacksmithing

Freakz's armory link of your main:


In what guild(s) have you been and why have you left/were kicked? I'll list them from most recent to furthest back: Aeon Nox, Midwinter, Crysis, Ominence, Whoracle, The Cold Knights, It Burns When I PvP.

Never been Gkicked, left It Burns When I PvP to join TCK to raid(Like 2012), Left CK when they broke up to join Whoracle with Uldred(2012 or 2013), Left Whoracle when they split to join Omin(2013), Left Omin because an officer in there was acting like a ***(2013), joined Crysis for a bit till they broke up(2013), then joined Midwinter till coming horde a few months ago(2014-2015). First guild upon coming horde was Aeon Nox, leaving them now because they've basically broken up.

What was your role/rank in those guild(s)? Everything from Member to Officer, generally Member though as I'm lazy and don't want to come on here to be responsible for things :D

What's your raiding experience on 5.4.8 Specify if it's on Freakz or elsewhere: So far downed everything on HC except Will of the Emperor and Empress


Explain us your main spec rotation in all situation (at pull, AoE, bursting, end phase):

(Single Target boss fights)At 1 second till pull, pop a potion, Rapid Fire, Berserk. At pull Explosive shot, Black Arrow, Serpent Sting, Glave Toss, pop Ferver for Focus and use A Murder of Crows, then Stampede. After that the shot priority is: Keep Black Arrow, Glave Toss, and Explosive shot on CD, pop Ferver as needed, pop any other CD's as they come. If everything is on CD and you're at over 50 focus pop Arcane Shot, if you're under 50 focus pop Cobra shot. When the boss is at 20% HP add in 2x Kill Shots to the rotation, making sure to keep Serpent Sting up as this is the only time during the fight when it can really fall off, being that you can get a lot of instant free shots between Lock N load and the Kill Shots.

(AoE fights) Multishot, Glave Toss, keep Black Arrow up if there's a mob that will survive long enough to be worth it, sprinkle in Explosive shots for shits and giggles.

Explain us your stats priority and caps you are using (hit, exp, haste, etc): Agi > Hit (to 7.5%)=Exp (to 7.5%) > crit > mast > haste. A lot of SV hunters are still using Crit > haste > mast, but I believe Mastery adds more dps than haste at the moment.

Which addons are you using? Recount


Link us a screen shot of your dps on a dummy (this counts for any DPS spec, main or off). Open recount so we can all spells you have used. Stop at 5 million damage:

For some reason the dummies are always buggy as *** for me, but I'm sure there are a dozen people in guild with whom I've raided who will vouch for my dps.


Team speak is mandatory during our raids, will you obey this rule? Of course.

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 23-10-2019 01:52)
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Post Posted: 22-12-2015, 04:34:22 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Imahuntard - accepted! Contact one of the officers for an invite.

Last edited by Woofies on 29-03-2016, 14:52:29; edited 1 time in total
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(since 27-06-2022 06:00)
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Post Posted: 25-12-2015, 12:36:53 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Briefly describe yourself (including age): My name is Enrico, i am 15 y.o. I am 1/2 romanian and 1/2 italian(i don't know any bit of italian),i am 1st grade high school.I started to play wow in 2011, my first good char was this one and since then it is one of my main chars.I play wow minimum 1-2 hours a day up to a maximum of 17-18 hours a day.

CHARACTER INFORMATIONS: Sproof, 498 ilvl, 13 days played( i haven't played much in mop, but i am very good at playing this class and i know all the scripts(also tot),except hof(i dont like it too much)

Race and Class:Blood Elf Paladin

Main spec/Off spec: Retribution Single Target/Retribution Aoe

What's your item level in PvE gear? 498

Alts: Sproofn-Blood Dk(this is a char that i played a lot in mop and the char that i raided from)
Wroon-Balance Druid
the other alts dont worth mentioning

Professions: mining(600) inscription(600) skinning(600) herbalism(600) tailoring(600)

Freakz's armory link of your main:Sproof

EXPERIENCE: I play since 2011, my main chars are Retribution Paladin and Blood Death Knight, i am very good at learning scripts, rotations and i am moderately versatile, i did a lot of raiding in cataclysm(retail and freakz) and mop(retail and a little bit on freakz), i also did pvp in cataclysm.

