
Reviving PvP
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 18-07-2016, 22:59:15 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I had some free time so i decided to make a topic about PvP situation on freakz at the moment.

Right now its horrible, you don't have to accept it but its a fact. Previous season has ended with r1 being like 1800 rated in 3s. This season isn't much better either, almost 2 months since season started and rating is still low. I have seen like 2-3 3v3 matches in 1 whole week.
We have tried everything, fixed Mmr system, arena vendor, 3v3 list and so on but obviously its not helping, so what could be a problem?

Lets look at this dumb example. How come some Russian MoP server (we know who am i talking about but wont name it here) with FAR worse scripts has so many players and active PvP almost 24/7. I have played on it a bit and freakz is MILES ahead when it comes to scripts. I have fallen trough textures like 6 times there in 3 mins, noticed sacrifice doesn't break poly, Soft CC as warlock/paladin fears were breaking after like 1-2 auto attacks and many more crucial bugs, but they still got so many people playing 2v2/3v3 there.
If you were to ask random foreigner player if he would rather play in romanian or russian community im pretty sure first thing that would come to his mind are russians yelling " RUSH B CYKA PIЗДЕЦ " and he would instantly choose romanian community.
There are other private servers that have much more people than us with even worse scripts but think we got that.

How do we fix this situation? Well even tho this has been rejected i'm still pretty sure ARENA SPECTATE NPC is just freaking useless, just go to elwyn forest/durotar during weekends or evenings and you will see how many players are just sitting around NPC and waiting for high rated match to happen so they can spectate and if high rated match happens just go spectate and check amount of spectators (many of them are actually medium-high rated players that could potentially que as well). Also team that queues first 3v3 is always in disadvantage because opposing team can always make counter comp so thats just another bad side of this NPC (same thing for high rated 2v2 matches).

I mean yes it does help when you promote server and you can put Arena spectate option among good things that we have but it brings more evil than good. That npc made high rated players lazy! Instead of queueing they would rather spectate other teams fighting. Other more popular servers aren't having spectate and yet they got more players so we can come to conclusion that it's not arena spectate npc that would bring people to server. After all aren't we trying to become blizzlike server?

Another thing is that we should have precise timer of how long arena season is going to last and when is it going to end with what rewards.

We should have more tournaments, if not for irl $ or in game $ then at least for some custom transmogs or something like that, we had many such suggestions back in cata and some of them were really good. 3v3 vendor turned out to be rly successful when it came out, lots of people were playing it but eventually most of them bought everything from vendor and had nothing else to play for.

Anyway gotta sleep, will add something else if it comes to my mind tomorrow. Hopefully someone understands what i'm trying to say and just please don't see this as a QQ topic, i am just trying to raise awareness of problems in PvP because i spent lots of time on this server and i would like to stay on it.

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Post Posted: 19-07-2016, 00:13:49 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

It's not about the PvP situation as it is about the current game / community status situation. Even Blizzard lost tons of subscribers in such a short time. But, indeed, PvP here is dead since MoP came in.
The 3v3 ratings were low, so low that the titles were given to 1900 max rate, i mean...those titles had their meaning on retail, a player would have worked his a$$ some good amount of time to reach the ratings to receive a r1 / gladiator title. On Freakz, however, half of the players don't even deserve their Rank 1 / Gladiator title, but yeah, they got them because those titles were given to 1700 ratings in 3s or in events where only 6 teams qualified, so, it was pretty easy to get place 2 / 3 to get a title & a mount. Also, let's not forget that, after the last 2 events, more than 5 players have the Wrathful Tabard who was the most ''prestigious'' prize here on Freakz. From my PoV and from most players PoV, titles should have never been given to players that are lower than 2200, i mean c'mon, they had so much time in their favor and they couldn't even reach 2000, only because there were no teams to queue against.
Not only that the Arena Spectate is a problem but both the Friend List and the '' /who '' command are a problem. You can't queue 2s or 3s if you are high rate, because many players already have you in their friend list or they are searching for you with '' /who '' to see if you are in Arena and you are in queue. Shocker, you should really do the following thing ( and trust me, 90% of the PvP community will agree with me about this ), if a player is in an ''Arena'' zone, just remove it from '' /who '', and then, if a player in your friendlist is in an ''Arena'' zone, just make it to show the player's last zone ( Ex: Elwynn Forest / Durotar ) but not to show his current one. Yeah, maybe it's hard to do it, but trust me, it's really worth the time.

