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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 12-07-2019 20:27)
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Post Posted: 24-05-2016, 21:04:29 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Briefly describe yourself (including age): im 30years old from Greece my job is multimedia designer i enjoy getting wasted in my free time playing wow.


Race and Class: Troll hunter

Main spec/Off spec: marksman/beastmaster

What's your item level in PvE gear? 527

Alts: bourlo 516 combat rogue,omorfia 520 elemental shaman,sardanapalos 529 fury warrior,ntamari 517 protection war,malakw 520 holy priest, paliatsos 520 destruction warlock.

Professions: herbalish/alchemy

Freakz's armory link of your main:

EXPERIENCE: i played wow since it came out till cataclysm expansion then i quit i play the past 4months in freakz.

In what guild(s) have you been and why have you left/kicked ? I am in first was in kolobarades,Rebelious atm but there is no hc progress in any raid at all so i got bored and wanna push it more in a more active guild i will leave if accepted..

What was your role/rank in those guild(s)? tank,healer,meele dps,rdps/rank2/rank9
What's your raiding experience on 5.4.8 Specify if it's on Freakz or elsewhere: mv10n/25n,hof10n/25n,toes10n/25n,tot10n/25n


Explain us your main spec rotation in all situation (at pull, AoE, bursting, end phase):
MY burst:macro when procs on(Virmen's Bite,A Murder of Crows/stampede/Berserking/Rapid Fire/Lifeblood).
My normal rotation vs 1 target is (Serpent Sting,Dire Beast,Aimed Shot,Steady Shot,Chimera Shot with an eye to keep sting on target at all times, fillers:Snake Trap/murder of crows/Kill Shot when time gap/situation allows it.
3 targets+ goes with Ice Trap with Glyph of No Escape,Explosive Trap,2xMulti-Shot-->Barrage,Steady Shot,Dire Beast,2-3xMulti-Shot etc.

Explain us your stats priority and caps you are using (hit, exp, haste, etc): 7.86hit,7.66expertice so attacks wont miss-->agillity for crit+attackpower-->haste 20.75 for fast attacks and faster focus restore-->critical chance--->mastery

Which addons are you using?recount,deadly boss mod,gatherer


Link us a screen shot of your dps on a dummy (this counts for any DPS spec, main or off). Open recount so we can all spells you have used. Stop at 20 million damage. This is normal rotation
(i could be a smartass and use burst/drums last 40mill dmg sould have gone up to 180k if i estimate well. (i was bored and didnt do it : )

Link us a screenshot of your dps/heal in a raid. The boss must be dead. By preference Jin'rokh the Breaker. (without using waters)


Discord is mandatory during our raids, will you obey this rule? sure

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 30-09-2017 13:48)
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Post Posted: 25-05-2016, 15:11:53 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Firstly I want to say something, for this moment I dont have char in Horde, I'm gonna make apply linking my alliance char to prove my progress and other things u require. If it's gonna be accepted, I will make char in Horde and exp + gear it quick.

@Edit : Horde char @ 467 atm.

Briefly describe yourself (including age): Name - Marcin , Age - 20 , I am from Poland.


Race and Class: Human Warrior (In Horde will be Tauren)

Main spec/Off spec: Protection / Arms

What's your item level in PvE gear? 530 Protection / 511 Arms

Alts: Only in Alliance, but I dont play with em.

Professions: Mining / Enchanting (Horde version - Mining / Leatherworking)

Freakz's armory link of your main:


In what guild(s) have you been and why have you left/kicked ? Nightmare on Elfstreet, I'm still here as alliance char.

What was your role/rank in those guild(s)? Role - PvE Leader / Rank - Highest officer rank (There are 2 officer ranks in this guild)

What's your raiding experience on 5.4.8 Specify if it's on Freakz or elsewhere: For 5.4.8 I was raiding only on Freakz, MSV HC 6/6 , ToES HC 4/4 , HoF HC 1/6 (only 4th boss) , ToT Normal 12/12 , ToT HC 2/13 (Server crashed after we killed Horridon so I dont have achiev but I have screenshot as proof if needed). For Normal difficulty all clean.

PS from me: I am playing WoW since 2006. I have some knowledge of mechanics.