In what guild(s) have you been and why have you left/kicked ? During cataclysm, i was in Blacklisted(rank:raider), i left the guild at the start of the expansion because it was dead.
in MoP:-Wrath of the Avengers(rank:member), i was inactive on this char during that time and ultimately kicked
-Shadows Rift(raider), i did some raiding, the guild disbanded
-Sylvanas(2nd gm), i did a lot of low lv raiding(mv 10n,toes 10n), i left because the guild was dead
-Distyopia(member,i think i misspelled the name), no raids, i am still being in this guild from one of the alts

What's your raiding experience on 5.4.8 Specify if it's on Freakz or elsewhere: Freakz and Retail:
-Mogu'Shan Vaults:Lfr,10n,25n
-Terrace of Endless Springs:Lfr,10n,25n
-Throne of Thunder:Lfr,25n
-Siege of Orgrimmar:Lfr


Explain us your main spec rotation in all situation (at pull, AoE, bursting, end phase):
Burst:i start by simply reaching 3 holy power for Inquistion, i use Guardian of Ancient Kings to stack the str buff that it gives, i reach 5 holy power and i use Avenging Wrath,Trinkets,Potions and Execution Sentence, then my spell priority is this:Templar Verdict(if i have 5 holy power),Exorcism(if it procs),Hammer of Wrath,Exorcism,Crusader Strike,Judgement and Templar's Verdict
Rotation:i generate holy power by using those spells(i write them by priority):Exorcism(proc),Hammer of Wrath,Crusader Strike,Exorcism,Judgement.I keep Inquisition and Seal Of Truth active.I spend the holy power on Templar's Verdict with 5 stacks(all my holy power generating spells have bigger priority than this).When possible, and if it doesn't interfere with my burst buffs, i use my trinkets and execution sentence when i have a damage buffing proc.
Pull:the same as the main rotation,i usually try to use the burst when Bloodlust is used.
End Phase:Same as the main rotation
Tier1:Speed Of Light-it gives me a short burst of movement speed,useful in many situations
Tier2:Fist of Justice-it is the best pve choice, but sometimes( if required) i use repentance
Tier3:Selfless Healer-it is the best choice for Retribution
Tier4:Depends for each encounter
Tier5:Sanctified Wrath(for single target) and Divine Purpose(for aoe), i never use Holy Avenger(i think is too ineficient)
Tier6:Execution Sentence(for single target) and Light's Hammer(for aoe), i never use holy prism because it needs too many global cds to be as eficient as the other 2
Glyphs:the only glyph worth mentioning is Glyph Of Immediate Truth,this glyph is a huge damage booster if you have enough haste(and i do)
Explain us your stats priority and caps you are using (hit, exp, haste, etc): hit and expertise till 7,50%
haste-it is the best stat for Retri during MoP,i also make us of it by using Glyph Of Immediate Truth
mastery-it buffs my overall damage
crit-it is better than spirit,dodge and parry for dps

Which addons are you using? Elvui, Dbm, Simple Ilevel, Auctionator, Recount, Mapster, Mik Scrolling Battle Text, Postal and MogIt


Link us a screen shot of your dps on a dummy (this counts for any DPS spec, main or off). Open recount so we can all spells you have used. Stop at 5 million damage.
Link us a screenshot of your dps/heal in a raid. The boss must be dead. By preference Feng the Accursed.
Unfortunately i couldnt take such a ss but i tried to kinda simulate a raid,i used a flask and piece of food and my class buffs and did 30m dmg to a dummy and took a ss of that-DPS 2


Team speak is mandatory during our raids, will you obey this rule?

Last edited by Rdtym on 25-06-2016, 09:08:56; edited 4 times in total
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 25-12-2015, 17:36:11 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Rdtym - accepted! Contact one of the Officers for an invite.

Last edited by Woofies on 29-03-2016, 14:52:42; edited 1 time in total
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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 01-05-2016 16:15)
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Post Posted: 25-12-2015, 20:34:29 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Briefly describe yourself (including age):
Student in my last year of my master's degree, 23 years old, Romanian.