Regarding the Russian server, they won't come here mainly for one reason, too many people are Romanian, way too many. I mean, more than half of the Romanian Community from here are pathetic when it comes to speaking English. I mean, we are in 2016, many of us started learning English since we were kids ( 4-5 years old ). English is the language that connects everything nowadays, that's why it needs to be learned, so we can understand one witch each other, even if you are Japanese and i'm Romanian or Russian, etc. We must have a common language between us, and the only one, is english. Trust me, there are many top players here, high rate, that don't even know how to ask for a cooldown in english, that's a serious problem.
However, non-ro players can't get along with the Romanian ones, since half of them are just swearing and bitc*ing around. Many of the non-ro players are leaving just because of this. They just can't get a decent romanian player to play with, since many romanian players are running from the non-ro ones just because they don't know how to talk with them and how to play with them.

One thing that bothers me is that Shocker, sometimes chooses to lose his time with many people from global who are just too braindead at the game, people that are asking stupid questions like ''when will Shadow Priest get fixed?'', '' When Legion will be launched'', etc. Instead of losing that much time with them, you could spend that time with fixing various bugs from confirmed. Another this is that, you, Shocker don't really see what a ''medium / serious '' bug is, no offense but, players that really have some high game knowledge know which kind of bug puts their class in a disadvantage or advantage. You want to calm the people from global by fixing the bugs they are complaining about, that's fine, but trust me, there are many bugs that are ugly for some classes ( being them positive bugs or negative ), many of them aren't yet fixed and some of them are posted since 5 months - 1 year ago. Not to mention that, when a new Phase / Patch is coming up, PvE is always the highest priority.., yeah, there are more players doing PvE than the PvP ones, but the PvP players are feeling ignored in this amount of time. I know there are only 3 of you that are fixing here, but trust me, you should pay more attention to spell fixes than to Bosses. Yup, you released one boss, two bosses, but don't ignore the spell fixes. No offense but only Nexflame lost some time for spell fixes after he came back from his long absence, so, as i repeat, you could at least cut half of the time you are losing nearly everyday on global with the complaining players and you could do at least, 2-3 fixes per day or 10 per week, etc, you get the point. I could just sit like other players in front of my keyboard and not doing anything and just complaining around, but still, after 10 years of WoW, i still lose my time into posting various bugs here, coming with tons of suggestions and the only thing i've ever wanted is the community to be happy, both the PvP and the PvE ones and for the players to have a decent gameplay.
At least, we aren't like AT to just make a topic and say '' Slam damage is too low'' and the dev would look into the issue and fix it or reject it. Here we are coming with formulas / prints and so on, and still, in the meantime, many of the posts still aren't fixed ( And yeah, by this i mean the so forever '' time consuming fixing bug'' problem ). You lose 2 days by fixing 1 serios bug, like the ''players can't be attacked while feared because they are in another place'' , that's fine, but it's worth it, the same with bugs in the category ''multiple'', this category very very rarely gets a fix, that's bad. Those kind of bugs shouldn't be ignored.

Also, the global channel now is too cancerous enough, especially the Romanian one. All you can see are just swearings sometimes. The mute punishment is way too low. Players should be punished with at least 1 week mute, so they can learn how to act and how to have a decent behavior. Players that abuse something should be punished for 30-60 days, not lower. Players that are using BG bots should also be punished higher, a 20 days ban could calm them up. And also, players who were banned permanently should not have the possibility to donate for unban ( Once a bad person will always remain a bad person. ).