Explain us your main spec rotation in all situation (at pull, AoE, bursting, end phase): I was raiding only as a tank so - Pulling boss with Storm Bolt, after this Thunder Clap, 3x Devastate for armor penetration debuff, Shield Slam and Revenge every CD, becouse that's rage generating skills. If DPS need to burst boss at start, I am using Recklessness and Skull Banner (Banner only if other warrior didnt used it, if he did, I use my banner after his expire) so I wont lose aggro becouse of DPS bursting at start. At some point of fight I'm using Shattering Throw so boss have -20% armor for 10s. If boss dont deal tons of dmg I spam with Heroic Strike among the other skills. If there are tons of dmg incomming on me, I stop using HS and popping my Shield Block or Shield Barrier (Block for melee hits, barrier for spells).

Explain us your stats priority and caps you are using (hit, exp, haste, etc): Hit 7,71% to not miss with skills/aa (cap 7.5%). Expertise 11,29% for avoid Dodge/Parry on my skills/aa, for now my attacks cannot be dodged but can be parried - 3.71% (Cap 15%). Haste is useless for me as a Warrior tank - 0%. I am using Avoidance build, so my stats prio is - Parry > Dodge > Mastery > Stamina.

My glyphs are:

Glyph of Hold the Line - Makes your revenge deal 50% more dmg after sucessful parry.
Glyph of Unending Rage - Gives u 20 additional rage so u have 120 rage.
Glyph of Incite - After using Demoralizing Shout u have next 3 Heroic Strikes/Cleave free. So it dont cost an rage. Demoralizing Shout cd are 1min, so every 1 min u can have free 3 heroic strikes.

My actual defensive stats (Unbuffed) are - Parry:28.77% , Dodge:12,07% , Block:21% (but there is skill called Shield Block which give me 100% block for 6s, 2 charges, so I dont really care about block becouse if I need to, I can have 100% all the time during fight).

Which addons are you using? DBM , MSBT , Atlasloot , Recount , Bagnon , Xperl


Link us a screen shot of your dps on a dummy (this counts for any DPS spec, main or off). Open recount so we can all spells you have used. Stop at 20 million damage. At the pull - // At end -

Link us a screenshot of your dps/heal in a raid. The boss must be dead. By preference Jin'rokh the Breaker. I am raiding as tank only. But if you want me to try go on raid as dps and show you my performance on boss fight, you need to tell me that and I will just give you SS asap.


Discord is mandatory during our raids, will you obey this rule? Of course.

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 17-07-2018 08:46)
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Post Posted: 30-05-2016, 01:01:33 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Karnavali - Rejected
Lysolini - Rejected

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Status: Offline
(since 09-10-2016 23:14)
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Post Posted: 31-05-2016, 16:26:33 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Briefly describe yourself (including age):I am 24 years old and self-employed. I basicaly log in wow every evening except weekends when i can log at any time.


Race and Class: Blood Elf Paladin

Main spec/Off spec: Protection/Retribution

What's your item level in PvE gear? 533/529

Alts: Druid Restoration, Monk Mistweaver, Hunter

Professions: Engineering, Tailoring

Freakz's armory link of your main:


In what guild(s) have you been and why have you left/kicked ? Hkp everyone left, Deathwish no raiding, Aeon Nox left because i got switched in the raid "for Ra-den progress", Unleashed no group.

What was your role/rank in those guild(s)? Tank/Dps

What's your raiding experience on 5.4.8 Specify if it's on Freakz or elsewhere: Full Progress only in Throne of Thunder 10hc. It is on the freakz server.

I use Holy Avenger as a defensive cooldown(or at pull) so i can stack up the damage reduction from Shield of the Righteous. I always keep the 40% block rate from 2 set bonus. And i use my hands buff from engineering to increase dodge when River's Song is active so that Grand Crusader procs.

Explain us your main spec rotation in all situation (at pull, AoE, bursting, end phase): Avenging Wrath + Holy Avenger at pull. Judgement for speed increase, Crusader Strike, Avenger's Shield, Consecration, Holy Wrath. For aoe fights i make sure Consecration is always up and i use Hammer of the Righteous, Holy Wrath, Light's Hammer.

Explain us your stats priority and caps you are using (hit, exp, haste, etc): Strenght, Stamina, Haste, Mastery, Dodge, Parry. I have only hit cap.

Which addons are you using? gUI v3 interface, MikScrolling Battle Text, Recount, Tidy Plates, TellMeWhen.


Link us a screen shot of your dps on a dummy (this counts for any DPS spec, main or off). Open recount so we can all spells you have used. Stop at 20 million damage.

Link us a screenshot of your dps/heal in a raid. The boss must be dead. By preference Jin'rokh the Breaker.