Race and Class: Blood Elf Warlock.

Main spec/Off spec: Destruction/Affliction.

What's your item level in PvE gear? 495.

Alts: Feral druid, enha shaman.

Professions: Herbalism + Inscription.

Freakz's armory link of your main:

EXPERIENCE: Toes 4/4 25n.

In what guild(s) have you been and why have you left/kicked ? Evolution,the Betrayers in Cataclysm, stoped playing for a brief period and didn't want to join them again.

What was your role/rank in those guild(s)? Raider.

What's your raiding experience on 5.4.8 Specify if it's on Freakz or elsewhere: Toes 4/4 25n


Explain us your main spec rotation in all situation (at pull, AoE, bursting, end phase): Usually I start with Chaos Bolt+Immolate+Conflagrate+ 3x Incinerate ( If I have enough Burning Embers for Chaos Bolt I use it even if I got Conflagrate haste on, though I use 1 Incinerate to get 2x haste buffs and not use it on Chaos bolt), the most times I try to use Rain of Fire to get some extra Burning Embers on, it depends on the fight though.
AoE: Rain of Fire+ Fire and Brimstone (Immolate aoe+conflagrate aoe + incinerate aoe ), ocasionally I will use Dark Soul, depends of fight.
Burst: Wait for 2 or 3 windsong buffs then pop up trinkets +Dark Soul+Lifebloom(herbalism haste), try to get enough burning embers for 2-3 chaos bolts adding conflagrate haste.

Explain us your stats priority and caps you are using (hit, exp, haste, etc):
Spell hit cap (15%)
My option for prior stat is Crit followed by mastery and haste trying to get them equal.

Which addons are you using?


Link us a screen shot of your dps on a dummy (this counts for any DPS spec, main or off). Open recount so we can all spells you have used. Stop at 5 million damage.
I cannot post pictures or links I have no ideea why , tried it with imageshack but it says problem on uploading, I will gladly do a dps test , the one in my pictures was 75k on 5 mil

Link us a screenshot of your dps/heal in a raid. The boss must be dead. By preference Feng the Accursed.
Same problem as the dps dummy test, sorry.


Team speak is mandatory during our raids, will you obey this rule? Yes

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 26-12-2015, 02:30:40 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Kaerau - rejected.

Last edited by Woofies on 29-03-2016, 14:52:57; edited 1 time in total
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[Mentally Stable]

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    Battletag: postrow.ID_BATTLE_NET} 
Post Posted: 28-12-2015, 15:26:31 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


21, 2nd year at university, i play wow since 2006. I know my place and i respect others as much as they respect me. You will know more about me along the way.


Race and Class: Orc / Warrior

Main spec/Off spec: Arms(Fury)/ Prot

What's your item level in PvE gear?
499 Arms/ 492 Prot (i stoped playing since late september)

Alts: just alts with proffesions, nothing important


Freakz's armory link of your main:


Whoracle (guild went inactive) (Officer) -> Aeon Nox(guild went inactive) (Member)

What was your role/rank in those guild(s)?

Main: Tank Off: DPS

What's your raiding experience on 5.4.8 Specify if it's on Freakz or elsewhere:

Full TOES HC, MSV HC 5/6, didnt bother with HoF, 10/14 SoO (Retail), ToT just normal, as dps.


Explain us your main spec rotation in all situation (at pull, AoE, bursting, end phase): [/u]

So basiclly the first spell i use is Charge (HL if i cant use charge) and after that CS into MS, my priority is: MS<Slam<OPx2<Slam and keep CS up always (if i dont end up not geting it reseted) and use HS if im over 70 rage, and you know the story of Execute.

Explain us your stats priority and caps you are using (hit, exp, haste, etc):


- i know expertise is bugged, but even so, i'll keep that expertise, you never know. -

Which addons are you using?

DBM, Recount, Bartender others.


Link us a screen shot of your dps on a dummy (this counts for any DPS spec, main or off). Open recount so we can all spells you have used. Stop at 5 million damage.

This also makes no sense for Warriors due to 0 rage generation on dummies, but here you go. (I only bursted at the start of the "recording")


Team speak is mandatory during our raids, will you obey this rule?


