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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 01-09-2020 21:13)
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Post Posted: 10-10-2016, 02:45:01 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Personal Information:

Briefly describe yourself (including age): Hi. Im a persian guy , i have 29 yo and i working my own game center

Character Information: Race : Troll / Class : Mage / Spec : Fire

Link us your main character's Armory:

What's your item level in PvE gear? - 559 But i peref this gear on my armory for more crit

Do you have any alts?If you do,link us their Armory too. -

Lighstrike :
Toughtless :

Game Experience

[color=yellow]In what guild(s) have you been and why have you left/kicked? :
Aeon Nox - I left that because it have so inactive ppl
and i dont want to hear (Raid over) after 3-4 wipe anymore realy .

What was your role/rank in those guild(s)? : Dps/Raider

What's your raiding experience on 5.4.8 Specify if it's on Freakz or elsewhere:
TOT n (12/12) - SOO n (6/7) - SOO h (1/3)

How you play your class:

Explain us your main spec rotation in all situation (at pull, AoE, bursting, end phase):
At Pull : Cast Evocaion, Potion of the jade serpent , Mirror Immage , pre cast Pyro , Living bomb
Aoe : Applying my bobm on diffrent targets , speared my pyro dot , use Cone of cold on cooldown , and Arcane explotion and pre cast Flame strike some times
Burst : Bomb , Pyro , Berserking , Potion of jade serpent , Combustion , Presence of mind , Alter time

Explain us your stats priority and caps you are using (hit, exp, haste, etc),link us a screenshot (use Imgur) :
Hit (15%) > Crit (More as possible) > Haste (First Break point for ticks)>Mastery>haste

Which addons are you using? :
Reccount - DBM - Bartender4 - Tell me when - Cooldowns - Spell flash - Combustion helper - Mage Nuggets - MikScrollingBattleText - Quartz 3 - Tidyplates
Move anything


Link us a screen shot of your dps on a dummy (this counts for any DPS spec, main or off). Open recount so we can all spells you have used. Stop at 20 million damage. (Type - if you are not applying as a Dps role).

Link us a screenshot of your dps/heal in a raid.The boss must be dead.


Discord is mandatory during our raids, will you obey this rule? Yes

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[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 17-07-2018 08:46)
Joined: 07 Feb 2013
Posts: 381, Topics: 147
Location: Bulgaria

Reputation: 496.3
Votes: 89

Post Posted: 10-10-2016, 16:45:51 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hangryforwar,Firespell - Accepted.
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(since 05-05-2019 22:24)
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Post Posted: 11-10-2016, 17:43:08 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Personal Information:

Briefly describe yourself (including age): Hello, i'm romanian. my nickname is mave, i'm 23 yo, and i'm a journalist.

Character Information: Mavetank - Bloodelf Protection Paladin / Mavesham - Tauren Ehancement Shaman 526 ilvl

Link us your main character's Armory:

What's your item level in PvE gear? - 562 on my main, 526 on my shaman

Do you have any alts?If you do,link us their Armory too. -

Game Experience: i've been playing world of warcraft sience tbc, playing on freakz sience wotlk but i took a break during the cataclysm

In what guild(s) have you been and why have you left/kicked? : i'm currently in the guild "Grim Reapers" and the raid schedule is bad for me

What was your role/rank in those guild(s)? : i'm an active raider i mostly tank and dps when needed

What's your raiding experience on 5.4.8 Specify if it's on Freakz or elsewhere: i've killed all bosses on soo, except shamans, tot heroic till dark animus ( on freakz )

How you play your class:

Explain us your main spec rotation in all situation (at pull, AoE, bursting, end phase):
Paladin tank: @pull - pot up > judgement > divine prot when the target is about to hit me > avenger's shield
@aoe - > keep consacration up > holy wrath > cast avenger's shield everytime it resets > switch crusader with hammer of righteous
@burst -> god bless tank's burst xD avenging wrath

Shaman enha: @pull - pot up > unleash elements > flame shock > fire elemental
@aoe - unleash elements > flame shock > lava lash, firenova, magma totem
@burst - bloodlust, ascendance, elemental mastery

Explain us your stats priority and caps you are using (hit, exp, haste, etc),link us a screenshot (use Imgur) :
Paladin prot: hit 7.5%, expertise 15% and as much haste as i can get
Shaman enha: hit 7.5%, expertise 7.5% haste & mastery over crit

Which addons are you using? : evlui, dbm, mik scrolling battle text, recount


Link us a screen shot of your dps on a dummy (this counts for any DPS spec, main or off). Open recount so we can all spells you have used. Stop at 20 million damage. (Type - if you are not applying as a Dps role).

Link us a screenshot of your dps/heal in a raid.The boss must be dead.