Discord is mandatory during our raids, will you obey this rule. I will i just have to download it and learn to use it i guess.

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 01-07-2018 14:05)
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Post Posted: 02-06-2016, 20:28:32 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


Briefly describe yourself : Hello my name is Bruce , I am 21 years old and I come from Germany, I work as a
physiotherapist, I play Wow since Burning Crusade


Race and Class: Orc Hunter

Main spec/Off spec: SV ( survival ) Offspec = BM ( Beastmaster)

What's your item level in PvE gear? : My item level at the moment are 543/544

Alts: a Warlock with 528 , Druid Balance 527 , some shitty chars

Professions: Engineering and Jewelcrafting

Freakz's armory link of your main:

EXPERIENCE: I got 13/13 hc on tot and Sso i got 14/14 mythic on Retail , I play wow since Bc Karazahn until wotlk Icc , then i make a break and start to play wow until WOD pre-patch

In what guild(s) have you been and why have you left/kicked ? : I left guild because my guild Hells bears wanna go raidig on the retail server , but i wanna clear first the Mop content so i can go to the retail and join my Guild.

What was your role/rank in those guild(s)? : My Role was DPS and Rank was the Office and Raidleading

What's your raiding experience on 5.4.8 Specify if it's on Freakz or elsewhere: I got 13/13 hc on tot and Sso i got 14/14 mythic on Retail , I play wow since Bc Karazahn until wotlk Icc , then i make a break and start to play wow until WOD pre-patch


Explain us your main spec rotation in all situation (at pull, AoE, bursting, end phase): Bursting : Pre-pot then SS->ES->BA-> Fervor->MOC->Stampede-> AS to dump my focus ( I use Rapid after Bloodlust)
My stanndard rotation are ES-> BA-> AS -> Barrage and Cobra shot to generate my focus and to keep my serpent sting up
Aoe : Barrage , MS , and use my lock and lode procs

Explain us your stats priority and caps you are using (hit, exp, haste, etc): My stats priority are Hit cap Exp ( but on freakz is it buggy so i give *** of exp ) Crit -> Haste - Mastery

Which addons are you using : Extra cd , Dbm , Xperl & Skada


Team speak is mandatory during our raids, will you obey this rule?
Yes, il obey

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 15-02-2018 03:16)
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Post Posted: 06-06-2016, 23:38:33 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Briefly describe yourself (including age): Hey, im 18 years old im from Ontario, Canada.
Been playing wow since burning crusade.


Race and Class: Tauren Druid

Main spec/Off spec: Resto/Balance

What's your item level in PvE gear? 484

Alts: Prot warrior ilvl 477 Destro Lock 469 (Gearing)

Professions: Blacksmthing, Engineering, Skinning, Leather-working, Jewel-crafting. All 600

Freakz's armory link of your main:

EXPERIENCE: I have experienced all of mist of pandria on retail and loved it so came back to it

In what guild(s) have you been and why have you left/kicked ? I haven't joined a guild yet i was looking for a raiding guild for a while and a lot of people pointed me to the forum post so here i am -

What was your role/rank in those guild(s)?

What's your raiding experience on 5.4.8 Specify if it's on Freakz or elsewhere: Retail all of the raids only one i haven't experienced yet is Heart of Fear but i heard its easy.

HOW YOU PLAY YOUR CLASS Basically keep tank and all dps and healers at full health -

Explain us your main spec rotation in all situation (at pull, AoE, bursting, end phase):

Explain us your stats priority and caps you are using (hit, exp, haste, etc): Spirit and Haste are my main priority

Which addons are you using? I am currently using Healbot and recount.


Link us a screen shot of your dps on a dummy (this counts for any DPS spec, main or off). Open recount so we can all spells you have used. Stop at 20 million damage.

Link us a screenshot of your dps/heal in a raid. The boss must be dead. By preference Jin'rokh the Breaker. screenshots keep bugging out for me sorry but if you get in contact with me i can show you.


Discord is mandatory during our raids, will you obey this rule? Yes i do

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[Very Important Person]

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(since 18-05-2020 21:15)
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Post Posted: 08-06-2016, 00:42:10 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Manon - Rejected
Pottm - Accepted
Funat - Rejected

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[Pathogen officer]

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(since 06-08-2019 06:32)
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Location: Czech Republic, L.B.C

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Post Posted: 08-06-2016, 21:11:08 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Briefly describe yourself (including age): Hello my name is Adam im from Czech Republic, im 15 years old and i love playing world of warcraft and having fun with people.