Last edited by Ephixa on 29-12-2015, 20:43:12; edited 10 times in total
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 28-12-2015, 21:45:05 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Briefly describe yourself (including age):

Happy holidays, by the way!

I am 20 years old and studying geophysics in university. I am from Canada and I speak English. I am a relaxed individual and friendly. I play WoW hard core although I do not carry the elitist attitude (I often outplay them anyways) and I play to improve and help others improve if I can help. I am a team player and a strategist and I am here to have fun!
I also play StepMania on the keyboard and have some crazy Rubik's cubes -

My reason for coming to this server from retail is because retail is boring and there is significantly less skill involved in playing your class (snapshots taken out, stat optimization is limited). I found it lots of fun to try and push rank 1. In the end of MoP I was ranking far over my ilv rank on dps. I want to see what I can do once I am in BiS! I'm here for some MoP revenge since my druid started very late in to 5.4 -.


Race and Class: Tauren druid (berserking is negligible in BiS for balance, 200 dps difference; I prefer warstomp for PvP)

Main spec/Off spec: Balance / Resto. I wish to DPS mainly but I love healing if any healers want to swap for a fight here and there for fun.
Also, I am aware of the shooting stars bug and it can interfere with balance DPS significantly. I will need to stand as close to the boss as possible. To those unaware or who need a refresher: starsurge procs do not make them instant if the previous starsurge is midair. It hits the boss and it needs to be hard casted.

What's your item level in PvE gear?: 504 / 493. I have a couple of tyrannical pieces since they are much better than the 476/483 pieces I had equipped.

Alts: Maybe my mage (frost/fire, fresh 90), Nevermelting. I'm good at frost, somewhere over 500k steady at 580 ilv. Will go Fire once it is fixed here and if I have the time to grind dungeons for gear.

Professions: Engineering for synapse springs / Tailoring* for cape proc and pants bonus (Will switch herbalism to tailoring when I get around to making another gold source)

Freakz's armory link of your main:


In what guild(s) have you been and why have you left/kicked ?: Many on retail and private servers. Typically the ones that can get cutting edge / ahead of curve achievement and have fun while playing. I like having a team that can be 100% focused on progression while also being able to have fun in between or while clearing easy content. I left a world rank 50 guild because they had toxic personalities.

What was your role/rank in those guild(s)?: Core raider for most, raid leader when I changed to my druid. Target marking, part of CC/interrupt group.

What's your raiding experience on 5.4.8 Specify if it's on Freakz or elsewhere:

Update: Just killed first boss ToT on this character, I kited all of the orbs out. 4th gate Horridon, group wasn't the best. Got shado-pan trinket. Got shoulders from Jin'rohk, ilv 500 -> 504.

All retail for MoP. Relevant right now is ToT, 5.3. I played my boomkin this teir, full heroic exp. minus Ra-Den. I have yet to defeat him since my guild ran out of time (casual). I was not a hard core raider at the time due to real life and so I raided casually (but really pushed to max my numbers!). I did balance in SoO after my mage. As for SoO: Arcane mage to ilv 582, full 2/2 upgrades. 2.1M dps burst with almost full heroic clear. I highly disliked the movement most SoO fights have since arcane is not too mobile, so I switched back to my druid for the last few months before Mythic. I also joined a new, random guild since I disliked the elitist attitude and atmosphere I was in (rank 1 fire mage, boomkin, and two 100th percentile warlocks). In this time my druid managed half normal/half heroic gear. With all of my mage's experience in SoO, I have lead new guilds to clearing up to 5 new heroic bosses in one night by managing all of the heal CDs, tank CDs, positioning, strategy, etc. I even managed to solo heal Juggernaught 10heroic in flex gear as Resto (ranked 67th US/EU with that gear, like ilv 540 - what?!). I would consistently rank top 150 boomkins (US/EU) while being many thousands on ilv rank. I managed rank 37 on normal Dark Shamans (since we skip that fight for time once everyone got the gear they needed). I am a balance druid theory crafter and I do my best to push the most numbers out. I use simulation craft (SimC, yes I got it to work here, too) to determine the theoretical DPS I should be pulling and use it to determine gear upgrades with different gems and reforges. I often do more than it since I tend to snapshot well (more in "how to play").