Sorry but i don't have any.


Discord is mandatory during our raids, will you obey this rule?

I'm currently using Teamspeak for raids, but if Discord is a must i'll use it.

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 17-07-2018 08:46)
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Post Posted: 11-10-2016, 19:58:46 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Mavetank - Accepted
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[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 30-08-2023 20:14)
Joined: 29 Aug 2013
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Post Posted: 13-10-2016, 19:20:33 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Personal Information:

Briefly describe yourself (including age): My name is Fabian and i'm 17y old.

Character Information:

Link us your main character's Armory:

What's your item level in PvE gear? 550

Do you have any alts?If you do,link us their Armory too. -

Game Experience:

In what guild(s) have you been and why have you left/kicked? : i was in zaft some weeks and after that i quit wow for 1-2 mounths and left bcs i didint liked the staff from there

What was your role/rank in those guild(s)? : Member

What's your raiding experience on 5.4.8 Specify if it's on Freakz or elsewhere: i did all the bosses on N without Dark Shaman

How you play your class:

Explain us your main spec rotation in all situation (at pull, AoE, bursting, end phase): at start i use potion reckless skull bar blood fury and the synapse spring from gloves
on aoe i use bladestorm+thunder clap and wrilwhind

Explain us your stats priority and caps you are using (hit, exp, haste, etc),link us a screenshot (use Imgur) : 7%hit crit>mastery and i dont use expertise because in almost all the fights i stay behind the boss and he can't dodge -
Which addons are you using? : recount bartender


Link us a screen shot of your dps on a dummy (this counts for any DPS spec, main or off). Open recount so we can all spells you have used. Stop at 20 million damage. (Type - if you are not applying as a Dps role).

Link us a screenshot of your dps/heal in a raid.The boss must be dead.


Discord is mandatory during our raids, will you obey this rule? yes

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[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 09-05-2019 00:58)
Joined: 11 Oct 2016
Posts: 6, Topics: 1
Location: Slovakia

Reputation: 16.2

Post Posted: 13-10-2016, 19:46:19 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Briefly describe yourself (including age): hello, im 20 years old and im studying, in my free time i like to play wow


Race and Class: Troll Shaman
Main spec/Off spec: Restoration / Elemental

What's your item level in PvE gear? 548

Alts: i main only this shaman

Professions: tailoring/enchanting

Freakz's armory link of your main:


In what guild(s) have you been and why have you left/kicked ? i was in wrath of the avangers and aeon nox, but stopped playing for a while

What was your role/rank in those guild(s)? raider

What's your raiding experience on 5.4.8 Specify if it's on Freakz or elsewhere: 5/7 flex in soo, 2/7 soo normal as i dont have good PvE guild now


Explain us your main spec rotation in all situation (at pull, AoE, bursting, end phase): depends on situation, i usually do Healing rain, conductivity, chain heal on riptide, healing wave for sustain damage, during big dmg i do healing tide totem, spirit link totem or ascendance

Explain us your stats priority and caps you are using (hit, exp, haste, etc): spirit - 25 % haste without buff - critical strike - mastery
Which addons are you using? i use bigwigs, omni cc, bartender

Link us a screen shot of your dps on a dummy (this counts for any DPS spec, main or off). Open recount so we can all spells you have used. Stop at 20 million damage. -
Link us a screenshot of your dps/heal in a raid. The boss must be dead. By preference Jin'rokh the Breaker. dont have unfortunaly - but last time i checked was around 90k+ hps on protectors normal


Discord is mandatory during our raids, will you obey this rule? sure i will

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[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 17-07-2018 08:46)
Joined: 07 Feb 2013
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Reputation: 496.3
Votes: 89

Post Posted: 13-10-2016, 23:16:20 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Killord - Accepted
Valyriel - Rejected

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[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 18-07-2019 20:10)
Joined: 02 Jun 2016
Posts: 4, Topics: 1
Location: Hungary

Reputation: 72.2
Votes: 3

Post Posted: 16-10-2016, 17:11:12 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Personal Information:

Briefly describe yourself (including age):Im Daniel, im work and live in Hungary i'm a 22 years old , i speak german, english and hungarian .I play with warrior and wow since vanilla.I Love gank all nab^^

Character Information: Baktalo , belf - warrior , Fury - Arms , eventually wanna be Prot(off)
Link us your main character's Armory:

What's your item level in PvE gear? : 560 +

Do you have any alts?If you do,link us their Armory too. : Just for prof and fun maybe this will be eventually rank1 Arcane

Game Experience:

in what guild(s) have you been and why have you left/kicked? :Finel Ascension:slight player,0 raid, Aeon nox/ The Forgotten Heroes:, Nox is over, and new guild is too Ro for me
What was your role/rank in those guild(s)? :Final Ascension veteran, Raider in Aeon Nox/Forgotten