Also, some testers / GM's should really look into the pending section, if someone really wants to do his job well, then that section would never last with more than 5 bugs for more than 2 weeks. That section should be always cleaner, even if the gm is unsure that the bug is 100% as the player explained, he should leave a comment at least. There are many pending bug reports without a single tester / GM comment, that's a minus. PS: to note how many interest some GM's have into this server, no one is ever complaining how many streamers on our site don't even play here or don't even have a lvl 90 char here and are still streaming and stealing some viewers from here, such actions shouldn't be allowed.
Another thing regarding bugs is that every GM and almost half of the class moderators that plays a class here in PvE ( since all of them are PvE ), not a single one of them is coming to post their positive class bugs, only their negative ones. Me and many others are losing time to dig between the class bugs to post their positive ones, only because they take us ( every one of us, including Shocker ) as fools. They escape with their positive bugs and have fun with their classes thinking they are superior to others. Ah, and some of them are coming with 1-2 positive bugs per year only to show that '' they don't defend their class'', disgusting, completely disgusting.

If you really want both the PvP and the PvE to look good, then look into the players who try to improve the server, to come with suggestions, who try to land a hand for help. Stop losing that much time with people from global who are always complaining about stupid things. Look into the real ones.

Last edited by mental^depress on 27-08-2016, 18:42:06; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 19-07-2016, 10:56:20 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I agree with Freak @spectate npc,it should really get removed imo.However,i don't think that's the MAIN reason or even a major reason to have low population.

@Mental I read literally the whole wall of text - and none of that was untrue.I've actually talked with people a lot regarding that part "In AT people say "slam damage too low" and they instantly look into it".Here,i've felt million times like some braindead russian when i report an obvious bug and people start some discussion that's like totally unneeded.And i think the main problem with bugs here is that most of the GMs and mainly the Devs are PvE players(don't even know if there are any PvP at all) no offence,but that's true and Mental is totally right that you guys make no difference between class-breaking bug,major and minor bug.You really need to gather some PvP GM's that can support the devs with the biggest bugs around.

Like mental said,i also think that you guys don't do your job well with the "Pending bugs" section.

As a solution,you could seek PvP GMs with big game knowledge,re-look @forum moderators' job and if there is undone things,punish them or idk.

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Post Posted: 19-07-2016, 11:16:43 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Two main things that will fix most of the problems:
1. make everything on forum/site & ingame in english. Focus only on english community.
2. rework the site & forum. make it separate to other section from Armory looks great already

The server itself brings a lot of things but it's not enough without the above list. Also, i would like to see a response why we can't do X or Y.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 19-07-2016, 12:07:53 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

agree with @mental^depress about the romanian players.The thing is that i can have a normal conversation with about 4 or 5 romanians in the whole server just because 80% of the other romanians` grammar makes me wanna slit my wrist and because they think that they are superior because its "" (someone actually told me that once,i regret not taking a screenshot).
The idea that high rated players don't have to play 3s because they wont get rewarded is pretty accurate.Just as Freak said,they bought everything from the arena npc vendor and have nothing to play for. That's a problem that can be fixed very easily if more items can be added to those vendors.

This is a huge problem atm in Freakz and it should be taken very seriously.

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Post Posted: 19-07-2016, 13:16:03 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Sniperbeeqt wrote:
That's a problem that can be fixed very easily if more items can be added to those vendors.

Could help if they swap between tbc,wotlk,cata mounts every season.Adding unique transmogs is also pretty good option (plate>cloth)perhaps weapon enchant transmogs,but a GM said it's way too custom lol although some of the main gms last year said that this could actually be added and it's a good suggestion.

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Post Posted: 19-07-2016, 13:35:05 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Aside from the horrifyingly hostile attitude you fellas seem to have regarding the Romanians' ability to speak English, there is only one thing I care about in this topic: Mental Depress' opinion regarding the way CDMs handle bugs.
I highly doubt CDMs would volunteer to moderate and animate their class' sections for the sole purpose of using it as a method of obtaining unfair advantages compared to users that play other classes, because that contradicts the very definition of the word "Class Moderator". The fact that few bugs are being reported doesn't mean the moderator in question is abusing or neglecting his or her position.positio, because if there would have been such occurances by now, there's no way the staff wouldn't have looked into them by now.

Feel free to prove me wrong.