Explain us your main spec rotation in all situation (at pull, AoE, bursting, end phase):

Pre-pull: 3 Wild Mushrooms under tanking position. Balance meter: 75 towards lunar. Countdown. At 3 sec to pull: starfall, wrath, prepot.

Pull: Moonfire, Sunfire to get procs up. Someone better blood lust unless its something like Nazgrim haha. Starsurge to get all procs going if necessary. Once all trinkets/enchants etc. are up, starfall and then hit the burst macro (use trinket, nature's vigil, CA, and then incarnation). While in this global cooldown, pop the mushrooms. Reapply dots. Use starsurge procs as you get them and spam starfire. When the trinket wears off, I use my synapse springs to finish off my burst. Watching my weakauras tracking my buffs (both trinkets, synapse springs, nature's grace (same time as CA), jade spirit, lightweave cloak, blood lust, metagem haste, incarnation) I will snapshot my dots again. If Celestial Alignment is ending before anything else, I will snapshot at ~1 sec remaining. If there is about 3 seconds left I will snapshot if a big intellect proc or haste proc is wearing off. I'm pretty good at judging these, it is key to pulling the best numbers. If there is less than 2 seconds remaining on incarnation I will do a wrath cast if starfire won't cut it. As for general rotation, I will snapshot my DoTs with haste in particular for the 10289 breakpoint. I will clip DoTs if they are 33% or less with weaker ones as my procs wear off and my balance meter is far from a new eclipse. I will not clip any powered DoT with a normal DoT unless I am just leaving said eclipse and the DoT timer is ~50% or more. Push to next eclipse and refresh both if you were unable to refresh the previous as you left eclipse to snapshots. Otherwise, keep both dots up and go about your balance meter. A nifty trick I do is to reapply your eclipse DoT before exiting said eclipse. This way here you do not need to reapply two DoTs every eclipse and instead do one DoT just before leaving. Although it doesn't make much difference in your damage, it keeps your DPS higher. It also makes it easier to snapshot DoTs. Of course you'd only do this if the DoTs were not empowered by procs and you will reapply a DoT if a new proc comes up, just before the previous proc wears off (1 sec left) in hopes that you get more procs still. Starfall should be used while in lunar and, ideally, with some sort of int proc. If no buffs are up when you hit lunar, save it for the end of lunar in hopes that you get an int bonus. Use my 1min trinket on CD, use synapse springs on CD. They line up with burst if you use them quick. Use NV when it comes off CD so it'll line up with burst again. Save burst for when intellect proc trinket comes up if it's almost off ICD.

I am higher than the simcrafted DPS so I'm pretty sure it's right. The snapshotting is more detailed than mentioned above but that's the basics of it. I'd write a whole new simcraft script if I had to go in to full detail and then I'd never beat it since it takes conditions as 'ideal' xD.

AoE/movement: If there is heavy movement I will attempt to place a mushroom each time assuming the boss is in a good position or pop them if I am in solar or if I have 3 mushrooms and I am in solar. If there is long movement, enough to replace all of my mushrooms and DoTs are taken care of, I will pop them regardless of eclipse just to keep productive without clipping good DoTs and place new mushrooms. If my DoTs are not powered up from a snapshot I will just spam my eclipse DoT while moving. As for the AoE itself, I will only do AoE hurricane if there are 6+ targets and none in particular need to die quick (also in solar only). Otherwise I put my eclipse DoT on a few and smash out starsurges on the boss or an add if they need to go down. There are not a lot of places to do hurricane as we can benefit hugely from 3-4 targets with DoTs and starsurges. I will generally only have 4-5 dots out at any time. If there are lots of targets I will put out ~5 eclipse DoTs and hit starsurge, totally ignoring the non eclipse DoT.

I am also a reliable interrupter / target marker. I can do more than just my job in a raid.