What's your raiding experience on 5.4.8 Specify if it's on Freakz or elsewhere: only missing the 3 Hc bosses from SoO and Dark Shaman

How you play your class:

Explain us your main spec rotation in all situation (at pull, AoE, bursting, end phase):
-Fury - Pull : Shattering Throw & prepot > charge > burst into charge > Bloodthirst > Colossus Smash > Storm blot & Heroic Strike > Raging blow & Heroic Strike > Raging blow & Heroic Strike > Bersker rage > Raging blow > Bloodthirst > Dragon Roar > Raging blow

-Fury - Aoe : Stack up 3 Whirlwind > Raging blow(+Cleave if i have enough Rage)

-Fury - bursting : charge > Bloodthirst>(if trinket proc up) Burst > Colossus Smash > Storm blot & Heroic Strike > Raging blow & Heroic Strike > Raging blow & Heroic Strike > Bersker rage > Raging blow > Bloodthirst > Dragon Roar > Raging blow

-Fury - end phase : replace Raging blow with Execute at 40+ rage .

Explain us your stats priority and caps you are using (hit, exp, haste, etc),link us a screenshot: hit/exp > crit>more crit > mastery > haste (cant reforget jet 1%hit:()

Which addons are you using? : ExtraCD, Dbm, ReforgeLite

Performance :

Link us a screen shot of your dps on a dummy (this counts for any DPS spec, main or off). Open recount so we can all spells you have used. Stop at 20 million damage. (Type - if you are not applying as a Dps role). :

Link us a screenshot of your dps/heal in a raid.The boss must be dead. :


Discord is mandatory during our raids, will you obey this rule? yes

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 17-07-2018 08:46)
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Post Posted: 16-10-2016, 22:19:35 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Baktalo - Accepted
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[Mentally Stable]

Status: Offline
(since 22-03-2018 17:00)
Joined: 14 Sep 2016
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Reputation: 56.2
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Post Posted: 17-10-2016, 21:08:28 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Personal Information:

Briefly describe yourself (including age): My name is Petar, I am 18 years old from Bulgaria, i love playing this game, i play it since i was 9. I am mature, friendly, love to laugh and seek a friendly and funny group of people to spend my ingame time with and raid.

Character Information: Blood Elf Paladin Retribution

Link us your main character's Armory:

What's your item level in PvE gear? - Current PVE ilvl is 529

Do you have any alts?If you do,link us their Armory too. - I have an Orc Warrior ( Ozipower ) And i am currently lvling a warlock

Game Experience: I am playing WoW since 3.0.2 LK, and am here since 4.0.3

In what guild(s) have you been and why have you left/kicked? : Eminence EU, Warriors of Death, Hardcore Puff Paff, rebelious

What was your role/rank in those guild(s)? : Dps/heal

What's your raiding experience on 5.4.8 Specify if it's on Freakz or elsewhere: Currently I have 10/12 hc tot and 6/12 on soo lfr

How you play your class: I enjoy playing ret paladin i play it with passion and strive to improve my positioning and dps

Explain us your main spec rotation in all situation (at pull, AoE, bursting, end phase):
I start with inquistion, gain 5hp and burst, CS,judgment, exorcism, hammer of wrath and Templar \ in aoe i start with inquistion, get 5hp burst and spam divine storm and hammer of the righteous

Explain us your stats priority and caps you are using (hit, exp, haste, etc),link us a screenshot (use Imgur) : My stat prior is hit 7.5/exp 7.5 haste cap 50%, mastery and critical

Which addons are you using? : Bartender, dbm, recount, quartz, bagnon and mksbt


Link us a screen shot of your dps on a dummy (this counts for any DPS spec, main or off). Open recount so we can all spells you have used. Stop at 20 million damage. (Type - if you are not applying as a Dps role).

Link us a screenshot of your dps/heal in a raid.The boss must be dead.
I do not have atm.


Discord is mandatory during our raids, will you obey this rule? Ofcourse !