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(January 2017 - February 2018)

Last edited by Wedinn on 19-07-2016, 15:40:51; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 19-07-2016, 13:48:24 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

andreir wrote:
Aside from the horrifyingly hostile attitude you fellas seem to have regarding the Romanians' ability to speak English (which most of us probably got offended by)

Man, really now, we are in 2016, how can people not even know the basic english? They shouldn't get offended at all, we aren't living in the past anymore. Now, english matters way more than it meant in the past years, is the most common language between us all; And if someone couldn't have learned it from school, it can still learn it from playing games, browsing forums, having his computer / phone in english, etc, there are a ton of simple ways to learn it, at least the basic one, so we can talk between each other.

andreir wrote:
Feel free to prove me wrong.

Trust me, non-romanian people are far more sociable than the romanian ones, and far more friendly, that's why they need to be in this community. Indeed, it's still called '''' but we are international and that means that other players should be on the same level as the romanian ones and treated the same way as them.

So far, you are here from 2013 ( at least, from your account date. ), you are still new here, you don't really know how are things working here. In Cataclysm it was the same situation as it is now, class moderators and GM's hiding their positive class bugs and only reporting their negatives. If you or someone felt attacked by this, then, you realised that the trust always hurts. Not gonna blame you but keep a thing in mind, class moderators should be a ROLE model for others, people should learn from them and they should represent the community only in good ways. Even when it comes only about them, they should not hide their bugs / feelings, etc, that's what a role model is.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 19-07-2016, 15:20:09 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

We are moving too far away from main topic. I personally don't care if most of romanians can speak basic english or not, as PvP player i only want to know if there are enough teams to play against at higher rating and are classes working properly.

This will probably cost me few downvotes but in past couple of months there has been insane rise of backpedaling/clicking elemental shamans in PvP and NO it's not their scaling up with the gear, something just got *** up. I have seen so many elemental/healer comps in 2s that i don't even know anymore, their constant DPS Is just insane! If you can beat dk or warrior/healer as ele/healer in 60% dampening then something is definitely wrong. Same goes for mages, if anyone here manages to beat mage/healer (lets take rahun for example) as warr or dk& healer just send me a screenshot and i'll become your personal bitch. Their instant procs are out of control, you can barely get to outheal it on top of all that CC. I mean i know this sounds like "OMG MAGES BUG GM PLZ FIX" but i am not rly into those classes mechanics and i cannot tell whats wrong so thats why we need more of GMs with experience in PvP, something like Dreadblade, he was doing amazing job till he became inactive.

Anyway just try to remove arena spectate for month or two and see how it goes... If that doesn't work then try with PvP vendors, as Hawty said go for some unique custom transmogs or different mounts for example. If none of that works well then server promotes aren't good enough.

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Post Posted: 19-07-2016, 15:46:13 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

@Arena spectate: done, removed, let's see if it changes anything. Regarding the other changes related to this (blocking /who, etc, well, I'm not really sure about that yet)

@more tournaments: people didn't even join the tournament when we had IRL $$, remember we barely found interested players for it? Do you really think a random transmog/etc will be more interesting than IRL $$?

@"bugs", well, you already know my oppinion. There's simply nothing I can do when all you say is "mages are OP", "shamans are OP", etc. If you guys who spend everyday PvP-ing don't find what's actually wrong (if there really is something) then for sure I won't
@finding / confirming bugs, we already have lots of GMs checking them. You keep saying "find someone to do a better job", well we're trying but we can't find anyone. Why don't you guys help? Want to take care of pending bug reports? Just tell me and I'll set you up.
@"gamebreaking bugs vs. non-gamebreaking bugs", same story over and over: everybody considers the bug he is interested in to be "THE MOST GAMEBREAKING BUG ON THE SERVER". Yes, we really have to fix a bit from every bug category. Yes, we know some are more gamebreaking than other. And yes, some bugs can't be fixed (at least not easy).

@new forum, why? The wow zone is already in english.
@new site: already on it but currently waiting for the graphic dev to finish the new paid design (it's not going at all as expected), I also have a .com domain ready for the site, but I was hoping @ new design to do all together

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 19-07-2016, 15:48:49 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Tnx for removing Arena spectate NPC
Also .com will be rly good thing to see for newcomers

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 19-07-2016, 16:02:42 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

1 person cannot find class related bugs all by himself. There are 34 specs in the game, unless you can play all of them on a nice level, we need whole community to work on that. But its easier to qq on global than to actually look into class. I hate mages, i hate dks, that doesnt mean they are bugged.