Resto: Glyphs - Sprouting Mushroom, Efflorescence, Wild Growth. Talent: Soul of the Forest. Pre-fight: rejuvs to max out the mushroom's heal capacity. Rejuv anyone who is taking consistent damage or is somewhere below 70% ish. Regrowth with clearcasting on the tank. 3 lifeblooms on them. If there are timed tank damage spikes, I will use glyph of lifebloom and get it to explode immediately after they take damage. Keep mastery bonus up by using those free regrowths or swiftmending. For a raid AOE spike, have the raid spread around the edge of efflorescnence. For example, Oondasta/Thok's roar or Calamity from protectors in SoO. I will put out as many rejuvenations as I can and then swiftmend at least 1 second before to get Soul of the Forrest. I will then pop my mushroom immediately after the AOE goes off and then wild growth. The reason it is swiftmend -> mushroom -> WG is so 1) you have your mastery bonus fresh and ready. 2) no global cooldown for your wild growth use. If you WG before the mushroom, targets of WG may go to full HP and it will go to overheals. By WGing "last" (it all happens in one second), your mushroom will heal people and then WG will go on to anyone who is still needing heals. Iron bark tank when needed, cenarion ward tank when needed. I will run Force of Nature for fights like juggernaught whenever they work properly. Innervate on cooldown after hitting 70% mana. (With SoO set bonus: healing touch proc every few seconds! Use when tank takes damage immediatly). Tranquility as directed by healer CD rotation. If the whole raid is in my mushroom its almost as good (if it is full power) in a 10m unless the damage is on going in which case I'd just tranq and use mushroom at the end if the damage is still going. Mushroom is an effective spike-AoE damage negation. Also NS->HT for the close calls.

When solo healing there are important changes to be made. You will need to sometimes use SotF on rejuv for the tank and pop genesis for the spike damage. You also use NS->HT when needed as usual but save it for the tank if possible. The goal is to play it like the proving grounds. Keeping your mushroom full to pop big raid heals is important. You need good spirit for this to work out. All rejuv overheals go in to your mushroom so it's okay to (and you should) blanket spam rejuv. Time tank CDs with your ironbark and cenarion ward. Use them separately if you can get by. Some fights like Juggernaught, Force of Nature is better so you can put out an extra efflorescence. I do not think it gives efflorescence here so probably not right now. Do not use WG unless it can heal up 4 people by itself. If they can hit full HP via rejuv and efflorescence before being damaged again, let it go and save your mana.

Explain us your stats priority and caps you are using (hit, exp, haste, etc): hit cap (15%) > haste (10289 when viable or 5273 for now) > int (if it is well over 2x the crit replacement) crit > mastery > haste. 2crit is slightly better than 1int.

Resto: Spirit (until you end a fight ~25% mana) > Haste (13953 with SotF for 20th WG, 13163 for 6th rejuv, 3043) > Int > Mastery > Crit > Haste

Which addons are you using?: Weakauras, Bartender4, DBM (I have done the raids near perfect with it disabled with a bit of practice), ReforgeLite, Skada, HealBot.


Link us a screen shot of your dps on a dummy (this counts for any DPS spec, main or off). Open recount so we can all spells you have used. Stop at 5 million damage.

*IMPORTANT* Screenshot summary:

Update: Now 84k without raidbuffs at 5M damage with new gear on the raid dummy.
Update: 71K finishing at 2.9 minutes, self-buffed on the dummy, no pots, food, flask. SimCraft says: 67.5K with flask, potion, food. This large difference is due to my new haste trinket snapshot.

UPDATED raid dummy link:

Oondasta (Balance): Three screenshots. One to show the DPS meter a second after death (since it drops due to dots), one to show the bosses HP (boss dropped target for first picture), and then the damage by ability. Roughly 85k at the end of a fight is pretty good DPS considering my stats and gear at the time (I think around 494). My ilv is that of Heart of Fear normal without key trinkets like the one from Elegon/Shado-pan or a weapon (I'm in a blue weapon).

Oondasta (Resto): The hpally there is ilv 500. I know the HPS numbers are low but I nearly beat them for tank heals while also healing the entire raid. It's mostly spike healing here so it shows my healing reaction and timing. Also no tranquility, it wasn't needed, only 2 raid member deaths. Maybe I can solo heal Oondasta when the gear catches up? Heheh.

Link here:

Link us a screenshot of your dps/heal in a raid. The boss must be dead. By preference Feng the Accursed.