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 17-07-2018 08:46)
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Post Posted: 17-10-2016, 22:11:40 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Fatalid - Rejected
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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 09-05-2019 00:58)
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Post Posted: 18-10-2016, 21:50:37 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Briefly describe yourself (including age): hello, im 20 years old and im studying, in my free time i like to play wow


Race and Class: Troll Shaman
Main spec/Off spec: Restoration / Elemental

What's your item level in PvE gear? 551

Alts: i main only this shaman

Professions: tailoring/enchanting

Freakz's armory link of your main:


In what guild(s) have you been and why have you left/kicked ? i was in wrath of the avangers and aeon nox, but stopped playing for a while

What was your role/rank in those guild(s)? raider

What's your raiding experience on 5.4.8 Specify if it's on Freakz or elsewhere: 5/7 soo normal, 1/3 hc

Explain us your main spec rotation in all situation (at pull, AoE, bursting, end phase): depends on situation, i usually do Healing rain, conductivity, chain heal on riptide, healing wave for sustain damage, during big dmg i do healing tide totem, spirit link totem or ascendance

Explain us your stats priority and caps you are using (hit, exp, haste, etc): spirit - 25 % haste without buff - critical strike - mastery
Which addons are you using? i use bigwigs, omni cc, bartender

Link us a screen shot of your dps on a dummy (this counts for any DPS spec, main or off). Open recount so we can all spells you have used. Stop at 20 million damage. -
Link us a screenshot of your dps/heal in a raid. The boss must be dead. By preference Jin'rokh the Breaker. I dont have screens unfortunately, but its over 110k most of time in soo


Discord is mandatory during our raids, will you obey this rule? sure i will

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 17-07-2018 08:46)
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Post Posted: 19-10-2016, 17:45:33 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Valyriel - Accepted
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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 01-07-2017 10:32)
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Post Posted: 27-10-2016, 14:57:12 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Personal Information:

Briefly describe yourself (including age): I work as a security (Massive gains brah, u mirin?)

Link us your main character's Armory: ( )

What's your item level in PvE gear? - 549

Do you have any alts?If you do,link us their Armory too. - ( )

Game Experience: A lot (8+ and counting) On freakz about 4 years.

In what guild(s) have you been and why have you left/kicked? : "Ratnici Podzemlja" (I left because my friend went to Reckless) "Reckless" (Was inactive for 1 year when mop came, but i carry the achievement of first level 90 shaman in guild.) And many more, but pleb guilds.

What was your role/rank in those guild(s)? : DAMAGE/Ratnik(pleb)

What's your raiding experience on 5.4.8 Specify if it's on Freakz or elsewhere: Everything besides General Nazgrim, which came right about this morning.

Explain us your main spec rotation in all situation (at pull, AoE, bursting, end phase):{FURY} *Pull* Right before the pull i start casting Shattering Throw>Potion>Charge>Bloothirst> *Bursting*Macro(Recklessness, Banner, Blood Fury)>Berserker Rage which means 2 Raging blows if Bloodthirst did crit>Colossus Smash + Storm Bolt> 2x Raging Blow>Dragon Roar> *End Phase* Bloothirst off cd as filler to gain Raging Blows>Spam Heroic Strike + Wild Strike(if Free)> Colossus Smash + Storm Bolt Every time and it's best to use in par(If you have trinket). - On bosses like Immerseus, Protectors, Nazgrim and Galakras i would be playing Arms. *AOE* (Fury) Charge> Whirlwind x 2 >Bloodthirst>Berserker Rage>Raging Blow x 2>Thunder Clap.

{ARMS} *PULL* Pre Cast Shattering Throw>Pot>Charge>Macro(Recklessness, Blood Fury, Berserker Rage, Banner, Bloodbath)>Dragon Roar> Colossus Smash> Mortal Strike>Slam Spam withing Colossus Smash as much as i can> Try to use bloodbath with Colossus Smash for maximum damage output. *AOE* Pre pot> Charge> Macro(Recklessness, Blood Fury, Berserker Rage, Banner, Bloodbath, Sweeping Strikes)>Bladestorm>Slam if Sweeping strikes is up> Mortal strike also. *END PHASE* Mortal Stike of cd> Try to use Colossus Smash with Bloodbath with Execute>Slam when Execute is on cd> Cooldowns will probably come up so use them.

Explain us your stats priority and caps you are using (hit, exp, haste, etc),link us a screenshot (use Imgur) ( ) : Hit/Exp(7.5/7.5%), Crit as much as you can as fury, Mastery after crit and haste last.

Which addons are you using? : Dbm, Skada, Bagnon, Bartender, Atlas loot, Gatherer and Tidy plates.

Link us a screen shot of your dps on a dummy (this counts for any DPS spec, main or off). Open recount so we can all spells you have used. Stop at 20 million damage. (Type - if you are not applying as a Dps role). - ( ) Deeps was about 230k on 20mil.

Discord is mandatory during our raids, will you obey this rule? U wot m8? Wtf is that? (Yeah i will obey this rule daddy.)

Note: I may not come to some raids because i have a full time job, just so you know.

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 17-07-2018 08:46)
Joined: 07 Feb 2013
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Post Posted: 28-10-2016, 13:07:48 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Wrekk - Rejected (Not in need of dps melee atm)
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