Race and Class: Orc Warrior

Main spec/Off spec: Fury / Arms

What's your item level in PvE gear? - 529ilvl

Alts: -

Professions: fishing / blacksmithing

Freakz's armory link of your main:


In what guild(s) have you been and why have you left/kicked ? The Dragonslayers - we moved to deus ex infernum
Deus Ex Infernum - I stopped playing because i had pc problems but now i have very good pc
Nightmare on Elfstreet - We could kill only two bosses on heroic difficult in Throne of Thunder

What was your role/rank in those guild(s)? - The Dragonslayers - Raider
- Deus Ex Infernum - Raider
- Nightmare on Elfstreet - Blood guard

What's your raiding experience on 5.4.8 Specify if it's on Freakz or elsewhere: Back in time i was playing Wotlk and i loved wotlk but i got kinda bored so i was looking for Mist of Pandaria server and i found WoW Freakz best private server -


Explain us your main spec rotation in all situation (at pull, AoE, bursting, end phase): At Pull - Using all my cds - Colossus smash,storm bolt,raging blow,Wild strike,heroic strike
Aoe - Colossus smash on cd -> Whirlind -> raging blow
Bursting - Cds + Colossus smash -> stormbolt -> raging blow -> heroic strike -> raging blow -> wild strike -> heroic strike
end phase - Cds + Colossus smash -> stormbolt -> raging blow -> Execute -> Raging blow -> execute -> wild strike

Explain us your stats priority and caps you are using (hit, exp, haste, etc): Crit -> Mastery -> streng -> Hit -> strength

Which addons are you using? Deadly boss mode, Recount,Bagnon


Link us a screen shot of your dps on a dummy (this counts for any DPS spec, main or off). Open recount so we can all spells you have used. Stop at 20 million damage.-

Link us a screenshot of your dps/heal in a raid. The boss must be dead. By preference Jin'rokh the Breaker. I couldnt do any raids at this time so i hope you dont mind im so sorry but in raid with raid buffs i do like 145k-150k stable dps - sorry for no screenshots from Jin'rokh the Breaker


Discord is mandatory during our raids, will you obey this rule? Yes -

Mists of Pandaria 5.4.8 Pathogen Forum

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[Very Important Person]

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Post Posted: 11-06-2016, 17:08:09 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Stellix - Rejected ( we kinda of have a lot of Warriors and we are not looking for more atm )

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 12-05-2017 17:34)
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Post Posted: 15-06-2016, 19:24:08 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Briefly describe yourself (including age):
Hi,Im Atanas 22 from Bulgaria.Im a quick learner and on the servers i've played before ive aways been a heroic raider.


Race and Class:
Troll Warlock
Main spec/Off spec:
What's your item level in PvE gear?
Disco priest 515 ilvl.
Freakz's armory link of your main:

In what guild(s) have you been and why have you left/kicked ?
Im in a guild where there is no raiding,and if there is its only normal.
What was your role/rank in those guild(s)?
Im currently in Clarity.Im a veteran there.
What's your raiding experience on 5.4.8 Specify if it's on Freakz or elsewhere:
Freakz i`ve done MSV,TOES,TOT full run,and the first boss in SOO on normal.

Explain us your main spec rotation in all situation (at pull, AoE, bursting, end phase):
For single target i start by using soulburn>soul swap so i can put up dots instantly till i get my trinkets procs and reaply with better ones and spam Malefic Grasp,and keep Haunt buff up.For aoe i use Soulburn and Seed of corruption to spread corruption on multiple targets(if more than 3) if less than 3 targets ill soul swap all my dots around them.
Explain us your stats priority and caps you are using (hit, exp, haste, etc):
Intellect>hit cap>haste cap(currently 9778 one)>mastery>crit
Which addons are you using?
DBM,Quartz,Xperl,Grid,ExtraCD and some visual improvments.

Link us a screen shot of your dps on a dummy (this counts for any DPS spec, main or off). Open recount so we can all spells you have used. Stop at 20 million damage.
Link us a screenshot of your dps/heal in a raid. The boss must be dead. By preference Jin'rokh the Breaker.

Discord is mandatory during our raids, will you obey this rule?
I have Discord,and yes i will follow the rule.