Update: Should be 8k+ higher now with my new upgrades, see raid dummy DPS improvement (10k higher).

I hope Oondasta will do since three pugs I've tried to get in to have failed miserably on stone guard and disband. Also note that my gear is better since these (updated dummy DPS). I think I was around 494 for the Oondasta here.

See link above.


Team speak is mandatory during our raids, will you obey this rule?: Yes I've used this on WotLK private servers to raid.

**I should be able to attend 1-2 raids a week. Due to the nature of University I may need a week off for midterm exams and a week off for final exams. **

Last edited by Xypherthorns on 29-12-2015, 23:50:06; edited 3 times in total
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 29-12-2015, 22:47:00 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Ephixa- accepted! Contact one of the officers for an invite.
Xythorn - accepted! Contact one of the officers for an invite.

Last edited by Woofies on 29-03-2016, 14:53:39; edited 1 time in total
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 30-12-2015, 02:04:43 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Briefly describe yourself (including age):
ma name is omid. i`m 33 years old architect. i`m married and have 6 year old son.. i start playing WOW to quit Playing Poker - and i play WOW for almost 5 years and been in this server since 3.3.5.. resently after 1 year i came back and start to play again.. i play in pandaria about 4 week and seek for old guild mates and that bring me here to you . i`m seek for Fun and some friendship and dont like to Be among PPl who dont respect the Group and time of Others...


Race and Class:
bloodelf mage
Main spec/Off spec:
frost - arcane
What's your item level in PvE gear?
i have 3 mage -
tailoring - engineering on main and 2 alt with herb+alch
Freakz's armory link of your main:
In what guild(s) have you been and why have you left/kicked ?
chuck norrise squad --> guild went inactive
warsong clan ---> guild went inactive after server change to 4.0.6
persian gulf ----> i left because of noob and lazy ppl
raiders of storm ----> all the guild Merge to reckless in 4.3.4
then i stop playing until now..
What was your role/rank in those guild(s)?
chuck norris ---> officer
warsong clan ----> pro raider
persian gulf -----> member
raiders on storm ----> raider
What's your raiding experience on 5.4.8 Specify if it's on Freakz or elsewhere:
just do [Terrace of Endless Spring] and heart of fear and MV on normal and [Heroic: Wind Lord Mel'jarak]
but i search on iceveins and read script and learn them

Explain us your main spec rotation in all situation (at pull, AoE, bursting, end phase):
it depend on BL time for boss but usually i use [Potion of the Jade Serpent] before pull and place some Rune of Power and after the pull i start with Frost Bomb or Living bomb and refresh it when it finished, ice lance when Finger of Frost Trigerd and Frosen orb on cool downs for extra Finger of Frost and in Frost bolt in between of them for fill spell.. when the Haste buff of my trinket [Essence of Terror] active i use my Macro to use [Icy Veins] and [Engineering: Synapse Springs] on hand Item and then use my After time.. and keep it going and going... and my mirror image on CD! -
Explain us your stats priority and caps you are using (hit, exp, haste, etc):
Intel (now 19045)---> Hit (5100) (5125 now) ---> Haste (6247 or 25.84% now) ---> Mastery (3658 or 28.19% now) --- Crit (3723 or 19.63% now)
BTW all numbers are with out any other buff , just my owns
Which addons are you using?
just DBM and Recount

Link us a screen shot of your dps on a dummy (this counts for any DPS spec, main or off). Open recount so we can all spells you have used. Stop at 5 million damage.
Link us a screenshot of your dps/heal in a raid. The boss must be dead. By preference Feng the Accursed.
sorry i dont have one yet ut i will take in first raid

Team speak is mandatory during our raids, will you obey this rule?
Sure.. yes yes

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 30-12-2015, 14:21:54 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Marlbro - rejected.