About suggestion for new forum. There are 2 sides of it. Bad sides is that we're pretty used to this one and we will leave lots of "history here". Also people from other games are visiting so it makes forum more populated. The good side is we will have forum made for WoW server, not just ordinary phpbb3 forum, but forum maybe customized just for that, better looking, WoW unique features which will attract people on it. Personally, with new website, new domain maybe new forum should come too.

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Post Posted: 19-07-2016, 16:59:15 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Sumoo wrote:
We are moving too far away from main topic. I personally don't care if most of romanians can speak basic english or not, as PvP player i only want to know if there are enough teams to play against at higher rating and are classes working properly.

Server lacks international players who can que 3v3 on their own (or group up with players from our "group") and compete the group of players that we have atm. With the group of players we have atm, there's always drama and we play only challenges.

Sumoo wrote:
We are moving too far away from main topic. I personally don't care if most of romanians can speak basic english or not, as PvP player i only want to know if there are enough teams to play against at higher rating and are classes working properly.

This will probably cost me few downvotes but in past couple of months there has been insane rise of backpedaling/clicking elemental shamans in PvP and NO it's not their scaling up with the gear, something just got *** up. I have seen so many elemental/healer comps in 2s that i don't even know anymore, their constant DPS Is just insane! If you can beat dk or warrior/healer as ele/healer in 60% dampening then something is definitely wrong. Same goes for mages, if anyone here manages to beat mage/healer (lets take rahun for example) as warr or dk& healer just send me a screenshot and i'll become your personal bitch. Their instant procs are out of control, you can barely get to outheal it on top of all that CC. I mean i know this sounds like "OMG MAGES BUG GM PLZ FIX" but i am not rly into those classes mechanics and i cannot tell whats wrong so thats why we need more of GMs with experience in PvP, something like Dreadblade, he was doing amazing job till he became inactive.

ele shams were god in 5.4.8 and they just scale better and better with gear in this patch.
mage itself doesn't do anything alone(you can't compare it to a dk/warrior), he needs a healer with a lot of CC to help him out. firemage/rdruid was a godcomp on blizz

Shocker wrote:

@new forum, why? The wow zone is already in english.
@new site: already on it but currently waiting for the graphic dev to finish the new paid design (it's not going at all as expected), I also have a .com domain ready for the site, but I was hoping @ new design to do all together

@forum: i myself got used to freakz's forum, but for newcomers there's no home button or something like that, and if you try to go back, it brings you back to freakz forum index which shows all content from non wow zone. it needs to be more friendly and touchy at the first look(maybe button style instead of "raw" text here and there). Bigger sections with each subsection and you scroll down to the bottom with stuff on left/right side (last topics posted/your notifications/etc boxes). That's what i have in my mind.
glad to hear about the site.

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Post Posted: 19-07-2016, 17:45:32 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

The only reason for me to log in on freakz in the last few months was arena spectate while talking on skype and comment the arenas together, considering the situation of ret paladins here, I can't enjoy the gameplay. This decision to remove Arena Spectate has made me to delete wow freakz on my computer so I`ll no longer play on this anymore or until Arena Spectate will be readded. Thanks everyone for this brilliant idea. You`ll not be dodged anymore by the rest of 10-15 "good pvp player" remained on PvP.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 19-07-2016, 17:58:34 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

@Shadowy i do agree about international players part but when it comes to elemental shamans and mages i just cant. Shamans were gods indeed but not in 2v2 and definitely not with a healer lol, how many high rated videos of this comp can you find? You obviously haven't played Freakz much lately so grab a warrior and que up against semi-brained elemental and see random pve dps happening.

Regarding salty downvotes. If your only contribution to this server is logging once in 4 months just to commentate arenas of some people that you are spectating until your deserter or raid on retail expires then i guess you don't give many fks about this server. Anyway you cannot spectate players on retail either so.. there's that. -

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