Last edited by lockmaster on 18-06-2016, 23:05:25; edited 7 times in total
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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 21-02-2018 06:46)
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Post Posted: 18-06-2016, 00:03:37 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

PERSONAL INFORMATIONS: im Vladislav 26years old from Bulgaria


Race and Class: Pandaren Hunter

Main spec/Off spec: Survival/Beastmaster

level in PvE gear: 535ilvl

Alts:Pala Prot/Retri name Bagerche-530ilvl. Lock Destro/Affic 515ilvl name Felord

Professions: Engineering/Tailoring


EXPERIENCE: i played wow since it came out till cataclysm

Guild (Clarity) and i`m still in it for now

Role/Rank Dps , Tank / from 1 month Officer, befor that Raider

Raiding experience mv10n/25n,hof10n/25n,toes10n/25n,tot10n/25n good exp in normal difficulty i ' am quick learner so HC it will be ok

My rotation : o good burst its the same its easy if you have macro. stady dps on dummy on 30mil 160k or more in raid 200k depend on the boss fight test me if you need

Explain us your stats priority and caps you are using : Hit and Exp 7.50% / 7.50% if its working 100% if not less Exp points then i go for Agi / Crit / Haste and Mastery balenced that's how i do it

Addons :DBM, Recount,ElvUI,ExtraCD,Mik`s Scrolling Battle Text,ReforgeLite,

DPs on 20mil on dummy . DPS on 40mil

i have TS and RC so just say where to login

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[Banned user]


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(since 04-02-2018 21:53)
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Post Posted: 25-06-2016, 12:02:25 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Briefly describe yourself (including age):
Im a simple guy,who want to play with people from your guild,im 18 year old


Race and Class: Orc DK

Main spec/Off spec: Dps/tank

What's your item level in PvE gear? 530

Alts: frm

Professions: -

Freakz's armory link of your main:


In what guild(s) have you been and why have you left/kicked ? council of elders and exilum [ i leave from these guilds]

What was your role/rank in those guild(s)? member

What's your raiding experience on 5.4.8 Specify if it's on Freakz or elsewhere: full


Explain us your main spec rotation in all situation (at pull, AoE, bursting, end phase): aoe howling blast and death and decay . bursting obliterate frost strike howling blast outbreak

Explain us your stats priority and caps you are using (hit, exp, haste, etc): hit 7.5 exp 7.5 60 haste 20+ crit

Which addons are you using? dk diseases


Link us a screen shot of your dps on a dummy (this counts for any DPS spec, main or off). Open recount so we can all spells you have used. Stop at 20 million damage.
Link us a screenshot of your dps/heal in a raid. The boss must be dead. By preference Jin'rokh the Breaker.

Discord is mandatory during our raids, will you obey this rule?

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[Very Important Person]

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Post Posted: 25-06-2016, 13:49:55 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Spaminyodots - Rejected
Stargazar - Rejected
Merinzo - Rejected

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 11-10-2016 19:26)
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Post Posted: 13-07-2016, 11:32:00 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Briefly describe yourself (including age): My name is David , I am 19y old and i am studying on high school


Race and Class: Orc warior

Main spec/Off spec: Fury / Protection

What's your item level in PvE gear? 535 dps / 517 tank

Alts: Skankis - disco priest

Professions: herbalism,inscription

Freakz's armory link of your main:


In what guild(s) have you been and why have you left/kicked ? Personal problems

What was your role/rank in those guild(s)? I was one of the raid leaders

What's your raiding experience on 5.4.8 Specify if it's on Freakz or elsewhere: Mogushan 6/6nm 4/6hc , toes,tot full normal , Soo 3/4


Explain us your main spec rotation in all situation (at pull, AoE, bursting, end phase): Pull - i start with charge-bloodthirst-burst-colosus-storm bolt-raging blow-heroic strike
Aoe - Fury has really easy aoe rotation just spaming bladestorm-whirlwind-raging blow

Explain us your stats priority and caps you are using (hit, exp, haste, etc): hit 7,5 , exp 7,5 , fury dont need haste , crit - as high as i can get

Which addons are you using? Recout,DBM,GuI,Atlas loot,MogIt etc ...


Link us a screen shot of your dps on a dummy (this counts for any DPS spec, main or off). Open recount so we can all spells you have used. Stop at 20 million damage.

Link us a screenshot of your dps/heal in a raid. The boss must be dead. By preference Jin'rokh the Breaker. I dont have any picture now but i can post it later when i kill any boss


Discord is mandatory during our raids, will you obey this rule?

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 17-07-2018 08:46)
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Post Posted: 25-07-2016, 10:10:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

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