Last edited by Woofies on 29-03-2016, 14:53:53; edited 1 time in total
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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 16-04-2020 11:49)
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Post Posted: 30-12-2015, 18:46:22 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I`m Nima, 33yrs old, I’m an electrical engineer. Love gaming, specially world of warcarft, play this game since 2006 at Vanilla patch in blizzard and been there until Cataclysm, from 3.3.5 in 2010 coming to freakz, my hero was named ”Shadow” back then, in merging realms its change to “ Archimunde”.
I love raiding and achievement


Race and Class: Bloodelf /Warlock

Main spec/Off spec: Destruction is my main spec then affliction and demonology

what’s your item level in PvE gear? At this moment 501 BiS (with bad luck because I receive same boot and chest in three week in row from RFB.)

Another warlock, druid, priest, DK and monk but I’m not pro at them

on main I have Tailoring and Inscription. also have Enchanting, Jewellcrafting, Leatherworking, Blacksmithing, Mining, Herbalism, skinning on my alts.

Freakz's armory link of your main:


In what guild(s) have you been and why have you left/kicked?
In Woltk I was in Warsong in Evlolotion realm,
In Catalysm iwas in Raiders on strom and Reckless, I go to raiders because I was in josh rogue raid core (scissors),
When MOP started raiders was almost inactive so I leave there I become homeless and suffered from noobism in global raids, join a lvl 25 guild for its benefits but still looking for a good pro guild for raiding and trying to return to my old guild “Recless”

What was your role/rank in those guild(s)? I was Shogun

What's your raiding experience on 5.4.8 Specify if it's on Freakz or elsewhere: After Cataclysm I left gaming for a long time, I came back recently about a 40days, I couldn’t finish many ins bcz unfortunately in global raids ilvl is main choice not experience and gaming skill.
But I go on some raids in global like MV, TOES, TT

Explain us your main spec rotation in all situation (at pull, AoE, bursting, end phase):
This rotations are for my main spec which means Destruction:
At pull and standard rotation:
Before starting I use Kafa Press,
Apply COE, immolate, Rain of fire, ConflagrateX2, IncenerateX4, darksoul, Chaos BoltX2,
Reapply Immolate few sec before its finish,
Never use 3charge of Backdraft for faster Chaosbolt except for special situations.
Use my Doom guard/terror guard, potion and CDs on BL/TW start
Use rain of fore on its end
Set talent on Mannoroth's Fury and use it when its cooldown finished
Set talent on Shadowfury and use it if it was necessary,
Set talent on Grimoire of Supremacy for summon powerful Abyssal,
Use Glyph of Curse of the Elements for more target afflicted,
On Boss with summoned mobs apply Havoc on boss
Use Fire and Brimstone to target all, before Fire and Brimstone mostly recommended using Darksoul and other critical CDs (like trinkets) for faster refill Burning Embers, when Burning Embers is under 2 don’t apply immolate or second conflagrate, use incinerate and rain of fire to refill then apply immolate.
When there are more than 10 mobs on boss and boss is under 20% HP, use rain of fire (better with MF) for filling Burning Embers and use Shadowburn rapidly.
For single targets like orbs in Elegon which you need maximum dps:
Set talent on Grimoire of Sacrifice and sacrifice your demon for more single target damage,
Do standard rotation except use 3charge of Backdraft for faster Chaosbolt, use darksoul on reset,
End phase:
Always was Warlocks favorite part bcz they have special abilities in this phase like Shadowburn and drain soul, Decimation, Molten Core so they reach to dps peak in this part.
For destruction use shadowburn as boss is under 20% when one of your trinkets buff, weapon enchant, LWE, or another state beneficial buffs activate.

About pet and Grimoire of Sacrifice this site don’t follow standard procedure, in some ways you can reach more dps.
Explain us your stats priority and caps you are using (hit, exp, haste, etc):
Hit cap: 5100
, breakpoint removed from immolate Haste doesn’t have cap but it must be slightly more than mastery. In higher ilvl (+505) haste is more important than mastery
Because of darksoul we have a powerful 30%+crit buff every 2min for 20sec so can use our burning embers during this time.

Which addons are you using?
Nothing for rotation or buff/debuff


Link us a screen shot of your dps on a dummy (this counts for any DPS spec, main or off). Open recount so we can all spells you have used. Stop at 5 million damage.


My dps average in about 115k

Link us a screenshot of your dps/heal in a raid. The boss must be dead. By preference Feng the Accursed.


Team speak is mandatory during our raids, will you obey this rule?

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